Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is the poetry of Huangsha Road in Xijiang Moonlight?

What is the poetry of Huangsha Road in Xijiang Moonlight?

The Moon Walking Night on the West River in Huangsha Road is the work of Xin Qiji, a poet in the Song Dynasty.

Literal meaning of the full text:

The bright moonlight swept the branches, scaring the magpies away from them, and the cool evening breeze seemed to hear cicadas chirping in the distance. The smell of rice flowers and the sound of frogs in the field seem to tell people that this year is a bumper year.

A few stars flashed on the horizon, and it began to rain in front of the mountain. The old thatched cottage is still next to the Woods of the earth temple. When the road turns the source of the stream, it suddenly appears in front of you.

The full text is as follows:

The moon on the horizon rose to the top of the tree, scaring away the magpies perched on the branches. The cool evening breeze seems to have spread to cicadas in the distance.

In the fragrance of rice and flowers, people talk about the harvest of a year, and frogs croak in their ears, as if in a bumper harvest year. In the old days, Maodian was near the forest, and the road turned to the stream bridge.

Full text appreciation:

Judging from the first two sentences of Xijiang Yue, "The bright moon surprises the magpie, and the breeze crows at midnight", it seems to describe the extremely ordinary scenery such as wind, moon, cicada and magpie. But through the clever combination of the author, the result is unusual at ordinary times. The magpie is flying around the oblique and abrupt branches, not hovering over the ordinary tree heads. Because of the bright moonlight, the magpie was awakened; Magpies flying in fright will naturally cause other branches to shake. At the same time, cicadas have their own time to sing. The chirping at night is different from the neighing under the scorching sun. When the cool wind blows slowly, it is often very quiet. In short, the words "surprised magpie" and "singing cicada" contain the silence in the movement and describe the scenery under the "breeze" and "bright moon" in the middle of the night, which is leisurely and charming.

Next, "in the fragrance of rice and flowers, there is a bumper harvest, listening to the sound of frogs." People's attention shifted from the sky to the fields, indicating that the poet was not only infiltrated by the soft smell on the yellow sand road at night, but also paid attention to the fragrant rice flowers all over the village, and was associated with the upcoming harvest scene by the fragrant rice flowers. Here and now, the joy of the poet breathing with the people is beyond words. The "fragrance" of the rice flower fragrance is of course a description of the blooming of the rice flower fragrance and an expression of the sweet feeling in the poet's heart. In the poet's feeling, he heard frogs clamoring in unison in the rice fields and quarreling over the harvest. First, the content of "saying" is given, and then the source of "sound" is filled in, saying that frogs everywhere in the harvest year are the creation of poets.

The first four sentences simply describe the scenery of the mountain road and the poet's mood at that time, but the core is that summer night full of harvest years. Therefore, this is not so much a summer scene as the happiness that the current summer scene will bring to people.

At the beginning of Xiagan, the poet set a steep mountain peak and used antithesis to strengthen the stable tone. There are seven or eight stars in the sky, two or three before the rainy mountain. The "stars" here are sparse stars, and the "rain" is a slight shower, which is in line with the quiet night, quiet atmosphere and simple atmosphere in the upper city. In particular, a poem "Beyond the Horizon" and a poem "In front of the Mountain" were originally out of reach, but as soon as the pen turned and the bridge passed, the shadow of the Maodian near the village forest was unexpectedly displayed in front of people. Although the poet is familiar with the path on the Huangsha Road, he always forgets to cross the "outer sky" and the "front of the mountain", because he is obsessed with the sound of frogs pouring out the joy of the good years in front of him, and even the Maodian near the forest near the Shemiao is unaware of it. The former's "turning the road" and the latter's "suddenly enlightened" not only show the poet's sudden enlightenment and the joy of being close to his old house, but also express his ecstasy because he was immersed in the fragrance of rice flowers and even forgot the distance of the road. The two complement each other, which reflects the author's profound artistic foundation and is intriguing.