Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Translation of classical Chinese enlightenment books 180-340

Translation of classical Chinese enlightenment books 180-340

Let me give you a part first:

183- 184

Yannu 183:

Wild geese roost on the banks of rivers and lakes at night, and also on sandbars in the water, often thousands of them flock. The geese sleep in the middle, so they are surrounded and guarded. In the south, there are people who catch geese, waiting for the night or the night without moonlight, and hiding candles in the jar. Many people are holding sticks, holding their breath and walking quietly. When you are near the goose, just hold the candle a little and hide it at once. When Yannu saw the fire, she exclaimed. The geese were awakened and soon settled down. At this time, the candle was lifted forward again, and the wild goose slave exclaimed again. Repeatedly, the geese got angry and pecked them. The man with the candle slowly pushed forward and raised the candle again. At this time, Yannu stopped stirring and singing for fear of being pecked. So the man held the candle high, and the people with sticks rushed into the goose pile together, and many geese could be caught after a meal.

Brother and sister Hu Qi 184:

Brother and sister Hu Qi, their father died when they were very young.

My mother knits mats for a living and manages the family very diligently. When the brothers and sisters grow up, mother will not be able to get sick. Brother and sister discuss with each other: brother goes to Beijing to do business, and sister waits on mother at home. When my brother left, my sister worked in the fields in the morning and served my mother at night, which was very filial. There is a man named Liu Er in the community who has a bad idea about his sister. My sister scolded him, so she held a grudge. Liu Er wrote an anonymous letter to his younger brother, complaining about his younger sister's unfilial behavior. My brother immediately went back to the village to visit, and happened to meet his mother, so he scolded his sister and said, "You and I can't be adults without our mother. How can you not be filial? " My sister cried and said, "There is no such thing. I hope my brother will ask the village. " Neighbors said, "Your sister is very filial, and the whole town knows that someone must have framed her." Brother then took out the letter and everyone looked at it. It was written by Liu Er. Everyone in the village was very angry and picked up a whip to beat him.

245-265 pages of translation

245. Wei Zhi is plain but brave. He is good at preserving the emperor's ideas and he often criticizes him. Sometimes when Emperor Taizong was very angry, his face did not change color, and his great power also subsided. He once asked for leave to visit the ancestral tomb. When he came back, he said to Taizong, "People said that your majesty was going to Nanshan to make money. Everything was ready outside, but you didn't go at last. Don't know why? " Taizong smiled and said, "I did have this plan at first, but I was afraid you would blame me, so I gave up halfway." Emperor Taizong once got a good kite and put it on his arm. When he saw Wei Zhi coming from a distance, he hid it in his arms. Wei Zhi stood there, playing with national affairs for a long time, and finally the kite died in Taizong's arms.

Wei Law knew that Su Wu could not intimidate and surrender after all, so he reported Khan. Khan wanted him to surrender more and more, so he imprisoned Su Wu in a big cellar and didn't give him anything to drink or eat. When it snowed, Su Wu lay chewing the snow and swallowed it with felt wool to satisfy his hunger. He would not die for several days. Huns thought it was amazing, so they moved Su Wu to a deserted place near Beihai, and let him graze the ram, saying that he would give it back to Han after the ram gave birth to a lamb. At the same time, his subordinates and his entourage Chang Hui were placed in other places. After Su Wu moved to Beihai, the grain could not be sent out, so he had to dig out the wild fruits stored by the wild rats to eat. He leans against Jeff in the cold pavilion to herd sheep, and holds them when he sleeps and gets up, so that all the yak tail hairs tied to the joints can be taken off.

There was an old man in the Han Dynasty in 247. He has no descendants, but his family is rich but frugal. He gets up early and goes to bed late, busy with industry. He enjoys making money, but he is unwilling to use it for himself. Or someone begged him, but he couldn't take out ten dollars from the room. He came out of the room and reduced his money as he walked. When I got outside, there was only half left, so I closed my eyes and forbeared not to give it to the beggar and kept telling him that I had given you all my belongings. Don't tell others that I have money, others will beg from me. Soon the old man died, and his house and land were confiscated by the government, as well as money and goods.

248 Prime Minister likes to write cursive script (cursive script), but it is very untidy. People laughed at him, but he didn't think so. Once, he suddenly got a good sentence and asked for a pen and ink. His handwriting was scrawled and covered with paper. He immediately asked his nephew to copy the poem. My nephew copied a strange pen and was puzzled. He stopped writing and asked the Prime Minister what Zhang was reading. After careful identification for a long time, Prime Minister Zhang didn't recognize what he wrote, so he scolded his nephew and said, "Why didn't you ask me earlier? Now I forgot. "

Hualong is good at hunting. A dog nicknamed "Tail" will follow each other. When the dragon reached the river, it was surrounded by a big snake. How did a snake die in a dog tunnel? And Hualong's stiff servant knows nothing. The dog lingered, barked and walked back and forth between the roads. Family members are strange (strange: confused and puzzled ...) because they follow the dog. It's boring. It's boring. Take it home and go to the Soviet Union in two days. Dogs don't eat until the dragon is over. From then on, cherish, just like relatives.

There is a man named Hualong who likes to run around with dogs, so he feeds one named "Wade" and takes it with him every time he goes out. Once, this man named Hualong came to a river and was surrounded by a big snake. So the dog killed the snake. While Hualong is stiff lying on the ground, unconscious. "Tail" kept barking around him. The family found the strange behavior of the dog and was very puzzled. They followed the dog to the river. Found Hualong curled up and hurriedly sent him home. It took two days to wake up. The dog had not eaten for two days before it woke up. After he learned this, he took good care of "Wei Jie" in every possible way, just like his relatives and friends.

Cao Cao once marched to fight, and the soldiers were very tired when they walked, with no spirit and no fighting spirit. Cao Cao lied to them and said, "There is a Mei Zhuang ahead, and there is a Mei girl in Mei Zhuang. She is gorgeous and beautiful. Whoever goes to the battlefield first, I will give her to him as his wife. " Hearing this, the soldiers came alive and drooled. Finally arrived in Guandu at the specified time and defeated Yuan Shao. Later, people called this allusion "looking at plums to quench thirst".

There is a myna in 25 1. After the master's training, it learned to imitate human speech. It says a few words every day, but it feels great and doesn't care about anyone. One day, cicadas kept barking in the treetops, which upset myna. It growled at the cicada, "Hey, hey, can you take a break?" It will make monotonous noise and keep screaming. I can talk and I don't show off like you. Cicada didn't get angry, but just smiled: "Brother, it's good that you can imitate people.": "But if you preach a hundred times a day, in my opinion, it is actually equivalent to not saying it. I can't imitate people and have no beautiful voice, but I can express what I want to express in my own voice. What about you? " Starling listened to these words, flushed, tongue-tied, and buried his head deeply in his wings. From then on, this starling never spoke to his master again.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Li who liked flattery and wrote a poem specially for his boss. This poem is long and smelly. He pondered the antithesis of the poem, pondered it several times, and felt that his poem had been exhausted before he presented it with trepidation.

After reading the poem, the boss said to him with infinite emotion, "Your life experience is really unfortunate and pitiful." The boss asked about his misfortune again, and he quickly knelt down and said "My little brother died in Jiangnan" in my poem, so I couldn't write the next sentence. In order to be clean, I had to make my living brother a scapegoat and let him die temporarily in Saibei. My brother died in Saibei' was invented by me to lie to your master. I hope your master will forgive me for being an official. "

Wei Wenhou agreed to go hunting with Yamazawa's small official in charge of hunting. On this day, I was very happy to drink, and it rained again. When Wei Wenhou was about to go out, people around him advised him, "I was having a good time drinking today, and it rained again. Where will you go? " ? "Wei Wenhou said," I agree to go hunting with Yamazawa's junior officer in charge of hunting. Although I am very happy now, can I not keep the agreed meeting time? "Just walked in the rain, personally announced to stop hunting.

Mouth and nose compete. The mouth said, "I'll talk about the past and discuss the present." What ability do you have over me? " The nose said, "I can't tell all the drinks and food without them." The eyes said to the nose, "I can distinguish a hair tip (such a tiny thing) nearby, and I can also observe the horizon in the distance, but I should be in the first place." He said to his eyebrows, "What do you owe me?" Eyebrows said, "Although I have no practical use, it's like having guests in this world. What good are they to the master? " ? (But) without it, it doesn't conform to etiquette and ceremony. What would it be like without eyebrows? "

There is a man in Qi who likes hunting very much. He neglected to kill wild animals for many days. Go back to live up to his family and go out to live up to his good friends and neighbors. He thinks that the reason why he can't catch his prey is that hunting dogs are not good. To get a good hunting dog, someone said, "You have to work hard." The hunter asked, "Why?" The man didn't answer. The hunter thought, do you want me to plow the land well, so that I can have money to buy a good hunting dog after harvesting? So he went home and worked hard to cultivate the land. If you work hard, you will get rich at home. The family has money and can buy good hunting dogs, so he often catches more prey than other families. Not hunting is like this, everything is like this.

In a strange country in the west, there are two immortals playing chess in the shade of a mountain. An old monkey peeks at their chess skills in the tree every day and learns their chess skills. Hearing this, the villagers all went to see it. The fairy had disappeared, so the old monkey came down from the tree and played chess with people. No one in the country can win. People in China find this very strange (it is better to use "surprise" or "surprise". ), he presented the monkey to the court. The emperor summoned people who were good at playing chess to compete with him, and none of them were rivals. Some people say that there is a man named Yang Jing who is very good at playing chess. At that time, Yang Jing was imprisoned for breaking the law, and (the emperor) ordered him to be released. Yang Jing asked to fill a plate with peaches and put it in front of the old monkey. The old monkey's mind was tied by peaches, and he had no intention of playing chess, so he was defeated by Yang Jing.

There used to be a forgetful person. I forgot to stop when I was walking, and I forgot to get up when I fell asleep. The wife was very worried and said, "I heard that there is a doctor somewhere who can cure very serious diseases." Why not let him cure? " The man was very happy, so he rode out with an arrow. Not far from home, I suddenly have something urgent to go to the toilet (defecate), so I dismounted, stuck an arrow in the ground, tied the horse to a tree and let it pee. Then I saw the arrow on his left and was startled: "danger, this arrow almost hit me!" " "I was glad to see the horse on the right again, and said," Although it was a false alarm just now, it's not bad to lead someone else's horse. "As soon as I got on the horse, I stepped on the horse urine and said angrily, where did this beast come from? I got my boots dirty! " "So I went back the same way. I will be home soon, wandering outside the door, saying to myself, "whose home is this?" Is it a doctor's house? " His wife knew that he had forgotten again and came out to scold him. He glared and said, "I never knew you." Why do you want to hurt people? " His wife pulled him into the door.

There was a man named Cifei in the State of Chu who came to this place of Wu on a trip, got a very sharp sword and returned to the State of Chu happily.

If you want to cross a big river on the way back to Chu, you should cross the river by boat. When the small wooden boat crossing the river went to the center of the river, suddenly two big dumplings swam from the bottom of the river, violently attacked the small wooden boat and quickly entangled the ferry from both sides. The situation was so critical that all the people crossing the river were stunned. At this time, Feifei asked the ferryman, "You have been rowing on the river for many years. Have you ever seen or heard that there are two big zongzi stuck on the boat, and the people on board are still alive? " The boatman replied, "I have sailed across the river for decades, and I don't know how many people I have sent across the river." I have never heard of such a thing, and the people on board are not in danger. " I have to think: If we don't get rid of these two evil jiaozi, everyone on board will be in danger. So he immediately took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, pulled out the sword he got from Wu, and said to the people on board, "These two big dumplings are fierce, but they are just a pile of rotten bones and rotten meat in this river. What are you afraid of? " In order to save the lives of all the people on board, even if I lose this good sword I just got, even if it is

I have nothing to regret in my personal life. "Say that finish, he jumped into the river without hesitation, and cut off the big dumpling wrapped around the ferry with his sword. After a tense and fierce struggle between man and the mosquito, he chopped up the two big dumplings with his sword and got on the boat in no hurry. In this way, Feifei cut off two big jiaozi, saved the small wooden boat crossing the river, and saved the lives of everyone on board.

26 1 Qin Zi asked the teacher, "Will you talk more?" Mozi replied, "Frogs croak day and night, which makes people thirsty, but no one listens." Look at that rooster. It crows at dawn on time. The world shakes and people get up early. What are the advantages of talking more? The important thing is to say it at the right time. "

Cui Zhuan, a native of Han Dynasty, was a county magistrate at that time. It coincides with the reform of Wang Mang, whose minions are all over the country, abusing harsh laws and killing innocent people. The counties and prisons visited by Cui Zhuan were overcrowded. Cui Zhuan couldn't help crying and sighed: "Alas, this is all because of the abuse of harsh laws. What is the crime of the people and suffer from this! " So Cui Zhuan rehabilitated the people and saved more than 2,000 people. His subordinates kowtowed and begged him, "You are really a benevolent man, but you are the only gentleman today. Will you regret it later (if you are excluded and flattered)? " . Cui Zhuan replied: "I have no regrets. If I can save more than two thousand people by killing one person, what regret do I have? " Officials have nothing to say to him.

Once upon a time, there was a businessman in the south of Jishui. When crossing the river, he fell into the water from the boat and stayed on the floating grass in the water, where he asked for help. A fisherman saved him with a boat. Before he could approach, the businessman quickly howled, "I am a rich man in Jishui area." If you can save me, I will give you 120 gold. " After the fisherman rescued him ashore, the merchant only gave him twelve taels of gold. The fisherman said, "You promised to give me 120 taels of gold, but now you only give me 120 taels. Isn't this a breach of contract? " The businessman flew into a rage and said, "How much do you earn as a fisherman a day? You suddenly got twelve taels of gold, aren't you satisfied? " The fisherman left disappointed. Then one day, the merchant took a boat down Lake Lvliang, hit a rock and sank, and he fell into the water again. It happened that the fisherman who saved him was there. Someone asked the fisherman, "Why didn't you save him?" The fisherman said, "He is the one who promised me 120 gold, but failed to keep his promise." The fisherman propped up the boat and watched the businessman struggling in the water from a distance. The businessman quickly sank to the bottom and drowned.

There is a hooligan in Shanghai who likes taking drugs when he was a child. After he got out of prison, he did not repent. He hangs around the market every day, waiting for a chance to rob property. People think this is a disaster.

One day, he was addicted to drugs, so he went to his cellmate in prison and said, "I want to rob money."

I don't know what to do to get the goods. "His cellmate said," Knife

Son, an axe and a rope will do. "The rogue said," Knives and axes, I know.

Road, but how to tie people, don't pay attention to in this respect, I'm afraid someone will fight, hope.

Ask me. "The cellmate immediately took out a rope and instructed him to tie himself up.

The rogue looked at him when he was tied up, so he picked up an axe and cut his roommate and robbed him.

Robbed property and ran away. When the story came out, the scoundrel confessed, but he didn't regret it. human

Say: "It's probably natural to mess with each other!"

In the middle of the night, Song dreamed that someone was peeking at a side door with loose hair and said, "I come from the abyss and my name is Zhalu. I was sent to Hebo's residence as a messenger of Qingjiang River and was caught by fishermen. " Song Yuanjun woke up and sent someone to divination, saying, "This is a turtle." Song Yuan Jun asked, "Is there a fisherman named Yu Qi?" The left and right courtiers answered, "Yes." Song Yuanjun said, "Tell Yu Qi to come and see me." The next day, I came to Korea. Song asked, "What did you catch?" I replied, "My net caught a white turtle with a circumference of five feet." Song said to him, "Give me the white turtle you caught". When the white turtle arrived, Song wanted to kill it for a while, and then wanted to keep it. He was puzzled, asked good or bad luck, and said, "It must be a good thing to kill the white turtle for divination." So it's not wrong to cut the white turtle open and hollow it out, and perform it with tortoise shell dozens of times. Confucius said: "The tortoise can show Song dreams, but it can't hide from the fishing net;" Only after dozens of times of intelligent divination did there be no mistakes, but it was also difficult to escape the scourge of caesarean section. In this case, there are times when intelligence is embarrassing, and there are places that the gods can't consider. Even with the highest wisdom, it is not as good as tens of thousands of people planning. Fish are afraid of pelicans even if they are not afraid of fishing nets. Only by abandoning cleverness can we show great wisdom, and only by removing pretentious good deeds can we truly return to the goodness of nature. Babies can learn to speak without the guidance of a clever teacher, just because they get along naturally with people who can talk. "

Song Taizu often plays bird shooting in the back garden of the palace. Once, several courtiers said they had something urgent to see, so Song Taizu summoned them. But after the call, they all play with writing ordinary things. Song Taizu was very unhappy and asked why. A courtier replied, "I think these things are more urgent than shooting birds." Song Taizu more angry. He grabbed an axe and hit the man in the mouth with its handle, knocking out two teeth. The man bent down slowly, picked up his teeth and put them in his arms. Mao scolded him and said, "You have teeth, why do you still want to leave evidence to sue me or something?" ! The courtier replied, "I won't sue your majesty, but the official in charge of recording history will write it down in the history books." "Song Taizu turned to understand. Cheer up and give the minister some gold to comfort him.

Guan Zhong and Peng Ji followed Qi Huangong's Northern Expedition to Solitary Bamboo and returned to winter from spring. They lost their way on their way home because there was no guide who was familiar with geography. Guan Zhong said, "You can use the wisdom of an old horse." So I rode the old horse in front of the army, let it go, followed it, and finally got my way back. March in the mountains, there is no water to drink. Peng Ji said, "Ants live in the south of the mountain in winter and in the north of the mountain in summer. There is water when the soil of ants is an inch deep. " So I dug the nest and found the water. With the wisdom of Guan Zhong and Peng Ji, they realized what they didn't know, and they didn't take it as a shame to ask for advice from the old horse ants. Nowadays, people don't admit their ignorance and don't know how to learn and absorb the wisdom of saints. Is it too much?

There is a man in Xia Shounan. His name is Juan Liang Shu. As a man, he is stupid and timid. When the moon was walking at night, I looked down and saw my own shadow, thinking it was a ghost lying down; I looked up at the hair on it and thought it was a standing spell. Turned and ran away, and was dead when I got home.

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who was always worried that his seedlings would grow too slowly. One day, he went to the field to pull up seedlings one by one. He was very excited when he got home. "I am very tired today," he said to his family. "I will help the seedlings grow again." His son was surprised and ran to the field to see what had happened. At first glance, all the seedlings withered.


The surname Mao is Vietnamese. At that time, he braved the rain to go at night, looked around and was afraid. Suddenly, a man came up from behind, said he didn't bring rain gear and asked to go with him. Shi Mao had no choice but to reluctantly agree with him. Two people were silent for a long time. Shi Mao suspected that this man was a ghost. When they reached the bridge, they pushed him down and (Shi Mao) ran away like crazy. Before long, it was slightly dawn and a cake shop opened. (Shi Mao) went to this shop. The boss asked him what happened, and he said he had seen a ghost. Not long after, another man came to the shop, soaked to the skin, and said to himself that he was pushed into the river by a ghost. The two men looked at each other without heart.

Liability should be based on the parties:

A rich man suddenly fell ill at night and ordered his servant to smash stones to make a fire. It was particularly dark that night, and flint and flint could not be found. The rich man urged his servant eagerly. The servant said angrily, "You are so unreasonable. It's dark tonight. Why don't you bring me a lamp? " I'll use your fire to find fire-making equipment. Is it easy? The rich man said, "if I had a fire, I would use it to help you find the flint!" ""When people hear this, they say, "Blame people with just reasons!

The more people have dogs:

Passers-by met a dog on Lushui. The dog lowered its head, wagged its tail and said in human language, "I'm good at hunting. I'll share it with you." The Vietnamese people were very happy and went home with their dogs. Feed it sorghum and meat and treat it as a human being. Dogs are treated and become more and more arrogant, and all the wild animals they hunt will be eaten. Someone laughed at the Vietnamese and said, "You feed him, and the dog eats all the wild animals he catches. What are dogs for? " The more people wake up, the more meat they give to dogs and the more they give themselves. The dog got angry, bit his head, bit off his neck and legs, and ran away. Raising dogs as family members, but (then) competing with dogs for food, how can we not fail!

Su Qin stinging way:

Su Qin, a native of Luoyang, learned the strategy of uniting with Lian Heng, persuaded the king of Qin, and wrote more than ten proposals, all to no avail. Finally, all his money was used up, and he went home in pain. When he got home, his wife didn't mend him, his sister-in-law didn't cook for him, and his parents didn't recognize him as a son. Su Qin sighed and said, "It's all the fault of the king of Qin [don't copy it, the explanation says it's Su Qin's own fault, but our teacher thinks it's the fault of the king of Qin. To use Su Qin, change "King of Qin" to "I"]! " He vowed to study hard and said, "What's impossible? ! "When I was about to fall asleep reading, I stabbed myself in the thigh with an awl, and blood flowed to my feet. Later, it joined forces with Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei and South Korea to resist the State of Qin, and later became the seal of the six countries.

Frogs and cows fight:

A frog is in the grass. When he saw the cow coming slowly, he thought it was a big deal and was very jealous of it. So I sucked in the air, puffed up my stomach, tried to surpass the cow and asked my partner, "Is my stomach a little bigger, like an ox?" The accomplice said: "The distance is far away!" The frog was very angry, took a breath of air, bulged his stomach and said, "What's the matter now?" (Partner) said, "It's no different from the last one." The frog suddenly jumped up, inhaled the air again, and bulged his stomach. In an instant, his stomach cracked and he died. The cow passed by the frog and trampled its body on the ground. This is a man who can bite his teeth.

People have a dead axe:

Once upon a time, a man lost an axe. He thought it was the neighbor's son who stole it, so he paid great attention to the man's words and deeds and thought that he walked like stealing an axe. Look at that man's face and expression. He looks like an axe thief. Listening to him is more like stealing an axe.

Later, the man who lost the axe found it. It turned out that he got lost in the valley for a while when he went up the mountain to cut wood the other day. When he found the axe, he felt that his neighbor's son didn't walk like an axe thief. His face and expression don't look like an axe thief; Talking is not like stealing an axe.

Dog negative meal savior:

When Yang Guangyuan rebelled against Qingzhou, a man named Sun was besieged in the city, and his grange was in the west of Qingzhou. The city gate was closed for a long time, isolated from the inside and outside, and all the food was eaten up, and the whole family lamented. There is a dog walking around, looking worried. Sun said, "If there is no food at home, people will die. What should we do? " ? Can you get me some rice from the grange? "The dog wagged his tail in response to him. That night, Sun tied a cloth bag and some letters to the dog's back. The dog came out of the drain and barked at the grange. People in the village opened the door, got to know the dog, took down the letter and read it, so the dog came back with rice on his back and went to town before dawn. In this way, after several months, the Sun family did not starve to death. Later, Yang Guangyuan was defeated and the city gate was wide open.

Buy a thousand pigs:

A county magistrate writes too carelessly and always dances. When I was ready to entertain the guests, I wrote a list and sent a servant to buy food. The word "pig tongue" was written so long that the servant thought it was to buy 1000 pigs. After going to the market, where will there be so many? I searched all over the country and only bought 500 mouthfuls, so I had to bite the bullet and report back. The county magistrate smiled and said, "I asked to buy pig tongues. How can I buy thousands of pigs?" The official replied to the county official: "If you want to buy geese in the market in the future, you must write shorter, and don't write' buy my bird'!"

Repair the house by a detour:

There is a pedantic person who is called pedantic and stingy. He didn't repair the broken fence or the broken tiles on the roof. One day it rained heavily in the middle of the night and the house leaked. The water is pouring down. My wife is hiding in Tibet, and most of her clothes are still wet by the rain. His wife asked him while crying, "I married you because your family is rich, and I didn't expect to suffer like this." How can you be a father and a husband? "

The pedant had no choice but to find a craftsman to repair the house the next day. However, in the next two months, the weather was really sunny and bright, and there was no sign of rain. Yu Gong sighed. "After the house was repaired, the rain stopped. Isn't it a waste of money? "

Lu Gong's prison:

Duke Lu served as the county magistrate of Zhongmou, paying attention to moral education without punishment. When Yuan Yinan heard about it, he suspected that it was untrue and sent an official named Shu Ren An to verify it. Accompany fat Qin to inspect the fields and sit under the mulberry trees. A pheasant passed by and stopped beside them. There is a child next to him, and the fat parents say, "Why don't you catch it?" The child said, "It's going to feed the chickens." Fat pro stood in awe and said goodbye to Lu: "I came here to observe your political trajectory. Now moths don't invade zhongmou county, which is the first magical place; You can even influence birds and animals, which is the second magical place; Children have a kind heart, which is the third magical place. I've lived here for a long time, and it only bothers smart people. I have to hurry back and tell Yuan An about these situations. "


On Phoenix's birthday, all the birds came to congratulate him, but the bat didn't appear. Phoenix stopped it and reprimanded it: "You are under my jurisdiction, how dare you be so arrogant!" " The bat said, "I have animal feet. I am an animal citizen." Why should I congratulate you? "A few days later, Kirin celebrated her birthday. All the animals came to celebrate their birthdays, but the bats still didn't show up. Kirin stopped it and reprimanded it: "You belong to my jurisdiction, how dare you be so presumptuous! "The bat said," I have wings and belong to birds. Why should I congratulate you? "One day, Phoenix and Kirin met, and when it came to the bat, it realized that it was lying on both sides. Phoenix and Kirin shook their heads and said with emotion, "The current atmosphere is too bad. It happened that these guys who were neither birds nor beasts were born, and there was really no way to do anything with them! "

Second, climb Mount Tai:

Once upon a time, there were two old people living in the same alley. Old Jia's wife and children have all left their hometown, only himself. One day, he took wine to Weng's house and they drank together. They are very happy! Yi Weng said, "I have made friends in the distant land of Yi and Yong, but I have never climbed Mount Tai. Can you go with me? " Jia Weng said, "I didn't climb that mountain either. I'm just old. I'm afraid I don't have enough strength." B Weng said, "You are wrong! In the past, Yugong was able to move mountains at the age of 90. Now we are only in our sixties. How can we be old? " Jia Weng said, "Great." The next day, the two old people had a good time, walked through Qiantang, crossed the Yangtze River and walked from the EMU to the foot of Mount Tai. In the evening, they stayed to rest and went up the mountain in the early morning. Jia Weng said, "My strength is acceptable, so I don't need to help." From sunrise to dusk, I have walked half a mountain.

Spider and silkworm question and answer:

Spiders see silkworms spinning cocoons and say, "Your spinning is bitter and tired all day, so why bother?" ? Silkworm girl put you in boiling water, smoked you into filaments, and lost your life. However, your coincidence coincides with suicide, isn't it stupid? The silkworm replied, "Of course I committed suicide. But isn't the world without me going to freeze to death? You weave a net, sit inside and wait, waiting for mosquitoes and gadflies to hit the net and eat themselves. What a coincidence! How can you stand it? Ah! Are you going to be a silkworm or a spider in the world?

Yi Ming's dove:

Master Yi Ming of Qingshan Temple in Yan Guan County, Zhejiang Province retired to the countryside. One morning when I went out, I saw a little pigeon fall to the ground, so I took it back and fed it myself. We can fly in two months. Flying in the forest during the day, staying on the screen of the mage's house at night and several cases. After October, Yue Hui, a disciple of Master Yi Ming, presided over Qingshan Temple to welcome the master back. In the evening, when the pigeons went back, there was no one in the room. I didn't see the mage. She flew around the room and kept singing sadly. The butlers sympathized with it and said, "I'll take you to see the mage." The next day, he put the pigeon in the cage and set out to see the mage. From then on, I stopped flying out and kept company with the mage every day. (The mage) touched (it) without moving, but when others approached it, they flew away in panic. Oh! Who says animals are heartless?

I survived:

During the reign of Yang Di, Zheng Shao, the magistrate of Fujian (now Fujian), kept a dog. He loved it more than his own children. Shao Zheng has an enemy named Xue Yuanzhou. Xue Yuanzhou hated this and often hid a dagger in his arms to assassinate Zheng Shao, but he never got a chance. One day, Xue Yuanzhou waited in the alley until he learned that Shao Zheng was going out. Shao Zheng was about to go out when his dog bit his clothes. Zheng Shao was very angry and ordered his family to tie the dog to a post. The dog dragged the broken rope and pulled his clothes to stop him from leaving. Zheng Shao thinks this is abnormal. The dog suddenly let out a cry and jumped up to kill Xue Yuanzhou. Zheng Shao searched Xue Yuanzhou's clothes and found a dagger hidden inside.

Ouyang Xiu studied hard:

Mr. Ouyang Xiu's father died when he was four years old. His family is poor and has no money to study. The wife wrote on the beach with a reed pole and taught him to write. And taught him to read many ancient chapters. When I am old and have no books to read at home, I go to a nearby reader's house to borrow books, and sometimes I copy them. In this way, day and night, sleepless, just concentrate on reading. Poems and essays written since childhood are written at the level of adults, so high.

Can't lose, the quantity is limited! !