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What are the eight pieces in China Chess?

China's eight chess pieces are: Great Victory in the Western Expedition, Seven-Star Party, Wild Horse Running, Bringing into Korea, Nine Chains, Small Victory in the Eastern Expedition, Burning Camp, Canned Fried Wolf.

The breakdown is as follows:

1, A Chinese Odyssey (pictured):

The Journey to the West is a very popular ancient game in Jianghu, but because there are not many changes, Jianghu players have been exploring and trying to modify it. After 1953, Zheng, a black pawn, appeared in the Jianghu chess stalls in Shanghai, which spread widely and had great influence, and became one of the eight most famous chess games in Jianghu. People called it "the Great Western Expedition", and the original bureau was "the Small Western Expedition".

Of all the pieces in the Jianghu, The Journey to the West is the most profound and complicated one, and even the "Seven-Star Party", known as the king of the pieces, is far from the difficulty and change. It can be called the king of kings in the endgame.

2. Seven Star Party (pictured):

"Seven-Star Square" is the first of the four famous chess in ancient books widely circulated among the people since the Qing Dynasty. Almost all the famous chess books published in the Qing Dynasty have published this kind of game, but the name of the game is slightly different. In the chess arrangement, the "Seven Star Party" has a great influence and is widely spread, and is known as the "chess king".

This chess game is composed of seven players from each side, and the ending is mostly composed of seven players from both sides, so it is also known as "Seven Stars", "Seven Stars in Jianghu" and "Big Seven Stars".

"Seven Stars Party" is ingenious and full of pitfalls. At first glance, the red side seems to have a chance of winning. The "newborn calf" in front of the chess stall often falls into the trap of the decider because of its eagerness to win, so Jianghu artists often use this game as a magic weapon to make a living.

3. Mustang training ground (pictured):

The "Wild Horse Running Field" Bureau, also known as "Wild Horse Running Field", "Big Horse" and "Divide Horses by Guaranteeing", is called "Wild Horse" for short. One of the four famous bureaus of ancient genealogy. The chess situation is that after more than ten rounds of "Lien Chan", it has become a practical endgame for horses and chariots. The appearance of the illusion that the first party is easy to win often makes people mistakenly think that they can win the game and fall into a trap.

The theme of Wild Horse Running Field is the battle of horses and chariots. Because of its mysterious and changeable techniques, and the illusion that the red side can kill two cars and one horse in a row from the beginning, artists in the Jianghu are happy to decorate this chess game. This game has been modified by contemporary people, and the red roadside soldiers have been deleted. Its method is more mysterious and complicated than the original game, and it is possible to achieve a draw.

4. Bring into North Korea (pictured):

It is a very good arrangement to bring the ribbon into North Korea. It was first published in Bajiaozhuzhai in Qing Dynasty, and the bureau name was "Five Children Winning the Championship", but the methods were few and not perfect. Because the Red 3 Route Army must skillfully cross the river under the leadership of the red car to contain the black side in order to get a draw, it has always been called "bringing into the DPRK" among the people, or "bringing" for short. Also known as the "Long March Belt".

5, big nine ring (pictured)

The "Nine Rings" are a group of famous chess pieces in the Jianghu. Its main characteristics are interlocking, rigorous and dense, and many folk chess players use it as a magic weapon. Among the many popular "nine-link" river and lake arrangements, "nine-link" is the most abstruse, complex and influential, commonly known as "nine entering the Central Plains". It was improved by Zhou, Han and others in the 1960s.

The final deduction result of this game is that red wins first and black wins. Up to now, there are still many experts who are studying and improving hard, trying to find the way to win and sum up the red game.

6. Xiao Zhengdong (pictured)

The earliest bureau of this bureau was called "Cross-sea Expedition to the East", which was produced around 1870. Published on the woodcut of "Banana Window Yipin" printed by 1879, but there is no black roadside image, so red is easier to make peace.

Through the continuous evolution, summary and perfection of folk artists, and the black roadside image of 1, the attack power of the black side is enhanced, making it more difficult for the red side to make peace, thus making the game more profound and complicated. In the late Qing Dynasty, it was included in the manuscripts Bajiaozhuzhai and Jiyahu respectively, and the name of the game was changed to Xiaozhengdong.

7, burning camp (pictured)

"Burning Camp" is the most commonly used famous chess game in roadside stalls. This kind of game is very weak, the "hat" is deeply buried, and it is difficult for people who are not good at chess to see through it, and it is easy to be tempted by the illusion of quick victory, which is very suitable for the practical needs of Jianghu artists to make a living.

The game was created by China contemporary endgame master Yang Mingsheng from 65438 to 0959, and it has been widely welcomed by Jianghu artists since it came out. Later, in street combat, the variants of 1 soldier, 2 soldiers and 3 soldiers evolved, and the specific deduction methods were roughly the same.

8. Blow up two wolves (pictured)

This bureau is one of the four famous bureaus in ancient genealogy. It was first seen in Zhuxiangzhai Elephant Play Spectrum, which was named "Three Colors in Lantian". But it has a major defect that red can win. Later, it was improved by folk experts, and it was changed to today's situation in the late Qing Dynasty, which corrected the problem of winning the red victory and renamed it "Seven Levy Lines". This bureau can draw two black cars from both vertical and horizontal directions as soon as it is red, so it is called "cannon bombing two wolves" among the people.

Extended data

The Legend of the Origin of China Chess;

China chess originated in China. Dr Joseph Needham, a famous British scholar, clearly pointed out in China's History of Science and Culture that chess is also the creation of China people.

He analyzed in detail the relationship between China's ancient game-Liubo and astronomy, symbolism and mathematics. He said: "Only in China, the prevalence of Yin-Yang theory promoted the emergence of the embryonic form of chess, invented astronomical divination, and then developed into a game with military significance."

The word chess first appeared in the Warring States Period. "Chu Ci Evocation" made a special record of its shape and play: "There are six books in chess; Go hand in hand with the camp, and the road is forced; When you become a cockroach, you will seek it and you will be white. " In other words, jade (that is, castor) is equivalent to dice.

(that is, the cover) is the size of chess, with 6 * * * on each side; The way to compete is to divide Cao and advance together. (referring to two teams or two teams must fight), attack each other and force each other to death; Finally, the winner seeks victory. Defeated the enemy soldiers (five men in the military system in the Spring and Autumn Period) and gave a cheer of victory.

Han and Liu also recorded Zizhou's view in "Talking about the Garden Mountain": "The first step is the king of a thousand times ... Yan Dou Qi dances Zheng Nv." In other words, to persuade Meng, it is better to play chess and watch songs and dances, just like "Yan State". All these show that "chess" has become a routine activity during the Warring States period. So chess came into being before the Warring States Period.

With the changes of the times, while chess is becoming more and more perfect, it is also inseparable from the purpose of military war and the art of war. There are many ingenious tactical ideas and combinations of chess games that are familiar with Sun Tzu's Art of War.

In the ancient genealogical arrangements, such as Deep and Wide Seas, Plum Blossom Spectrum, Secrets in Oranges, and Suiting Elegant Interest, etc. Many arrangements are named after Sun Tzu's Art of War, Thirty-six Plans, Three Kingdoms allusions and war names, which are not only ingenious in conception, but also very consistent with the names of historical allusions.

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