Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Hitler wanted to conquer the world with magic.

Hitler wanted to conquer the world with magic.

More than 70 years have passed, and the Nazi crazy war atrocities have become well known. But behind these bloody events, there is a little-known history-Nazi leaders once fantasized about conquering the world by mysterious magic power.

Looking for the legendary underground kingdom, trying to establish a "Superman" legion.

After World War I, Germany fell into a serious economic and social crisis. Germany's defeat has made many veterans and young students feel deeply humiliated and resentful, while the economic crisis and the intensification of social contradictions have become hotbeds of racism, and various extremist organizations have sprung up. It is their common goal to find mysterious supernatural forces and realize the revival of the Germanic nation and the German Empire. One of the most famous is the organization "Far North Land" founded in 19 18.

"The land of the extreme north" was originally the name of the extreme north in ancient Greek mythology. Believers in the "land of the extreme north" are convinced that there is a country in the "land of the extreme north", which is the birthplace of the Aryan nation. There, the purest Aryans still live. They have supernatural power, but they are hidden to avoid some kind of disaster, so they have long been unknown to people. It is said that these people are hiding in a mysterious underground area, and there is only a secret hole connected to the ground. ...

Many senior Nazi officials, including Hitler himself, were deeply bewitched by the remarks of the "Far North Land" organization in their early years, and Himmler was most keen on finding this illusory "Far North Land". The supreme leader of the SS is obsessed with ancient myths, astrology and "dark magic" and everything he thinks has mysterious power. To this end, Himmler rebuilt a triangular castle (triangle stands for "life" in Nordic mythology) as a "holy land" for the SS, and engaged in magical activities in it. Himmler's SS also had an extremely arrogant plan, that is, to transform the "polluted" German Germanic ethnic lineage with the purest Aryan lineage after finding the "land of the extreme north".

According to this plan, the purified Germans will have the supernatural magic of the legendary Aryans, and the Nazis will rely on these "superman" legions to conquer the whole world. To this end, Himmler sent many expeditions to China, Tibet, Nepal, Greece, the North Pole and the South Pole to find the entrance to the "land of the extreme north", but to Himmler's disappointment, all these attempts ended in failure.

Looking for the whereabouts of the "Holy Grail" everywhere and forcibly seizing the "Spear of Destiny"

"Far North Land" was not Hitler's only magic choice. The Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny were also sacred objects that Hitler coveted. The "Holy Grail" is the legendary wine glass used by Jesus at the Last Supper. Legend has it that after the death of Jesus, the "Holy Grail" was taken to Europe by disciples to hide. As early as the Middle Ages, European knights were very keen to find the "Holy Grail". According to legend, the Holy Grail has great magic power, which can rebuild social order and create a perfect country. But in fact, this is just a myth created by the European people, especially the poor, to express their dissatisfaction with the feudal system.

Hitler and Himmler were convinced of this legend. They wanted to conquer the world with the help of the magic of the Holy Grail and establish an ideal Aryan country. As a result, Hitler sent people to secretly visit the whereabouts of the Holy Grail many times, but he didn't find any valuable clues. After the war, this story was adapted by the great Hollywood director Spielberg and made into the famous film Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail.

The Spear of Destiny is another Christian relic that made Hitler crazy. Legend has it that after Jesus was crucified, a Roman soldier stabbed him with a spear to see if Jesus was dead. As a result, Jesus' blood splashed all over the spear, giving it strength. Legend has it that the person who holds this spear can dominate the fate of the world, so since the Roman Empire, this spear has become a symbol of power. Many European monarchs, including Charlemagne, once took this spear to the battlefield as a mascot. Later, this spear has been kept in the museum in Vienna.

Before World War I, Hitler saw this spear in a museum in Vienna, and he has been obsessed with it ever since. 1938 After Germany annexed Austria, Hitler couldn't wait to send someone to get the "Spear of Destiny". He is sure that this spear will give him the power to rule the world. After the Allied forces occupied Germany, Americans found this spear in a church in Germany and returned it to the Austrian government.

Studying ancient Nordic characters in an attempt to gain magical power.

"Runiven" is a phonetic symbol once used by northern Europeans. Compared with the Latin alphabet, Rooney is closer to the early hieroglyphics. For Hitler and others superstitious about the mysterious supernatural power of the Nordic people, this ancient letter itself has "magic power". They once set up a special organization to study these strange and mysterious words, hoping to find out the laws that control magical power.

Himmler's SS went further, and many SS grass-roots organizations had their own magicians, who were responsible for establishing SS organizations according to the magic rules represented by Ruenwen. It was not until 1940 that the middle and lower officers of the SS had to take Rooney courses. The infamous SS black lightning symbol evolved from the letter "S".

SS soldiers took these letters from Rooney to the battlefield as their amulets or military symbols. Most Nazi soldiers, like their leaders, believed in the magic of Rooney's letters. However, the truth shattered the lies. As the war progressed, countless young soldiers were buried in the battlefield with amulets and never came back.

Believing in astrological predictions, Hitler's deputy was arrested in England.

Unlike Himmler's fascination with ancient Nordic myths, Nazi leaders Goebbels and Hess seem to be more obsessed with astrology, which provides Hitler with new magical choices. 1932, Hitler lost in the presidential election, the Nazi party's coffers were exhausted because of continuous elections, and Hitler fell into an unprecedented predicament. At this time, Goebbels encouraged astrologers to divine for Hitler, and Hitler was very satisfied. The following year, Hindenburg, who was old and confused, appointed Hitler as German Chancellor. All this seems to coincide with the predictions of astrologers. So Hitler began to respect the divination "masters" who claimed to be able to predict the future.

The Nazi deputy head of state Hess was Hitler's right-hand man. He is also an out-and-out astrologer and has been studying the relationship between astrology and geopolitics. 194 1 year 1 month, astrologer Strathaus observed the astronomical phenomena for Hess, and predicted that there would be an abnormal planetary rendezvous in May of 194 1 year, and the six planets would meet in Taurus, which happened to be a full moon. Hess believes that this day will be a crucial day to realize his dream of "Anglo-German Union". So he disguised himself as a pilot and landed the plane secretly in Scotland. But Hess's behavior did not win any favor from the British, but was arrested by the British. Hitler flew into a rage when he learned that Hess was captured, but at this time, he had to take it out on those unlucky astrologers and send them all to concentration camps.

1944 During the period, the voice of liberation spread all over Europe, the Anglo-American allied forces landed in France, the Soviet Red Army triumphed and reached the ruling center of Nazi Germany, and the days of the Third Reich were numbered. When Hitler and Goebbels were in a panic, they once again picked up the lifeline of astrology, and they asked someone to draw a map of the stars. It is predicted that the war will take a turning point in April 1945, and the Third Reich will rise again.

Coincidentally, in April of 12, American President Roosevelt died suddenly. Goebbels immediately called Hitler and screamed excitedly: "My Fuhrer, I congratulate you, Roosevelt is dead! This is the turning point! " Unfortunately, before they could be happy, the Soviet Red Army invaded downtown Berlin, and Hitler and Goebbels committed suicide one after another in despair. The map failed to save the Nazis or predict their demise.

The Nazis deliberately tried every means to realize their dream of ruling the world. But neither crazy war machines nor mysterious magic can create a thousand-year-old empire, but only accelerate their demise.