Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is it true that Tik Tok Abao jewelry closed down?

Is it true that Tik Tok Abao jewelry closed down?

Tik Tok Po's secret jewels are real.

Because Tik Tok's jewelry is not real at all, it is not uncommon to find script goods with shocking prices in live broadcast rooms such as gold jewelry. In this way, the anchor with goods tries to enhance the stunt with goods in the live broadcast room to satisfy the pleasure of consumers. Po He participated in the "second kill" activity under the guidance of the anchor. Unexpectedly, after receiving the goods, he found that the so-called gold necklace was only 2.48g, and he regretted suing the merchants for defending their rights on the grounds of merchant fraud. Shopping on the spot is risky. Remind consumers to pay attention to the following points when buying goods in the live broadcast room:

1, choose a formal platform, and the transaction is guaranteed.

Choose a formal and legal live broadcast platform, and choose a merchant with high credibility and full qualifications to place an order on the platform link. Some anchors will induce consumers to transfer payment transactions directly outside the platform through WeChat payment and Alipay, thus bypassing platform supervision. Once there is a dispute between the two parties, the cost of consumer rights protection will be high.

2, rational shopping, living within our means.

The common marketing method of live broadcast with goods is to use the urgency of time node to exaggerate the preferential price difference and render the anxiety atmosphere. In addition, live interaction intensifies the psychology of blindly following the trend, which is easy to cause consumers to stimulate impulsive consumption. Therefore, consumers are advised to determine the shopping list first to avoid impulse consumption to buy unnecessary goods.