Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The origin of bird totem

The origin of bird totem

In primitive times, bird-shaped images were very common, not only among prehistoric humans in the Yellow River basin, but also in the original remains in the Yangtze River basin. In Hemudu Cultural Site, there are two birds carved with morning ivory, bird image teeth and round carved wooden birds, and even the bones for dining are engraved with two connected bird patterns. It can be seen that bird totem worship is a common phenomenon in primitive totem worship. Some clan bird names can also be found in ancient books. For example, tribes in Shao Hao include phoenix, black bird, blue bird and Dan bird. Among the ancient nationalities in southern China, the totem symbol of Yue people is mainly birds. According to ancient books, all kinds of foreigners living in Shandong and Jiangsu originally worshipped birds.

The origin of totem worship is often combined with the legend of clan origin. For example, Shang people worshipped the totem of mysterious birds, which is based on the legend that the ancestors of Shang people were related to mysterious birds. "Poetry? Ode to Shang Dynasty: "The mysterious bird of destiny was born in Shang Dynasty". Historical records? Yin Benji: "Yin Qi's mother's name is Judy, and she is the daughter of Princess Wa of Di Ku. ..... A threesome bath, see the bird lay its egg, Judy took it and swallowed it, because she had a promise. " Historical records? Qin Benji: "Qin used to be a descendant of Emperor Zhuan Xu and was taught by Sun Yue. Women weave, birds lay eggs, women swallow eggs and have children. "Therefore, according to the legend in ancient books that a woman swallowed a mysterious bird's egg and gave birth to the great cause of the ancestors of the Qin people, it was believed that the ancestors of the Qin people took the mysterious bird as a totem. Whether this understanding is accurate or not shows the close relationship between people and birds.

According to ethnographic materials, most modern minorities in China still have some cultural traces of bird totem worship. Nu, Miao, Manchu and North Korea all have bird totems, and birds are the myth of ancestors. In addition, Li, Lhoba and Hezhe also have bird totems. In the totem worship of Yi people, an eagle is hung on the door, which is considered to have the function of avoiding evil spirits.

Generally speaking, almost all bird totem worship has myths and legends about birds and human ancestors. Even if the animals they worship die, they must be buried in a fixed place like their relatives.

In some ancient national myths, historical records and religious customs in Taiwan Province Province, the worship of birds can still be seen to some extent. It is said that in distant ancient times, it was birds that brought fire to mankind. After the flood, it was birds that brought fire and saved mankind. Among the ancient nationalities in Taiwan Province Province, some people hung the wings of big birds on their shoulders, imitated the singing of birds, and thought it was the most beautiful decoration. There was also the custom of not eating birds, and they used the singing of birds to predict good or bad luck. It can be seen that in many ethnic groups in ancient China, the awareness of bird totem was quite strong, and rich bird totem culture was preserved.