Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Watercolor hand-painted kongxing manicure

Watercolor hand-painted kongxing manicure

Watercolor hand-painted starry sky manicure?


1. After the primer, paint P029 and the color mixed with the primer on the nail surface to make the oblique shading lamp.

2. After the color illumination is superimposed again, it is illuminated after blooming, and the cat light is sucked out by the SPAR cat's eye.

3. Brush the smudge glue to take T066 ivory diagonal smudge, and the edge gently brings out the texture light.

4. Frosted sealed lamp

5. Draw irregular texture on the nail surface with colored white water, and then dry it.

6. After lighting the lamp with reinforced rubber interlayer, take a point from H062 and drag it out like a star with a drawing pen. After lighting the lamp, the washless sealing layer is completed.