Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Stories of Women in Past Dynasties (2) Reconciliation of Shang Dynasty

Stories of Women in Past Dynasties (2) Reconciliation of Shang Dynasty

Shang Dynasty is the second hereditary dynasty in China history after Xia Dynasty, which started in Shang Tang and ended in Shang and Zhou Dynasties. After 30 emperors, he enjoyed the country for 646 years. Because it was once the capital of Yin (now Anyang, Henan), Shang Dynasty was also called Yin Shang.

Shang Zhouwang was probably the most impressive person in Shang Dynasty. His cruelty, lewdness and prisoner abuse made the people miserable, especially the legendary da ji's dissolute excesses, which made the tyrant pull a lot of hatred.

However, it is undeniable that the Shang Dynasty reached a relatively high level in culture and bronze smelting.

According to legend, Shang is a descendant of a family living in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. In the Shun Dynasty, an outstanding leader of the Shang clan appeared-King Qi. After Taikang lost his country, descendants of Qi developed eastward.

In the 600-year history of Shang Dynasty, King Wu Ding of Shang Dynasty was one of them. He has married more than 60 wives in his life, and the most favored one is to talk about reconciliation today.

Returning home is not only beautiful and dignified, but also superior in ability. She can always share her husband's worries at critical moments, and her contribution to the Shang Dynasty should not be underestimated.

Soon after Wu Dinggang got married again, foreigners invaded and the border was in a hurry. The generals stationed in the border area of Shang Dynasty were at a loss. Without a good plan to retreat from the enemy, the war between the two sides was deadlocked.

At this critical moment, he volunteered to send troops to the border. However, due to the lack of suitable candidates and the persistence of reconciliation, the king reluctantly agreed to the request for reconciliation.

Get together again, lead a team of more than 10 thousand people, go out to meet the enemy, be brave and fearless on the battlefield, and lead the soldiers to a great victory.

Later, the Shang King made him a general, and he really lived up to expectations. He won many battles on the battlefield, accumulated rich combat experience and showed his rare command ability.

Under her leadership, the Shang army successively recovered more than 20 tribes, which opened up a broader territorial scope for the Shang Dynasty.

Returning home was praised by Shang Zhouwang many times and won the love of ministers and people.

As a result, she became the first female general with comprehensive skills in the history of China.

Reconciliation is not only general, but also a great sacrifice.

At that time, people still believed in God and heaven and earth. Every time they go out or have an important event, they will divine, and reconciliation is the divination designated by the royal family.

In an era when women basically have no social status, it is incredible that a woman can hold this position. This further verifies the ability of recombination and its important position in the royal family.

Her husband Wu Ding has always loved her deeply, and she is also very respectful and reconciled. At that time, women's status was very low, and good treatment was undoubtedly an exception.

All this is actually the result of reconciliation. She is an indispensable wife for her husband and an indispensable general in the imperial court. What you get in this way is the hall and kitchen, which is the return of a great beauty. Naturally, you are loved by thousands of people.

I just don't know if it was intentional or bad luck.

However, because of the busy military affairs and busy schedule, she died in a woman's best years. What is left to the world is a sigh.