Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to describe the three religions and nine streams in The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival?

How to describe the three religions and nine streams in The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival?

The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival by Zhang Zeduan in the Northern Song Dynasty is an encyclopedia reflecting the social life of the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty. Before, we discussed the food and transportation in Bianjing as shown in the picture. Today we will discuss the identity of the characters in the picture. We often use it? Three religions and nine streams? To refer to all social strata, three religions? Refers to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Jiuxi? In the past, it generally referred to nine academic schools from pre-Qin to early Han Dynasty. Today, we use it to refer to all walks of life in Bianjing City. Let's go back to the capital of song dynasty 900 years ago and see all kinds of people in the capital of song dynasty.

Confucian scholar

Confucian scholars occupy a large proportion in the picture, and you can see Confucian scholars everywhere in the picture. As we all know, the Song Dynasty was a dynasty that ruled the world by literature. Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi is keen on reading. He once said? Is it beneficial to open books? . Song Zhenzong and Zhao Heng advocated "encouraging learning"? The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu? . Wang Zhu, a prodigy in the Song Dynasty, wrote:? Everything is inferior, only reading is high. ? These all tell a kind of social knowledge at that time. Therefore, the literati had a lofty social status in the Song Dynasty. Confucian scholars in Song Dynasty usually like to wear tall and square towels and hats. Dongpo towel? Or? Happy towel? . On the streets of the capital of song dynasty, people wearing Confucian clothes can be seen everywhere.

The dragon stayed at home outside Wang Yuan.

Among the many Confucian scholars, there are certainly many middle-aged and elderly people, and more are young people. The existence of young Confucian scholars is related to Tokyo's position in the imperial examination system. The Song Dynasty was a dynasty in which the imperial examinations in ancient China were standardized and institutionalized, and all social strata could gain fame through the imperial examinations. Therefore, every year in scientific research, Bianjing City is crowded with scholars from all over the world who come to Beijing to take the exam. Some of them are on the road, some are chatting, some get together to exchange exam information, and some are here? Did you stay at Mr. Wang's house for a long time? Study hard in such a low-rent house. Just entering the city gate, a young man rode a horse, which seemed to be an example of going to Beijing from other places to catch the exam. Behind him are two servants, one holding a horse and the other carrying luggage.

Young people who come to Beijing to take the exam.

A building located in the southwest corner of Cross Street in the east of the city. Pick one at the door facing east? Solution? Signboard, some experts believe that this is an institution that handles various examination procedures for juren. In the bamboo shed in the north, there are many people around an old man. They are all dressed up by Confucian scholars, standing or sitting, and they are all looking for exam materials with a focused face, perhaps because they have just handed in materials.

Inquire about exam information

Buddhist monk

There is a monk at the gate of the temple.

In the picture, there is a south-facing temple on the north bank of the moat, and there is a monk at the entrance of the temple. The mountain gate of the temple is closed, and the statue of the heavenly king at the door can be seen clearly. Monks dressed in cassocks are entering the temple from a side door. There are two doors, and rows of nails on the door panels are clearly visible. There is a bucket arch under the eaves of the main entrance, which seems to have a plaque, indicating that this temple is of high level and has been recognized by the state. There are few pedestrians in the street outside the door, which is very quiet.

In addition, there are three monks in the picture. A monk dressed in beige cassock is quietly listening to a book outside the storytelling booth at the crossroads. I don't know why a monk is interested in such entertainment. Maybe he is out of curiosity, or he wants to learn from others' eloquence, so that he can talk freely when giving lectures. In the middle of the intersection, there is a fat monk chatting with a man who looks like a member of the army. I don't know if he is talking about Buddhism or reincarnation or something.

Roving monks

The most striking thing is the monk walking in a hurry at the end of the picture scroll. He knocked on the board with both hands and carried a bamboo basket on his back. A bamboo hat is buckled on the top of the bamboo basket to keep out the sun and rain. This dress is exactly the same as the Tang priest Xuanzang in Dunhuang murals. Judging from the direction he is traveling, he may intend to cross the city. The determined monk is in sharp contrast with the crowded group of bureaucrats around him. In mid-spring, when it was warm and cold, his two calves were exposed, which was no different from those coolies, and contrasted with the two monks wearing cassock at the crossroads, which was awe-inspiring.

Taoist priest

In the Song Dynasty, Taoism also received strong support from the royal family. Song Zhenzong strongly advocated Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism? Three religions and one purpose? . Song Huizong is a devout Taoist. He often asks Taoist priests to tell his fortune. His birthday was May 5th, and the Taoist thought it was unlucky, so he changed it to1June 10. He calls himself Emperor Daojun and is the leader of Taoism. This unity of church and state is also rare in the history of China. Song Huizong also established Taoism according to the imperial examination system and set up 26 Taoist officials. Taoist officials pass the exam and get a salary. He built a large number of temples, each of which gave thousands of hectares of land, and upper-class monks could enter and leave the Forbidden Palace. Because of the emperor's admiration, county officials dare not neglect the Taoist priests in the palace, and they are always polite when they meet, so Taoism has become the state religion.

Monks and Taoism at the Crossroads

There are three Taoist priests in the picture. One, like a monk, is listening to a book outside the bookstall at the crossroads with a banana-shaped fan. Two other Taoist priests are talking at the crossroads. There are three Taoist priests in Xiaotian, and it is conceivable that the number of Taoist priests at that time should be considerable.

Tourism official

With the development of the imperial examination system in Song Dynasty, a large number of talents poured into the ruling class. In the second year of Song Taizong's accession to the throne, 500 people, including Jinshi, were selected from more than 5,300 people in Gong Shi, and were awarded official positions in Muxian County, which increased to 1000 people during the reign of Emperor Yongxi. In this way, a huge civil service system is formed, which is run by the government? Capacity? An unprecedented expansion.

Tourism official

This point can't be ignored in the picture. At the end of the picture, there is an official riding a burly horse. He is wearing a big hat and holding a bamboo pole with ears. He doesn't look like a big official, but he's not small. At the front, five soap merchants opened the way for him. In front of the horse, there are two followers. Behind him, someone was carrying a huge parasol, and another man followed with luggage. There are as many as nine people crowding around, and the momentum is great.

revenue officer

Near the north of the city gate is a tax office. The tax collector sits in the middle of the hall, covered with a name? Introduction? Certificate of conformity. In the past, merchants wrote down the name, grade, quantity and destination of goods at the tax authorities of the place of departure. Introduction? Come on, not this? Introduction? The tax rate will be particularly high when paying taxes. The door is full of goods, and a tax collector is responsible for registration. The person opposite the tax collector should be the shopkeeper, pointing to the goods and talking to him. They seem to be quarrelling, and the people on duty upstairs are also poking around.

Tax office


North of Xiaohegou outside the city gate, across a small wooden bridge, there is a courtyard inside the city gate. The red door of this compound is nailed with milk nails and posters, with bamboo sticks on the earth wall, and a group of people are sitting or lying outside. Their guns, spears, flags, umbrellas, etc. All against the wall. They look like soldiers, but they all look tired. Obviously this is a yamen, but it is located in the suburbs. According to research, this is a delivery shop, which is equivalent to today's express center. A delivery shop is an institution for delivering official documents. It is not only the first stop for official documents to be sent to other places, but also the last stop for official documents to be delivered to Beijing. Therefore, it is set outside the city gate to facilitate officials to rest after the city gate is closed at night. Look carefully, there is a horse lying on the ground in the yard.



At the northeast corner of the intersection, a group of people were listening to books around a bearded old man, including the monks and Taoists we mentioned just now. It was called storytelling at that time? Talk? . Urban life was developed in Song Dynasty, and citizens' spiritual needs were more diverse. Talk? Art was born. Song dynasty? Talk? , divided into short stories and long stories. Short stories involve monsters, legends, case-solving, martial arts and Zen. Long story? Tell history? :? Tell me about the history and literature of the last generation that spread the war of abolition? Naturally, this cannot be completed overnight. The history course in Song Dynasty was very developed. Su Shi's Dongpo Zhi Lin records that the children of Tuxiang are poor and suffer from their families; With several articles, I heard an old saying. Speaking of three affairs of state, I heard that Liu Bei was defeated, and there were tears in the goods; When you heard that Cao Cao was defeated, you were very happy. ? It can be seen that the history lectures in the Northern Song Dynasty are so common that even children like to listen to them.

Monk? Taoist priest? story-teller

Storytelling in Song Dynasty was based on storytelling, which evolved into the style of Zhang Hui's novels. There are so many people around the storyteller that you can imagine how good the storyteller is.

Fortune teller

Under a strange-looking ancient willow in front of the express center, there is a fortune teller setting up a stall. There are three pieces of cloth hanging on the pavilion, which are written from left to right, namely, doubt, fate and divine lesson. He seems to set up a stall here all the year round.

Fortune teller

Fortune-telling of Yin-Yang and Five Elements was popular in Song Dynasty, so there were many people on the streets of Bianjing City who made a living from it. Wang Anshi estimated that there may be tens of thousands of employees. Some people become rich because of this, reach? How about feng jun? The degree of. Song Huizong himself was superstitious about fortune telling. He once asked a man named Xie Shi to enter the palace and asked him to do it for the concubines and attendants in the harem. Xie Shi's word-splitting prophecy shows that every word is reasonable and there are obvious blessings and disasters. Song Huizong was very happy at the moment, so he was named Cheng Xinlang.

Good things in the world will be effective in the afterlife. In the Song Dynasty, divination was not only used in daily life, but also in political struggles, so that some magicians said that the fate of literati was between me and me. Perhaps this statement is somewhat credible, otherwise how could this fortune teller put his booth next to the official building?

Divination elder

On the bank of Bianhe River in the suburbs, there is also an old man who walks the streets and makes a living by divination. He has a lid in his left hand and a bowl of water in his right hand from a young man. A shopkeeper next to him is letting him sit on a stool in a teahouse and drink water. This picture shows a rare warmth.

Shaving master

Outside the small gate in the southwest corner of the city gate, under an inconspicuous pavilion, there is a barber. He held a young man's chin in his left hand and shaved the young man with a razor in his right hand. He cocked his fingers like orchids, with elegant posture and skillful movements. Young people are a little nervous. No wonder,? Find yourself living on the edge of a razor? Anyone will be nervous.

Shaving master


There are two little beggars on the flat bridge outside the city gate. A few idle people by the railing of Pingqiao Bridge are watching the scenery. The little beggar reached out and begged from them. Some people pretend not to see how little beggars beg. The other two, perhaps afraid that the little beggar would spoil their interest in seeing the scenery, reached out and gave him a penny to send away.

Little beggar

In addition, there are prostitutes, drivers, porters, trackers, mechanics, takeaway brothers and so on. We have introduced it before, so I won't go into details here.