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Myths and legends of making people! ! !

Nu Wa made man:

Pangu created the world and made the sun, moon, stars, mountains and vegetation with his body. The polluted air remaining between heaven and earth has gradually turned into insects, fish, birds and beasts, adding vitality to this lifeless world. At this time, Nu Wa made a baby.

There is a goddess, Nu Wa, walking on this vast Yuan Ye. She looked around, the mountains were rolling, the rivers were running, the jungle was dense, the vegetation was in full bloom, birds were flying in the sky, animals were running on the ground, fish were playing in the water, and insects were jumping in the grass. It is said that the world is also beautifully decorated. But she always feels a kind of unspeakable loneliness. The more she watched it, the more bored she became, and her loneliness became stronger and stronger. Even she can't figure out why. Tell Shan Ye about her irritability, and Shan Ye can't understand her at all; Talk to insects, fish, birds and animals about your troubles. They can't understand her troubles. She sat slumped by the pond, staring at her own shadow in the pond. Suddenly a leaf fell into the pool, and a small ripple appeared on the still water, which made her shadow shake slightly. She suddenly felt that the knot in her heart was untied, yes! Why does she have that kind of unspeakable loneliness? It turns out that the world lacks a creature like her. Thinking of this, the goddess fills the sky.

Son, she immediately dug some dirt by the pool, filled it with water and pinched it according to her own shadow. She felt very happy. Pinch, pinch, pinch into a small thing, similar in appearance to Nu Wa, but also with five senses, two hands and two feet. After kneading, I put it on the ground and actually came back to life. When Nu Wa saw it, she was filled with joy, and then she squeezed a handful. She called these little things "people". These "people" were created in the image of God. Their heroic behavior was naturally different from other creatures. They were actually chirping like Nu Wa. They cheered around Nu Wa for a while and slowly separated. Nu Wa's lonely heart suddenly warmed up. She wanted to make the world lively and let the people created by herself be everywhere, so she kept working and pinched one after another. But after all, the world is too big. After working for a long time, her hands are numb, and the little people squeezed out are still rare on earth. She didn't think it would work, so she broke a vine from nearby, plunged into the mire and threw it on the ground with dirt. As a result, the little mud became a villain, which was similar to the shape made by hand and much faster. Nu Wa saw that Nu Wa made man.

The new method has worked, and the more it is sprinkled, the more energetic it is. There are people everywhere on the earth. Nu Wa created many people on the earth. Her heart was happy and her loneliness was swept away. She feels very tired, so she needs to have a rest, walk around and see how those people live. One day, she went to a place and saw that it was sparsely populated. This is very strange. She leaned over to examine it carefully. She saw many little people lying on the ground, motionless. She fiddled with her hand, but nothing happened. It turns out that this is the villain she used to be. By this time, her hair had turned white and she was dead. Nu Wa was secretly worried when she saw this situation. She thinks that she has worked hard to make people, but people are constantly aging and dying. At this rate, if there are always people in the world, why not keep making them? This is never the way. Therefore, Nu Wa divided human beings into men and women with reference to the law of all things in the world, so that human beings could cooperate with men and women to reproduce. Because man is a creature who imitates God and cannot be equal to animals, she established a marriage system to distinguish it from promiscuity between animals. Since then, the world has regarded Nu Wa as a "divine medium".

God made man: On the first day, God said, "Let there be light!" " "There is light. God separated light from darkness, calling light day and darkness night. So there was evening and there was morning.

The next day, God said, "There should be air to separate the water." God created the air and called it the sky.

On the third day, God said, "Let the water under the whole world gather in one place to expose the dry land."

In this way, water and dry land are separated. God calls dry land a continent, and the land where many waters gather is an ocean. God also commanded that grass and all kinds of flowering and seed-bearing vegetables should grow on the ground, and the trees and fruits bearing fruit should be covered with stones. The world was completed according to the word of God.

On the fourth day, God said, "Let there be a light body in the sky that can control day and night, mark, set festivals, days and years, and shine all over the earth." So God created a light body, divided them into different parts, and let the big one manage the day and the small one manage the night. God created countless stars. Embedding them in the sky.

On the fifth day, God said, "Let there be rich creatures in the water, birds in the air and birds on the ground." God made big fish and all kinds of creatures in the water, and made them according to their kinds; God also made all kinds of birds, and made them according to their kinds. God was very happy when he saw his creation, so he blessed him and made him flourish, spreading all over the branches of rivers, seas, lakes and empty valleys.

On the sixth day, God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures; Livestock, insects and wild animals are all of the same kind. " Therefore, God created these creatures and made them according to their kinds.

God saw that everything works together, and birth and death are continuous. He said, "I want to make people in my image and style, and let them manage the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the ground and all the insects crawling on the ground." God created man in his own image.

God wanted people to be the spirits of all things, so he blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and govern all things on the earth, as well as the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and all kinds of creatures on the earth." According to the Bible, human beings are the managers and dominators of this world.

On the seventh day, everything in heaven and earth was created, and God finished the creation. On this day, he rested and blessed the sixth day, making this day a special day, because he finished his creation and rested on that day. In this way, Sunday has become a rest day for mankind.

"The Creator has endowed all mysterious nature with grace here, and we can see the difference between Yin and Yang." God thus opened the HarmonyOS system and created everything in the universe.

Prometheus made man: Prometheus, the pioneer, came to earth in the sea under the blue sky. At that time, the ground was covered with flowers and weeds, and all kinds of animals were scattered all over the floor. Birds build nests in trees and sing in the air. It's just that there are no humans who rule the earth yet. Prometheus wants to awaken the seeds of human life buried in the soil and let them make the earth more vibrant. So he smiled and walked gently until he came to a river. He grabbed a mass of soil from the river bank, poured some water on it by hand, and turned it into mud with suitable hardness and hardness. Then, according to the image of God, he used the mud to squeeze out a person. The little clay figurine was very popular with him, so he was very happy to squeeze out many similar clay figurines. After rubbing, he looked at these lifeless bodies and fell into a long meditation. How can we bring them back to life? Prometheus is a god who is good at creation and invention. He absorbed good or evil characteristics from all kinds of animals, such as lion's bravery, dog's loyalty and intelligence, horse's diligence, eagle's foresight, bear's strength, pigeon's meekness, fox's cunning, rabbit's timidity and wolf's greed, and then integrated these characteristics and injected his own part into everyone's chest. In this way, they can move like animals However, they are only half-life, because they still lack the aura of the God who created them. Among the gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is a friend of Prometheus. She was surprised to see what Prometheus had done on Mount Olympus. When she found Prometheus looking at his creation at a loss, she hurried down from Olympus and blew the energetic breath of God into their mouths. Therefore, they gain wisdom and reason, which makes them become real people. This is how people are created. They got up from the ground and ran around like children, looking at trees, weeds, flowers and animals in surprise. Like children, I don't know how to think. They see these objects, but they don't know how to identify them. They hear the sound of running water and blowing wind, the howling of wild animals and the singing of birds, but they can't understand all this. They don't know how to use their hands and strength. They live in dark caves because they don't know how to make tools or how to build houses with fallen trees and stones. They don't know how to explain the movement of the stars, nor how to divide the four seasons according to the laws of nature and make use of them. They don't know how to farm and harvest. Like children, they need help with everything. Prometheus was very willing to help them. He acted as their teacher. They learned to count and write from him. Under his guidance, they observed the movements of the sun, the moon and the stars, built houses and cultivated fields with cows and horses. Through hard-working hands, they built sailing boats sailing on the sea. He showed them the underground treasure, and they found gold, silver, copper and iron. According to his guidance, they tried to make all kinds of drugs, using oil and wine to treat diseases and wounds. Finally, Prometheus also taught human beings to predict the future and interpret dreams, and divined according to the flight of birds and the internal organs of animals. In short, he taught them everything that is useful to human beings and can make them satisfied and happy. People also thanked him and rewarded him with love and loyalty.