Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What was the life of ancient humans without fire?

What was the life of ancient humans without fire?

Fire is the light and heat produced by the burning of matter, and it is a kind of energy. Combustible, ignition point and oxidant must coexist to catch fire. All three are indispensable. Fire is a plasma state between gas, solid and liquid. Fire is composed of substances in plasma state, and plasma is the fourth state of substances (the other three are solid, liquid and gas) defined by British physicist Sir william crookes in 1879.

When electrons leave the nucleus, this process is called ionization. At this time, the substance becomes a uniform "paste" composed of positively charged nuclei and negatively charged electrons, which is called ionic slurry. These plasmas have equal total positive and negative charges, so they are also called plasmas.

The fire we usually see is the photon emitted by ionized electrons when they return to the ground state from the excited state. Photons with different energies have different colors.

Does fire have gravity? The answer is yes, because the shape of the fire in the weightless space capsule is spherical, and its shape is influenced by gravity.

In junior high school chemistry, fire is defined as the phenomenon of heat and light produced in the process of burning substances, so how to explain it? That's because junior high school chemistry explains fire from macroscopic phenomena, while modern physics pays more attention to explaining phenomena from microscopic particles after entering the microscopic field.

From the macro definition of matter, fire is matter, because from the macro definition of philosophy, the state of matter is also matter, and matter and state are not contradictory.

Fire is the basis of diet and cooking. It should be said that with fire, there is a food culture.

Before the birth of fire, the ancestors could only live a primitive and animal-like life. The so-called "eating vegetation",

The flesh of birds and animals drinks its blood, just like its hair. As Everything is Wrong says:' People eat fruits, clams and clams, and they are harmed by foul smell.

There are many diseases in the abdomen and stomach. "Since the day of its birth, fire has achieved" cannon cooking ",which makes people have no abdominal diseases and is different from animals. "Fire!

Inventor, China has always been a legend, make a fool of yourself and make a fire. A preliminary study on the stone tools of Peking man in Zhoukoudian

It is speculated that Chinese apes began to use fire consciously, about 500 thousand years ago.

There are three emperors and five emperors in the history of China, and there are at least four theories about Huang San. One saying is Fuxi Shennong.

, the yellow emperor (the world, the emperor century); There is a saying that Fuxi, Nuwa, Shennong (Huang Sanji),

Customs Pass); One view is Fu Xifei, Shennong and Zhu Rong (White Tiger Boy); There is another saying, that is

Fuxi, Shennong and Suirenshi (Baihutong). Suiren must be after Fuxi Shennong. Because according to China folklore,

It is said that from Fuxi, the king of the big court won the world; After Fuxi, there were White Yellowstone, Bell, Stone and Leo Lee.

History, Zunjie, Zhu Rong, Chaos, You Chao, Zhu Xiang,

No Huai family or Sui Ren family attacked the name of the family (that is, Fu Yi).

Corpse: "Look up at the stars, look down at five trees and think it's fire." According to the five elements of yin and yang, fire is born in wood, so it is embarrassing.

People use wood to make a fire. "The History of Taoism" says that embarrassing people is to watch the dry elephant, watch the heart and get out of the fire, and make embarrassment. "Chen Xin", according to ancient times

People call it "heart", that is, "big Mars". The so-called "five trees" means that it was thought that five kinds of weather could be used to make a fire.

Wood. That is, "Yu; Liu Qing, so bring it in spring; Jujube: apricot red, so eat it in summer; Sang: Huang Zhe, so I took it at the end of summer; oak

: (chief mu) white, so take autumn; Sophora japonica; Tan is black, so it's taken in winter. "

After man made a drill to make a fire, his wood drilling tool was called fire, and later generations invented the use of metal to get fire from the sun, so there was another one.

The difference between "wood" and "yang" "Huainanzi" notes: "Yang Sui sees the sun and burns into a fire. Yang Xiang, Jin Ye. Rigao

Three or four feet, hold it to the sun and bask in it inch by inch. After a while, burning it will get fire. Notes on Ancient and Modern Times: "Yang Xiang used copper.

Because of this, it is shaped like a mirror, and the scenery shines on things and makes a fire to the sun. "

Before the Han Dynasty, it was called "open fire" to make a fire with incense, and "national fire" to make a fire with wood. According to the Book of Rites.

In Great Wish and Dasikou, Yang Xiang was taken from the sun and close to the sky, so he was used for divination and sacrifice. wood

It is taken from ebony and is close to people, so it is used for cooking. After the Han dynasty, metals and stones collided with each other and could also be rubbed into fire.

Yes, a simple piece of iron can also be turned into a spike of poplar. When people go out, they usually wear Myrica rubra and Radix Aucklandiae around their waist so as to be ready at any time.

For fire. In addition, there are tinder made of wormwood and salt water. When Mars falls on tinder and burns due to friction, candles are used again.

"Pick up the fire. The so-called "hair candle" is a small piece made of peeled hemp stalks, which is five or six inches long and has sulfur flowing from its head.

In case of fire, it will burn.

Where there is fire, there is a stove. The person who made the stove said that it was Emperor Yan, and Huai Nanzi: "Emperor Yan died with fire as the stove."

. Note: "Emperor Yan Shennong ruled the world with fire and died in the kitchen god." One is the Yellow Emperor: Continuation: Kitchen.

, the yellow emperor. "Therefore," Things will be "said:" The Yellow Emperor cooked and died as a kitchen god. "Generally speaking, Vulcan people,

The method is Zhu Rong. "Huainanzi Shize" notes: "Ng Wui and Zhu Rong are the fire of Gao Xin, and the god of death is Vulcan, holding a stove.

Historical Records of the Chu Family: "Li Dong has made great contributions. He set the mansion of Di Ku Gaoxin on fire, so that he can melt into the world. Di Ku said,' I hope so!

Melting. "The Book of Rites and the Moon Order": "The moon is there, its emperor, its god Zhu Rong, its sacrificial furnace and its teacher."

The original shape of the stove was to dig a hole in the ground. Today, the furnace excavated from the site of Anbanpo in Xi 'an is a double-connected furnace, that is, a digging furnace.

There are two fire pits on the ground, which are separated on the surface, but connected underground. A pit is a place to put firewood, a pit

In order to get out of the way, the hole where the two pits are connected is the stove door. Banpo in Xi 'an has a history of six or seven thousand years, and its inventor, Dang.

It should be Yan Di, not the Yellow Emperor. It is estimated that the Yellow Emperor was in power about 4600 years ago. Emperor Yan is in Huangdi

It spread to the seventieth century, estimated at twenty years, about six or six thousand years ago. By the Warring States period, the production of stoves had been very

Perfect. "Zeng Lianzi" notes: "There are five protrusions (protrusions: chimneys) in one furnace, and there are many people who distribute cigarettes, and it is cooked for ten times."

Cooking with fire, the ancients immediately noticed the importance of heat for cooking. The influence of heat on cooking was first talked about in ancient China.

The most important thing in cooking is Lu's Chunqiu Benwei Pian. Among them, Yi Yin said to Shang Tang: "Taste has a foothold, and water is the most important.

Let's begin. Five flavors and three ingredients, nine boiling and nine changes, fire is the discipline. When you are sick, you will be slow. If you get rid of the smell, you will win with it, and you will not lose your mind.

. Reconciliation must be bittersweet. How much, how much, from the beginning to the middle of the pot,

Exquisite microfiber, eloquent, eloquent. If you shoot the slightest, Yin and Yang will transform, and the number of four seasons will be counted. It won't hurt to keep it for a long time.

Not rotten, sweet but not light, sour but not cold, successful but not reduced, pungent but not strong, light but not thin, fat but not [month]. "

This passage is translated into vernacular to the effect that water is the first taste. According to the five flavors of sweet, sour, bitter, salty and Shui Mu fire.

Three kinds of materials are used for cooking. There will be nine changes when the pot is boiled for nine times, and it is up to the fire to explore and adjust. Sometimes through firepower,

Sometimes slow fire is used to remove fishy smell, odor and odor, and the key is to master the heat. Only by mastering the law of using fire can it stink.

For incense. Seasoning must use five flavors of sweet, sour, bitter and salty, but the order of seasoning and the amount of materials used are very subtle.

Yes The change of Ding is subtle, subtle and indescribable, even if it is known, it is hard to say clearly. Like riding a horse.

Just like putting an arrow on a horse, you should practice your cooking skillfully. For example, the natural combination of yin and yang, such as the natural transformation of the four seasons, cooking.

Cooking skills can only be cooked for a long time, cooked but not rotten, sweet but not strong, sour but not strong, successful but not astringent, spicy but not strong.

Stimulating, light but not tasteless. Fat but not greasy.

Yuan Mei later wrote a section on temperature in Suiyuan Food List. He thinks cooking food.

The key is to master the heat. Stir-frying must use strong fire, and if the firepower is insufficient, the fried things will be weak; Simmer must be heated.

Fire, fire is fierce, and the stewed food will dry up. To collect soup food, use strong fire first, then warm fire. Ruoxin

If you use fierce fire in a hurry, the food will be tender outside. He thinks that kidneys and eggs are more tender when cooked; New prisoner

, clams, etc. Boil it for a while and it won't be tender. When the pork is cooked, it should be well-done, so that the color is rosy. Cook it later.

Turn black. If the fish is cooked late, the live meat will die. When cooking, the number of times you open the lid is more, and the dishes you make are also

There will be more foam and less fragrance. If the fire is put out and burned again, the food will lose its oil and taste. Yuan Mei said, rumors must pass.

The transformation of nine cycles can be refined into a real elixir, and the foundation of Confucianism is not to go too far and try to go home. Chefs should master it correctly.

Grasp the heat and operate carefully, then you can basically master cooking. A chef who is proficient in cooking should be able to cook fish.

When eating, it is still as white as jade, and the meat is coagulated but not scattered. This kind of meat is live. If the color is as white as powder, loose and not sticky, it is death.


The ancients thought that fire was divided into new fire and old fire, such as charcoal fire, bamboo fire and grass fire.

Ma Gai fire (Ma Gai fire: fire burning with hemp roots) smells different, so the Qing people "tune".

In Butyl Fire, various fires are listed and cooked with various foods: "Mulberry wood: cooking and eating it will benefit people. You Zhu

Old ducks and meat can be extremely rotten and can cure all kinds of poisons. Dirty firewood is not suitable for food. Rice ear fire: cooking is fascinating.

Five internal organs and six internal organs. Wheat ear fire: cooking, quenching thirst, moistening throat and facilitating urination. Loose firewood: cooking, strengthening bones and muscles, not cooking tea.

. Oak wood: boiled pork, no wind, cooked chickens, ducks and geese, bad smell and other things. Mao Qiao: The cook's diet will be solved tomorrow.

Poison. Luhuo and Zhuhuo: All tonics should be fried. Charcoal fire: it is advisable to fry tea, which is delicious but not turbid. Rice bran fire: rice bran fire cooking diet

To support the stove, you can support two pots. Southerners use it more, and its cost is half that of firewood. When I was in spring, there was a bug in the chaff, which hurt me all my life.


However, Yuan Manjiaming told me in "Breaking Your Word": "It is advisable to use Yang Xiang fire beads, and take the real fire of the sun the next day. Secondly,

It is better to insert a drill in the locust tree and get a fire. "He thought," its sudden golden stroke stone (that is, to strike flint with iron to make a fire), and the fire of drilling Yagi is all.

Not available. Yagi Man: Pine is difficult to cure (disease means: it is difficult to heal with loose fire), and cypress fire hurts the spirit.

Hyperhidrosis, mulberry fire hurts tendons, zhe fire hurts qi veins, jujube fire hurts hematemesis, orange fire hurts Wei Yingjing, elm fire hurts bones and bamboo.

Fire can hurt muscles and eyes. "

Gu also opposed using flint to make fire, thinking that using flint to make fire would affect life. But he thinks it should be four seasons and five elements.

Change requires a fire of wood. He said: "People must take wood from fire, and there are four seasons and five elements." Huang zai: Zhuang

Fire dissipates gas, and less fire leads to anger. Zhou Li: Ji Chun's fire is more valuable than his new fire, which means less fire. Today, everything comes from stones,

It is violent, uncomfortable, sick and expectorant, and its life expectancy is reduced. "

The ancients called fire "the essence of Yang". The last five lines record: "Fire is the essence of yang and fire is inflammation." River map

Flat and wide article: "Yang Jing San, hair like fire." The ancients called man one of the five elements, thinking that man has spirit but no quality and can.

Life and death of all things are infinite. The ancients believed that there were two unique kinds of fire in the five elements, and there was only one other kind. The so-called two are

Fire, yin fire and yang fire. The ancients divided fire into three types: sky fire, ground fire and human fire, and thought that there were four types of sky fire and ground fire.

Five fires and three fires. There are two fires in the sun; Sun, true fire; Star elf, Fei Huo. There are two kinds of yin fire in the sky: dragon fire (

Longkou is on fire. There are three yang fires in the soil; The fire of drilling wood, the fire of hitting stone, and the fire of gold. There are two kinds of yin fire on the earth.

: oil fire (the ancients said that oil will naturally catch fire when stored in a certain amount), water and fire (the ancients called rivers and lakes, rivers and seas, and nights)

There is fire). There is a yang fire in the human body, and there is also a fire in the heart and small intestine. Humans have two kinds of yin fire, namely life.

Door fire (according to legend, it started in Beihai, named Kanhuo, and Sanjiao replaced the liver and gallbladder) and Sanwei fire (pure yang, dry fire). Total * * *


Fire six, Yin fire six, * * * twelve.

China's lighting tools have been very backward. For a long time, I have been using the original "candle"

Tang and Song asked about the development of the more exquisite pine "hair candle". On Committee Lane: "Ren Hang cut pine into small pieces,

As thin as paper and coated with sharp sulfur, it is called' hair candle'. "After the Song Dynasty, it was also called" fire inch "."Qing Louis "Appliances"

"There is a hurry at night, but the lights are slow. A wise man approved these loose tapes, dyed them with sulfur and put them aside for use. When you meet a fire, you will get a flame.

However, that is, God; It's called' fire slave'. Now that there is a borrower, it is renamed as' Fire Inch'. "

It is said that in the Southern Song Dynasty, there was a workshop specializing in making "fire inch". Therefore, the Japanese have long called matches "phosphorus inches".

The inventor of matches is said to be Swedish. 1833, they began to use yellow phosphorus as friction matches. But yellow phosphorus is highly toxic.

, and easy to spontaneous combustion, unsafe. 1855, Rentas Tome invented red phosphorus instead of yellow phosphorus, becoming the first in the world.

A batch of safety matches. Matches entered China from 1880, when Richard, an Englishman, opened the first matchbox in Shanghai.

Camp. 1890, the Swedes opened the first match factory in China-Ruishang Foreign Firm. China's first work.

The trademark of the match bears a bust of Cixi. It is said that China's first match coincided with Cixi's 60th birthday. Because of matches

It was introduced from abroad, and people in China called it a "match".


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