Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What are the characteristics of Venus?

What are the characteristics of Venus?

Venus surveys the sky

Venus is one of the eight planets, and it is the second planet in the order from near to far from the sun. It is the closest planet to the earth. China called it Taibai or Taibai Venus in ancient times. It is sometimes the morning star, which appears in the eastern sky before dawn and is called "Qi Ming". Sometimes it is a dim star, which appears in the western sky after dusk and is called Chang Gung. Venus is the brightest star except the sun and the moon in the whole day, with the maximum brightness of -4.4, which is 14 times brighter than the famous Sirius (the brightest star except the sun in the whole day), like a dazzling diamond, so the ancient Greeks called it Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, while the Romans called it Venus, the god of beauty.

Venus, like Mercury, is the only two big planets in the solar system without natural satellites. So there is no "moon" in the night sky on Venus, and the brightest "star" is the earth. Because it is close to the sun, the size of the sun seen from Venus is 1.5 times larger than that seen from the earth.

Some people say that Venus is the twin sister of the earth. Indeed, from the structural point of view, Venus and the Earth have many similarities. Venus has a radius of about 6,073 kilometers, only 300 kilometers smaller than radius of the earth, its volume is 0.88 times that of the Earth, and its mass is 4/5 of that of the Earth. The average density is slightly less than that of the earth. But the environment between them is very different: the surface temperature of Venus is very high and there is no liquid water. Coupled with cruel natural conditions such as extremely high atmospheric pressure and severe hypoxia, Venus cannot have any life. So Venus and the Earth are just sisters.

There is a dense atmosphere and clouds around Venus. These clouds cast a mysterious veil on the surface of Venus. Only with the help of radio telescopes can we cross this atmosphere and see the true face of Venus. In the atmosphere of Venus, carbon dioxide is the most, accounting for more than 97%. At the same time, there is a layer of concentrated sulfuric acid with a thickness of 20 to 30 kilometers. The surface temperature of Venus is as high as 465 to 485 degrees, and the atmospheric pressure is about 90 times that of the Earth.

Venus's rotation is very special. It is the only big planet in the solar system that rotates in the opposite direction. Its rotation direction is opposite to that of other planets, from east to west. Therefore, on Venus, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Venus's orbit around the sun is an ellipse that is very close to a perfect circle and coincides with the ecliptic plane. Its revolution speed is about 35 kilometers per second, and that of period of revolution is about 224.70 days. But its rotation period is 243 days, which means that Venus's "one day" is longer than its "one year".

Venus reversal may have been caused by Venus colliding with other asteroids a long time ago, but it has not been confirmed yet. In addition to this unusual retrograde, Venus is a little unusual. Venus' rotation period and orbit are synchronized, so that when the two planets are closest, Venus always faces the earth with the same face (once every 5.00438+0 Venus days). This may be the result of tidal locking's action-when the two planets are close enough, tidal force will affect the rotation of Venus. Of course, it may just be a coincidence.

Astral data

Period of revolution: 224.70438+0 days.

Average orbital speed: 35.03 km/s.

Track eccentricity: 0.007

Track inclination: 3.4 degrees

Equatorial diameter: 12,103.6km.

Mass (Earth mass = 1): 0.8 150.

Density: 5.24 g/cm3

Rotation period: 243.0 1 day.

Number of satellites: 0

Radius of revolution:108,208,930 km (0.72 astronomical unit)

Surface area: 460 million square kilometers

Surface gravity: 8.78m/s2

Autobiography time: -243.02 days

Escape speed:10.4km/s.

The lowest average surface temperature is 737K 750K 773K.


There are two main continental highlands on the great plains on the surface of Venus. The highland in the north is called Ishtadi, where there is the Maxwell Mountains with the highest Venus (about two kilometers higher than the Himalayas). It was named after james clerk maxwell. The Maxwell Mountains surround the Laxmi Plateau. Istar is about the size of Australia. There is a larger land of Aphrodite in the southern hemisphere, the area of which is equivalent to that of South America. There are many vast lowlands between these highlands, including the lowlands in Taranta Plain, the lowlands in Genneville Plain and the lowlands in lavinia Plain. Except Maxwell Mountains, all Venus landforms are named after real or mythical women. Because Venus' thick atmosphere slows down the speed of meteors and other celestial bodies before reaching the surface of Venus, the crater on Venus is no more than 3.2 kilometers.

About 90% of the surface of Venus is formed by basalt lava solidified not long ago, but there are also a few craters. This shows that Venus is currently undergoing surface reconstruction. Venus may be similar to the earth inside: the core with a radius of about 3000 kilometers and the mantle composed of lava make up most of Venus. The latest data from Magellan shows that the crust of Venus is thicker and stronger than previously thought. It can be inferred that Venus has no movable plate structure like Earth, but its surface is covered with a large number of regular volcanic eruptions. The oldest feature on Venus is only 800 million years old, and most areas are quite young (but it is also hundreds of millions of years old). Recent discoveries show that Venus' volcanoes are still active in isolated geological hotspots.

Compared with other planets in the solar system, the magnetic field of Venus itself is very weak. This may be because Venus does not rotate fast enough, and the liquid iron in its core is weak because of cutting the magnetic induction line. In this way, the solar wind can hit the upper atmosphere of Venus without any buffer. At the earliest time, people thought that Venus and the water on the earth were equal in quantity. However, the attack of the solar wind has decomposed the water vapor in the upper atmosphere of Venus into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen atoms escape into space because of their low mass. The proportion of deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen, heavier and slower to escape) on Venus seems to support this theory. And oxygen combines with substances in the earth's crust, so there is no oxygen in the atmosphere. The surface of Venus is very dry, so the rocks on Venus are harder than those on the earth, thus forming steeper mountains, cliffs and other landforms.

In addition, according to the detection of the detector, it is found that the magma of Venus contains water. Venus may have a lot of water like the earth, but it was evaporated and dissipated, so it is very dry now. If the earth were closer to the sun, it would have the same luck. We will know why the basic conditions are so similar but there are so different phenomena.

Most of the surface of Venus consists of slightly undulating plains, and there are also several broad depressions: Atlanta Plain, Guinevere Plain and lavinia Plain; ; There are also two big highlands: Ishtar Terra as big as Australia in the northern hemisphere and Aphrodite Terra as big as South America along the equator. Istar is mainly composed of Lakshmi Planum plaum surrounded by the highest mountains on Venus, including the giant peak Maxwell Montes.

Data from Magellan Aircraft Imaging Radar show that most of the surface of Venus is covered by lava flows. There are several large shielded volcanoes, such as Sif Mons, similar to Olympus Mons in Hawaii and Mars. The recently published discovery data show that the volcanic activity of Venus is still very active, but it is concentrated in several hot spots; The terrain in most areas has been formed, which is much quieter than in the past hundreds of millions of years.

There are no small craters on Venus, and it seems that asteroids were not burned out when they entered the dense atmosphere of Venus. The craters on Venus are all in strings, which seems to be because large asteroids usually split in the atmosphere before reaching the surface of Venus.

The oldest region on Venus seems to have been formed 800 million years ago. At that time, a wide range of mountain fires scrubbed the early surface, including several large craters formed in the early history of Venus.

Venus has no magnetic field, which may be caused by the slow rotation speed.

Venus has a relatively young surface, which was formed about 3 million to 5 million years ago. The terrain of Venus is relatively flat. Venus is 70% flat, 20% low, 10% highland. The highest peak 10590 m is higher than Mount Everest. A grand canyon 1200 kilometers long, which runs through the equator from south to north, is the largest canyon among the eight planets.

There are no small craters on Venus. Due to the dense atmosphere on the surface of Venus, minior was burned when it entered the atmosphere of Venus. Craters on Venus are usually clustered, probably because larger asteroids disintegrated in the atmosphere before reaching the surface of Venus.

Volcanoes and Volcanic Activities Venus has many surfaces. At least 85% of Venus is covered by volcanic rocks. In addition to hundreds of large volcanoes, there are more than 100000 small volcanoes scattered on the surface of Venus. The lava flow from the volcano has produced long ditches, with a range of hundreds of kilometers and the longest exceeding 7000 kilometers.

Volcanic distribution on Venus

Venus is densely covered with volcanoes, which is the planet with the largest number of volcanoes in the solar system. More than 1600 large volcanoes and volcanic landforms have been discovered. In addition, there are countless small volcanoes, and no one has counted their numbers. The estimated total is over 654.38+million, even 1 million.

Venus volcano has different shapes. In addition to the more common shield volcanoes, there are many complex volcanic landforms and special volcanic structures here. So far, scientists have not found active volcanoes here, but due to the limited research data, although most Venus volcanoes have long been extinguished, the possibility that a few are still active cannot be ruled out.

Venus and the earth have a lot in common. They are similar in size and volume. Venus is also the closest planet to the earth in the solar system, and is also surrounded by clouds and a thick atmosphere. Like the earth, Venus's surface age is very young, about 500 million years.

However, there are many differences among these basic similarities. Venus's atmospheric composition is mostly carbon dioxide, so its surface has a strong greenhouse effect, and its surface temperature can be as high as? 90 times the pressure. This is almost equivalent to the water pressure of one kilometer below the earth's surface.

There is no water on the surface of Venus and there is no water in the air. The main component of its cloud is sulfuric acid, which is much higher than the height of the earth cloud. Due to the high atmospheric pressure, the wind speed on Venus is relatively slow. In other words, the surface of Venus is neither affected by wind nor washed by rain. Therefore, the volcanic characteristics of Venus can obviously be maintained for a long time.

Venus has no plate structure, no linear volcanic chain and no obvious plate extinction zone. Although Venus is a crisscross canyon, there is no trench like the earth.

There are indications that the eruption form of Venus volcano is also relatively simple. Solidified lava layers show that when most Venus volcanoes erupt, they are just lava flows. There are no signs of violent eruption or volcanic ash ejection, and even lava is not as turbid and viscous as earth lava. This phenomenon is not difficult to understand. Due to high pressure and volcanic eruption, lava needs a lot of gas components. On the earth, the main gas that promotes the violent eruption of lava is water vapor, while Venus lacks water molecules. In addition, most of the clayey lava flows and volcanic ash eruptions on the earth occur in the plate extinction zone. Therefore, the absence of plate extinction zone greatly reduces the probability of violent eruption of Venus volcano.

A large shield volcano on Venus

Venus has more than 150 large shield volcanoes. Most of these shields are between 100km ~ 600km in diameter and about 0.3~5 km in height. The largest one is 700 kilometers in diameter and 5.5 kilometers high. Venus volcano is flatter than the shield volcano on earth. In fact, the base diameter of the largest Venus Shield volcano is close to Mount Olympus on Mars, but it is much smaller than Mount Olympus because of its insufficient height.

The shield volcano on Mars is similar to the shield volcano on Earth. Most of them are covered by gentle radial lava flows. Most volcanoes have holes in the center. Therefore, scientists speculate that these shields are made of basalt, similar to volcanoes in Hawaii.

The shield volcanoes on Venus are scattered, unlike the volcanic chain on Earth. This shows that Venus has no active plate structure.

Small shield volcano on Venus;

Venus has about 654.38+ten thousand small shield volcanoes with a diameter less than 20 kilometers. These volcanoes are usually distributed in strings and are called shielding zones. Scientists have marked more than 550 shielding zones on the map, most of which are between100 and 200 kilometers in diameter. Shield belts are widely distributed, mainly in low-lying plains or low-lying hilly areas. Scientists have found that many shield areas have been covered by relatively new lava plains, so they speculate that the age of shield areas is very old and may have been formed in the early stage of volcanic activity.

Atmospheric environment Venus's sky is orange. There is also lightning on Venus, and the biggest lightning on record lasted 15 minutes.

Venus's atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide and contains a small amount of nitrogen. Venus's atmospheric pressure is very high, 90 times that of the earth, which is equivalent to the pressure in the depth of the earth's ocean 1 km. The existence of a large amount of carbon dioxide makes the greenhouse effect on Venus appear on a large scale. Without this greenhouse effect, the temperature would be 400 degrees Celsius lower than it is now. In the equatorial lowlands, the surface temperature limit of Venus can be as high as 500℃, which makes the surface temperature of Venus even higher than that of Mercury. Although it is twice as far from the sun as that of Mercury, it gets only a quarter of the sunlight (the light intensity at high altitude is 26 13.9 W/m2, and the surface is1071./kloc). Although Venus rotates slowly (Venus's "day" is longer than Venus's "year", and the rotation speed of equatorial belt is only 6.5 kilometers per hour), the temperature difference between day and night is not large due to thermal inertia and convection in dense atmosphere. The wind in the upper atmosphere can transfer heat evenly around Venus in just four days.

The thick clouds of Venus reflect most of the sunlight back into space, so the surface of Venus receives less sunlight, and most of the sunlight cannot reach the surface of Venus directly. The reflectivity of Venus' thermal radiation is about 60%, and the reflectivity of visible light is higher. Therefore, although Venus is closer to the sun than the Earth, its surface gets less light than the Earth. Without the greenhouse effect, the surface temperature of Venus would be very close to the Earth. People often take it for granted that the dense clouds of Venus can absorb more heat, which turns out to be ridiculous. On the contrary, without these clouds, the temperature would be higher. The greenhouse effect caused by the rich carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere is the real reason for absorbing more heat.

In transit of venus in 2004, there was a strong wind of 350 kilometers per hour on Venus at the top of the cloud, but the surface was calm and the speed would not exceed several kilometers per hour. However, considering the density of the atmosphere, even a very slow wind will have great power to overcome the resistance. The clouds of Venus are mainly composed of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid, which completely cover the entire surface of Venus. This makes it difficult for observers on earth to observe the surface of Venus through this barrier. The temperature of these cloud tops is about -45℃. According to the data given by NASA, the surface temperature of Venus is 464℃, and the temperature of cloud tops is the lowest on Venus, but the surface temperature has never been lower than 400℃

The highest temperature on the surface of Venus is 447℃, which is due to the strong greenhouse effect on Venus. Greenhouse effect refers to the heat insulation effect formed by the lack of heat exchange with the outside world in a closed space that transmits sunlight. The greenhouse effect on Venus is amazing, because the atmospheric density of Venus is 100 times that of the earth's atmosphere, and more than 97% of the atmosphere is "heat preservation gas"-carbon dioxide; At the same time, there is a thick layer of concentrated sulfuric acid in the atmosphere of Venus, which is 20 ~ 30 kilometers thick. Carbon dioxide and thick clouds only allow sunlight to pass through, but do not allow heat to radiate into space through clouds. The enclosed solar radiation makes the surface of Venus hotter and hotter. The greenhouse effect makes the surface temperature of Venus as high as 465-485℃, which basically has no distinction between regions, seasons and days and nights. This also leads to a very high air pressure on Venus, about 90 times that of the Earth. The thick clouds on Venus blur the day on Venus. There are no familiar blue sky and white clouds here, and the sky is orange. There is a strong wind at the top of the clouds, about 350 kilometers per hour, but the surface wind speed is very slow, less than a few kilometers per hour. It is very interesting that there will be lightning and thunderstorms over Venus, just like over the earth.

Venus's atmospheric pressure is 90 standard atmospheric pressure (equivalent to the pressure in the depth of the earth's ocean 1 km). The atmosphere is mostly composed of carbon dioxide, and there are also several layers of clouds with a thickness of several kilometers composed of sulfuric acid. These clouds hinder our observation of the surface of Venus, making it look very vague. This dense atmosphere has also produced a greenhouse effect, making the surface temperature of Venus as high as 400 degrees, exceeding 740 degrees Celsius (enough to melt lead). The surface of Venus is naturally hotter than that of Mercury, although Venus is twice as far away from the sun as Mercury.

There is a strong wind at the top of the clouds, about 350 kilometers per hour, but the surface wind speed is very slow, less than a few kilometers per hour. Venus's atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide, accounting for about 96%, and nitrogen accounts for 3%. Thick clouds are suspended at an altitude of 50 to 70 kilometers, dividing the atmosphere into upper and lower layers. This cloud is composed of concentrated sulfuric acid droplets, which are also doped with sulfur particles, so it looks yellow. On the earth with good climate, it should be hard to imagine such a crazy world in the solar system.

Venus's atmosphere near the surface is slow, only a few kilometers per hour, but the upper layer can reach several hundred kilometers per second. Venus rotates very slowly, and it takes only 243 earth days to make a circle, but it is still a mystery that the upper layer rotates so fast.

In the photo, we can observe that the clouds on the surface of Venus are inverted V-shaped, and this cloud system is called banded wind system. This zonal wind is actually caused by solar convection.

geologic structure

There is no direct data about the internal structure of Venus. Theoretically, it is concluded that the internal structure of Venus is similar to that of the Earth, with an iron-nickel core with a radius of about 3 100 km, the middle layer is a "mantle" mainly composed of silicon, oxygen, iron, magnesium and other compounds, and the outer layer is a very thin "shell" mainly composed of silicon compounds.

Scientists speculate that the internal structure of Venus may be similar to that of the Earth. According to the structure of the earth, the main components of Venus mantle are silicates dominated by olivine and pyroxene, and a crust dominated by silicates, the core of which is composed of iron-nickel alloy. The average density of Venus is 5.24g/cc, which is the third among the nine planets, second only to Earth and Mercury.

An iron core with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers, molten stones filled most of the planets to form the mantle. Recent gravity data from Magellan show that Venus' shell is much harder and thicker than previously assumed. Like the earth, convection in the mantle exerts pressure on the surface, but it reduces the load through many relatively small areas, so that it will not be destroyed at the plate boundary like the earth.

Astral satellite

People once thought that Venus had a satellite called Nice, named after the Egyptian goddess Seth (no mortal has ever seen her face under the veil). Italian-born French astronomer Giovanni domenico Cassini first discovered this planet on 1672. Astronomers made sporadic observations on Nice until 1982, but these observations were later doubted (in fact, other dim stars were in the right place at the right time). So we now think that Venus has no satellites.

star observation

Venus has a larger orbit than Mercury. When the maximum distance angle is in the west (in the sun) or in the east (to the left of the sun), it seems that it is twice as far from the sun as Mercury. Venus is one of the brightest celestial bodies in the sky, and the best time to observe it may be just below the horizon. It must be noted that you should never look directly at the sun with your eyes. When the sun goes down, Venus goes down later, and it is located on the left side of the sun. Venus rises before the sun rises. At this time, it is on the right side of the sun.

You can easily tell Venus, which is bright and slightly yellow. When Venus is in a crescent shape, it is most appropriate to observe it with binoculars. At this time, Venus is located between the maximum angular distance point and the lower conjunction point. Venus is located at the low intersection between the earth and the sun, so we can't see it. Pay attention to adjusting the focal length of the telescope so that it can observe distant objects.

A brief history of stellar exploration

Before the space probe explored Venus, some astronomers thought that the chemical and physical conditions of Venus were similar to those of the Earth, and the possibility of finding life on Venus was greater than that of Mars. In the late 1950s, astronomers first observed the surface of Venus with radio telescopes. From 196 1, the former Soviet Union and the United States launched more than 30 probes to Venus, from close observation to landing detection.

Venus is an inner planet. If you look at it through a telescope from the earth, you will find that its phase has changed. Galileo's observation of this phenomenon is an important evidence to support Copernicus' theory about the solar center of the solar system.

The first aircraft to visit Venus was Mariner 2 in 1962. Later, it was visited by other aircrafts: Venus Pioneer, Soviet Dignity 7 (the first spacecraft to land on other planets) and Dignity 9 (the first photo to return to Venus [left]) (so far, it has been visited at least 20 times). Recently, American orbiter Magellan successfully made a map of Venus' surface, radar (above) 196 1. 12 On February 2nd, the Soviet Union launched the spacecraft "Venus 1", weighing 643kg, and flew 96,000km away from Venus. After entering the orbit around the sun, it lost contact and got nothing.

1On August 27th, 962, the United States launched Mariner II and arrived near Venus on February 27th, 1962+14. Spaceborne microwave radiometer measures the temperature in the deep atmosphere, and infrared radiometer measures the temperature at the top of clouds. The results of magnetometer measurement show that Venus' magnetic field is very weak and there is no radiation belt around it.

1June, 967 12, the Soviet Union launched the "Venus" No.4 spacecraft, and entered the atmosphere of Venus on June, 65438+1October 18 of the same year. The lander of "Venus 4" has a diameter of 1 m and weighs 383 kg. The outer surface is covered with a thick high-temperature resistant shell, and the design limit pressure is 25 atmospheres. After the lander enters the atmosphere, it unfolds the parachute, slowly falls under the action of the parachute, and the detection data is sent to the orbital module in time, and then returns to Earth. When the lander descended to 24.96 kilometers from the surface of Venus, the signal stopped transmitting. It is estimated that the lander was crushed by the high pressure of Venus.

The launch time of "Venus 5" is1969 65438+1October 5, and its design is very close to that of "Venus 4", but stronger. During the descent of the lander, 53 minutes of detection data were obtained. When the lander descends to about 24~26 kilometers from the surface of Venus, it is damaged by atmospheric pressure, and the pressure at this time is 26. 1 atm.

Venus 6 was launched on 1969 65438+ 10/0, and reached Venus on May 17 of the same year. The lander descended to a distance of 10~ 12 km from the surface of Venus. 1970, 17 In August, the Soviet Union launched Venus 7 and arrived at Venus on February 1970 and 15. The lander of the spacecraft can withstand 180 atmospheric pressure, so it successfully reached the surface of Venus and became the first human messenger to visit Venus.

The returned data shows that the temperature is as high as 470 degrees Celsius. The atmospheric composition is mainly carbon dioxide, with a small amount of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases. At this point, mankind unveiled the mysterious veil of Venus. Venus's environment is complex and changeable, the sky is orange, and it often rains with sulfuric acid. A flash of lightning actually lasted 15 minutes!

1972 arrived at Venus 8 on the surface of Venus, tested the soil of Venus, and televised the sunlight intensity and Venus clouds on the surface of Venus. The sky above Venus is extremely bright, the sky is orange, and there are violent lightning phenomena and violent turbulence in the atmosphere.

1975 to 1984 is the climax of Venus exploration. 1On June 8th, 975, Venus 9 and Venus 10 were launched respectively. They entered different Venus orbits on October 22nd and 25th of 15, respectively, and became the first pair of artificial Venus satellites around Venus. Both of them detected the atmospheric structure and characteristics of Venus, and sent back the panoramic surface image of Venus taken by TV cameras for the first time.

1September 9th, 978 and1September 4th, 4, the former Soviet Union launched Venus 1 1 and Venus 12, both of which landed in Venus successfully, working for 1 10 minutes respectively. Especially when Venus 12 descended to Venus on February 26th, 65438, frequent lightning and thunder rumbled over Venus were detected, and only when it descended to 5 kilometers away from Venus 1 1 surface, it recorded 1000 lightning and one lightning.

The course of human exploration of Venus.

Venus is the brightest star in the sky except the sun and the moon, reaching -4.4 at its brightest, which is 14 times brighter than Sirius, the brightest star in the whole day. Venus is adjacent to the Earth, and the nearest distance between them is 4 1 10,000 km, with a diameter of about 4%, a weight of 20% and a density of 10%. Theoretically, Venus has an iron-nickel core with a radius of about 3 100km, with a mantle in the middle and a crust outside. Because it is very similar to the earth in size, density, quality and appearance, it has the reputation of "twin sister" of the earth.

In fact, Venus is very different from the Earth in many ways. For example, its rotation is reversed, that is, from east to west, with a period of about 243 days, which is 225 days 18.3 days longer than its period of revolution around the sun! Venus is about 1/3 closer to the sun than the earth, and gets more solar light than the earth 1 times. Venus has the highest albedo among all the planets, with an albedo of 0.76, which means that more than 3/4 of the sunlight shining on Venus is reflected by Venus, while the albedo of the earth is only 0.39, and that of the moon is only 0.07. This is because Venus has a very dense atmosphere.

Planets of the solar system's space exploration began with Venus. Since the 1960s, the former Soviet Union and the United States have devoted great enthusiasm and exploration competitions to uncovering the secrets of Venus. So far, more than 40 probes have been sent to or passed through Venus, and a lot of scientific information about Venus has been obtained.

The former Soviet Union was a pioneer in exploring Venus.

The former Soviet Union launched the Venus probe "Giant" on 196 1 1 24, and crashed due to the failure of the launch vehicle when it started in space. 1 961February 2000 12, "Venus1"was launched. The probe that successfully flew to Venus weighed 643 kilograms and flew 96,000 kilometers away from Venus. After entering the orbit around the sun, it lost contact and found nothing. Venus 2 and Venus 3 launched on June 5438+0965165438+1October 12 and 5 failed. Venus 3 weighs 963 kilograms. When it landed hard on Venus, all communication telemetry signals were interrupted. It is estimated that instruments and equipment have been destroyed. Nevertheless, scientists in the former Soviet Union think that there is still something to gain, because the first battle that can directly "hit" Venus was successful.

1967 65438+1October 12, the "Venus 4" probe was successfully launched. It arrived at Venus in June 65438+the same year 10, and released a lander to Venus. During its 94-minute passage through the atmosphere, the atmospheric temperature, pressure and chemical composition were measured. 1969, "Venus 5" and "Venus 6" were launched and once again broke into the atmosphere of Venus for exploration. The probe finally landed on the surface of Venus. Due to the damage of hard landing instruments and equipment, it was impossible to detect the surface of Venus. 1970 On August 17, the probe Venus 7 was successfully launched. It passed through the dense clouds of Venus, braving high temperature and blazing heat, and achieved a soft landing on the surface of Venus for the first time. "Venus 7" measured that the atmospheric pressure on the surface of Venus is at least 90 times that of the Earth, and the temperature is as high as 470℃. 1972 arrived at Venus 8 on the surface of Venus, tested the soil of Venus, and televised the sunlight intensity and Venus clouds on the surface of Venus. The sky above Venus is extremely bright, the sky is orange, and there are violent lightning phenomena and violent turbulence in the atmosphere.

1 October 30th, 198 1, 1 1, Venus 13, Venus 14 respectively. The automatic drilling equipment carried by their lander goes deep into the surface of Venus to collect rock samples. The research shows that the geological structure on Venus is still very active, and the magma of Venus contains water. From the photos sent back by them, we know that the sky of Venus is orange and the objects on its surface are orange. The landing temperature of "Venus 13" is 457℃, while the landing point of "Venus 14" is relatively flat, which is a reddish-brown plateau, the ground is covered with brown gravel, and the rock layer is hard and distinct. The pressure of Venus 13 landing zone is 89 atmospheres; The landing area of "Venus 14" is 94 atmospheres, which is equivalent to the pressure at the depth of 900 meters in the earth's ocean. There is a layer of sulfuric acid gas like fog 30 km to 45 km from the ground. This sulfuric acid mist is about 25 kilometers thick and extremely corrosive. The detection shows that there is a jet from east to west at the equator of Venus, and the maximum wind speed is 1 10 meter per second! Venus's atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide, with a small amount of nitrogen, argon, carbon monoxide and water vapor. Venus's atmosphere is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, just like a protective cover of a greenhouse. It only allows the heat of the sun to come in and does not let it run out, thus forming a high-temperature and high-pressure environment on the surface of Venus.