Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is there a soul electromagnetic field or something after death?

Is there a soul electromagnetic field or something after death?

I summed up a few for you (absolutely original):

1. The brain is TV, and consciousness is the image in TV, but where is the source of the image, that is, the "TV Tower"? People are dead, the TV set is broken, but the TV tower is still sending signals, the signals will not disappear, and consciousness will never stop, but it will not take the original people as the carrier.

According to the theory of relativity, life and death are relative. When we are alive, we will think about how we feel after death, and then we will think about how we would feel if we were born after death. Then the feeling of wanting to live after death is, if we are like this now, what kind of situation will the dead people think like this? This is the feeling after death! Just like solving equations in mathematics, you need enough conditions, and conditions are your life! !

3. Has anyone ever gone from waking to coma? People I have had and have had should understand that the feeling between life and death is that in the very short process of coma, people can go from being awake to having a blank mind and know nothing. Similarly, the essence of death is the same. There is no available energy, the difference is that someone dies of pain, and pain needs energy and pain. People suddenly change from waking to coma, just being unconscious. Some people die of old age. When they sleep, they fall asleep and won't wake up. Everyone should sleep without dreaming. That's what happens to people who die of old age. There is also excessive bleeding, and bleeding is accompanied by pain. For example, if someone is hit with a knife, bleeding is painless, and bleeding pain will definitely die faster than painless, because pain will consume energy. Therefore, from the perspective of energy consumption, death is nothing to be afraid of, and there is no place for people to go after death, because they think that they are going to sleep with complex thinking, and they fall asleep unconsciously, without dreaming, and sleep until dawn, and when they die, they will no longer be bright, as simple as that. But people can dream, and dreaming is the activity of the brain. At work, some people see such phenomena before they die because the brain is there.

4. It's actually very simple, isn't it? Do you know the concept of stone? I don't know, because stones don't have thinking, and dead people don't have thinking like stones, so people's thinking and people's brains are in one-to-one correspondence. Just like different data are placed on different disks, usually the data we come into contact with is composed of codes like1001010, and our thinking is composed of protein. When the structure of the brain

Maybe you can really live after death, that is, reborn!

Or enter an eternal state, there is no such thing as life and death, and permanently enter a state of sleeping without dreaming! There is no concept of time. One second is eternity, and eternity is fleeting! The infinity of time!

6. Listen to me, friends

In fact, the thinking of all intelligent creatures is actually a unity.

When you die, your mind system will continue to exist in another life.

In short, you can be anyone.

7. I think it is complicated for people to live. Both thinking and thinking are intertwined to form a network. Even if people die, the intertwined network will not disperse so easily. I think that's the soul.

The soul will make it clear that what you do also determines a person's karma.

After all this, the soul will become very clear and throw itself into a new life.

So, don't be a bad person, don't cherish life, if so, you can't escape death, huh?

8. Death is not a mystery, but a "mystery" that makes people think and seems difficult to explain. In biology, biological death is only the process of cell aging and death. As we all know, normal cells cannot divide indefinitely. When cells divide to a certain extent, they will slowly age and die, which is macroscopically manifested as aging and death. After death. Nerve cells are dead, and there is no feeling without nerves, so it is wrong to say that the essence of "feeling after death".

9. Knowing after death, "Araya's knowledge" is called the eighth sense, and the role of knowledge is to distinguish, judge and understand. In Buddhism, "knowledge" refers to eye knowledge (vision), ear knowledge (hearing), nose knowledge (smell), tongue knowledge (taste), body knowledge (touch) and consciousness (intuition). In addition to the above-mentioned six senses, the yoga school also adds eschatological knowledge (the seventh sense) and Aryan knowledge to become eight senses, plus Amoro knowledge (innocent knowledge)

The seventh sense is what people commonly call the "small universe".

The ninth feeling is the realm of God. ...

What the first seven senses see, hear, feel and know all remain in Araya's knowledge, just as clothes smell, and they will always smell. To some extent, Aryan knowledge can be understood as the soul. However, Arya's knowledge is not an eternal thing, but always changing, which is different from the meaning of the general soul. Like a waterfall in the distance, like a piece of white cloth hanging down, rapid and subtle migration is Araille's knowledge.

10. If you can think, exercise and feel, it means you are alive, or talking about life!

There are many things, and the computer is fast! So is the stone (maybe we didn't detect it)

On the other hand, what if human beings are just a very complicated machine?

In fact, we are just running according to the designed state!

There are so many others!

Do you still think you are alive or dead?

1 1. Maybe in the future we can save people's thoughts like computers, so that the soul will be there, but we will become electronic signals.

Classic idea, maybe!

Personally, I feel that after death, it's like sleeping and dreaming at night. Sometimes they are killed and awakened in their dreams.

After death, you come to another world, a world you don't know. From the beginning, all the memories of your last life are gone, even the language is gone. . . . .

You can also study death from another angle. Do you say that babies are born with souls? Where does its soul come from? !

12. Ants can't understand the behavior and thoughts of birds and humans, because the former lives in two-dimensional space and the latter lives in three-dimensional space!

Time, space and matter are all "conscious" through people's five senses!

0 dimension is a point, 0 point.

1 dimension is a line and countless points.

Two-dimensional is a face with countless lines.

3d is an object with countless faces.

4-D is an infinite number of bodies and an infinite number of parallel worlds (an infinite number of your own bodies). Time is just the process of your "consciousness" choosing the direction of the universe and things. We feel that there is only one universe, but in fact, your consciousness has experienced infinite parallel universes every millisecond, and there is no past, present and future, all of which exist in N-dimensional space at the same time.

Dimensions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are too difficult to understand and express.

Our world is actually similar to the scene described in The Matrix, but it is much more complicated. The only thing we really have is "consciousness"