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Authenticity analysis of the answer to the double corpse case of the crime master YK Hotel

YK hotel double corpse case is a criminal investigation reasoning case of Master of Crime. The deceased were Jessica Qi and Brown, and the suspects were Jessica Qi, Curtis En, Ansel and his wives Wendy Kerry and Swadaslin. The following is the answer analysis of the crimaster master double corpse case of YK Hotel brought by Bian Xiao. Let's have a look.

The truth of the double corpse case of the crime master YK hotel

Brief introduction of the double corpse case in YK Hotel;

At 202 10/3: 26 on October 29th, US time, new york Police Department received a report from YK Hotel that two bodies were found in rooms A504 and A502 at the same time. 13: 37, the police rushed to the scene and blocked it. The police were divided into two groups to investigate the two cases respectively. Check whether there are no traces left by climbing slides on the windows and walls of each floor. Considering that the murderer is probably still in this hotel and has not escaped, the police have locked the following suspects. Due to the serious impact of the case and the complexity of the case, the US police decided to disclose some clues and seek the assistance of detective hellip from all over the world. hellip

Corridor schematic diagram

Hotel internal structure

"YK hotel double corpse case" the deceased:

Jessica Chi, Brown

Suspect in the double corpse case of YK Hotel:

Jessica Qi, Curtis Lynn, Ansel, Wendy Kerry, Svodalisin.

"YK Hotel Double Corpse Case" Answer:

Wendy Kerry

Truth analysis of the double corpse case in YK Hotel;

After a long carpet search, the police finally found a suspicious shell shell under a tree in Dia forest. Then, all the rooms of the suspect were searched. Finally, a stuck pistol was found on Wendy Kerry's bed board. By comparison, the matching degree between them is consistent. Then I checked the use record of Wendy Kerry's voice changer and found that it was used before the death of the two victims. Then I started trace reasoning and arrested them immediately. After a long trial, Wendy Kerry finally confessed to her criminal facts.

The focus of this case should be the connection between A502 and A504 cases. The two cases need to consider whether the murderer is the same person, whether there are two hypotheses that the deceased A killed the deceased B, and the scene reorganization and manipulation reduction. The two cases need to reconstruct the scene separately and consider the sequence of the cases.

The time sequence of the suspects staying in the hotel is as follows: Ansel, Elizabeth Mudash, residents of Room A503; MdashA50 1 resident in Curtis mdashmdash brown mdash, room A502; Room 506 of Mdasha is resident in Svodaslin. Wendy Kerry, resident of Room 505.

After reading the information of each suspect and appearing in order, go back to the case and think about the breakthrough and the relevance of A502 and A504 cases.

For the barefoot footprints in Room A504, we can first calculate the corresponding height of footprints according to the footprint set formula and correlation coefficient. It is very important to determine the coefficient. According to the clue, the deceased received a note named ldquo before he died. NY-2 rdquo; When the phone goes upstairs, the only person who can guide the masseuse is the boss, that is, the customer. According to the data in the table, it is not difficult to infer ldquoNY-2 rdquo;; LdquoNYrdquo is ldquo new york. Abbreviation, the customer is from new york, 2 can be inferred as the number of the deceased to distinguish different customers, and substituted into the New York State Data 6.923.

Calculation: 26 cmx6.923 =179.998cm.

The height of the deceased 176cm. Obviously, the footprints were not left by the deceased, presumably by the person who called the deceased around 1 1: 30. No fingerprints were found on the door lock at the scene. The obvious wiping marks on the bathroom door lock indicate that the scene was deliberately cleaned. Both wine glasses contain red wine, and a series of clues indicate that there were two people in the room before the murder. The surface of the corpse is bright red with lividity, the earlobe and auricle are pink, and the lips are cyanotic, which is a reaction phenomenon of cyanide poisoning, and the red wine glass with fingerprints is poisoned. Suicides and accidents cannot be cleaned up, and the scene cannot be cleaned up. This is a murder case.

There is the contact number of Jessica Qi, a masseuse, in the living room of Room A504. The note stored in Brown's mobile phone is the unknown phone number of ldquoacissejrdquo. In turn, ldquoacissejrdquo is ldquoJessicardquo Jessica. Jessica's phone notes ldquoNY-2 rdquo;; You can refer to new york's customer Brown.

To sum up, the two cases are related, and there are two situations:

1. The dead kill the dead

2. Two independent cases, or a series of crimes committed by the same murderer, can be regarded as related. Now think about whether there is a situation in which the deceased killed the deceased:

First of all, we can rule out the possibility that Jessica Qi killed Brown, because Brown's death time was around 12: 00, while Jessica Qi's death time was inferred around 1 1: 40, so we ruled it out.

Next, consider Brown's killing of Jessica Qi: Brown may know that his wife arranged detectives to investigate her private affairs, so it is feasible to kill Jessica Qi by killing her. So after I checked into the hotel, I called Jessica Qi upstairs at 1 1: 30, poisoned Jessica Qi in room A504 with a broken door lock, and moved the body to the bathtub in the A504 bathroom. The method was established.

But this chain of clues does not support this inference. There is a 26cm long footprint at the scene, which corresponds to the killer's height of about 180cm, while Brown's height is only 173cm. The person who entered A504 with Jessica Qi was not Brown. There was no need to poison Jessica Qi naked, so it was ruled out. After excluding the special circumstances that the deceased killed the deceased, consider whether these two cases are two independent cases or a series of crimes committed by the same murderer. Utopia theory can't be ruled out, so it turns to a breakthrough and uses clues to rebuild the crime scene. Reconstruction of Jessica Qi's Crime Scene in A504 Case;

There are two glasses of red wine on the table in the living room, one of which is poisonous, and there is not much left. Jessica's fingerprint was left in the glass, and the other one was nontoxic and fingerless. It is speculated that there were two people at the crime scene, and the deceased died after drinking poisonous red wine in the living room.

Jessica Qi's naked body was found in the bathtub of the bathroom, and there were wiping marks on the door lock of the bathroom. A suspicious footprint was taken at the scene. It is speculated that after the murderer succeeded in committing the crime, he threw the body into the bathtub and took off Jessica Qi's clothes. Then he disposed of the scene, wiped off his fingerprints, but left footprints.

So there was 1 1: 30, and the note Jessica received was ldquoNY-2 rdquo;; The information was transmitted to A504 and ldquoNY-2 rdquo;; After meeting, they drank red wine in the living room. Jessica Lynch drank poisonous red wine and died of cyanide poisoning. After that, ldquoNY-2 rdquo;; At the disposal site, Jessica Lynch's body was thrown into the bathtub, Jessica Lynch's clothes were taken off, her fingerprints were wiped off and she fled the scene.

Reconstruction of the crime scene of A502 Brown case;

The deceased died in the bedroom. The cause of death was that he was shot with a gun and the bullet hit his heart from behind, resulting in death. When the body was found, it was naked and wearing bath pants. Presumably, Brown was shot from behind in the bedroom at the time of the crime.

Two sets of footprints were detected in the living room and bedroom, only one of which was found in the bathroom. It is speculated that there were two people at the crime scene, and the murderer had activities in the living room and bedroom.

There is a postcard in the living room with the contact number of Jessica Lynch's masseur. Only Brown's fingerprints were detected, and two groups of barefoot footprints were detected in the bedroom. In addition, Brown frequents ldquo. YK hotel; The note in the mobile phone is ldquoacissejrdquo on the phone. According to the state of the deceased, before the incident, the deceased went to the living room to call Jessica Qi for massage service, and then someone came to A502 instead of Jessica Qi. Brown took off his shirt and they walked barefoot into the bedroom.

There is a lot of blood spread on the sheets, and there is blood spatter on one side of the bed pillow, but there are hole-like penetration and burning marks on the other side. It is speculated that after the two entered the bedroom, Brown was lying on the bed, and the murderer took advantage of Brown's lax state, put a pillow against the muzzle and shot at Brown's heart. Brown struggled, but was shot dead on the spot.

There is a pool of blood on the bedside table with a square blank in the middle, which is 23.8cm long and 19.3cm wide. There is no blood in the middle part below the spilled blood, which indicates that something was put on the bedside table at that time. It is speculated that there was an item on the bedside table at the time of the crime, which was later recycled by the murderer.

To sum up, we can draw a clue that before the incident, the deceased went to the living room to call Jessica Qi for service, and then someone came to A502 instead of Jessica Qi. Brown took off his coat and they walked barefoot into the bedroom. Brown was lying in bed, and the murderer took advantage of Brown's lax state, put a pillow on the bed to resist the gun and shot at Brown's heart. The murderer left the scene after retrieving the items left on the bedside table.

So far, we can determine the sex of the murderer: it can't be a man who can wear Jeanblanc barefoot and take off his coat to enter the bedroom, so the murderer who shot Brown was a woman. Exclude Curtis of A50 1 and Ansel of A503.

At the same time, we can also connect two cases together: Jessica Chi's case, Jessica Chi's clothes are missing, and the murderer stole Jessica Chi's masseur's clothes. In the case of Brown, Brown was shot without any defense. The only reasonable explanation is that the killer killed Jessica Lynch and pretended to be a masseur, not Jessica Lynch. This is a series of cases, not two cases of different murderers.

From this, we can draw a portrait of the murderer: female, about 180cm in height, who can impersonate a male voice to defraud Jessica. Only Wendy Kerry of A505 meets the requirements.

After the incident,

After investigation, the barefoot footprints at the scene are consistent with those of Wendy Kerry. The pistol and mobile phone of the deceased Jessica Qi were found in her bed. At this point, the two cases were merged and sent to the state judicial organs for trial. Later, Wendy Kerry confessed her detailed killing process.

202 1 1, after spending several months, Wendy Kerry found that Brown frequented the ldquoYK Hotel; And get in touch with Jessica Qi. Brown checked into the ldquoYK Hotel on the day of the murder 10: 00; Hotel, and then Wendy Kerry checked in at 10: 12. 10: 65438+ According to the time habit of monitoring Brown's calling service before, at 1 1: 30, Wendy Carey called Jessica Qi into A504 with a broken door lock. When Jessica Qi came to A504, she saw Wendy Carey. Wendy Kelly told Jessica Lynch that she was just an assistant and the boss was taking a bath in Room 505. After that, Jessica Qi stabilized for various reasons. Jessica Qi fell to the ground and died after drinking poisonous red wine defenseless. After that, Wendy Kerry took off Jessica Qi's work clothes as a masseuse and moved the body into the bathtub to wipe her fingerprints. 1 1: 40, Jessica Qi's mobile phone received ldquony-1rdquo; That is, Brown's call service. When the time was right, Wendy Kerry put on her masseuse's work clothes and went to Brown's room A502. At first, Brown found out that her name was not Jessica Lynch, but she didn't doubt Wendy Kerry's beauty too much. After winning Brown's trust, they came to the bedroom. Wendy Kerry took advantage of Brown's relaxation in bed and shot him from behind with a pillow. At that time, the items placed on the bedside table were the whole stack of clothes taken off by Wendy Kerry. Because the pillow was silenced and covered with blood, Wendy Kerry did not get any blood, and the neighbors did not hear the gunshots. After putting on her bathrobe, she took away the masseuse's work clothes on the bedside table, found the recovered bullet casings, threw them into the Woods outside the window, and then left the scene and returned to room A505. After returning to the room, cut off the overalls and bathrobes of the bloody masseur and put them in the washbasin to destroy the evidence. When asked why she didn't stun Jessica Lynch, Wendy Kerry said that Jessica Lynch already knew her appearance and gender. If she was not killed, Jessica Lynch would expose her crimes sooner or later after waking up. In terms of motivation, Wendy Kerry revealed that her ex-boyfriend worked hard with Brown before his death, but was framed by Brown and died. She is revenging her boyfriend.

After investigation, Curtis En, the resident of Room A50 1, was a news reporter who was investigating and exposing a shady incident of arms trafficking. Ansel, Elizabeth Yin, the resident of Room A503, did come to new york to find a partner, but she was disturbed by Elizabeth Yin's father because she eloped ten years ago. Swardaslin, the resident of Room A506, did meet a netizen, but that netizen was not Wendy Kerry. After comparison, the list of people is indeed the contact information of netizens.

In the end, the Supreme State Court found Wendy Kerry guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced her to life imprisonment.

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