Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does Gaia mean?

What does Gaia mean?

First of all, the correct name of "Gaia" is Gaia, which means as follows:

Gaia, also translated as Gaia, the god of the earth in Greek mythology, is a very respected and prominent god among all the gods. Is the earliest god in Greek mythology, born from the chaos at the beginning of the world. Until now, westerners still often refer to the earth as Gaia, and there are many words with the letter "G" in English related to the earth. It can also be considered that Gaia represents the most primitive part of the human soul.

Second, Gaia consciousness:

Gaia is the mythical Mother Earth. Because nature has several magical things: she will constantly create a stable state, she will fight back against behaviors that undermine the stable state (watching sandstorms and watching desertification), and those perfect natural laws. So some people think that the earth or the universe has a great will, which is Gaia consciousness. Gaia consciousness simply means that there is a consciousness on the earth, which is composed of all the creatures on the earth.

Three, Gaia galaxy:

ISAAC ASIMOV, an American science fiction writer, first put forward the theory of Gaia galaxy. He described the running state of Gaia planet in detail in his sci-fi books Edge of Base (published in 1982) and Base and Earth (published in 1986), and summarized it as follows:

1, all living things in Gaia (including humans, animals, plants and microorganisms), organic matter and inorganic matter are the same in life, and they can share their own data and memories at the same time (even stones can save information);

2. All creatures on the planet Gaia have the idea of communication, and can enjoy memories and emotional joys and sorrows at the same time, and all creatures on the planet Gaia can be interchanged with each other;

3. The memory of the creatures on Gaia remains after death, even if the body turns into soil and the bones turn into rocks, it will not change. Because the inorganic matter and organic matter on Gaia are the same, the organism only changes a way of existence after death, and the "self" does not die;

4. The creatures on Gaia (mainly human beings) have the ability of mind control and can adjust others' emotions at will, because Gaia people have strong brain waves and can accept and change the working mode of others' brains from a distance;

5. It can be seen that Gaia created by isaac asimov seems to be a big life in itself, which contains both living things and organic and inorganic substances. When the whole galaxy becomes Gaia (of course, the premise is that human beings have colonized the whole galaxy), if creatures from other galaxies invade, human beings will not be able to differentiate from the inside, because everyone's thinking is one, so things like betrayal will never happen. Of course, if we narrow the scope, Gaia is also a very powerful weapon when human beings meet intelligent life in the galaxy and fight with it;

6. Of course, the original intention of Gaia's creation is not simply to fight against other intelligent life. Gaia's ultimate goal is to turn the whole universe and space into Gaia. No matter how much intelligent life there is in the universe and how much undiscovered matter there is, it will be incorporated into Gaia's jurisdiction.

7. This theory of universal unification has appeared in many sci-fi writers' works, but most of them are only conceptual and have never been described in detail. But Asimov elaborated on Gaia in detail, not only introducing the ecological environment of Gaia planet, but also conceiving a macroscopic world similar to Gaia universe. Compared with other science fiction writers, Asimov's conception is more rigorous.