Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The background story of Silvermoon City

The background story of Silvermoon City

silvermoon,gem of the north

In the third war, Arthas, the prince who defected from Lordaeron, led the undead army to trample on the rich land here, destroyed the whole kingdom of Quel 'Salas, defiled the well of the sun, and revived Kel 'Thuzad, the lich. The surviving high elves lost the protection of the sun well, became irritable, lost their extraordinary vitality, and changed their names to blood elves. After returning to the alliance, he was excluded and treated unfairly, and finally switched to the tribe.

Now Silver Moon City has been rebuilt on the east side of the plague mark on the original ruins, becoming the new home of the blood elves. Its area is half of its original size, but it is undeniable that it is still the largest and most beautiful main city in Azeroth, where Narumulu was once imprisoned in the basement. (In the plot of 2.4, Muru was kidnapped by the betrayed Prince Kael'thas to Sunwell Heights, and was corroded into a dark Lu Na by Kilgardan, and became a BOSS of Sunwell Heights. The power of its degenerate light made it easy to step on Nihilom Guild in Illidan. )

The New Blood Knight Organization consists of priests who deviate from the path of light and knights who enslave the power of light. When Kael'thas raided Silvermoon City and robbed Muru and Anweina, the incarnations of Sunwell, Blood Knight people realized their mistakes and converted to the Holy Light again.

Here, most people are looking forward to the return of the eldest prince and the national rejuvenation. However, Prince Kael'thas defected to the Burning Legion in Outland. After he came back to raid Silvermoon City, the battered blood elves had a tendency to never trust others again. However, blood elves are also very strong. When talking with them, the two most frequently heard words are "We will stick it out" and "Don't lose faith" camp tribe.

Unknown population

Ruler Lor 'Themar Theron (Regent)

Hereditary monarchy (vacant throne)

Racial blood elves

Location eversong Forest

Silver Moon City, the capital of the Blood Elves, is located in the northeast of Iverson Forest in Quel 'Salas Kingdom. The main city of blood elves that survived in troubled times may be comparable to the ancient capital as long as the iron furnace fort of dwarves.

Recently, it was rebuilt from the devastating blow of the evil Prince Arthas. This city contains most of the remaining blood elves in Azeroth.

Today's Silver Moon City is on the east and west sides of the original city, which was almost completely destroyed by natural disasters in the Third World War. Eagle wing square, the second largest town of blood elves, is the only remaining blood elf control area in the west of Old Silver Moon City.

Traces of death (traces left by Arthas and his undead army during the mission of reviving Kel 'Thuzad, which run through the entire eversong forest) separate the ruins of Silvermoon City from the west. Interestingly, there is not a ghost in the ruins of silver moon! They were replaced by the Lost Heart and the Arcane Patrol. However, it is still larger than other cities in the tribe. Thousands of years ago, after the high elves landed on the mainland of Lordaeron, they built the Silver Moon City here as their main city. The architectural concept of this city does not use the white milk stone or living plants of the ancient Cadore Empire, but uses the natural terrain to interweave with the environment. It used to include the famous silver moon Society, which is the center of arcane learning, and the magnificent palaces and spires of the high elf royal family. The silver moon Council (or silver moon Committee), the government of the high elves, was also established there. With the extension to the north, the sun well was built on the island in the north.

Silver Moon City was strong in the war for a thousand years, and was hardly hurt in World War II. However, Arthas, the death knight in the Third World War, led the Scourge into the city to carry out the mission to the Sun Well, and at the same time he was in pain in this city. The king and parliament of the high elves were slaughtered, and most people died of the madness of the undead.

Natural disasters once occupied the city, but it was abandoned after exhausting its resources. Although the city was occupied by natural disasters, the buildings seem to be intact. There was a time when it was silent, except for dead plants, and it was almost an empty ghost town. From time to time, people cross the cobblestone path and only see sad spirits. The only tourists in the city are treasure hunters, who come here to look for the treasures left by the high elves. But the ghosts wandering in Silvermoon City make it extremely difficult for thieves to move.

At the time of the burning expedition story, Silvermoon City has become the capital of blood elves. After the Sunwell Trilogy incident, the exorcist Romans accepted the instructions of Prince Kael'thas, led the blood elves with the help of new magic to come back from outland, took over the land again, and secretly protected the materialized Sunwell in Aviana. The blood elves rebuilt the eastern half of the city with their new energy and restored its former style and glory. However, the western half is still in ruins, under the control of the lost heart. What happened to the soul of the high elves who used to haunt the hall is still a mystery. A lot of arcane energy has been widely used by blood elves. They connected the crystals with chains and injected magic into them, which is now used as the energy for all magical facilities in the city, including floating minarets and castles.

Because of the plague land, the blood elves are isolated from other civilizations in Azeroth. So they used spheres to shuttle between Silvermoon City and undercity. The enchanted arcane guards constantly remind everyone in the city, the leader and savior of the blood elves, the great Prince Kael'thas, by automatically reciting propaganda words, so as to prevent people from forgetting their due loyalty and determination.

Just as the blood elves are struggling with the magic addiction, they step into a trap and wander in the situation of suppressing this desire and being dominated by it. The two generations of Silver Moon City fully reflected their inner struggles. One side is abandoned and the other side is restored to its original appearance; The exterior looks gorgeous, but the connotation is actually dark. Small details such as floating flowerpots and ubiquitous glowing green crystals point out more profoundly that the rulers of this city are completely addicted to magic.

But interestingly, when tourists pay more attention to what will happen next in Silvermoon City, they will show it. Outside the labyrinthine avenue, behind the expensive wavy curtains, lies the darkness of lying flat and inner depression. People who want to explore the other side of the city will only find the gorgeous appearance, but cover up the real and sinister side of the city. The half city where people live is divided into several parts, but the connection between each area gives people a unique feeling.

Shepherd's Gate (Main Gate)

Shepherd's Gate is the entrance from eversong Forest to Silvermoon City.

Trail for the elderly (behind the main entrance)

The old man's trail is the outermost part of Silvermoon City, just behind the shepherd's gate.

Garden market (the largest trading area in the northwest of the old people's trail)

Garden Market is the area to the west of Silvermoon City, including one of the two auction houses in the city and Sorem Qingge, the quartermaster of Tribal Cloth.

Royal Trade Zone (the second largest trade zone in the northeast of Laorenjing)

The Royal Trade Zone is one of the two major trade zones in silver moon.

Murder trail (shabby area north of the old man's trail)

Murder Trail is the darkest area in Silvermoon City, which is located in the north of Elders Trail.

It is the seat of the trade union of stalkers and warlocks.

The name of its former high elf may be the road of diviners.

Traveler's Square (military zone in the north of the Royal Trade Zone)

Traveler's Square is the military area of Silver Moon City, including forging, engineering, mining, hunters and paladin trainers.

This is the training ground for Rangers and Blood Knight in Silvermoon City.

Wang Ting daily (the royal area and the royal trading area behind the murder trail)

Wang Ting is in the north of silver moon during the day. Inside, you can find the homes of alchemists, wizards and herbalists, as well as the Tower of Wrath.

Tower of Wrath (Royal Palace)

The Tower of Wrath is the palace of Silvermoon City. Japan is located in Wang Ting, including the secret harem.

There are Lor 'Themar Theron, the Regent of silver moon, all the leaders of bloodmage in Azeroth, the Romans, and Hadran Yi Ming, the ranger general.