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How old is Zhouyi?

How old is the Book of Changes?


It has been more than 3000 years since the Xibo people made Zhouyi with yarrow as the method of divination at the end of Yin Dynasty.

The Book of Changes, also known as the Book of Changes or the Book of Changes, is the source of natural philosophy and ethical practice in China's traditional ideology and culture, and the oldest primitive divination in China, which has had a great influence on China culture. It is said that Fu He (Ji Chang) summed it up according to the river map and Luo Shu (which also produced the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes). It is the crystallization of China's 5,000-year-old wisdom culture and is known as "the head of the group classics and the source of the avenue". In ancient times, it was the study of emperors and a compulsory skill for politicians, strategists and businessmen. The Book of Changes is essentially a book about divination. "Divination" is to predict the development of future events, and The Book of Changes is a book that summarizes the laws and theories of these predictions.

What year is Zhouyi?

Yi You Lian collected three changes of Zhouyi, but Lian Zang lost it. Fuxi drew hexagrams about innate gossip, founded acquired eight diagrams and then evolved sixty-four hexagrams on the basis of innate gossip. Confucius' copula is the annotation of sixty-four hexagrams, so there is a saying that innate gossip is the body of acquired eight diagrams, so it is called Zhou, so it is called Yi, so it is called Zhouyi. Some people say that Zhouyi began in the Zhou Dynasty, so it is called Zhouyi.

I ching? How many years has it been passed down?

Quite a long time. There are three kinds of I ching. Yi Hui Zang, Yi Lianshan, today's Zhouyi. As for how long it has been circulating, it is said upstairs that it is about 3000 years. The Western Zhou Dynasty has a long history.

Who knows how many years the Book of Changes has been?

The Book of Changes and Biography were co-authored by Fu, Fu and Fu, and were written around 1 100 BC. Therefore, it is about 2 100 years ago.

How many years ago were the four books and five classics of Tang poetry and Song poetry?

1, now the distance between Tang poems is1388-1109;

Song ci was the farthest from 1055, and the last year was 736;

The history of the Four Books and Five Classics can be traced back to 2400 to 2200 years ago.

2. The Tang Dynasty (AD 6 18-907) was the heyday of the development of classical poetry in China. Tang poetry is one of China's outstanding literary heritages and a bright pearl in the treasure house of world literature. Although it has been over 1000 years, many poems have been widely circulated by us.

3. The Song Dynasty (960- 1279) is a dynasty in the history of China, which is divided into two historical stages: the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. Song Dynasty was an era of high prosperity in economy, culture, education and scientific and technological innovation in the ancient history of China. Song ci is the most representative ci style in Song Wenhua.

4. Four Books and Five Classics: the general name of the four books and five classics refers to Confucian classics. The four books refer to The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Daxue and The Doctrine of the Mean, while the five classics refer to The Book of Songs, Shangshu, Book of Rites, Zhouyi and Chunqiu. "Four Books and Five Classics" is an important part of China's traditional culture, the core carrier of Confucianism and the treasure of China's historical and cultural ancient books. The Confucian classic "Four Books and Five Classics" is profound and has a very high position in the history of world cultural thought.

How old is Confucius?

Confucius was born in 552 BC 10 BC 10 BC and died on March 9 BC. This statement is the latest and has been verified by astronomy. The traditional view is one year away from this.

There are two versions of the year of Meng Zi's birth and death.

First, from 385 BC to 304 BC,

For example, from 372 BC to 289 BC

How many years ago were the four books and five classics of Tang poetry and Song poetry?

Tang poetry spread for nearly 1400 years, Song poetry spread for nearly 1000 years, and the Four Books and Five Classics (1 190) were 809 years ago.