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Learn cold reading 3- Psychic fugue every day.

Spiritual fugue

Psychic fugue refers to telling customers that they have some form of psychic or intuitive talent, or at least can see who has psychic ability. This can be seen as a special form of subtle flattery. Common in all kinds of cold reading.

Just like subtle flattery, it is not enough to praise the customer and hope that she likes flattery. "Duh! You are also a psychic! " I can't. The following is an example of tarot cold reading:

"This card, the king of wands, usually means some kind of perception, even spirit. Of course, everyone has some talents, but people are different. For you, this card is located in the second card of Gaosheng Triangle. This position is your personal ability. This shows that you have a very strong and clear natural intuition, and it will be very helpful if you learn to trust your good intuition. Because there is also a "Star Coin 8" on the same support line, I want to say that you have a good almost psychic wisdom when dealing with things related to material and money. You can perceive value in a way that others can't. "

To clarify, the above example is full of jargon blitz, which will be mentioned later. I don't know what "the king of wands" and "Star Coin 8" mean, and words like "Gao Sheng Triangle" and "the same support line" are even more nonsense. But they sound cool. That's the point.

Psychic fugue can be widely used in many different cold reading. Few psychics are stupid enough to tell their clients that she lacks psychic abilities. Psychic fugue is often accompanied by some "evidence", such as this:

"There are signs that you have a fairly developed universal inspiration. People like you may sometimes think of someone you haven't contacted for a long time, and then suddenly get a call from him! "

Many customers will be happy to admit that this happened to them, and then it will be easy. However, skeptics will tell us that this is far from intuitive evidence. You may often think of people you know, and you may receive many phone calls. There is no connection between the two, and you won't feel it. However, occasionally, the person in your mind does call, and you will be surprised and remember it all the time.

Men and women should be cautious in their communication.

There are many similar anecdotes that can tempt customers to believe that they have psychic abilities. The following are the common practices of female customers:

"You may have a natural sensitivity to channeling, and it will always play tricks on you. For example, one day you will suddenly feel that you should dress up beautifully for no reason, and then suddenly someone knocks at the door. It is someone you value very much and want to meet with the best image. "

For male clients, psychic fugue can take a slightly different form to take advantage of the typical male subconscious: "We all have some psychic acumen, especially for you, even though you are very grounded and pragmatic. You are very clever with people. You are good at reading others, just as you have a stronger sixth sense than others. You are a good businessman or negotiator. Your intuitive side means that you can get along with women better than many men, and this, whether you realize it or not, attracts many women. "

Psychic fugue is a very reliable cold reading element, and it also has an obvious advantage, that is, it can strengthen the customer's belief system, thus making it easier to read cold (see the part about "belief system" in the beginning of cold reading).