Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Classic Weekly Quotations: 8 1

Classic Weekly Quotations: 8 1

We always think that what we have is our own, and once we lose it, we feel that we have suffered. In fact, everything changes, and nothing can really be owned. He who gets everything gives up everything when he dies. It is better to gain and lose constantly in life, and if you get used to it, you may be able to face death more calmly. The following are the quotations I collected for you on Monday 8 1, hoping to help you.

1, there is something more important in life than success and happiness, that is, an open-minded attitude above all success or failure. In the ultimate sense, success and failure, happiness and disaster in the world are just fleeting, and there is no substantive difference between them. When we think like this, we keep a distance from the external experience, but we are closer to our real life. This kind of real life is a rich life experience, which is both inclusive and beyond the external experience.

Man's nobility lies in his soul. The deepest difference between people is not occupation, but thought.

If short-term separation promotes love and long-term separation stifles love, then marriage occupies a more favorable position than not getting married, because it itself excludes long-term separation, and we only need to arrange some short-term separation for it.

Every time I go to a strange city, my habit is to wander around casually. Curiosity drives me to explore the busy streets and remote corners here. On the way, it is inevitable to get lost temporarily, but you must be sure and confident to remember the route back to your residence, otherwise you will feel insecure.

5. What if you don't talk? Then tell the truth, because in the final analysis, there is nothing that will never be told the truth, as long as you dare to bear the consequences.

6. I pulled away from real friends and false friends and returned to myself. Just myself.

7. Most people's life potential is too unexplored and underutilized. Due to the pressure of the environment, the drive of interests or laziness, people tend to be stereotyped prematurely, taking a narrow gap formed by accident as their own life trajectory, from which only a tiny part of their potential is released and most of them are abandoned. How do people view life with only one life? No matter how the computer is upgraded, I just use it for writing, and many functions have not been developed. Isn't this our life?

8. The greatness in the sense of human nature is universal and will surely win the respect of people of all ethnic groups.

9. People's psychology may be like this: on the one hand, what they want to do but dare not do has actually been done, so jealousy disguises itself as righteous anger and erupts violently. Of course, we must not let the cheap people come to a good end; On the other hand, if you have done similar things, it is an instinctive reaction of self-protection to firmly identify with the court and draw a line with sinners, as if the higher the tone of condemnation, the safer you will be. Therefore, wherever moral courts prevail, people will inevitably be full of cruel struggles, human nature will inevitably be distorted, and love will inevitably suffocate.

10, we usually haggle over the right and wrong of things, the amount of truth and the thickness of feelings. In the eyes of a god, this seriousness must be ridiculous.

1 1, I may not want to understand death, but I can face and accept it because of the philosopher's attitude.

I think that in modern market competition, comprehensive quality is more important, including spiritual quality. Huge sums of money in the market often come from people with open minds. Although a juggler can succeed for a while, he will never achieve great success.

13, now I think that the best state of life is richness and tranquility. Quiet, because get rid of the temptation of the outside world. Rich, because you have the treasure of the inner spiritual world.

14, people often mistakenly think that people who are keen on socializing are generous people. Tagore put it well, they just squander, not give, and people who spend money often lack real generosity.

15, what makes a communication valuable is not the communication itself, but the values of the participants. High-quality friendship always happens between two excellent independent personalities, and its essence is mutual sincere appreciation and respect. Therefore, it is important to make yourself truly valuable and worthy of being a high-quality friend, which is the primary contribution a person can make to friendship.

16, I call the first dream a material dream, and the second dream a spiritual dream. It can't be said that people who dream the first kind of dreams are vulgar, but if a person only dreams of material things and doesn't dream of spirit, it's not wrong to say that he is vulgar. If all mankind only dreams of gold and never dreams of heaven, then even if the dream comes true, it will only live in a hell full of gold.

17 alas, this lovely little stone, she doesn't even know how wonderful she is! How can I comfort her or encourage her?

18, think about it carefully, how reasonable Rousseau is. What we are doing today is forcing children to misuse time.

19, in a person's life, childhood seems to be the most insignificant. Adults are doing serious things, but children are just playing and dreaming, as if wasting precious time in doing nothing. However, seemingly the most humble childhood is actually the most important season in life. Careless adults can't see that in every seemingly ignorant child, there is a soul generated in some form.

I know that some people with a strong sense of mission attach great importance to the "end of the century" because they think that they have an influence that cannot be ignored in the old century and have an unshirkable responsibility for the new century. In short, they are inseparable from the old and new centuries, so we should be far-sighted at the turn of the century. However, I know that my smallness is dispensable for any century.

2 1. Happiness is doing what you like and being with the person you like.

22. "Change your heart with your heart!" -but, such a change, both sides have lost their sincerity, haven't they?

23. On the stage of life, each of us is busy playing our own role, busier than a real actor, and has less time to leave.

24. There are two ways to get spiritual happiness: one is to accept, such as reading and appreciating works of art; The other is giving, which is work. It is in the work that people's mental ability and life value have been actively realized.

25. The activities that a person engages in just to make a living or make money belong to labor, while the activities that he engages in out of his true interest and true temperament belong to creation. Work can only bring external benefits, and only creation can bring spiritual happiness. However, external interests are a very realistic temptation, which often induces people to work endlessly, so that they will never experience the fun of creation.

26. A healthy mind comes from a smart mind. Modern people are prone to mental illness, and the root of this disease is that they don't understand the fundamental truth of life, so they can't see the little things in life. If you want to understand, how can you not understand?

27. The influence of things on people is inversely proportional to distance. The closer you get, the more you can control your mood. So the way to reduce and get rid of its influence is to find a foothold, which can distance us from things. If that foothold is still in the world and the distance from things is limited, we will gain a wise attitude. If we put that foothold outside the world and keep an infinite distance from things, we will get a detached attitude.

28. The so-called intelligent life is to strike a balance between persistence and detachment. Have a detached side, see the boundaries of life, and have a distance from life, but can see what is really valuable in life.

29. A person can't help but be persistent if he loves life, and can't help but be pessimistic if he has insight into the truth of life. The result of the fierce conflict and reconciliation between the two is detachment. Therefore, detachment is essentially a persistence with pessimistic constraints and pessimism with continuous constraints. After careful analysis, there are always two factors, pessimism and persistence, but they have formed an appropriate relationship and are no longer inclined to one side. I don't believe there is a "supreme consciousness" to understand life once and for all. If he had, he would have become a Buddha long ago and did not belong to this living world.

30. I thought: With this idea, the pain will be alleviated. Then I thought: perfection has also been lost.

3 1, people are noble for a moment and mediocre for a lifetime.

32. Life is a futile experiment. Because there is no result, no matter how hard you try. Because there is no result, no experiment is practical.

33. In the morning, I said: One day is very long, and people can travel all over the universe. In the evening, I said: A day is too short to use up an atom.

34. I feel scared when I think that there have been countless people and countless different lives in the long river of human history. Suddenly I feel that my life and I have lost weight and become insignificant.

When a person is young, external factors-including people, events and opportunities he meets-will have a great influence on his life beliefs and life path. But after a certain age, the influence of external factors will be greatly weakened. At that time, if he had formed his own life beliefs, it would be difficult for external factors to change. If it has not been formed, it will be difficult for external factors to form again.

36. I don't trust all the so-called life mentors. In this godless world, who can say that he has seen through all the detours and desperate situations, so he is no longer confused and needs to look for them?

37. In the vast universe, everyone has only one chance to survive, and all of them are unique and unrepeatable. Reputation, property, knowledge, etc. Everything is external, everyone can ask for it, but no one can feel life instead of you. After you die, no one can live again instead of you. If you really realize this, you will understand that the most important thing in life is the characteristics and taste of live high. Whether your life is meaningful is not measured by external success, but by your unique understanding and persistence in the meaning of life, which makes your self shine with the brilliance of personality.

38. I believe that theoretically, the basic nature of everyone's endowment and ability has long been determined. So there must be a career and field that suits him best in this world. Of course, in practice, whether he can find this field and engage in this kind of business is bound to be restricted by objective conditions. However, you should be conscious and try to shorten the search process. At some stage in life, one must know who he is and what he wants.

39. The healthy growth of the spirit is inseparable from the land and the sky. Land contributes sources and materials, while the sky shows goals and forms. Comparatively speaking, land should come first. People come from the soil and go back to the soil. Soil is actually a kind of crop on the land. The land is home, and the sky is just a distant landscape. I even believe that the so-called metaphysical concern of philosophers about the sky through the ages can only be solved by returning to the earth and in a kind of intimacy of all things.

40. The meaning of life, happiness at the secular level, morality at the social level and belief at the transcendental level all depend on the attitude towards life.

4 1, ambition will rise to wisdom if it is willing to drop to normality.

42. There is a divinity in peace. With a calm mind, we can understand God's works and use them as an example to create human works. Without a calm mind, all our busyness is just work, without creation; The pursuit of all knowledge is only academic, without wisdom; All achievements are only utilitarian, and there is no longer spiritual satisfaction; Even all religious activities have only become secular affairs, and there is no real faith. Without a calm heart, no matter how splendid the material civilization is, we still live a barbaric life.

43. Don't tell me that suffering purifies the soul and tragedy ennobles people. In silence, how many sensitive hearts are blunted by suffering, and how many frustrated heroes are destroyed by tragedy. Why use vivid pictures on the stage to cover up the silence in life!

44. After vicissitudes of life, I read various theories and found that I finally believed in the paradigm of classical love: true love must be faithful and single-minded. When you miss someone and are missed by this person, your heart will settle down, so how practical it is to live. Compared with the love of this solitary partner, everything seems so illusory.

Sitting in front of noisy TV all night, they call it Chinese New Year. I hid in my hut, guarding the loneliness at the last moment of the year. When the floodgates of years open once a year, I will sit alone on the dam and watch the river of life surge by.

46. Because we have always despised the value of life, life used to be zero in front of rights, but now it is zero in front of money.

47. Life is sometimes sweet and sometimes difficult. Every moment is a trade-off, try to follow your heart. In this process, it is the happiest thing to keep writing and grow up with a smile. But technology brought irresistible laziness, which was recorded in paper books from the beginning of pregnancy, and later wrote a long blog post. Now that Weibo is short, how many details and feelings he has lost during this period is also caused by the double-edged sword of the times.

48. For those who cherish soul and life, loneliness should be a necessity of life.

49. Man is a practical plant. He is busy watering himself, fertilizing himself and bearing fruit, but he often forgets to blossom.

50. Some people can only recognize themselves in boiling communication. Some people can only recognize themselves in quiet solitude.

5 1, admittedly, it is sad and ridiculous to cling to outdated beliefs, or to pretend to have beliefs but not to have them. You might as well talk and laugh. However, I can't laugh anymore when I see someone showing off unbelief as honor.

52. Make a reconciliation with death at any stage of life, and keep a detached attitude while actively entering.

53. For people's emotions, science can only explain part, not all.

54. Everyone is a god, and then there will be an Olympian party.

55. In the face of eternal death, all finite lives are equal. Random thoughts: Philosophy always lures us forward with various mysterious gestures, and the indicator behind philosophy is the world. However, once the temptation succeeds, it immediately laughs at the ignorance and powerlessness of human wisdom, which makes us contradictory, pessimistic in contradiction and breeds detachment; Pessimists become poor and meaningless victims, while detached people become restless spirits in their hands.

56. In our hearts, love and loneliness are actually the same feeling. They are inseparable. The more lonely we feel, the stronger our desire for love.

57. Thirdly, however, perhaps the most accurate statement is that genius is recognized by being misunderstood. The world recognizes its obvious cleverness, and at the same time guesses the idea of genius with a mediocre mind.

Mediocrity lasts longer than genius. Mediocrity is a craftsman in the spiritual workshop. As long as physical strength allows, it can always be done. Once the creative genius is exhausted, it is completely finished. Without any comfort, he became a waste in his own eyes. He is really a loser.

59. Sometimes, the only difference between genius and ordinary people is whether they have developed strict work habits.

60. Most people belong to family, country and society. Genius belongs to existence and non-existence, minimum and maximum, self and eternity.

6 1, the saddest thing is not the lament of the loser, but the lament of the winner. In the eyes of losers, there is still something worth pursuing-success. But the man who is still pessimistic about success, all his illusions are shattered, and he has nothing to pursue. Losers only sigh their own life experiences; If a successful person laments, he must bemoan his life.

62. This time is good. There is no love, no resentment, no excitement, no worries, but I still strongly feel my existence and feel full. This feeling is very good.

63. Being understood is lucky, but not being understood is not necessarily unfortunate.

64. A lie repeated ten times does not necessarily become the truth, but the truth repeated ten times will definitely become nonsense.

65. Man's nobility lies in his soul. The deepest difference between people is not occupation, but thought.

66. A harmonious marriage can be achieved by manpower, but a happy love depends on providence.

67. It is a sign of confidence in love that lovers are not bound to each other. No one restricts anyone, and in the end, no one can live without anyone. This is true love.

68. Confession is the death certificate of understanding.

69. Keeping in touch and keeping a distance in real life can make each other's attraction last.

70. Like all games, fouls and punishments are elements of love games. Of course, the premise is that the fouler has no intention of quitting the game. No foul is allowed, or if a foul is not punished, the game cannot be played.

7 1, he often uses some snacks to please women, and women are just some snacks in his life. Women believe in dreams more than men. In women's life, dreams occupy a position no less than reality.

72. The first cry of life is without a trace of sadness, because there is no sadness in the world where life comes from, and sadness is the product of our world.

73. Protect mental health. I know I can be detached.

74. Any enjoyment of life depends on a clear heart. When a heart becomes turbid in the excitement of inferiority, it means that everyone was born in this world and must have a position that suits him best, just waiting for him to claim it one day. Whether a position is the best for him should ask his life and soul to see if they are happy.

75. All the highest rewards and punishments are not extra, but the energy results caused by the actors themselves.

76. Ten thousand novels can't fill the gaps in A Dream of Red Mansions.

77. There are different reasons for silence: if a person refuses to speak, is it obedience or resentment; Because I dare not say, it is cowardice or resentment; Because it is inconvenient to say it, it is polite or hypocritical; Because it is cautious or sophisticated not to say it; Because needless to say, it is tacit understanding or separation; Because you don't say whether it's pride or detachment.

78. The less free the environment is, the more valuable the inner freedom is, and the more it can make individuals stand out.

79. There is a kind of consciousness, the source of which has nothing to do with ancestors and predecessors. I can only say that it comes directly from God, from the deepest root and core of the world.

80. Destiny is immutable, but only our attitude towards it can be changed. Happiness belongs to heaven, and happiness belongs to the world.

8 1, savvy is something you already have, but one way to open it is to read good books and books written by masters with extraordinary savvy, which will help you form and strengthen correct values.