Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Yin and Yang Division Onmyoji Raiders _ How to match the skills of Yin and Yang Division 800 Bhikuni

Yin and Yang Division Onmyoji Raiders _ How to match the skills of Yin and Yang Division 800 Bhikuni

How to match the skills of Yin-Yang teacher 800 Bhikuni in different modes? This article will bring the detailed strategy of this new Yin and Yang teacher, and look at her skill analysis and collocation guide for your reference.

Q: How do you match the skills of Yin and Yang's 800 monks and nuns?

She is the first assistant yin and yang teacher in the game. Skills are mainly auxiliary systems such as recovery, resurrection and purification, and some new skill mechanisms have been introduced.

Because the general attack has low damage, no harm to the soul, and only one set of output skills. The output of 800 bhikkhus is not high in itself.

(1) Brush the PVE map with dog food, and it is recommended to bring foreknowledge+star meteorite or seal of divination+star meteorite.

(2) In the hunting of the ghost king, it is suggested to carry the seal of foreknowledge and divination to reverse the damage.

(3) In PVP, the high-speed output team is recommended to carry the curse of the stars+foreknowledge or curse of the stars+seal of divination against injury or seal of the curse of the stars+seal of divination resurrection.

(4) In PVP, Jingji/Dizang boys' slow queue, it is suggested to carry the seal of Star Meteor+Inverse Injury Divination or the seal of Inverse Injury Divination+Resurrection Divination.

Ordinary attack, Lv5 causes attack power 125% damage.

This skill has the second lowest attack power among the four Yin-Yang teachers (Yuan Boya, Shenle is 140%, enigmatic is 120%, but 100% reduces the target damage by 40%).

Star Curse: When Lv5 seals all enemies, it has a 45% chance to invalidate the soul-bending effect and passive skills of the target god for 2 rounds and cool the skills for 3 rounds.

800 bhikkhu core skills for PVP! Seal passive and soul-bending effects can effectively restrain any PVP lineup on the opposite side, making the opposite side worse than death. For example, there is no bird with a needle, no wood that breaks the potential and spreads the damage, no needle girl and a demon knife girl who strengthens the damage. Mirror Ji team and Tibetan boy almost completely lost their fighting capacity.

Prediction: At Lv5, all teammates will guard 2 rounds. When a teammate with guardian effect crits, he will have a 30% chance to recover 40% of his life and his skill will be cooled for 3 rounds.

This is a terrible life recovery skill, especially when 800 monks are placed in the export team (because the export team generally does not take milk). Under the protection of Buff, as long as the main output is not instantaneous, a set of skills can be full of blood (unfriendly to the single-level output god). If there is another boy in the output team, after the boy's successor is resurrected, a set of Buff 800 bhikshuni can make all outputs get rid of the low blood volume state directly.

This skill is equivalent to the existence of a big milk in PVE. If the milk in the team is fireflies, it will be even more icing on the cake.

Star Meteor: deals 134% damage to all enemies at Lv5, and has a 40% chance to reduce the maximum life of the target by 20% for 2 rounds, and the skill will be cooled for 3 rounds.

This is the only Debuff in the game that can lower the limit of life. PVP can be used in conjunction with other potential breakthrough outputs, especially Ibaraki Metropolitan. Although most PVE bosses don't eat Debuff, it is also a good choice to bring dog food on the road.

Seal of Divination: 2 rounds at level 5 protection 1 teammate. The protected target recovers 30% of lost life after 1 turn, and the seal of divination cannot be superimposed.

Seal of Divination: 2 rounds at level 5 protection 1 teammate. The protected target will be resurrected immediately after death, restoring 20% of its health. The seal of divination cannot be superimposed.

Seal of Divination: v5 protection 1 teammate 2 rounds. When the protected target is directly attacked by a single attack, it will rebound 80% of its own damage, and the divination seal cannot be superimposed.

These three divination seals have the same skill name and the same skill icon. This is actually a very interesting mechanism. When you use the seal of prophecy, your opponent needs to judge what kind of seal of prophecy you release before you can act. Because the effects of the three divination seals are far from each other, opponents need to carefully consider their actions. Skill pre-position, effective within 2 rounds. This process also echoes the name of the skill "divination", which is very interesting.

Divination is printed with three effects: blood return, resurrection and rebound damage. The blood transfusion effect Lv5 can only save 30% of the lives lost, which is really uneconomical. It is not recommended to carry it on any occasion. Resurrection and rebound damage are very useful in PVP and PVE. Especially now the resurrection skills in the game are scarce (only boys and peach blossoms). In PVP, choosing to carry two divination marks of resurrection and gunshot wound can effectively confuse the opponent's choice.

Purification: Peacock Purification Target is triggered in 800 Bhikuni, which dispels all negative states of a random friendly unit.

The only passive skill in the Four Yin and Yang Divisions without any damage effect ... This doomed that 800 monks could not do damage alone. The skill mechanism is similar to the carp flag of Lv2, which dispels the negative state. Because of the need of speed, we can consider forming a team of 800 monks and Yao Qin Shi to participate in PVP. This negative attitude of PVE is almost useless.

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