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Introduction to Seven Books and Characters of Harry Potter

At the beginning of the story, the scene is lucius malfoy's home, Snape and yaxley, an official of the Ministry of Magic, and the date when Voldemort intends to leave the Dursleys' home. Voldemort borrowed the wand of Lucius (Draco Malfoy's father) because his own wand was not as powerful as Harry's. Voldemort intended to kill Harry on his way to a safe place, and Harry was over 17 years old at that time. Iaccore said that Harry would leave on the 30th, the birthday of 17, and Snape thought that Harry should leave a week earlier.

Snape was right. Harry is going to leave the Dursleys before his 17 birthday. That night, Harry read the obituary written by albus dumbledore's friend Erfi Yas "Dog Breathes" Dorje, and also read Dumbledore's family culture in the newspaper. It introduces Dumbledore's brother Aberforth and his sister Ariana, which makes Harry very sad. He regretted that he didn't have a chance to learn more about Dumbledore.

The Dursleys were safely sent away by two wizards, and then members of the Order of the Phoenix secretly sent Harry away. Although the six members of the Order of the Phoenix took polyjuice potion respectively and became Harry's appearance, they were released on the way with Hagrid, because Harry's habit was to use the disarming spell so as not to hurt others. Voldemort and the Death Eaters attacked Harry halfway, but Harry's wand still damaged Voldemort's wand. Unfortunately, Harry's owl Hedwig was killed. Harry finally joined the Order of the Phoenix in burrow. George weasly lost an ear by Snape on the way, and Mad-Eye Moody was killed by Voldemort. Harry is angry with Voldemort. Imagine Voldemort asking Ollivander, who made wands, why his wands can't beat Harry's.

A few days later, the Minister of Magic came to the Weasleys' home and brought Dumbledore's legacy to Harry, Ron and Hermione. For Ron, Dumbledore's lamp can absorb all the light. Hermione received a children's book written in ancient runes. Harry's is Godric Gryffindor's sword and Harry's first snitch. The minister of magic temporarily detained this sword. The three of them didn't understand why they were given these things, but Harry saw a sentence on his snitch, "I opened it at the end."

The next day, bill weasley and Fleur Delacour got married. Towards the end of the wedding, the news came that Voldemort had occupied the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron and Hermione went to the wedding. They first hid in a Muggle cafe, but the Death Eaters immediately caught up with them, so they moved to the Black family's old house, Grimau Square 12. This is when three people suddenly realize that Voldemort's box found in the lake says R.A.B It may be Guller, Sirius Black's brother. He tried to go back to the lake and destroy Voldemort's horcrux, but he died there. However, Kreacher, the little monster at home, was persuaded by three people and told them that mundungus fletcher had stolen the box from here. Fletcher was caught by Kreacher, who reluctantly admitted that he bribed dolores umbridge with a box to avoid being arrested.

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Squid floating on the water.

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second floor

After a month's investigation in the Ministry of Magic, the three men are going to sneak into the Ministry of Magic. They took the doppelganger's medicine, ambushed three staff members of the Ministry of Magic, and tried to steal the horcrux from Umbridge. After the three entered the Ministry of Magic, they found many changes, and wizards with Muggle ancestry were publicly interrogated. The original fountain disappeared and a statue was erected in that place. Two wizards, a man and a woman, were sitting on a pile of muggle bones. The three were separated in the crowd, but Umbridge was finally discovered when he asked Muggle descendants. These three men knocked Umbridge down and took the Horcruxes. The three released several wizards of Muggle descent and persuaded them to leave the country as soon as possible. However, Iaccore found that the three people lived in Grimau Square 12, so the three people had to flee to the countryside and were displaced all the way.

A few months later, the three overheard a conversation, saying that the Gryffindor sword of the Ministry of Magic was fake and really disappeared. Harry consulted the portrait of phineas. It turned out that Dumbledore used that sword to destroy a horcrux. Harry is going to look for the whereabouts of the real sword, but Ron objects that there is no point in finding it. Ron left the team after a big fight with Harry. Harry and Hermione were very depressed, but they decided to go to Godric's Valley. Maybe Dumbledore left the real sword there.

In Godric's Valley, they first visited the memorial site of Harry's family, and then went to the cemetery, where many Harry's family and Dumbledore's family were buried. At this time, they met an old woman, who was an old friend of Dumbledore's family and had written a book "The History of Magic". They thought that the old woman might know the whereabouts of the sword and went home with her. But who knows this is a trap? The old woman pretends to be a poisonous snake, Nagini. Fortunately, Harry and Hermione escaped Voldemort's pursuit here, but Harry's wand was broken, and Hermione tried to fix it with her own wand, but failed.

They hid there for another two days, and finally found the whereabouts of Gryffindor's sword under the guidance of a doe who appeared next to their residence. The sword sank under the frozen pool in the forest. Harry took off his coat and dived into the water to look for the sword, but Harry's horcrux always misled Harry and almost drowned him in the water. Fortunately, Ron came back, rescued Harry from the water and came out of the lake with a sword. Together, they destroyed Harry's horcrux with their swords. Hermione was not only happy to see Ron back, but also found the next task: to find xenophilius lovegood. Luna's father asked him for the meaning of the Grindelwald (Rock Forest) sign that appeared many times along the way.

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second floor[British English]; third floor[American English]

At lovegood's house, Harry, Ron and Hermione heard many stories of former wizards. For example, the three brothers defeated death, and everyone got a sacred object for it. These three "deathly Hallows", one is the invincible wand and the elder wand; One is a gem that can bring people back to life, resurrection stone; And an invisibility cloak. Harry was very excited because he believed that his cloak was that one. However, it didn't take long for the three of them to find out that Xenophilis had told the Ministry of Magic. His daughter luna was caught by the Ministry of Magic, so he thought that if Harry and others were handed over to the Ministry of Magic, his daughter might be released. For these three people, it was quite thrilling to escape from many wizards, but Harry was still very brave. He believes that Voldemort can be defeated by collecting three deathly Hallows.

For weeks, the three men still haven't found any deathly Hallows or Horcruxes. They came across a radio station talking about what was happening now, when Harry accidentally spit out the word "Voldemort". No one dares to mention Voldemort's name at all. Saying these three words will only bring disaster. Voldemort's men immediately found Harry, Ron and Hermione and took them to Malfoy's house. Hermione was brutally interrogated and tortured by bellatrix lestrange and asked how Gryffindor's sword got into Hermione's hands. Bellatrix thinks it was stolen from her, but it's not because what she has is actually forged. Harry and Ron were also imprisoned, along with dean thomas, Leprechaun Tab, Ollivander and Luna who made wands. Harry took out the fragments of the magic mirror and asked Dobby for help. Dobby came to save Dean and Ollivander, but Wormtail heard the sound and came back to check, and was subdued by Harry and Ron, but Wormtail never tried to kill Harry. Ron took off Wormtail's wand, tore off the prosthetic hand made by Voldemort and strangled Wormtail with it. Ron, Harry and Dobby rushed up the stairs to save Hermione. They ran away as fast as they could, without meeting Voldemort who came in a hurry. Unfortunately, Dobby was killed by Bella on the way to escape. Then several people came to the shell hut, the home of Bill and Furong.

Harry and his friends buried Dobby and made a new plan. Harry asked Ollivander about the Elder's Staff and decided not to stop Voldemort from looking for it in the grave of his former owner Dumbledore. Harry turned to ask TAB how to break into Gringotts Pavilion, and promised to give him the Gryffindor sword made by the elves as a reward. After detailed planning, several people set out for gringotts to see if there was a chance to find another Horcrux of Voldemort in Bella's grave. Hermione dressed up as Bella and Ron dressed up in disguise. Pull ring and Harry walked down the grave together in invisibility cloaks. They walked many times and finally found Voldemort's other horcrux, the Hopffer Cup. However, just as they were about to take the cup, they were discovered, and the pull ring grabbed the sword and ran away in a hurry. Harry, Ron and Hermione also narrowly escaped. But Voldemort finally knew that Harry was looking for his horcrux.

Shortly after his escape, Harry seemed to be back in the dreamland, and he could hear Voldemort's words when he saw his eyes. Voldemort said the exact location of all horcruxes, and Voldemort knew that Harry was looking for his horcruxes. Voldemort inadvertently mentioned that his last horcrux was still at Hogwarts School, and Harry suspected that it was attached to the relic left by Ravenclaw, the founder of the school. Harry thinks that if he wants to get horcruxes at Hogwarts, he should act immediately, because if Voldemort finds that other horcruxes are missing, he will definitely step up his guard.

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Fourth Floor

Harry, Hermione and Ron meet death eaters in the street of Hogsmeade, and Aberforth's wit saves them. Aberforth opened a tunnel to Hogwarts behind the portrait of his sister Ariane.

When Harry came to Hogwarts, he warned the administrator that Voldemort was acting in secret, and the junior students were evacuated for safety, while the senior students encouraged to stay and fight. Members of the Order of the Phoenix also gathered to help. Fred's estranged brother Percy is reunited with his family.

Harry, Hermione and Ron come to the room of requirement to look for Ravenclaw's crown. Marv and his two younger brothers, Goyle and Crabbe, are also looking there. Crabbe used the wrong spell to burn all the mess that the students had saved for centuries, and the crown was also burned. Harry and his friends flew away with the broom they found there. When they left, they rescued Draco Malfoy and Goyle from the fire, but they failed to find Crabbe in time and were burned to death in the fire. Ron and Hermione ran to the secret room and took the fangs of the strange snake. Only fangs can destroy horcruxes made in Hufflepuff cups.

When a wall exploded, Fred was burned to death, and Hagrid was also entangled in the crosshairs. After Harry enters the dreamland again, he, Ron and Hermione infer where Voldemort lives, so they come to the screaming hut. They saw Voldemort ordering Nagini the viper to get rid of Snape, and Voldemort thought it would transfer the magic of the Elder's Staff to him. On the deathbed of being bitten by a poisonous snake, Snape gave Harry Potter all his memories. Harry recalled Snape's memory in the pensieve. It turns out that Snape has always been on Dumbledore's side, and he has always loved Harry's mother Lily Evans. Dumbledore ordered Snape to commit suicide in an emergency, and the spell put on the ring with a horcrux has caused Dumbledore's life to last only one year. Harry also discovered that he was actually Voldemort's horcrux. As long as Harry lives, Voldemort can't be removed. Harry felt that life was meaningless for a while. Harry calls Neville to help Ron and Hermione kill Nagini the snake. At this time, Voldemort suggested that the two sides cease fire for an hour so that both sides could take care of the dead and wounded. If Harry doesn't show up automatically after an hour, Voldemort will continue to kill people. Harry wears an invisibility cloak and goes to the forest of death to face Voldemort. On the way, he saw the bodies of Remus Lubang and Tonks. Colin creevy was also killed there. He was a student who stayed to fight, and was only in the sixth grade. He walked to the edge of the forest of death and suddenly remembered the "ending" in the inscription of the Snitch, so Harry put the Snitch in his mouth and thought, "I'm going to die." Harry found that hidden in the snitch was the soul stone, one of the three sacred objects of death. So Harry called back the souls of his parents Sirius Black and Lu Bang, who floated on both sides of Harry to help and protect him.

After seeing Voldemort, Harry found that Hagrid had been taken hostage. Harry was knocked down by the spell of Abada Kedavra when he was born. When Harry woke up, it seemed that he was at King's Cross Station and saw the dead Dumbledore. I can't tell whether Harry is really dead or whether Dumbledore accidentally visited Harry in his dream. Harry found that this spell defeated the part of Voldemort's soul related to himself. In his dream, there is a dying life in the corner of the railway station, perhaps that little soul. He also found that Dumbledore had tried his best to find three sacred objects, but the reason was not so noble. Finally, the Dumbledore brothers and Grindelwald fought a duel, in which Ariane died of accidental injury. Now, only Harry is entitled to have three deathly Hallows. Harry also knows that his wand will defeat Voldemort because Harry's wand is enchanted by a transcendental spell. The next time I meet Voldemort, I will have the same reaction, whether he has his wand or not. Dumbledore asked Harry whether to "go together" or get rid of Voldemort alive, and he chose the latter.

In the forest, Voldemort ordered Hagrid to take Harry, who looked dead, back to Hogwarts School, which dampened morale. However, Neville bravely stood up and refused to join Voldemort's death eaters. As punishment, Voldemort cast a spell on Neville and put a hat on his head that was bound to catch fire. Just then, men, women and children from Hogsmeade rushed forward to fight Voldemort with the last guardians of Hogwarts. Harry took advantage of the chaos to give himself an invisibility cloak, and Neville also lifted the spell in time, pulled out Gryffindor's sword and cut off Najini's head, thus destroying Voldemort's last horcrux hidden in the snake. At the same time, the kitchen door suddenly opened, and a group of little monsters joined the battle under the guidance of Kreacher. Then Antonin Dolohov was killed by filius flitwick, and Bella was killed by Molly. Harry was born to protect Molly from Voldemort's revenge.

Harry is facing Voldemort in the hall. On the surface, Harry seems to have no advantage at all. After all, Voldemort has a staff of elders. But Harry guessed that the original owner of the Elder Staff was not Snape, but Malfoy. It was Malfoy who disarmed Dumbledore and knocked him down in a duel, while Snape only killed Dumbledore according to his wishes. However, it was Harry who relieved Malfoy from the Force, so the real power of the Elder's Staff should be in Harry's place. So when Voldemort cast a death spell on Harry with the staff of the elders, Harry just used his usual arm-removing spell to make the death spell bounce back on Voldemort. That's how Voldemort ended.

Harry stayed in Dumbledore's office with Ron and Hermione, and the portraits of the principals hanging on the wall praised Harry enthusiastically. Harry used the magic of the Elder's Staff to repair his wand, but the Elder's Staff did not keep it for himself but returned to Dumbledore's graveyard.