Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Ask for polyphonic words.

Ask for polyphonic words.

A 1。 Near ā i 2. Hunger and cold 3. White 4. Narrow à I 5. Poor in water. Cooking O7. Painful. Fight. Stubborn10 Awkward password o

B 1。 Crosscutting Bm: i hé 2. Official history bài 3. Equilibrium bān 4. Compatriot bāo 5. Canned mutton bāo 6. Peel bāo 7. Tissue paper b08. Parallel bèi 9. Bud Beye Leach I.

10. Running around B is not 1 1. Go to bèn 12. Generate bèng 13. Cover up B 14. Paralysis B 15. Bow and scrape B 16. Justice.

N 20。 Hold your breath. bǐng 2 1. Abandon bǐng22. Develop büXu 23. Wave b?324. Spinach b?325. Bó 26 Park. Be weak, bó 27. Cultivate B.

C 1。 Coarse cāo 2. Noisy cáo 3. Staggered c275n c2754. Error chā 5. Deviation chā 6. Gap chā 7. Powder chá 8. ? ch9. Instant chà 10. Send chāi 1 1.

─ n 12。 Confess chàn 13. Water CHN 14. Field cháng 15. Ayu cháng 16. Compensation cháng 17. Compensation cháng 18.

Tongue chēng 2 1. Seize the opportunity. Punish the past and punish the future. Punish and create chéng chāng 24. Ride chěng 25. Whip ch and 26. Dementia ch and 27. Wishful thinking ch and 28. Idiot ch: and

29. Wandering around chí chú 30. Luxury chǐ 3 1. Tidy up ch ǐ 32. Passion Ch ǐ 33. Almighty chì zhà 35. Worried Ch ǐ ng 36. Looking forward to Ch ǐ ng 37. Worship Ch ch.

Weng 38. Melancholy chóu chàng 39. Hesitate, chóu chú 40 Dwarf chù 4 1. Exempt from ch42. Trying to figure out Chu m: i43. Rafters chuán 44. Trauma chuāng 45. Sad chàng 45.

46. sobbing. Drop out of school. Lofty hill 49. Defect c50. Serve cā5 1. Chimney cúng 52. Take your time. Running water is not ng 54. Complete c55 in one fell swoop ..

Can cuǐ 56. Thinking about C ǐ n du ó 57. Waste kutuo 58. set back

D 1。 Dull dāi 2. Promise dā 3. Catch mice, Dā i 4. Arrest Dai 5. Worried about dān 6. Take care of d ā n.

7. unscrupulous dàn 8. File dà n9. This year (this year) dang10. Dà n 1 1. Beware of d:12. Ripe melon drop dì 13. Create dì 14. All right.

16. bind dn 17. Modify ding18. Threaten dê nghè19. Read dúu 20. Exchange dū2 1. Pace Ou Du.

2. graceful; Step 3 be brief

F 1。 Thin fěi 2. Boiling point Fě i 3. Atmospheric fēn 4. Shallow fū 5. Perfect accusation, f ǐ y ǐ n 4686. It looks like fú 7. Water F8. Length fú 9. Radiation fú 10. F preserved fruit

Go along with fu she

G 1。 Junggar gá 2. gē 3。 Gé 4 in Zhuge Liang. gěng 5。 Gě ng 6。 Gě ng 6。

7. supply gō ng jy 8. Supply exceeds demand. Confession gong 10. Confess gòng 1 1. Rickets gūu lóu 12. Activity Guo13. Bone flower g 65438.

Businessman g incarnation17. 464938+08. Coarse gu m: ng19. Convert it into gu and 20. Hongwei gu 2 1. Executioner number 22. Noisy gu Jin

H 1。 Hada H42. Body hái 3. Rare H4. Sing háng 5. Collaborate with háng xiè 6. Fuck H7. Birds of a feather h8. Maxillary H9. Cheer for hè 10. Load H.

1 1. cover heng12. Unexpected trouble. heng13. Make a fortune. heng14. Break up in a hubbub. Nong15. Juheng 16.

19. Keep huàn 20. The patient is in good health. huāng 2 1。 Avoid seeking medical attention.

22. Teach people tirelessly, huì 23. Be gloomy, huì 24. It's filthy, huì 25. Fish in troubled waters, hún 26. Confuse hán Xiáo 27. Mud huó 28。 Stir huò 29. Be open-minded, huò 30. Cholera Hu.

J 1。 Tea table j and 2. Deformed j: 3. Binding j: and 4. Wandering j and 5. Wild j: and 6. Nonsense, j: 7. Ranked among j: 8. Wanted order j: 9. Learn jí 10. Even if jο 1 1. The school is just around the corner.

Jy 12。 Disease is as bad as hatred. Jy 13。 Jealousy Difficult. Pity. Dirty. Ji 17. Explosive. Ji 18. Backbone.

North, jì yú 22. Achievement Ji ü 23. Behavior discipline ≤ 24. Cigar jiā 25. Stationery jiān 26 Destroy jiān 27. Grass camp kills people, jiān 28 Silence jiān 29. Gradually dye jiān 30. Eyelid Ji m: n

3 1. Intermittent Jinàn 32. Overkill Ji m: o 33. Pay Ji m: o 34. Proofread jiao 35. Flowering and fruiting jiē 36. Things developed into jié 37. Freeze jié 38. Interrogate jié 39. Lack of money

40. attack Jie 4 1. Platycodon grandiflorum jié 42. Escort jiè43. I can't help it Table 44. Roots and leaves Jóng 45. Giraffe J τ ng 46. Kill a chicken as an example, a hundred J τ ng 47. Strong J τ ng 48. Opponent J τ ng 48.

49.jìng 50。 Spastic essence 5 1. Catch jiū 52. Acupuncture jiǔ 53. Leek jiǔ 54. Guilt jiù 55. Let bygones be bygones. Sniper J. incarnation 57 Chew J ǔ Zhu ǔ 58.

Time j incarnation 59. Rectangular j incarnation 60. Depressed jǔ 6 1. Unfavorable j y 62. Provoke from the past and respect jǖ63. Carve juān 64. The meaningful juàn 65. Role jué 66 ..

Zhu jué 69. Stubborn juéJiang 70. Rising jué 7 1. Rampant jué 72. Frustrated jué 73. Exquisite jué 74. Vigorous jué 75. Grab jué 76. Bacteria jūn 77. Tortoise attack.

78. Jie Jun jn 79. Shanshan jn 80. Completed number 8 1. Juanxiu jiaren

K 1。 A common danger causes common action. kài 2。 Neither humble nor supercilious. kàng 3。 Bump. k4。 Khan. Kehan 5. Observe K6. No.7 Accounting kuai 8. Spying on Ku: 9 Puppet library.

L 1。 Sloppy Siam lā ta 2. Lajia lá 3. Lose three things and forget four things. The book is loud and clear. Lang 5. Nagging about láo 6. Stiff neck lào7. Milk is cold, lào 8. Blackmail lè 9. Tighten là i 10. Drums lé i 165438.

Win or lose léi 12. Fruitful léi 13. Criminal offence lé i 14. Challenge lé i 15. Dead lí 16. liàn 17。 Look at Li á ng 67.

Provoke liáo 2 1. Lonely Leo 22. Look at liào 23. Wandering liè qiè 24. Bad liè25。 Carve lê u 26. Bribery lù 27. Palm lǘ 28 Plunder money.

M 1。 Wipe the table mā 2. Haze mái 3. Blame mán 4. Mian Yao Di 5. Join hands with mé i6. Stuffy men7. Ask yourself, mén 8. Angry mé n9. Turn your head to see Meng10.

Face Meng 1 1. Expensive mí 12. Depressed mǐ 13. Static mi14. Delivery number 15. Drunk M ǐ ng D 464438+.

20. Take móu 2 1. It looks like hair

N 1。 Shy N42. Don't stop talking about náo 3. Damn it, nào 4. I don't understand něi 6. The personified N37. Hide N38. Stick to N39. Intimacy N 10. The nifty Niā n60.

Unyielding nūng 12. Hun nūng 13. Puxi ni incarnation number 14. Stubborn ni u15. Xu nú 16. Abuse nū.

O 1。 Accidental u

P 1。 Pickpocket pá 2. Mortar p?i3. Broad-minded, chubby pán 4. Stumbling pán 5. Dao pāng tuó 6. Wandering pang 7. Deal with páo 8. Roaring páo xiào 9. Brand páo luò 10.

Embryo p I11. Tucao Pē n 12. Attack pēng 13. Surge Pē ng Pē i 14. Leakage p: and15. Adjacent to pí 16.

20. pián 2 1 with a big belly. Copy piāo 22. Hungry Pim ?o23. Ping-pong p and pīng pāng 24. P Lake bream 25. Intentional injury to bream 26. Dregs p?27. Anatomy púu 28. Former servant, later broken P.

29. servant pú 30. Travel-stained Pú 3 1. Yupu pú 32. Crawling pú fú 33. Waterfall pù 34. One exposure to ten cold Pú

Q 1。 Sadness and * * * q and 2. Strange q and Qī Qī O3. Pray Q4. Long qí 5. Divergent qí 6. Beautiful qǐ 7. Repair q8. Section 9 rest. Qi m:10 checkpoint. Sad q: n6543

á n 12。 Invincible qián 13. Dedicate qián 14. Graben qiàn 15. Harm qiāng 16. Qi Li to ng 17. Barely even ng 18.

???ng 2 1。 Looking forward to qiáo 22. Ridiculous qiào 23. Timid Qie24. Perseverance qiè25. Pleasant. Pillows q and Qěn 28. Heavy rain q and q Ι ng

29. Engine quality 30. In-laws qü ng3 1. Zigzag qū 32 Dispel qū 33 Dark q34. Follow the course. 35. Clear your throat. 36. Qutang Gorge. 37. Avenue. 38. Dental caries.

39. interest is 40. Look at each other qù 4 1. 42 Bondquin. Discuss qiè 43. Wandering around qn 44. Set qn.

R 1。 Around rào 2. For a long time, ri ě n ě n ě n 3. Know Riěn 4. Pregnant rièn shēn 5. It's still number six. Lengthy nagging

S 1。 Diaosi sāo 2. Crop jià sè 3. Shielding Se4. Brake shā 5. Eliminate shān 6. Tears shān 7. Give up shàn 8. Laugh, shàn 9. Support shàn 10. Fold.

1 1. Be awed by shè 12. Away from home. shè 13. Mirage shn 14. The feeling of calving shì 15. Classroom Shi √16. Reliable.

Fù 20。 Xibaishu 2 1. Lobby 22. Suck shǔn 23. Change Shanghai τ n 24. Encourage sǒng yǒng 25. Plastic S ǒ 26. Ring S ǒ 27 Although su suē28. Ghosts worship Sue.

29. Did Sue dance?

T 1。 La tā 2。 Whip tà 3. Blame tāo 4. Cultivate táo 5. Be tī。 Filial piety t ? 7. Embarrassed to t and n and 9. Destroy t and n and 65438.

Pitio 12. Paste Ti 13 properly. Invite tiě 14. Paste tiè 15. Crying children 16. In full swing, tú 17. Ben tu ā n65448.

W 1。 Violation of W275IY2. Violation of W23. Cui Wei W24. W283I5 is popular all over the world. Work for the tiger W2Chā ng 6. Dirty wT Chu T 7. Mediation W.

X 1。 Knee x: 2. Prose x: 3. Cunning xi: 4. Xiamen xi: 5. Fiber xiān wéi 6. Film xiān 7. Common xiān 8. Drooling xián 9. Gouge string xián 10. Rare.

Xi m: n 1 1。 Portrait xiào 12. Pick xié 13. Ye Yun xiè 14. Paper scraps xiè 15. Mechanical xiè 16. Provincial relatives xǐ ng 16.

Xū 2 1。 Boast about xǔ 22. Pension. Alcoholism. Warm 25. Dizziness X 26 Show off xun27. The 28th hole. Make fun of xuè 29. Tame Xu n30.


Y 1。 Conflict with each other. "Young plants encourage each other Y2." Crimson yān 4. Block yān 5. Banquet yán 6 Let a hundred flowers blossom and compete for beauty.

7.yán 8。 Dying Yǐ n9. Dying Yǐ n 10. False Y46438+0 1. Pretend Y46438+02. Unhappy poplar 13. Safe and sound.

Y m: o ti m: o 16。 I abused my son Yao17. I throw my weight around Yao18. I stopped eating because I choked. I make fun of you. I raised you. I sobbed.

25. be as sweet as y26. Summer Palace yí 27. Yǐ lǐ 28. Yi yǐ nǐ 29 Self-pity. Yi yì 30. Youyi 3 1. Descendants yì 32.

34. Achievement y35. Friendship yì 36. Go to school. Shine yì 38. Boundless yin39. Shady yìn 40. Fresh y ng 41. Commitment 42. Apply yìng 43. Exam.

Education yìng 44. Postman yóu 45. Black yǒu46. Good and bad, yǒu 47. Go around yǐ48. Crying in the corner. Happy 50. Never change yǐ5 1. Over 52 years old.

Sparse yú 53. Entertainment yú 54. Desperate Y 5 1. Public opinion yú 56. Cheating yú 57. Embarrassed y incarnation 58. Participate in the competition. Control yù 60. A household name Y 6 1.

Jing yù 64. ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ù

Z 1。 Pinch a braid zā 2. Liu yin zā 3. Release Zǐ i4. Install zài 5. Singing and dancing, zài 6. Complain about zài7. Refuse to load zài 8. Temporary zàn 9. Zangting zāng pǐ 10. Treasure Z.

àng 1 1。 Confirm záo 12. Gee, praise zé 13. Prove that zé né 14. Hate zé ng 15. Give it to zé né 16. Standing in zh ā 65448.

à 2 1. Choose vegetable zhái 22. God zhān 23. Zhán 24 inn Defect zhàn25. Exquisite zhàn 26. Trembling millet zhàn 27 Soaring zhng 28. Price increase zhng 29. Panic zháo 30. swamp

Zeri owl o 3 1. Hold zhào 32. Make trouble with zhào 33. Tossing about zhē 34. Blame zhé jiù 35. Dormancy zhé 36. Demote zhé 37. Anvil ZH deer n 38 Improve ZH deer n 39. distinguish

Say goodbye to zhēn 40. Rumor zhēn 4 1. Watch out for zhěn 42. ZH No.43 Disaster Relief Organization. The crux is zhēn g 44. Save zhěng 45. Symptoms zheng46. Friends zheng47. Disengage from zheng48 ..

Zhü49 Wandering in ZH: ZH: ZH: 50 Close at hand zhü565:438+0 Knowledgeable, ZH: 52 Recognizing zhü53 Quality: zhü54 Popularity: zhü55 Paipai: ZH: 56 Against zhü57 Listen to ZH: ng.

58 pertinent zhòng 59 slash-and-burn zhòng 60 nonsense ZHU 61Haw zhüu 62 finale zh u 63 storage zhü64 warbler zhàn 65 writing zhàn 66 serious zh n 67 lane.

368 Burning Zhu 69 Youzhu 70 Woodpecker Zhu 7 1 Landing Zhu 72 Dressing Zhu 73 Arbitrary zì 74 Impregnating zì 75 Workshop Zuū76 Tussah Zutuan

Commonly used polyphonic words

first part


history as the second of the four divisions of ancient Chinese library collection

1. Pick up 1bā, pull up, pull up, 2p× pickpocket, pick up grass.

2. Grab the handle and print it on the handle.

3. mussel ① mussel ② mussel Bengbu

4. Thin 1bá o (for spoken language only) and thin 2bó (for written word combination) are thin and thin.

5. 1B Fort 2P Fort Wayao Fort 3 B Fort Shilibao

6. abalone exposure, ② P, ground violence and ten cold.

7. Back 1Bè i back is quiet. 2Bē I backpack with a gun.

8. Run 1bē n, run 2bē n, go.

9. Arm 1b Arm ② Arm

10. Open 1 1. Ping 1 Bi M \u n pole 2 Pi ā n ship.

12.Bi à n is convenient. 13. Yi ①biāo Huang Sima.

14. Hold your breath 15. Stripping 1bǐ does not exploit (allow) stripping 2b ā o.

16. Park 1Bó indifferently and Park 2Bǐ i's uncle (brother).

17.Bo 1Bó old uncle 2Bǐ i (husband and brother)


20.Bu 1bo radish 2bD divination 2 1bo shirtless 2bo arm.

philosophical works

1. Tibetan ① Tibetan mineral ② Tibetan treasure ②. Brake 12Shā brake.

3. The difference of ①chā (combination of written words) is almost the same as the deviation of ②chà (single use of spoken language).

4. Zen 1 Zen master 2 Zen Zen Zen.

5. tremble, tremble.

6. One chá ng occasion, one ②cháng yard and one ③chag ostentation and extravagance.

7. Laugh at ① ridicule ②zhāo ridicule (zhāo zhā)

8. Che 1 ch ē chariots and horses 2 j ū (chess 9. Spoon 1 spoon 2 spoon 2 spoon.

9. It is a compliment to say that ①chèn is satisfied with symmetry ②chēng.

10. Clarification ① Written clarification ② Oral clarification (clarification of liquid)

13. Smelly ①chòu has a long history, ② Xiò stinks like milk and copper.

14. the beauty of dealing with ①chǔ (action meaning) and ② Chǔ (noun meaning).

15. Livestock ①chù (name meaning) Livestock ②xù (action meaning) Livestock breeding.

16. Create a creative creation; Create a creative creation; Cause trauma.

17. Poke is useful; It's generous.

18. 1C, ②si, etc.

20. save ①cuán, save and shoot ② z, m: n, and save.

2 1.Cu 1 Cu, not a pinch of salt, ② Zu, a pinch of hair, ② Z, m: n, accumulation.

D department

1. Commitment 2. Doctor doctor (official name) doctor 2 doctor (doctor) Jingshan.

3. Catch ①dài (written combination) Catch ②chán (spoken language only) Catch mosquitoes and catch thieves.

4. Shan1d is lonely; ②chán is single; ③shán single county and single surname.

5. When ①dāng is that day, then that year (all referring to the past) ② D2ddang is that day, then that year.

6. pour 1dm: o, turn around and chew 2dao, and pour excrement and medicine.

7. Improve 1D, and beware of improving 2Tí to improve extraction.

I am so proud that I want to drink water.

9. The appropriateness of ① Dí is indeed the purpose of ②dí.

10. Everyone is here. ② Metropolis (mostly)

1 1.① Du was not selected.