Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Zhuge Liang's clever plan divides the world, and Liu Bowen's gossip governs the country. Are these two really so amazing?

Zhuge Liang's clever plan divides the world, and Liu Bowen's gossip governs the country. Are these two really so amazing?

Speaking of immortals in history, Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen will definitely be selected. These two secular experts, known as eternal think tanks, are famous for their superb tactics and unpredictable divination. So, do these two people really have such divine power that they can turn everything in the world into their own use, predict what happened before and after, and give solutions in advance?

Zhuge Liang's brilliant plan has been shown many times in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. When Liu Bei went to Wu to get married, Zhuge junshi gave Zhao Yun three hints in advance and told him to open it at an appropriate time. As a result, these three tips finally played an important role, and Liu Bei returned to Jingzhou safely.

First of all, whether it is true or not, is this move really possible? In fact, I think this seemingly mysterious thing is not completely impossible. The so-called gentleman plays it by ear, and know life is talented. In fact, everything can be guessed at one end, but this ability depends on personal knowledge and subtle control of the whole thing. For example, understanding a person and analyzing a thing may be obscure and critical.

Take Zhuge Liang as an example. He relied on his own understanding of Liu Bei and the thoughts of these great men in Dongwu. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of difficulties Liu Bei will encounter when he arrives here. Not that he has a way to predict the future. It is because this man has a deep insight into people's hearts. Relying on this angle, he has seen the overall situation clearly.

And Liu Bowen's gossip tray, in fact, is not as god as the legend of later generations. However, Feng's learning, Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams, can be circulated in China for so long, which naturally has its rationality. And I have always believed that this seemingly superstitious, but contains many ancient and obscure theories, really has its true truth.

Liu Bowen relied on the seemingly mysterious "gossip tray" to help Zhu Yuanzhang unify the whole country. Of course, it has his own profound knowledge and a series of luck and coincidence elements, but more importantly, the mythical description of it by later generations turned what might have existed into a legend, so that few people believe it so far. Some people even regard Liu Bowen as a saint and say that he has the ability to change the world, which is actually touted by later generations.

However, it must be said that these two figures can be recited through the ages and respected by people, which is closely related to their own abilities. The so-called foreknowledge circulating in history is actually a profound embodiment of human wisdom. Although these two people are highly praised by later generations, in the final analysis, they are just individuals. However, if people can practice to the point of these two people, it is really not a waste of time in this world.