Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Kneel down! ! ! ! 20 200-word Chinese compositions in summer vacation (not too 2) had better be unread by others! ! ! Good answer, add 30 points! !

Kneel down! ! ! ! 20 200-word Chinese compositions in summer vacation (not too 2) had better be unread by others! ! ! Good answer, add 30 points! !

Reflections on reading childhood

Everyone has his own good time to remember and cherish. For us, childhood is my most precious collection. For the book Childhood written by Gorky, childhood should be a tragic experience and a profound memory!

I read a lot of books during the holiday, and I am most interested in the book Childhood. It artistically shows us the course of Aletha's struggle for light in the dark society and the social outlook of Russia in 1970s and 1980s.

After reading the book "Childhood", I felt Gorky's tragic experience and felt that we were a lucky generation, because Gorky's father died when he was 3 years old, and his mother took him back to her family. It's a pity that Grandpa is a selfish and overbearing small business owner, but the development of capitalist Russia interrupted Grandpa's dream of getting rich, and he went bankrupt and was down and out. After the poor mother remarried, she died of illness. 1 1 year-old author was cruelly kicked out of the house by his grandfather and went to the society to fend for himself. ...

Gorky truly described his miserable childhood, and I am glad for myself-I was not born in that era, did not suffer this kind of suffering, and did not lose my parents ... I am very happy because I had a wonderful childhood. I remember once, my mother bought more than 20 swimming tickets from others. At noon, my mother rode me back to my grandmother's house for dinner. After a while, my mother asked me to give these ten swimming tickets to my period. When I got to the menstrual home, I gave my menstruation conveniently and ran back to her grandmother's house in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, Menstruation called her mother, and Menstruation said, "Why are there so many swimming tickets missing?" My mother asked me, "I don't know, my daughter said she didn't take it." Menstruation asks strangely, "So now there are only five." My mother asked me many times, and my mother said, "I don't know." My mother comforted me and said, "Did you get it?" ? Why does menstruation disappear? "I cried and said," I didn't take it anyway, so forget it. "Later, I called her mother during menstruation and told her that her uncle took it. Later, my mother said I was sorry, and I saidno. My childhood was so full of joy and happiness. I should cherish what I have now. !

After reading the book Childhood, I was greatly inspired. The book tells us to persist in seeking knowledge, not afraid of difficulties, persevere and treat study and life with a positive attitude!

Reflections on Reading Sense and Sensibility

Jane Austen's first novel Sense and Sensibility was written with irony, but her writing skills were quite skillful. In every plot of the story, the characters are very real and delicate, which makes people sincerely sigh Jane Austen's insight into human nature. The plot revolves around the mate selection activities of the two heroines, revealing that marriage was the custom of women seeking economic security and improving their economic status in British capitalist society at that time. They valued family status regardless of their children's feelings and were mercenary. As the title of the book shows, the whole story focuses on the contradiction between reason and emotion.

Marianne is irrational and emotional; Mr. and Mrs. John dashwood are more rational than emotional; And Willoughby is very hypocritical emotionally. On the surface, he seems to be very emotional, but in fact he is ruthless and selfish. Jane Austen praises the characters who cherish feelings in her novels, although she sometimes satirizes those who lack wisdom. However, people who lack feelings and are only rational or hypocritical show extreme contempt. Jane Austen admires Eleanor most because she is both emotional and rational. Jane Austen's point of view on this issue is also expounded here, that is, we can't be without feelings and too rational. The heroines in the story all pursue equal exchanges and communication with men's thoughts and feelings, demand equal rights in social status, and insist on the freedom to choose a partner. This should be a rebellious act in Britain at that time.

Reason and emotion are like a double-edged sword. Sticking to reason may hurt feelings. If you take care of it, you may lose your mind again. It is of course the best to be able to handle emotions rationally and remain rational within a certain emotional range. This is the best way to use this double-edged sword. However, in real life, when faced with trade-offs, are you more rational than emotional? Or does emotion prevail over reason? Or, like Mr. Willoughby, emotional on the surface and selfish on the inside. So I hope that each of us can control our own reason and emotions instead of being enslaved by it.

Reflections on Reading Star Spring Water

The book Spring with Stars is my first contact. I am used to reading the vernacular. Reading poetry at once is a bit uncomfortable, but it has a different taste.

When I opened the book, the first introduction attracted me. When it comes to how Bing Xin wrote poetry, from childhood to adulthood, it fully embodies Bing Xin's talent in writing.

Her poems are mainly famous for maternal love, innocence and nature. From "Stars", "Childhood is the truth in dreams, the dream in reality, and the tearful smile when recalling." It is conceivable that Bing Xin's childhood was full of dreams and childish fantasies. "Little brother, ... a child in the depths of the soul." It also explains the indescribable deep friendship between Bing Xin and his brothers and sisters. These are Bing Xin's childlike longing and happiness.

Later, she went abroad to study, which has been going for many years. She described her thoughts with a pen and was eager to go home early. She fantasized about meeting her mother and then going home. She is very happy. But once there is no fantasy, then she will become more lost and disappointed. How can you miss home when you leave your hometown and your beloved mother? "The waves in my hometown! The waves you splashed once pounded my rock bit by bit, and now they pounded my heartstrings bit by bit. " The waves kept beating on the shore, and I was indifferent, but once I left my hometown, every drop of waves touched a string that was about to break, a string that was homesick. Indeed, only mothers are good in the world, maternal love is the greatest and maternal love is the purest.

Reflections on the fate of reading

A while ago, I bought a book in the Book City called "A Drop of Water Hides the Sea", which contains 300 classic philosophical stories. Now I'm going to taste a little story called fate.

"Destiny" is about the fate of two children, one is divined by a monk as the "number one scholar" and the other is a beggar. Twenty years later, the original champion became a beggar, but the beggar became a champion.

God said, "the talent I give to everyone accounts for one-third of his fate, and the rest depends on how he grasps it."

After reading this passage, I was very moved. Grasp, grasp the fate, what a simple sentence, but how many people really grasp their own destiny? Don't blame your own talent, let alone your own fate, because fate is in your own hands and can be changed at any time! As long as you like.

Thoughts on Reading Rose Review

I read this article in the story club a long time ago, and I liked it at that time. I have read it several times now, and I am even more impressed. Its name is Rose Review.

A few short sentences contain profound philosophy. Two sentences represent two different outlooks on life.

In the rose garden, there are twins and their mother. The twins' view of the rose garden is like this: "This is a terrible place! Because every flower has a thorn. " "This is a good place! Because there are flowers on every thorn. "

The reason is clear. Things will have different ideas from different angles. This rule can be used in any way. As long as you face everything with a positive and optimistic attitude, you will have the best ending! Try it if you don't believe me.

Interpretation of Anne in the Green House

1 1 year-old orphan Annie was mistakenly sent to a couple living in a green house. Because of Annie's cuteness, the couple took Annie in. So Anne in the green room went to school, and many irritating and ridiculous stories happened …

After reading this book, I don't like Annie again. She is lively, bold, lovely, intelligent and kind. Most importantly, she is imaginative and optimistic. In her eyes, everything is beautiful. She likes to talk, and she is always chattering. I wish I could make friends with her. I will never be lonely with her.

I hope to be a girl like Annie, a lovely girl. Because girls are cute not because they are beautiful, but because they are cute.

Thoughts on Reading A Farewell to Arms

A person who bid farewell to weapons is either a prisoner of the enemy or a prisoner of love. I am not bad at self-protection, but I am really a person who gives up self-protection. Just like the database of life, you can open all programs and read all files at any time without entering a password. The prisoner I'm talking about is a prisoner in this sense. When I put myself in the sun, I understand that I can't pretend anymore. The thought of hidden days is disturbing. When I realized the helplessness of resistance, how much time was irreversible and how many memories faded out of my heart. In the final analysis, the prisoner is an irresistible person, that is, he must have enough courage to give up hope and bear all the pressure of survival. Originally, in a personal space, he could immerse himself in his own fantasy and open virtual flowers from the dust. And a person who gives up self-protection can't even fool himself.

Thoughts on reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Tom, the hero of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is a naive, lively and naughty typical American teenager. He and Shaq, a wild boy, have done many wonderful things that make people laugh. For example, Tom was punished for painting the fence, but he actually played a trick, which not only made other children willing to work instead of him, but also automatically thanked him. Although he can't set an example for us, he resolutely stepped forward as a witness of justice and saved the innocent criminal-Muff Peter. Besides being naughty, he actually cracked a murder case with Shaq and became a little hero admired by everyone. It seems that Tom also has something to learn.

In fact, children's playfulness sometimes just reflects their innocence. This innocence is hard to find after childhood, and what can be found is only a little sweet memory that will be remembered occasionally. I believe that even if your childhood was bitter, you will be happy in retrospect. Who didn't do anything stupid as a child? The older you get, the more interesting you will find these stupid things.

People will grow up. When they grow up, your view of the world will be different. You are sensible and you are no longer naive. But people have to get better and better.

After reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, I really envy Tom for having such an interesting experience. This book makes people read it with relish, even forgetting to eat and sleep. I think The Adventures of Tom Sawyer might make you laugh when you are bored.

Thoughts on Reading Les Miserables

The world-famous masterpiece Les Miserables has a panoramic view of the changes of human nature in the desolate world, which makes me lament the subtlety of human nature. When Jean Valjean was released from prison, he was despised and despised as a prisoner. Social injustice and exclusion discouraged him from turning over a new leaf and doing good deeds. I believe people can change people. He was helpful, brave and fearless, won the love of the people and became a respected mayor. All this makes me both moved and happy. However, when I was happy, I fell into deep thinking. From the prisoner to the mayor, it is a world of difference, which is undoubtedly a great change in human nature. In the face of poverty and indifference, there will be two kinds of people: the first is humble people. Their ugly, selfish and greedy nature can no longer be hidden. In fact, in today's society, there are also some despicable people who do whatever it takes for immediate interests. For example, some people take bribes by virtue of their authority; People who take stimulants in order to get good results in major competitions; There are even cheating in exams ... any deliberate disguise will be seen through, and hypocrisy cannot exist forever. The other is a person who can always maintain a bright, kind and tolerant noble sentiment under any circumstances. I was once again shocked by the great power of human nature. May there be more bright messengers like bishops around us, and more people can join the team of helping others and being brave. Society needs such people, and the world needs such people. Only in this way can we create our life and create a kind, harmonious and bright world!

Thoughts on Reading Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels is a great satirical novel in the history of American literature. It is said that Voltaire, Byron, Gorky and Lu Xun also spoke highly of Swift's works. Every time I recall reading this famous book, I have a feeling of historical vicissitudes. Those days were really unsuccessful and a failure. It's only a dozen pages a day, and it's hard to lift your eyes. Suddenly, "the past is unbearable" comes from the heart!

The reason is that we live in different countries and inherit different cultures. We have known the past and history since we were young, but others have little contact with it. Without a certain level of knowledge, it is not surprising to read such works criticizing Mulberry in a specific period and environment. He satirized the characteristics of Britain at that time: "greed, partisanship, hypocrisy, treachery, cruelty, anger, madness, resentment, jealousy, lust, sinister and ambition." He satirically described the grotesque phenomenon of the inversion of man and beast: the horse became the carrier of reason, while man became a dirty, smelly, shit-covered, greedy and difficult animal. When he talks about human nature, he is willing to be enslaved by money, either extravagant or insatiable. After reading Gulliver's Travels, we can't help but look at ourselves to see if there are any shadows of these stubborn diseases in us.

There is a sentence that I think is classic: exaggerating the anger of the times and denouncing the disadvantages of the times through absurdity; Behind the hatred and pessimism, there should be a bitter feeling of worrying about the world.

I didn't expect those simple vernacular travel notes to have such profound connotations.

Thoughts on Reading The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea created a classic tough guy image. An old fisherman named Santiago in Cuba went fishing alone. After 48 days of nothing, he caught a huge marlin. This is a big fish that the old man has never seen or heard of. It is two feet longer than his boat. The fish was so strong that he dragged the boat for two whole days and nights. During these two days and nights, the old man experienced a difficult test that he had never experienced before, and finally stabbed the big fish to death and tied it to the bow. However, at this time, he met a shark, and the old man fought with the shark to the death. As a result, the marlin was eaten up by sharks, and the old man finally dragged home with only a bare fish skeleton.

Human nature is tenacious, and human beings have their own limits, but it is precisely because people like the old fisherman have repeatedly challenged and surpassed that this limit has been expanded again and again, and greater challenges have been placed in front of human beings again and again. In this sense, a hero like the old fisherman Santiago deserves our eternal respect no matter whether he succeeds or fails in challenging the limits. Because, what he brings us is the noblest confidence of mankind!

Life is an endless pursuit. Its road is long, difficult and full of bumps, but as long as he bravely meets the challenge with a confident heart, he will always be a real winner!

Reflections on Reading Resurrection

I recently watched Resurrection,/kloc-another masterpiece of lev tolstoy, a great Russian writer in the 9th century.

This book tells the story of Nekhludoff, a young aristocrat, who fell in love with Katyusha Maslova in his early years. After his military career, Nekhludoff's spirit was polluted, so that he later made an irreparable ugly act against Katyusha Maslova, abandoned her and led to her downfall. Many years later, the two men met in court as prisoners and jurors, and Nekhludoff's conscience as a juror was deeply condemned. In order to "atone", he began to "rescue" Maslova. On the way to this goal, Nekhludoff witnessed the pain of Russian peasants and the oppression of nobles. Finally, the "rescue" finally succeeded. So Nekhludoff decided to go to exile in Siberia with Katyusha Maslova. At this time, he felt mentally "have the answer".

After reading it, I still don't understand it. After a moment of meditation. I gradually understand that the spirit is the pillar of the body, and some people are still alive, but they are just walking dead. Be reviled. On the contrary, some people have been dead for hundreds of years, but even after tens of millions of years, his or her spirit is still alive and admired by the world.

Good and evil are often only between people's thoughts. This book gave me a strong shock and made me feel the terrible loss of nature and the brilliance and beauty of human nature. I hope more people can find their own nature, carry forward kindness, do more good deeds, make themselves more human and make the whole world full of love!

Thoughts on reading entomology

After reading Fabres's Insects, I was deeply shocked by them. There are many kinds of insects written in it; Dung beetles's "musical genius" cicada, fierce wasp, "sparkling" firefly and so on can make balls.

When I read "but at a considerable height, I still have to retreat." . As long as you are a little careless, you will lose all your efforts. Not only will the ball roll down, but you will also be dragged down ... sometimes it takes ten times or twenty times of persistent efforts to achieve the final success. "My heart is like being stabbed. Twenty times is not a big number, but what a challenge it is for a small beetle carrying a heavy ball to climb up a steep slope and climb up a place that is almost impossible to get up! Sometimes, you even put your life on the line.

What a little beetle worth learning! A little beetle knows the truth that "diligence+hard work = success". What about us? When the teacher assigned several difficult problems, the students were quite enthusiastic at first, and after a few minutes they lost patience. Although these questions are a bit difficult, they are not particularly difficult. Besides, someone can do it. Why can others do it and we can't? That's because we are too lazy and have no ambition. We only challenge simple topics, not difficult ones.

Thinking of this, I understand a profound truth: if a person only challenges those who are weaker than himself, he will always be weak.

Thoughts on Reading Who Moved My Cheese

Today, I read "Who Moved My Cheese" written by the famous American writer Spencer Johnson, which really benefited me a lot!

This story is very touching. The story tells the story of sniffing, flapping, humming and haw looking for cheese in the maze. Because the cheese disappeared inadvertently, they lost the source of survival, and then they made different reactions: sniffing, rushing to take immediate action to adapt to the change; Haw couldn't adapt to change at first, but after some ideological struggle, he joined the search for cheese. And hum? Its thinking has been fixed in the original state, and it still can't accept this change. At the end of the story, except Hem, the other three found the cheese they needed at Cheese Station N, but Hem refused to change and stayed at Cheese Station C forever. ...

In real life and study, I think "cheese" is more like the target we are looking for. We must constantly learn new knowledge, consolidate old knowledge, and be good at enriching ourselves with all kinds of knowledge in order to find a new "cheese" worth savoring.

"Cheese" is the capital of human existence, and a person can't live without it. If you are unwilling to give up the old "cheese" or pursue the new "cheese", life will lose its meaning and purpose.

We should use the "cheese" movement to change our attitude and way of life and get new happiness from it!

Thoughts on Reading Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist is a world famous book, which tells a touching story that happened in19th century.

Oliver twist, the protagonist in the book, is an orphan. He was born in a workhouse, and his mother died shortly after he was born. Later, he was sent back and forth as an object and was tortured until he finally met a kind old gentleman in Brownlow and took him in, and lived a good life from then on.

After reading this book, I can't calm down for a long time. Poor Oliver suffered too much in the loss of his loved ones. I really don't know what kind of will he has under his thin body, which can make him persist and make him struggle tenaciously in hunger, cold and loneliness and move towards a better life.

What moved me most was Oliver's experience of meeting a group of robbers. Olivier walked on the road for seven days and nights, hungry and tired. He met the thief Jack. Jack took Oliver to the den of thieves, and the thieves wanted to train Oliver to be a thief. But Oliver was tortured and wouldn't run away. When I read this, I felt admired in my heart. He is only 10 years old, about my age, but his strength, courage and sense of justice are hard to compare with us! Oliver suffered so much that he would rather wander than become a thief. His yearning for a better life is his strength.

Compared with Oliver, we live a happy life, but we are still not satisfied and often complain about life. In the process of pursuing my goal, I will give up when I encounter minor difficulties and lack willpower. At present, there are still many children in the world who are suffering greatly and are struggling with hunger, loneliness and cold. How they yearn for a better life. Can we turn a blind eye? We should cherish the existing learning conditions, study hard and make ourselves a useful person to society, so as to help these children and let them have a bright and beautiful life like us.

Reflections on Reading Gone with the Wind

I first came into contact with Scarlett in movies, and I was deeply moved by her beauty when I was young. Talking eyes, beautiful canopy skirt, the perfect goddess in my mind! Later, after reading this book, I really understand why she can stand at the forefront of the literary stage and why her beauty is so dazzling and never fades.

It is strength that makes her so beautiful.

Scarlett's mental journey of growing up has given me great enlightenment in life-bravely facing life, bravely challenging life, persevering and forging ahead. This will make a person mature and attractive.

Scarlett said, "I haven't shed tears for many years, because I am the kind of person who thinks crying is useless." The formation of Scarlett's charm has experienced hardships that ordinary people cannot imagine. Three failed marriages, the wound has not healed yet, and we have to bear the heavy burden of losing maternal love and beloved daughter. What's more sad is that I have to face the great changes in my family, from a well-fed young woman to a poor woman ... all this is as dark and horrible as the sky is falling, especially a soft woman.

I thought this terrible change would definitely touch the most fragile nerve of the protagonist Scarlett and make her never recover. However, this is for the weak woman to hold up a bright sky resolutely with a pair of arms that are not weak, and the image of a dashing and heroic woman is vividly on the paper. To tell the truth, only from this moment on, I have a real admiration for the protagonist Scarlett.

It is after experiencing so many merciless baptism of water and fire in life that the protagonist Scarlett is reborn in a sense and reshapes her image.

Life does not believe in tears, life only believes in sweat. No amount of tears can irrigate fertile soil, but it will only make it more barren. Hard sweat can not only irrigate fertile soil, but also make it more fertile.

I am a fifteen-year-old girl, dreaming that a caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly. After reading Gone with the Wind, I know that the most beautiful transformation can only be completed through the tempering of life.

Scarlett walks her life in a unique way, with unique charm and dazzling light. I was lucky enough to meet her with books. She told me that the most beautiful scenery actually lies in the difficult transformation.

I worked hard for this day.

Simple life

What is life? Each of us is happy for it, but also suffering for it, but what is it that has such great charm and makes people in the world so crazy?

Yes! What the hell is he? Some people have been looking for this all their lives and still don't know what it is until they die. In fact, I don't think it is necessary to explore its meaning. When you walk step by step until you die, that's life, that's your own life. If there really is a God, after your death, I will reward you to take a look at the traces you left in the world. At the moment you look back, what you see and hear is your life. There are seven rainbows, sad memories, vacant expressions, and ... Then, if someone really wants to know life thoroughly in his lifetime, please sit down, close his eyes quietly and let his heart calm down, think about black and white memories, think about what he hasn't done yet, and then use his limited life to realize it, oh! Suddenly found that life is a dream, that is, the road you have traveled, the things you have seen and the friends you have made for your dream. Maybe life is so simple, so happy and simple.

2。 Idle reading sycamore

I saw an article in my Chinese homework called Idle Reading the Indus River. The author wrote that the dense leaves of the buttonwood tree were taken away by the storm in the dark, and the rest were quite dry. It won't feel lonely, self-reproach and sad for the passage of time, it just goes with nature and does the opposite.

All kinds of natural changes are taking place around us every day: small drops of water follow the stream and rush to the rough sea; Some water drops disappear in the sun; The young goose follows the goose in the sky. Some young geese have left the flock and become the staple food of other birds; The grass stretches its waist and prospers with the grassland; Some died of natural and man-made disasters just after germination; Young trees blend into the big forest and grow into Tianzhu; Some grow into crooked melons and cracked dates; Some have lost their lives before they grow up; The same is true of human beings, some thrive, some die or become disabled.

Liu Wei was a smart, healthy and lively child when he was a child. 10 years old, he lost his arms because of an electric shock accident, and since then he has lost his ability to survive. The whole family was stunned. But he obeyed nature and fought against it. He said: "I have only two ways in my life, either to die quickly or to live wonderfully!" " He learned to swim at the age of 12, won the national swimming championship at the age of 14, learned to type with his feet at the age of 16, and taught himself the piano at the age of 19, so he was called the "brokeback pianist".

We should learn to obey nature and contend with it.