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What are the customs and cultural characteristics of Qinzhou?

G, why don't you cover it? With many historical sites and splendid culture, it has been a famous tourist attraction in southern Guangxi since ancient times. She attracts many tourists with its unique advantages and rich tourism resources. Su Dongpo, a writer and poet in the Song Dynasty, once "roamed Qin Ling"; 189 1 year, Russian prince Nikolai admired Feng Zicai's exploits in fighting against France and made a special trip to Qinzhou. 1909, when the famous painter Qi Baishi visited Qinzhou, he drew a picture of litchi and wrote a poem: There is no plan to revisit in this life. In May, the boat wins the crane's head, and I won't leave without saying goodbye. May the wind blow me to Qinzhou; From 65438 to 0962, Tian Han, a dramatist and poet, left many beautiful poems when he visited Qinzhou. There are more than 30 tourist attractions in Qinzhou, Nanyang City, Huang Wu, mainly including: Sanniangwan Tourist Area, Bazhai Canyon Tourist Area, Feng Zicai's former residence, Liu Yongfu's former residence, Dalu Village's ethnic customs, Liu Feng, Huang Wu, Wang Gang, Zhuilindiecui and Malan Island. In recent years, the city has built a number of star-rated hotels and foreign-related hotels, set up a number of travel agencies, produced many tourist handicrafts, and initially formed a supporting system for catering, accommodation, entertainment and shopping, attracting a large number of tourists to visit. Among them, the main hotels in Qinzhou are: Jinwan Hotel, Qinzhou Hotel, Communications Hotel, Yinwan Hotel and White Dolphin International Restaurant. The main shopping places are: Qinzhou department store, commercial building, Jinwan shopping mall, Nanzhu shopping mall, Xiesheng, China Resources and so on. It has been more than 300 years since Qinzhou, Ming and Qing Dynasties evaluated the eight scenic spots in Qin Zhou twice. Now it has passed the evaluation of Qinzhou Eight Scenes Evaluation Committee, and the new Eight Scenes of Qinzhou have been selected. They are: Wang Gangquan, Liu Feng Xiu Xiu, Longjing Zhu Huan, Liu Feng Baodi, Lingdong Bath Day, Malanxian Road, Yuezhou Tianhu and Zhu Lin Diecui. Of course, the number one specialty of Qinzhou is pig's foot powder. When it comes to historical allusions, there are almost no written records in this respect. Its manufacturing method is also very simple, and there is no complicated process. Just chop the pig's trotters and cook them with star anise and cinnamon. When eating, add a shiny trotter to a bowl of soup powder and a small dish of Chili sauce. Perhaps because of the economy, rich oil and water, it is not easy to get hungry, which conforms to the taste of Qinzhou people and becomes the favorite of Qinzhou citizens for breakfast and midnight snack. Qinzhou pig's foot powder is different from Guangxi Guilin rice noodles and Guangxi Liuzhou snail powder. It is impossible to see the word "authentic pig's foot powder" in any corner of Qinzhou. Because there is no uniform standard, it is difficult to draw a conclusion who is "authentic". However, all pig's foot powder is pig's foot powder, but the taste is decided by the diners. Although it is different, the general practice is the same. Don't worry about the big difference in taste, choose an "authentic" food. There are three pettitoes powder stalls that can represent the characteristics of Qinzhou: one is on Ermayina Road, the other is on the East Campus of Qinzhou University, and the other is on Jianshe Road. They are characterized by soft but not rotten pig feet, fat but not greasy, delicious soup and slightly sweet taste. Of course, in addition to pig's foot powder, there are: cucumber skin, litchi, longan, banana and so on. I hope I can help you ask: what I want is customization. Really? I have to hand in my paper. Answer: Qinzhou etiquette and customs-in the old days of marriage, the wedding etiquette and customs in this city were more complicated. From "proposing marriage" to "returning to the three dynasties", there are generally seven kinds of ostentation and extravagance: 1. The man proposed to the woman through the media; 2. The woman's parents asked someone to inquire about the man's family background and thought that the door was right, so they informed the man's daughter's birthday with a Geng post; 3. The man asked the fortune teller "He Xiao" to predict good or bad luck. If there is no "Chongke" in the eight characters of men and women, the man will send the media to talk about employment; When the man chooses an auspicious day, he will put the agreed engagement money and the wedding card of the groom's birthday in a small box, and be escorted to the woman's house by the matchmaker together with the bride price and order. After the bride's family receives the betrothal money, gift money, orders and the male Geng's post, the female Geng's post is put in the original box, together with the clothes and happy fruit sent back, and the matchmaker takes it with him, commonly known as "engagement"; On the wedding day, both men and women held separate banquets to treat guests. The man sends a sedan chair to the woman's house, and the bride opens her face (also known as "opening her face", that is, twisting her hair off her face with thread), dresses up, says goodbye, and wears a red scarf to cover her face and get on the sedan chair; 6. When the sedan chair arrives at the man's house, the groom goes out and bows to the sedan chair three times, indicating "worship the sedan chair god". The bridesmaids helped the bride and sang "Worship Heaven and Earth, Worship Ancestors, Worship Parents" in turn, and then the couple paid homage. After paying homage, the groom leads the bride into the new house; 7. On the third day, after the bride and groom met their relatives in turn, they both went to Yue's home, commonly known as "three dynasties returning to the door". At this point, the ancient wedding etiquette came to an end. The wedding etiquette of poor families is similar, limited to conditions, simple ceremony and banquet. After liberation, the old marriage customs were gradually abolished and developed in a civilized and simple direction. Group weddings, wedding tea parties and travel weddings are gradually increasing. Qinzhou is used to addressing the people of all ethnic groups in this city, and it is similar. Grandpa is usually called "Gong" and grandma is called "Mom" or "Grandma". The father is "father", "grandfather" or "uncle" (personally called "brother"), and the mother is often called "Na", "mother" and "aunt" (personally called "sister-in-law"); Brothers and sisters are called "brothers", "sisters", "brothers" and "sisters"; Call brother and sister "sister-in-law" and sister-in-law "aunt". Before a daughter-in-law gives birth to a child, she calls her husband and wife "Grandpa", "Na" or "Dad", "Mom" or "Grandpa" or "Wife". After giving birth to a child, the husband is called "Gong", the wife is called "Po" and the husband's sister is called "Gu". After 1950, husband and wife gradually called each other by their surnames. Call each other "comrades" in general social activities. I wonder if these will work?