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All the information about Virgo


August 23rd to September 23rd.

Character and temperament

Lovely, cowardly, and often feel guilty and uneasy about not being perfect. Virgo always tries to put his passion and impulse under the control of reason. Type B and Virgo can be said to be completely different qualities, and

You, a B-type Virgo, have this contradictory personality. Type B personality, with the characteristics of optimism and frankness, is very active in action, but slightly lacks the cautious attitude of careful planning in advance. Virgo, on the other hand, is methodical and slightly neurotic. You are very organized, planned and cautious, and you hate people who give up halfway and can't stick to it. The so-called contradictory personality refers to these opposing personalities, which constantly stir in your heart, making you often doubt your actions when doing things, and constantly looking forward and backward, often leading to upset and indecision. People who meet you for the first time may think you are optimistic, witty and easy to get along with, but in fact, you also have an unknown side of being too cautious. Imagine if you often share the inner words of some classmates and friends, but rarely tell others about yourself, especially your feelings. You will never cut corners on your work, you will definitely finish it according to the routine, and you will feel uneasy if you don't see it finished with your own eyes. But things in daily life are very different. Often forgetful, or in a daze, it seems a bit lazy. Your attitude towards things is also quite contradictory. Sometimes one second ago, you feel difficult to decide, and then suddenly it becomes clear. Sometimes there is a suspicion that "nothing is difficult in the world, I am afraid that there is a will." Although, you often tell yourself to live freely without any fetters. However, there are so many things in your heart that you can't get rid of the shackles of form and tradition. To be fair, you didn't get the spiritual liberation you expected.

Another feature of you is your thirst for knowledge. You are a diligent student. You always study problems with your heart. You are not paranoid about learning, you are interested in learning a lot of things, and you may especially like analysis and research. You can master the little things well, but when you need to grasp the big problems outlined, it seems that you are willing but can't. Sometimes, your view of things will get stuck in the details because of over-analysis. Arguing may be one of your shortcomings. Because of your strong analytical ability, when things happen, you tend to analyze and criticize, and often criticize those things that you despise. So you should pay attention to the mood of hiding evil and promoting good, and don't be too hard on others, otherwise you will lose friends. In addition, it is worth mentioning that most Virgos are very serious about cleanliness, and the degree of cleanliness is spotless, which will also alienate people around them.

If you were born without the influence of the sun, Jupiter or Mars, then Virgo will be satisfied with a general but reliable state of success, instead of being far-sighted and struggling bravely, because everything unknown will worry him. He hopes that his work is impeccable and needs others to think that he is indispensable, which is more important than his ambition.

Advice: As the saying goes, "Silence is golden, eloquence is silver". Many things in life don't need to be too one-sided, and don't care too much about everything, so as not to be ridiculed by pedants.

Love and sexual orientation

As a B-Virgo, the way you want to fall in love is platonic spiritual communication. When choosing a partner, your first condition is to be able to have a heart-to-heart conversation with each other and communicate with your heart. As for the appearance of the other person, it is not very important. Once you feel that you can share your knowledge and outlook on life with each other, you will feel quite satisfied. Usually, when dating, we rarely walk arm in arm and have a cordial conversation. You want to know more about each other's connotation and knowledge. So you will lead the topic to this aspect and then discuss it, which seems to lack a little romantic love atmosphere. In this case, Virgos may tend to be rational, however, it may also be to hide their enthusiasm. Although you are in love with spirit, you don't think you can throw away bread with love. You still attach great importance to reality and interests. You ask the other party to give you a guarantee of stability and happiness, and you cherish this marriage between you and the other party. This type of you, you have to change your mind, don't completely reject it, in fact, combining with what you love is also a perfect love.

Virgos are curious about the opposite sex, but they are too shy and shy to accept the opposite sex easily. Generally speaking, women in Virgo B tend to be afraid of men, and it is difficult to bear the muscular body and smell of men. In your mind, you think a person should be as pure as an angel, clean and refreshing. If you accidentally touch a man's skin, you will generally feel sick and can't adapt for a long time. The reason why type B people reject the opposite sex so much may be a kind of resistance to sex. Type B people are hard to accept physical contact and sexual desire because of their neat personality, and they are more afraid of being hurt after having physical relations with the opposite sex. The reason why you can't actively enjoy the happiness of love is influenced by the above concepts.

In fact, your heart is full of affection. Type B Virgo women often weave pure love in their dreams during their girlhood. But once you are in love, you can't get along naturally and have a negative attitude. Your love ended in unrequited love, but it's a pity that they may never reveal their love to each other for life.

Advice: this type of woman, don't be too shy in front of men, beautiful love is waiting for you

Marriage and family

Virgo B, you belong to the type of late marriage, but your married life rarely fluctuates, which is quite stable.

The reason why you get married late is related to your cautious personality and cleanliness. If you don't like it very much, you won't make a hasty decision, which is inconsistent with your perfect personality.

Before you decide to get married, you will be worried and look depressed in many ways, but once you break through this psychological barrier, the whole person will become positive and happy. After marriage, you will try your best to maintain the stability and happiness of your marriage. Even if the other person has some behaviors that make you dissatisfied, you will suppress yourself. The main reason for this is that you are afraid of the failure of your marriage. However, Virgo is afraid of divorce, but if your dissatisfaction rises to the extreme and you can't stand each other for a moment, then you won't try to communicate, coordinate or even compromise to find other solutions, because you think he ruined your dream of perfectionism. At this time, you will decide to divorce without thinking. If you have a strong B-temperament, you may find a second life after a decisive divorce.

You, a B-Virgo, can make your family full of vigor after marriage because of your young personality. Because of your personality, you will keep your home in good order, and you should handle everything according to the Virgo model. You think the future needs careful planning, and your marriage can be said to be working towards a uniform goal. But sometimes B-type willful factors will bring trouble and affect the above rules. As a B-Virgo, you sometimes clean your home and wash it very clean, but sometimes you don't care about anything but indulge in things that interest you. Sometimes you leave a careful account for your family, but then you throw it away when you are in trouble. The same is true for Virgo B men. Sometimes they help their wives do a lot of housework diligently, but sometimes they deliberately evade housework on the pretext of work. Therefore, judging from such contradictory personality, your family life is still colorful. However, there is one thing to remind you, when you encounter something unsatisfactory, don't take it out on your child.

Advice: "A levee of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant nest". Any tiny gap in marriage may cause irreparable scars. Only by pouring out grievances in time can the crisis be resolved.

Career and success

As a B Virgo, you are more suitable for practical work. You have a good idea of numbers, and jobs in taxation, accounting and banking will suit you very well. Professions that can give full play to their talents are related to Chinese work and belong to the category of rational culture. There are quite a few B-Virgos whose writing style is quite good. People like this can be competent in news magazines, publishing, commenting or writing. Among the above categories of rational culture, critics are the most suitable for B- Virgos, because you can't help but hope that the world doesn't meet your ideal. You want everyone to know his shortcomings and hope to improve one by one. Facing other people's literary works, your attitude is the same. So if you can engage in academic research, or engage in educational institutions, medical care, social welfare and other work. You may also make great progress.

But if B-type temperament is better than Virgo temperament, the situation is different. Your physical condition is not suitable for overwork, which requires too much physical strength, and subtle and tedious work is best avoided. This type of you will become more and more stable as you get older. But it's a pity that you won't be promoted when you reach a certain level.

Suggestion: Don't force yourself to engage in labor-intensive work. Practical work or rational work will be more suitable for you.

Money and wealth

As a B Virgo, you pay more attention to spirit, so you don't pay much attention to money, but your money fortune is quite stable and reliable.

You have a certain plan for your fixed expenditure and fixed savings every month, and there is little overdraft. It can be said that you are a thrifty and rich type. Due to the maintenance of this good habit, your wealth will become more vigorous with the growth of age, and the closer you get to old age, the richer your life will be.

You are cautious by nature and probably don't want to engage in speculative business, let alone gambling. So your wealth will not be in crisis, and the purpose is only to ensure the stability of your life. Because you have a weak desire for money, you won't save too much and you rarely spend money on entertainment. In your later years, you will have this property, but because of your personality, it is difficult for you to become a super-rich and have your own wealth kingdom.

Advice: Faithful financial management and fixed income and expenditure will make you have stable wealth and increase your investment.