Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Raised strokes

Raised strokes

The stroke order of the word "pian" is: left, horizontal, dot, left, horizontal, dot, horizontal, vertical hook, dot and dot.

The word "chip" is a very old Chinese character, and its origin can be traced back to ancient divination and counting. In the long history, the word "chip" has been endowed with rich meanings and uses, among which the most common refers to planning, arrangement and logistics.

In ancient times, the word "chip" was usually used to refer to yarrow or chip for divination. People believe that fortune-telling can predict good or bad luck in the future, and the word "chip" represents this mysterious power and wisdom. With the passage of time, the word "chip" has gradually expanded from the field of divination to a wider range of application scenarios.

The word "chip" also plays an important role in counting. In ancient times, people used bamboo sticks, shells and other items as counting tools, which were also called "chips". With the appearance of abacus, the word "chip" began to refer to more concepts such as calculation and arithmetic.

In addition to counting and divination, the word "chip" also extends to the meaning of planning and arrangement. The ancients paid attention to strategizing, that is, planning and directing operations in tents, and the word "preparation" represented the ability of such planning and arrangement. In modern Chinese, the word "ugly" is still a very commonly used Chinese character, and its words are also very rich.

Besides being used in Chinese characters, the word "chip" can also be combined with other Chinese characters to form new words, such as "chip", "fund-raising" and "nurturing". The word "prepare" in these words means to prepare, plan or arrange.

Besides being a Chinese character, the word "ugly" is also widely used in various cultural phenomena. For example, in China's traditional operas, the word "chip" is often used to describe the skills and artistic performance of actors when they perform on the stage. In poetry, the word "chip" is often used to express the poet's thoughts and feelings about life, fate and other themes.

In addition, the word "chip" is extended to a specific meaning in some idioms and slang. For example, the word "bamboo" in the idiom "have answers" can be understood as "preparation", which means that you have a complete plan and arrangement in your heart.