Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who are the heroes in myths and legends? What's the story? (Please clearly indicate what myth it comes from) Please don't answer randomly!

Who are the heroes in myths and legends? What's the story? (Please clearly indicate what myth it comes from) Please don't answer randomly!

Oriental mythology comes from Shan Hai Jing. Kuafu pursues the sun, Jingwei fills the sea, * * * works angrily without breaking the mountain, Dayu controls the water, and Nuwa fills the sky with colored stones.

The story of the French and the French driving a solar car;

Apollo's son Phaeton pestered his father and asked him to fly Apollo's Pegasus in the air for one day. The loving father earnestly warned his son: Your request is too much for your strength and age. Its name is "disaster". However, Phaeton did not listen to him and made the original request. The helpless father had to take him to the tall chariot made by our nobles.

The young passenger got on the minibus and held the reins happily. The four fast horses of the sun god felt that the load of the chariot was different from usual, so they ran wildly and left the original track. Worried Phaeton looked down from the zenith, pale and weak knees, and regretted driving his father's horse. The solar car has been rushing forward, just like a boat in the wind. The helmsman on the ship couldn't catch the rudder, so he let God push him.

Finally, the shaft diverged and the fragments of the broken car were scattered all over the floor. Phaeton, the flame burned his red and golden hair, head down, dragging a long tail and falling into the air. Far from home, he was taken in by the Eridanos River on the other side of the sky, and his face was washed away.

The story of Pandora's box

Pandora is a princess in ancient Greece. The gods were jealous of her beauty, gave her a mysterious joint venture and told her never to open the box. One day, however, Pandora finally couldn't resist the temptation of curiosity and opened the lid, so the illness, pain and madness in the box flew out and spread all over the world. Fortunately, a kind God told her to close the box in time, so she kept the medicine of suffering: hope.

Apollo's love story

According to legend, Daphne (Laurel Goddess) is a very beautiful goddess who once worshipped Apollo, the eldest son of Zeus. Finally, one day Apollo finally couldn't resist his love for the goddess laurel and pursued her. But because Apollo itself is the sun god, his body gathered a lot of heat energy, which made laurel unbearable, and once he got close, he was in danger of burning his skin. So every time Apollo chased laurel, she would hide. In this way, chasing and hiding, but this is not the way after all, and finally laurel can't stand it, she shouted for help. Her father couldn't stand his daughter suffering so much, so he opened a big crack in the earth. The laurel tree jumped into a big tree and grew out of the crack. From then on, this tree was called laurel. For some reason, Apollo thought that laurel would rather be a tree than be with him. It was not until one day that he suddenly realized that laurel had become a big tree because he was too hot. Apollo vowed to leave a cover for laurel forever. That is the sunspot we know now, the eternal cover left in the heart of the sun god, the cover he left for laurel. ....

The story of the disharmonious golden apple

When Achilles' parents got married, they forgot to invite Eris, the goddess of discord, so there was the story of the golden apple. Paris, the prince of Troy, went to Greece to meet menstruation according to his father's wishes when he grew up. He fell in love with Helen at first sight and took her away, which led to the Trojan War (10). The gods helped each other, Flotti helped Troy, Hera and Athena helped Greece, and there was a scuffle between man and god.

The story of Sisyphus.

In order to punish Sisyphus, who was suspected of adultery, the gods made him keep pushing stones up the mountain, but the boulder rolled down the mountain again and again because of its own weight, and so on. However, the guilty man found pleasure in his futile work: "He devoted his whole body and mind to an ineffective cause."

The story of Antaeus.

Antaeus is the son of Poseidon and Gaia, the mother of the earth. All passers-by passing through Libya must follow him.

Fight. However, in battle, Antaeus can draw strength from Mother Earth, as long as she doesn't leave the earth. hertz

Lex knocked him down three times and finally discovered the secret of his recovery. So he lifted Antaeus with a strong arm.

In the air and hang him.

King Amphitryon learned from the mouth of a blind soothsayer that his son was extremely talented, and he was determined to let his son enjoy an education worthy of being a hero. He hired heroes from all over the world to teach young Hercules all kinds of skills. He personally taught him the skills of driving chariots; King Eurytos of Ocalia taught him to draw a bow and shoot arrows; Happel Kush taught him fighting and boxing; Mokas taught him to play the piano and sing. Casto, one of Zeus' twins, taught him to fight in the wild with all his weapons. Apollo's white-haired son Rinos taught him to read and write. Hercules showed his talent and ability to learn. But he can't stand the torture. Old Rinos is an impatient teacher. On one occasion, he hit Hercules for no reason. Hercules grabbed his harp and threw it at the teacher's head. The teacher immediately fell to the ground and died. Hercules regretted it very much, but he was taken to court. Radamantis, an upright and knowledgeable judge, acquitted him. The judge issued a new law that those who kill in self-defense are innocent. However, Amphitryon was worried that his powerful son would commit similar crimes in the future, so he sent him to the countryside to herd cattle. Heracles lived here year after year and grew tall and strong. He is more than ten feet tall, and his eyes are bright, like flickering coals. He is good at riding and shooting. He can shoot and throw a gun. By the time he was 0/8 years old, he had grown into the most handsome and strong man in Greece. He is facing the challenge of fate, and now it is time to see whether his martial arts and strength are used for benefit or evil.

Heracles left the shepherd and the cow and went to a quiet place to think about how to choose his life path. Suddenly, he saw two noble women coming face to face. A woman has all kinds of manners, noble and pure, modest eyes and polite manners, wearing a white robe. Another elegant, snow-white skin is painted with powder and perfume, and her posture is correct, which makes her look taller than she really is. Her eyes looked straight ahead, dressed appropriately, and showed infinite charm. She admired herself and looked around freely to see if anyone was looking at her with envy. When they approached, the latter woman grabbed the first few steps, got ahead of the first woman, walked up to the handsome Hercules and said hello, "Hercules, I can see that you are still hesitating and don't know what kind of life path to choose." If you choose me as your girlfriend, then I can take you to the most comfortable life path. When you get there, you can enjoy all the fun of life, and there will be no troubles and unevenness in life; You don't have to take part in any war, you don't have to worry about buying and selling, you just enjoy wine and food. You sleep in a warm and soft bed, and you don't have to do physical and mental work. You can enjoy the fruits of other people's labor and endless prosperity, because I have given my friends the right to enjoy everything. "

Hercules listened to this seductive remark and asked her in surprise, "Beautiful woman, what's your name?"

"My friends call me the goddess of happiness." She replied, "and those who want to belittle me say I am a frivolous girl."

Just then, another woman came to the front. "I've come to see you, dear Hercules." She said: "I know your father, your talent and your education, which give me hope." If you choose the path I show you, you will achieve all the good deeds and great events in the world. But I can't guarantee that you will enjoy the splendor. I just want to tell you how much the gods in heaven like you. However, all the gains will not fall from the sky. If you want God to protect you, you should worship them first. If you want to get the love of your friends, then you should do good for them. If you want the country to respect you, you should serve it; If you want all Greece to praise your virtue, then you should seek happiness for all Greece; As you sow, you reap. If you want to win the war, you must learn the art of war. If you want to keep a strong body, you should make it strong through hard work. "

The frivolous woman suddenly interrupted her words. "You see, my dear Hercules," she said, "how long and bumpy you have to go to achieve the goal she said. And I guide you to happiness in the most comfortable way. " "You are a lying woman," the kind woman said to her. "You have nothing beautiful. You don't know what true happiness is, because you were satisfied before you went to them. Whether you are hungry or thirsty, no soft and warm bed can satisfy you. You let your friends drink all night, sleep soundly during the day, and how many good times are wasted. When they were young, they lived a carefree life. When they were old, they were ashamed of the past. What about you? Although you are immortal, you are spurned by the gods and despised by the good world. You have never heard a compliment or done a good deed. On the contrary, I was welcomed by the gods and all the good people. Artists regard me as a messenger, my parents regard me as a loyal protector, and my servants regard me as a kind helper. I am a supporter of the cause of peace, a reliable ally in the war and a loyal friend. For my friends, eating and sleeping are more important than lazy people. Young people like to be praised by old people, and old people like to be respected by young people. They are satisfied with their past behavior and happy with what they are doing now. I make people respect customers, let them be blessed by God, loved by friends and respected by the country. When the end comes, they will not walk into the grave in obscurity and disgrace, but their glory will remain in the world and be admired by future generations. Ah, Hercules, if you choose this way of life, you will feel really happy. "

The two women finished and disappeared, leaving Hercules alone. He is determined to choose the road of virtue. Soon, he found an opportunity to do good. As we all know, Greece at that time was densely covered with jungles and swamps, and there were fierce lions, wild boars and other evil animals everywhere. Therefore, removing these evil obstacles and liberating Greece from this harmful beast is one of the great goals of ancient heroes.