Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - About the book list number

About the book list number

Book list number is a form of video, which is represented by static pictures and background music. The front cover and back cover of the book are displayed through pictures, thus attracting the audience to click. Book list number can be static book list, dynamic book list, page-turning book list, mixed-cut book list, hand-drawn book list or real-life book list.

To create a book list number, you first need to register a Tik Tok number and bind the headline number, and then prepare a book list template, which can be found from a universal treasure or design software. According to the template, make a video, and then publish the video to Tik Tok.

When making the book list number, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1. When making videos, you should choose high-quality pictures and use high-quality background music.

2. Make sure the duration of the video is between 15 seconds and 30 seconds, otherwise it may affect the video playback.

3. Video content should be related to books, and the style should be unified.

4. When releasing videos, you can use some marketing methods, such as adding books to buy links or promoting information to attract viewers to click.

In short, the book list number is a way to attract the audience to click on the promotion book. As long as you master the correct production methods and marketing skills, you can become a successful book list owner.