Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What eulogies did Matteo Ricci give to Wanli? What did Matteo Ricci bring?

What eulogies did Matteo Ricci give to Wanli? What did Matteo Ricci bring?

"... I want to dedicate a statue of God, two statues of Mother God, a scripture of God, a pearl pin embedded in the cross, two clocks, an atlas of the world, and a Western Qin to the headquarters. Although things are not shy, they come from the distant west and are quite expensive. "

Three religious paintings, one is a Christ in a glass box, which was sent by the president; The other two are oil paintings, which are replicas of the Madonna of St. Luke from Rome, and pictures depicting the Madonna holding Jesus and John the Baptist. In the end, the painting was accidentally broken into three pieces of wood by the porter. Matteo Ricci sarcastically said that the cracks caused by the fall made it older in the eyes of China people, further enhancing its value. Emperor Wanli put the idol in the warehouse, and two statues of the Virgin Mary were given to Empress Dowager Cixi.

A cross inlaid with precious stones and a daily prayer book with a gold-plated edge and a gold cover did not attract the same attention. Prism was called "priceless gem" by some people in China at that time, because the light passed through it without changing, but it did not impress the emperor. What really aroused his keen interest was Zhong and Xiqin.

Two bells, one is a Jason Chung made of gold-plated iron dzmz gold-plated bronze with a hanging hammer, which is driven by a clockwork and has a high palm. Compared with the traditional timer in China, the western selfie stick has a complex, compact and durable metal structure, which is large and small, accurate in timing, intuitive in time and more convenient and reliable.

Xiqin is a small clavichord, which plucks the strings with a pick instead of playing with a keyboard. It is an Italian-made clavichord with rectangular body in the17th century, which can be called the earliest clavichord introduced to China. At that time, Wanli was very interested in this novel instrument and ordered four eunuchs to learn to play it. A month later, four eunuchs each learned a tune. This is the earliest known spread and teaching of keyboard music in China.

Matteo Ricci's Atlas of the World is not his Atlas of Kunyu and the World, but actually a beautifully bound masterpiece of cartography by Authelet Uss, which is a world map projected by two hemispheres. This paper introduces a series of modern scientific methods about maps and geosciences in the west, including the map projection methods of equal area projection and azimuth equidistant projection, which breaks the traditional idea that the sky is round in China and makes them realize that China is only a small part of the earth.

Matteo Ricci studied astronomy with Father Clavius in his hometown, and was able to draw various patterns of sundials and make scientific instruments, such as celestial globe, astrolabe, quadrant and compass. He gave these documents to local officials and scholars to open up the situation of missionary work.