Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - My Brazilian tortoise shell is three centimeters long. How to raise a man and a woman?

My Brazilian tortoise shell is three centimeters long. How to raise a man and a woman?

If the landlord wants these two little Brazilian turtles to eat, he needs to master some skills and adjust the environment. Brazilian turtle is a standard water turtle, which is very aquatic. Be sure to eat it in water, or you can't swallow it. This is a feeding mistake that beginners love to make. Feed when the water level is shallow or submerged, even before it passes. Brazilian turtles can't eat like that. The lowest water level should be submerged several times, at least at 10- 15cm. Water temperature is the biggest factor to determine whether it has appetite, eating and activity ~! !

Personally, I also keep turtles such as tortoise, Brazilian tortoise and yellow ear. Please look at them carefully. There are many words, but they are all original experience summaries and have not been reproduced ~! When the feeding method and environment are suitable, your turtle will start eating.

The refusal to eat of soft-shelled turtle after buying and the incorrect feeding level lead to its refusal to eat, which is also the most common problem in novice feeding. Coupled with various rumors on the Internet, many people have fallen into the wrong way of feeding. At first, many people will put the water level very low, because they are afraid that the turtle will drown or drown ~ this is very common. This is an easy mistake to make before you know the Brazilian tortoise. Read some authoritative books or see the water level of a Brazilian turtle living in the natural environment, or even in an artificial farm, this idea will disappear. Brazilian turtle is a standard aquatic turtle. Moreover, among water turtles, it is highly aquatic, and the wrong low water level makes it unable to eat.

If you buy a turtle and don't feed it in the water every day, or the water level is very shallow, it's all wet. Without the necessary conditions of water temperature and water level, the Brazilian tortoise will never eat, because it can't eat without eating in the water ~! Only a few semi-water turtles and tortoises can eat on land, and Brazilian turtles can't eat and swallow food normally without water ~! The water temperature determines whether it eats or not.

Daily rearing and feeding of baby turtles. The water temperature of 22-25 degrees is the most suitable, and it feels neither too cold nor too hot, just like boiling water in summer, the water temperature when swimming ~! The water temperature at this temperature is very suitable for turtles' daily activities and eating. It's long summer now, and the water temperature will not be lower than this index ~! Because the water at 25 degrees feels very cold ~! Just a little better than tap water ~! It won't be cold ~

It is forbidden to feed and wash turtles with warm water, hot water or extremely cold water, which will cause pneumonia, stress reaction and other diseases, and the temperature difference will kill the turtles. Change the water every day and scrub the feeding container carefully ~! Ensure the cleanliness of water quality. Also note that it should be equal to the previous water temperature, and there should be no temperature difference, otherwise it will get sick.

The landlord does not have to worry about the water level. Brazilian turtles are naturally aquatic, and both young and adult turtles can swim in rivers and lakes. The Mississippi River, the hometown of Brazilian tortoises, is the fourth largest river in the world. ! For its water-based, as turtles and other turtles ~! Not to mention artificially raising the water level. But if you are shallow. I just finished, but I haven't finished yet. Now the water level is too shallow, which is shallower than raising half-ze turtles. From the feeding environment, such a wrong environment, such as shallow feeding water level, will lead it to refuse to eat, slow down its activities and lose its appetite.

Some people have just raised a Brazilian turtle, and they don't know its habits, or even that it must be in the water to eat. It is the common sense of aquatic turtles. Make the water level lower than a small pond, which has just passed through it, and the lowest has not yet passed through it. The reason is very simple, that is, I am afraid it will drown. This is the most common mistake that beginners make before they know that the Brazilian tortoise is the basic common sense of the water turtle family. When it is known that it is the water turtle family, naturally this kind of worry is gone.

The water quality in Brazil is better than that of Chinese grass turtles and flower turtles in our country, and it is more suitable for living in rivers. Its original natural habitat is the Mississippi River. The fourth largest river in the world ~ Unless it is suffocated by human factors, it is very unrealistic to suffocate the Brazilian tortoise at this artificially raised water level. It is very wrong to have a very low water level, which is not only against its habit. In this way, the Brazilian tortoise not only can't swim, but also easily gets sick. The water level is too low and the volume is too small. It usually eats and drinks Lazar in water. Bacteria will multiply and get sick easily.

Feeding fresh fry, shrimp, live shrimp and live breadworm are the most suitable foods for soft-shelled turtles, who like to eat them very much. Cut the small fish into small pieces and put them in with toothpicks to feed ~! Or put it in water and let it eat in front of it. For some turtles, it doesn't eat the whole fish directly in the water, but needs to be cut into several sections ~! The same is true for shrimp. Peel off the head and tail of the shrimp, cut it into small pieces, put it in water or feed it. Try not to feed turtles with the meat of domestic animals such as pig lean meat. There are many parasites in it and it is easy to get sick. There are also many shellfish parasites such as snails, and food parasites are very harmful to soft-shelled turtles.

Don't feed livestock (cattle, sheep, pigs and animal liver viscera food) and poultry (chickens and ducks) to the Brazilian tortoise, which are very harmful to the Brazilian tortoise and will cause intestinal infection ~ aquatic fresh fish and shrimp meat are the most suitable ~! Remember not to eat any cooked meat and salty food ~!

The temperature of water temperature is the most critical reason that affects the turtle's eating ~! Turtles are stubborn. If the water temperature can't reach the feeding standard, it won't eat even if it starved to death! This is the physiological characteristic of all turtles. So there is no fixed food intake, according to the changes of temperature and physical condition. Try to feed it well.

Usually, we should give priority to fresh fish and shrimp food. Like cooked meat and ham sausage, you must never eat it indiscriminately ~! Be sure to pay attention to some necessary knowledge ~! First, don't feed the tortoise salty food, such as salty shrimp, dried fish sausage and so on ~! ! After sodium chloride (salt) is ingested, it will cause edema and renal function damage. Turtle should definitely avoid salt intake ~! It's a little salty ~! Similarly, the cooked food we usually eat, such as fried meat, rice and steamed bread, is not suitable for turtles. Keeping a turtle is different from keeping a cat or a dog. It cannot adapt to what people eat every day.

The Brazilian tortoise should be kept in the water every day, and a floating platform should be set up to let it climb ashore to rest, instead of soaking in the water all the time. When it wants to come up, it will go ashore to bask in its back without manual manipulation.

Usually, the turtle must be raised with clear water, and the feeding container must be disinfected and cleaned and changed in water on time, otherwise it will cause various diseases. It is very important to ensure clean water quality and prevent various diseases.

Under the premise of normal water, no food residue and no excrement, change the water on time every day ~! And carefully scrub the feeding container ~! Especially this season, it is a period of high incidence of diseases, water quality problems, and water should be changed every day.

After eating, there are leftovers in the excreted water and feces. Clean it up in time and change the water ~! In summer, turtles sometimes excrete 2-3 times a day. Change the water immediately after discovery, and brush the feeding container. Can't be lazy. Otherwise, you will definitely get sick if you soak in dung. Even if it is not reflected at that time, it will happen after a long time. Water quality hygiene is the basis of preventing the recurrence and occurrence of diseases.

Landlord, two years before you bought the tortoise, after the temperature dropped, the tortoise could not survive the winter smoothly, and it was easy to kill him. Therefore, in the winter when the weather is not very warm, if the water temperature cannot be guaranteed, the special heating rod for aquarium is a common necessary tool for raising small turtles, and it is also a necessary tool for wintering and after the temperature drops. It's completely different from a heating rod for boiling water. There are both flower and bird markets and aquarium markets. It is easy to find. The hot and cold water temperature is the most unfavorable to soft-shelled turtle, and it is very easy to get sick. However, you don't have to worry about the heating rod. When the heating rod is not used, it will start to cut off power, and the effect of constant temperature will not be achieved. Just leave the power on. When it reaches the temperature, it will automatically turn off the power, and when it reaches the specified temperature, it will automatically start to turn on the power for heating. Must be completely immersed in water, in the deep water area, so as to ensure the temperature control and safe use of the heating rod. In the future, the body length will be about 15cm when it grows up. Eat strong, it's cold in winter, and you can hibernate. If the house has heating, forget it. Don't take it outdoors either, or you'll freeze to death.

Brazilian tortoises need to hibernate in water. Humid environment is very important, so you can't hibernate dry. Winter is very dry, the humidity is not suitable, it is easy to dehydrate and die, which is very costly to the body. Hibernate in water, which is also their way in the natural environment, instead of hibernating on land. There may be some shit at first, and it needs to be replaced immediately after it is found. Pay attention to the temperature difference of water and keep it constant, otherwise it will break its hibernation environment. Then change the water every 1-2 weeks to ensure that the water quality is sanitary and clean during hibernation and will not get sick.

Real hibernation if the room has heating, it won't work. Although it seems to hibernate with eyes closed, it is actually not a real hibernation state, but a shallow sleep state caused by a dry environment. It is essentially different from hibernation.

May the tortoise of the landlord grow up healthily ~!