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Ming dynasty figures

Zhu Yuanzhang

Zhu Yuanzhang, (1328 ~ 1398) Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. That is, Ming Taizu. Young name eight, also known as Xingzong, the word Guogong. Zhou Hao Li Zhong (now Fengyangdong, Anhui) was born. He was born in poverty and became a monk in Huang Jue Temple when he was a teenager. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Guo Zixing, a member of the Red Scarf Army, rebelled against the Yuan Dynasty, claiming that Wu Guogong was "later called the King of Wu", destroying Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng, sending troops to the Northern Expedition and attacking Yanjing. I have been an emperor for 15 years. Year number Hongwu. Culturally, it advocates Confucianism and respects Confucius as a saint. On Confucianism as "Good View of Governing the Country". Wanzhong's collection of books ordered his subordinates to ask for books during the war. In the 28th year of Yuan Dynasty (1368), he moved to the Northern Expedition and ordered Xu Da, a general, to go to Beijing to accept the imperial collection of Yuan Dynasty and transport it to Nanjing. In the first year of Hongwu (1368), the imperial edict collected folk books and built "Dabentang" as a library. Hongwu ten years (1378), and ordered "a company to visit this year's book and hide it in the inner government for reference". And "every time there is nothing in the palace, we must learn from Confucius' view of words" in order to achieve the ruling purpose of "governing the country first by teaching". Gao Di died and the temple was named Taizu.

Liu Bowen (1311-kloc-0/375), whose real name is Liu Ji, is a blog post. Liu Bowen was exceptionally clever and gifted from an early age. Influenced by his family, he has been studious and understanding since childhood. He likes reading books and is very familiar with Confucian classics and books of a hundred schools of thought contend. Especially for astronomy, geography, the art of war, and the number of tricks, I have devoted myself to research and accumulated a lot of experience. He has a good memory. He reads from line to line. And the writing is wonderful, and the articles written are also extraordinary. /kloc-when he was 0/4 years old, he went to counties to study Chunqiu. /kloc-at the age of 0/7, he studied Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties with Zheng Fuchu, a famous scholar in counties and counties, and actively prepared for the imperial examination. With natural endowments and acquired efforts, young Liu Bowen quickly stood out in the local area, became a great talent and celebrity in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and began to attract the attention of the world. His teacher, Zheng Fuchu, once said to Liu Bowen's grandfather, "This child will definitely shine at your door one day and revitalize the Liu family!" Zhao, a famous scholar in West Shu, ranked Liu Bowen as the first when commenting on Jiang Zuo's characters, and compared him with him, saying that Liu Bowen will become a great tool to save time one day.

Liu Bowen is really the best among people. In the first year of Tong Yuan (1339), he entered the official career and began his wonderful performance on the historical stage of China.

At first, Liu Bowen hoped to work for the Yuan government and realize his great ambition by being an official. Shortly after entering Jinshi, he was appointed as Cheng of Gaoan County, Jiangxi Province, and later served as Marshal House. However, his suggestions are often not adopted by the court, and his talents are suppressed by the court. Liu Bowen was very disappointed. He resigned angrily for three times and returned to his hometown Qingtian to live in seclusion.

During his seclusion in Qingtian, Liu Bowen devoted himself to writing. He summed up his thoughts and opinions on society and life, and created the famous Yu Lun. At this time, the situation of the whole country has undergone fundamental changes. Anti-Yuan uprisings are surging all over the country, and the rule of the Yuan Dynasty is crumbling, but the anti-Yuan rebels are at odds. Liu Bowen observed the situation in the world, and after some analysis, he thought that among many uprising troops, Ming Taizu, a civilian, had the most true spirit of the son of heaven, and a Red Scarf Army led by him was the team that overthrew the Yuan Dynasty and established a new country.

In A.D. 1360, Ming Taizu, commander-in-chief of the Rebel Army, twice invited Liu Bowen, who lived in seclusion in Qingtian. After careful consideration, Liu Bowen finally decided to send troops to help, hoping to realize his grand ambition of governing the country and leveling the world by helping Zhu Lai. Similar to Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong Dui", when Liu Bowen first met Zhu, he put forward "eighteen strategies for current affairs". When Ming Taizu saw Liu Bowen, he was overjoyed. From then on, he regarded Liu Bowen as his confidant and strategist.

After Liu Bowen came out of the mountain, he faithfully served the Zhu regime and actively made suggestions. He formulated the strategic policy of "destroying Chen Youliang first, then Zhang Shicheng, and then moving northward to the Central Plains to unify the whole country" for the Zhu family. And Ming Taizu has received assistance from Liu Bowen, which is even worse. He basically acted according to the strategy and tactics set by Liu Bowen. First, he defeated Chen Youliang by luring the enemy, and then he fought Chen in Poyang Lake in 1363, completely destroying his power. In the second year, Zhang Shicheng's power was eliminated as planned. Then, Ming Taizu sent troops north to attack Beijing, the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and prepared to claim the title of emperor in the south.

In A.D. 1368, Ming Taizu ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Nanjing, and formally established the Ming Dynasty, renamed as "Hongwu". As one of the founding fathers, Liu Ji made great contributions to Zhu's final pacification of the world and the establishment of the dynasty, and was appointed as an imperial envoy. In recognition of Liu Bowen's special contribution and great achievements, Ming Taizu also issued a letter to exempt Liu Bowen's hometown of qingtian county from taxes. This is the only county in Chuzhou that does not increase taxes. Soon after, Liu Bowen's grandfather and father were made Duke of Yongxi.

In the third year of Hongwu (1370), Liu Bowen was appointed as a bachelor of Hong Wen Pavilion and was taken care of by Dr. Zi Shan, the founding minister.

The title of "Army" was given to Chengbo and Shilu 24 1 Stone. At this time, Liu Bowen's own career and the development of the Liu family in Qingtian were in full swing, reaching the most brilliant heyday.

As a generation of strategist and wise man, Liu Bowen knew that he hated evil at ordinary times and offended many colleagues and dignitaries. At the same time, he knows the truth that "a companion is like a tiger". Therefore, after his success, he resolutely chose to retire from the torrent. Hongwu four years (137 1), voluntarily resigned from all posts, retired to his hometown, and returned to Qingtian for seclusion.

Liu Bowen lived in seclusion in Qingtian for two years, hoping to stay away from the dispute between right and wrong. However, his wisdom and talent are too high and his reputation is too great. He was even rendered immortal by folk people, and could not avoid the jealousy of his political opponents and the suspicion of the emperor. In the sixth year of Hongwu (1373), Liu Bowen's political opponent Hu became the left prime minister, instructing others to falsely accuse Liu Bowen, saying that he would occupy a piece of "Wang Dao" land called "Yang Ming" as his grave, with no good intentions. Ming Taizu, who has been uneasy about Liu Bowen for a long time, was indeed deprived of Liu Bowen's seal after hearing this false accusation. Liu Bowen was so scared that he went to Nanjing to apologize to Ming Taizu himself and stayed in Nanjing, afraid to come back. Later, when Hu was promoted to the right prime minister, Liu Bowen became more worried and finally got sick.

In the eighth year of Hongwu (1375), Liu Bowen, who was ill, was escorted home by an envoy sent by Zhu Yuanzhang, and soon died of grief at home at the age of 65. Later, it was named "Wencheng". When Liu Bowen was in Nanking, Hu sent a doctor to treat Liu Bowen, but Liu Bowen's condition got worse after taking the medicine. Therefore, people suspected that Liu Bowen was poisoned by Hu at that time.

Liu Bowen is not only a master of strategy, but also a famous scholar and scholar. He has many works, including Residual Ion (10) and Selected Works of Chengbo (20). One of them is. Yu Lun occupies an important position in the history of China's thought and literature.

Liu Bowen was buried in Xiashan, Wuyang, Qingtian after his death. It is said that before he died, Liu Bowen predicted that Hu would fail and then be rehabilitated. He also left a secret letter for his son to play again when Ming Taizu remembered himself in the future. Five years later, it really collapsed. After another 10 year, Liu Bowen was indeed rehabilitated. Ming Taizu also gave the Liu family a principal book and an iron coupon, which saved the Liu family members from capital punishment.

Qi Jiguang (1528- 1587), born in Penglai, Shandong Province, was later named Nantang and Zhu Meng. Born in the door. /kloc-at the age of 0/7, he inherited his father's business and served as the director of Deng Zhouwei (now Penglai County, Shandong Province); All commanders are in charge of affairs and prepare for the enemy in Shandong. Later, he was promoted to company commander because of his meritorious service in resisting Japan in Zhejiang and Fujian. He fought in the south and the north all his life and made great achievements. He was a famous anti-Japanese soldier and strategist in Ming Dynasty. He is the author of New Book of Discipline, Practical Discipline of Training, Introduction to Garrison and Stop-and-Stop Class Collection.

Qi Jiguang's ancestors were all generals of the Ming Dynasty, and they were hereditary generals in the state. His father, Qi Jingtong, was familiar with the art of war and martial arts, and was strict in running the army. He served as commander in chief. Qi Jiguang grew up in Jiangmen and was influenced by good family education and military life. He has long been loyal to defending the country. After he was appointed as the commander of Deng Zhouwei, he followed the example of his grandparents, was "careful and brave" and was determined to contribute to the defense of coastal areas. In the twenty-seventh year of Jiajing (1548), in the Ming Dynasty, Jizhou (now Jixian County, Tianjin, then referring to the line from Shanhaiguan to Juyongguan) was listed as a border town, and Shandong and Henan sent officers and men to defend it. For five years in a row, Qi Jiguang led troops to this area for a period of time every year. During this period, he wrote to Mingting twice to present the enemy's situation.

In the thirty-second year of Jiajing (1553), Qi Jiguang was promoted to be the commander-in-chief of the capital, and was in charge of the military affairs against the Japanese invaders in Shandong, and was in charge of 24 health clinics in 3 battalions. The defense line extends from the junction of Jiangsu and Shandong to the northern end of Shandong Peninsula. The sea defense line is so long that the garrison power is limited. How to fortify? Qi Jiguang used his head and came up with a good plan. Through talking with local officials, people, especially fishermen, he learned that March, April, May and September of 10 were the most rampant months for Japanese activities, and he also learned about the general climate and wind direction in these months, as well as the places where ships might dock. Find out the law of enemy activities, and then focus on fortification according to time and place. At the same time, we should rectify health care centers, strengthen training, and improve combat effectiveness with strict discipline. Therefore, the coastal defense of Shandong Province has been consolidated, and pirates dare not disturb it.

In the thirty-fourth year of Jiajing (1555), the Japanese army invaded Zhejiang seriously. Qi Jiguang was transferred to Zhejiang as a general, guarding Ningbo, Shaoxing and Taizhou and leading the army to resist the Japanese aggressors. Seeing the poor quality of the old army, they said that "the soldiers were unrestrained, Serenade practiced, the soldiers were not attached, and they didn't know the military orders", and the war was ineffective. He suggested to his superiors to "recruit new soldiers and train themselves", and then went to Yiwu to recruit more than 3,000 farmers and miners to form a new army called "Qi Jiajun". After strict training, this army has become a team familiar with military discipline and rules, skilled in weapons and capable of fighting tough battles. According to the characteristics of the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, Ji Guang also reformed the queue system and created the mandarin duck array method, which made the long and short weapons cooperate with each other, covered with firearms and bows and arrows, and played a great threat in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. In the 40th year of Jiajing (156 1), in May, the enemy assembled hundreds of ships with more than 10,000 people and invaded Ninghai, Fenghua, Tao Zhu and other coastal counties in Zhejiang in an attempt to capture Taizhou Fucheng. Qi Jiguang led the Qigujun, adopted flexible strategies and tactics, and used sneak attack, ambush, fast break and other methods to confuse the enemy. More than 6,000 people were wiped out in this battle, and the Japanese invaders suffered a devastating blow. The following year, the Japanese invaders invaded Fujian on a large scale, and coastal towns were poisoned by the Japanese pirates. Qi Jiguang led an army to rescue the enemy's lair in Heng (now the sea area outside Ningde City, Fujian Province) and won the first battle. Subsequently, they launched a series of offensives, wiped out many enemy strongholds, killed countless enemies and repelled the enemy's attacks. The following year, the enemy regrouped and plundered the border town. Qi Jiguang once again aided Fujian, and together with the Governor Tan Lun, the company commanders Yu and Guangdong, he put down the enemy along the coast of Fujian and Guangdong.

In the first year of Jian 'an (1567), Qi Jiguang was transferred to the north to guard Jizhou. In the town of 16, there are many creations about training and managing weapons and array plans. Edge repair, strict management, military capacity is the highest of all parties. Due to the stable equipment and excellent troops, Tatars dare not attack easily. During the Wanli period, Mongolian tribes harassed the border town three times and were defeated. After Zhang's death, Qi Jiguang was excluded and sent to Guangdong. In the 13th year of Wanli (1585), he abdicated due to illness and died two years later.

Qi Jiguang was an outstanding patriotic general and national hero, who made immortal contributions to defending the frontier areas against Japan, suppressing chaos and stabilizing the people's hearts in the Ming Dynasty. In a poem entitled "Work at once", he wrote: "The north and the south drive to report the main feelings, and the river lace laughs all his life; 360 days a year, mostly with a horizontal knife. " This poem is a true portrayal of his military life.