Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does the idea of opposition between Yin and Yang contain?

What does the idea of opposition between Yin and Yang contain?

The concept of Yin and Yang originated from the ancient people's view of nature in China. The ancients observed various opposing and related natural phenomena in nature, such as heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, cold and heat, men and women, up and down, etc. And summed up the concept of "Yin and Yang" in a philosophical way of thinking. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Yi Zhuan and Lao Zi's Tao Te Ching both mentioned Yin and Yang [1]. The theory of Yin and Yang has penetrated into all aspects of China's traditional culture, including religion, philosophy, calendar, Chinese medicine, calligraphy, architecture, divination and so on. Yin and Yang are the division or subdivision of "unity of opposites or contradictory relationship", and the two are species relations. The foundation of yin, yang and five elements of Chinese studies seems simple, but few people know it, and even fewer people know it and can keep it.

Yin and Yang represent the most basic opposition of all things.

Yin is cold, dark, polymeric and materialized.

Yang is heat, light, heat and gasification.

There is yang in yin and yin in yang, and the rush of qi is considered to be harmonious (like invisible qi separating yin and yang and making them occupy their respective positions). )。

The position of yin and yang is constantly changing, and it goes round and round. What we can see is that Yin is inside, Yang is outside (that is, positive matter that polymerizes to produce Yang), and vice versa (similar to a black hole). Everything must conform to the law and structure of Yin and Yang, just like life (gathering) and then death (parting). This is the law of yin and yang. If yin and yang are out of balance or in the wrong position in the human body, people will get sick.

These are the real meanings of Yin and Yang, and they are also the fundamental meanings of the Taiji diagram drawn on this basis. Traditional Chinese studies (medicine, astronomy, geography, mathematics, philosophy and even various classics) are all based on this, and have profoundly influenced China people's world outlook and outlook on life. The basic content of Yin-Yang theory includes four aspects: Yin-Yang integration, Yin-Yang opposition, Yin-Yang mutual root, Yin-Yang fluctuation and Yin-Yang transformation.

There is a mutual resonance between yin and yang. "Resonance" means mutual induction, which means that yin and yang are in the process of mutual induction and interaction in motion. Ancient philosophers in China thought: (Yin and Yang) "Two Qi are born together, and everything is in harmony" (Tai Chi Map by Zhou Dunyi in Song Dynasty). Everything comes from the interaction of yin and yang. This philosophical thought originated from the pre-Qin philosophers, such as Xunzi's Book of Rites, which said: "Everything is born of harmony between heaven and earth, and everything is born of yin and yang." He also said: "The sense of heaven and earth is transformed into everything." Therefore, it is pointed out that the combination of yin and yang is the change and fundamental condition of the metaplasia of all things, in which "combination", "connection" and "induction" all have the meaning of interaction and influence. Therefore, it can be said that the interaction of yin and yang between heaven and earth is the beginning of the emergence and change of all things. In the universe and nature, the law of the formation of things is indeed the same. When the sun's yang drops and the earth's yin rises, Yin and Yang interact, and everything is born, forming rain, fog, lightning, rain and dew, sunshine and air. With whom, life can be born. Under the sunshine and rain, living things can develop and grow. In human beings, men and women construct the essence, new life individuals can be born and passed down from generation to generation, and human beings can reproduce. Therefore, without the sympathetic movement of Yin and Yang, there would be no nature and no life. It can be seen that the combination of yin and yang is the basic condition of life activities.

A pair of yin and yang means that there are two opposing aspects of yin and yang in all things or phenomena in the world, such as up and down, heaven and earth, movement and ups and downs. , of which the upper part belongs to Yang and the lower part belongs to Yin; The sky is yang and the earth is yin; Movement is Yang, quietness is Yin, ascending belongs to Yang, descending belongs to Yin. Opposing yin and yang are interdependent, and neither side can exist alone without the other. The upper part is yang, the lower part is yin, and it doesn't matter if there is no upper part; Heat is yang, cold is yin, and cold is no heat. Therefore, it can be said that Yang depends on Yin and Yin depends on Yang, and each side regards the existence of the other as its own existence condition. This is the mutual root of yin and yang.

The opposition, restriction and mutual utilization between yin and yang are not static, but always in a process of growth and decline, in which yin and yang reach a dynamic balance. This fluctuation is absolute, while the dynamic balance is relative. For example, the sun is shining during the day, and the physiological function of the human body is mainly exciting; But at night, yin is abundant, and the physiological function of the body is mainly inhibition. From midnight to noon, the yang is gradually flourishing, and the physiological function of human body gradually changes from inhibition to excitement, that is, yin disappears and yang grows; From noon to midnight, the yang gradually declines, and the physiological function of the human body gradually changes from excitement to inhibition, that is, yang disappears and yin grows.

Under certain conditions, yin and yang can also be transformed into each other, that is, the so-called extremes meet. For example, some acute fever, due to extremely heavy heat toxicity, consumes a lot of vitality of the body. In the case of persistent high fever, symptoms such as sudden drop in body temperature, cold limbs, and slightly heartbroken pulse may occur, which is the manifestation of yang syndrome transforming into yin syndrome. It can be said that the growth and decline of Yin and Yang is a process of quantitative change, while the transformation of Yin and Yang is a process of qualitative change. The rise and fall of Yin and Yang is the premise of the transformation of Yin and Yang, and the transformation of Yin and Yang is the result of the development of Yin and Yang.