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Ask the English names of all the characters in Harry Potter

Albus dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, albus dumbledore. Tall and thin, bearded and mature, long and twisted nose, half-moon glasses. He is Sir Meilin, the first-class Wahaha teacher of the International Federation of Wizards.

Argus filch, the administrator of Hogwarts, delights in students' pain.

The ghost of the bloody Baron Slytherin. A pair of empty eyes and gaunt face are the bane of Peeves.

Fat friar, a fat monk, used to study He Fu's ghost.

The fat lady is a chubby woman in a pink silk dress outside Gryffindor's social room.

Gilderoy lockhart Gilderoy Lockhart, with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes, taught Harry Potter a course on defense against the dark arts in the second grade. But he is an arrogant guy, who boasts that kung fu is better than magic.

Substitute teacher of animal husbandry in Grabli-plank.

Mrs. Hooch has short gray hair and teaches flying lessons in the first semester.

Mrs. Pincey Pincey, the librarian at Hogwarts.

Madam Pomfrey, the teacher of Mrs. Pang Rui's clinic, is strict but skilled.

Mad Eye Moody (Alaste) Mad Eye? Moody's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Alat) is a new defense against the dark arts teacher and the most famous retired upright teacher in the wizarding world. He has long dark gray hair like a mane, and the skin on his face and hands is covered with scars. His mouth is like a curved wound. One eye is small, black and bright, and the other eye is bright blue, which can be rotated up and down and left and right; One leg is a wooden leg with claw-like soles at the end, which always makes a thump, thump, thump sound when walking.

The vice principal of Hogwarts, that is, Professor Mai, is a strict and clever teacher.

Myrtle's crying baby Meadow is a ghost who lives in the ladies' room. She has straight hair and thick glasses, and always likes to cry for no reason. Crying is scary.

Nearly headless Nick Gryffindor, the resident ghost of Dota. The students called him "Nick with almost no head".

Peeves Peeves likes practical jokes, and takes pleasure in teasing students. Only by lifting the name of the bloody baron can he be restrained.

Professor tom riddle is the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Professor Binns Binns Cuthbert teaches the history of magic and is the only ghost who teaches the history of magic.

Professor Flitwick teaches spells. He is so short that he has to stand on a pile of books to jump out.

Professor Quirrell Professor Quirrell Harry taught defense against the dark arts in the first year of the magic school.

Professor Snape from severus snape always tries his best to play tricks on Harry.

Professor Trelawney, Trini Hogwarts' divination teacher. People are thin, wearing a pair of big glasses and countless chains and beads hanging around their necks, teaching them how to predict the future from tea dregs and crystal balls. I believe in the signs seen by the eye of the mind, but I often make mistakes.

Remus Ruben Remus Ruben, Harry's defense against the dark arts teacher in the third grade.

Rubeus hagrid, the key keeper and gamekeeper of Hogwarts, rubeus hagrid, is almost twice as tall as the average person, with rough appearance but soft and kind heart.

Professor of Astronomy, Hogwarts, Sinisterra.

College name

Gryffindor, Gryffindor, Harry Potter College. The spirit of the college is: courage, vitality and chivalry.

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. That's the full name of Hogwarts.

The spirit of Hufflepuff College is: integrity, loyalty, honesty and no hardship.

The spirit of Ravenclaw Ravenclaw College is: quick thinking, wit and erudition.

Harry's sworn enemy-Ma Fen College. The spirit of the college is: stop at nothing to achieve the goal.

Slytherin college

Sabie Bryce Blaise Zabini

Graham prichard, Graham prichard, students of Slytherin College.

Gregory Goyle, Gregory Nikolai Gogol, one of the foxes in Ma Fen.

Marcon Badeck, a student at Malcolm Badeck Slytherin College.

Marcus Flynn, Kyle Flynn, the tracker of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Millicent Bulstrode Boucher

Millicent Bulstrode Millicent Braud and Hermione paired up with students from Slytherin College in a duel club.

Pansy parkinson pansy parkinson

Salazar slytherin is the founder of Slytherin College in salazar slytherin.

Vincent Crabbe, a fox in Draco Malfoy.

Zabini Bryce Sabie Bryce, a student at Slytherin College.

Aberforth dumbledore, a man who overtakes Dumbledore, is albus dumbledore's own brother.

Agrippa agrippa bought a wizard role card with chocolate frog.

Ali Bashir Ali Bashir smuggled a batch of flying carpets and was caught by the Ministry of Magic.

Amos Diggory. Amor Diggory works in the strange animal control department. Are you chasing the west? Dugrais's father.

Antonin Dolohov is one of the supporters of Antonin Duluha's Man.

Archie Archie, a wizard who walks around in Muggle women's clothes.

Arnold Peasgood Arnold Peasgood is a memory eraser and a member of the magical accident correction department.

Augustus Rockwood Augustus Roque is one of the five supporters of "The Man".

The names of people in the forbidden forest where Bain lives are also star observers.

Barty crouch is the head of the international magic exchange and cooperation department in barty crouch. He is an orderly man, with short gray hair and a neat beard like a ruler. Crouch can speak 150 languages (such as mermaid language, goblin language, etc. ), and he is also the boss that Percy Wesley worships. During the judging of the "Three Witches Fighting Competition", he suddenly pretended to be ill and performed the story of missing, only to be found by Harry and Karan talking crazy to trees in the forest. It turned out that he participated in the terrible dark Lord's plan to make a comeback, because his son was also called "Buddy? Crouching. "

Bertha jorkins, Bertha Joaquin, went to Albania, the legendary last hiding place of Voldemort, for a holiday. As a result, she announced the news that the employees of the Ministry of Magic were missing.

Bode, an employee of the Ministry of Magic and Mystery.

Celestina Vorbeck is a famous female singer in the magic circle of North China.

Master Connelly's Minister of Magic Connelly Fudge is a chubby wizard.

A croak, an employee of the Ministry of Magic and Mystery.

Cuthbert Mockridge, Director of Casbas Maggie Goblin Liaison Office.

The bus driver's name is Ernie Prang, an old wizard with thick glasses.

Evan Rossier Ivan Rossier is one of the supporters of The Man.

Fauci Fassett, a wizarding family who can't get a Quidditch World Cup ticket.

Firenze, who lives in the forbidden forest, is a stargazer with charming blue eyes.

Fleur Delacour is a student of Walter Dale Guboba Cave Magic School and one of the contestants in the Triwizard Competition. She has long silver hair hanging to her waist, big dark blue eyes and beautiful teeth that are very neat and white. This flower has Mila's blood. When she walks past a boy, that amazing beauty will make people seem to lose their ability to speak at once.

Frank Bryce, the gardener of Frank Blaise's family, lives alone in a shabby hut of Riddle's family.

Fred Wolfa fouled Hagrid's mother, and her whereabouts are unknown.

Gilbert Wimple, member of Kibo Wenbo Experimental Spell Committee.

Hassan Mustafa, the wizard chairman of the international Quidditch Association.

Hengist Hangis bought a magician's role setting card that comes with the chocolate frog.

Igor Karkaroff, the headmaster of Guo Yi Kakafu Demlan School of Magic, is as tall and thin as Dumbledore, with short white hair and a goatee with a slightly cocked tail, and a mellow voice.

Lestrange, a Death Eater imprisoned in Azkaban.

Longbottom Frank, one of the upright teachers in Frank Longbottom.

Lovegoods The Rogues live near the cave and have also been to the Quidditch World Cup.

Ludo Bargmann Ludo Berman, a former batter of Wimbledon Hornets, looks like a pupil several times his age with short blond hair, round blue eyes, a flat nose and a big belly. Later, he joined the Ministry of Magic and served as the director of the Magic Games and Sports Department. At the peak of Berman's quidditch career (Berman was tall, thin and straight, and his nose had not been broken), the henchmen who had been accused of "that man" almost went to Azkaban to serve his sentence. In fact, Beiman was a tough guy who gambled heavily, lost everything for it, and finally fled to the world to avoid the demon debt.

Madada Hopekirk, Mafalda Hawke, employee of the Bureau of Abuse of Magic.

Mrs. Rosmer Tower, barmaid in Homi Village, Mrs. Rometta.

Madam Maxim, the headmaster of Bobadong School of Magic, has a beautiful olive face, big clear black eyes and a slightly aquiline nose, as tall as Hagrid.

Mckinnon Mckinnon's family of four was killed by Voldemort.

Meilin Meilin bought a magician's role setting card with chocolate frog.

Millicent Bulstrode Millicent. Braud Hogwarts' student name.

Moony Moon Shadow was a nickname for Lu Bang when he was studying at Hogwarts.

Morgana Wicca used a wizard character card to buy chocolate frogs.

Murseber, one of Mosebo's death eaters.

Mundungus fletcher mundungus fletcher? Fletcher, after the Triwizard Tournament, Dumbledore sent Sirius to find someone.

Bulgarian Minister of Magic Aublanc Sk.

Bigfoot is a nickname used by Sirius Black when he was studying at Hogwarts.

Perkins Borgin, Arthur Wesley's colleague.

Peter Pettigrew, a friend of Harry Potter's father and a veterinarian, turned into a "stained mouse" and hid in Ron's home.

Pires Polchi Pierre Boches, a skinny boy, is Dudley's best friend and an accomplice when Dudley bullies others.

Forked antlers is a nickname used by james potter when he was studying at Hogwarts.

Daily Prophet reporter rita skeeter rita skeeter, with blond hair, big face and thick chin, likes to pry into other people's privacy and exaggerate and distort the facts. He once invented the Harry-Hermione-Karan triangle, deliberately exposing Hagrid as a giant hybrid ... he is a paparazzi in the wizarding world.

Ronan, such as the man's name in the forbidden forest where men live, is also a star watcher.

Sir Patrick Delaney.-Podmol Patrick? Sir Dylan Nippo Demol, the leader of sleepy hollow hunting.

Sirius Black Sirius Black james potter's best friend at Hogwarts, the godfather of Harry Potter, was imprisoned in Azkaban, a wizard prison, on charges of "murder".

Stan Sampaio, the knight bus of Stan Sampaio, has a pair of big ears in the palm of his hand and several obvious pimples on his face.

Fifty years ago, tom riddle, a student at Hogwarts in tom riddle, won the "Special Contribution Award" with excellent results. His magical diary once lured Ginny Wesley into the trap of Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets.

Voldemort, a powerful wizard of dark magic, made the magic world frightened! And the people who killed Harry Potter's parents. Everyone is afraid to call Voldemort directly, calling him "the man", who killed Harry's parents.

Followers of Voldemort the Wormtail.

Ron Weasley, Ron Weasley:

Harry's best friend in the magic school is a son from an ancient magic family, with five brothers and a sister.

Hermione Granger Hermione Granger:

Professor severus snape:

Slytherin, dean of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, once went to school with Harry Potter's parents. Harry Potter's father once saved his life and was very strict with Harry Potter.

Gringotts Bank (wizard's bank-Gringotts Bank)

The goblin in gringotts: the bank manager in the wizard world.

Hermione granger is a character in the children's fantasy novel Harry Potter by the British writer Joan Catherine Rowling.