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What do narrative, practical, explanatory and prose mean respectively? (urgent ~ ~)


(a) an overview of prose:

As one of the literary genres, famous prose, with the development of literature, its meaning and scope are constantly evolving. In ancient China, prose was called "prose" compared with verse and parallel prose, that is, all works, whether literary or non-literary, were called "prose". Modern prose refers to literary works other than poetry, drama and novel, including prose, essays, travel notes, biographies, memoirs and reportage. In recent years, biography, reportage and prose have developed into unique styles, so people tend to narrow the scope of prose.

(2) Overview of ancient and modern prose:

1. Ancient prose: In ancient China, in order to distinguish it from rhymes and parallel prose, all prose articles, including classics, biographies and history books, were called prose.

The development of China's ancient prose;

(1) Pre-Qin Prose: Including the Prose of Various Scholars and Historical Prose. Hundred schools of thought's essays are mainly expositions, such as The Analects of Confucius, Mencius and Zhuangzi. Historical prose mainly focuses on historical themes, and all articles and books describing historical events and historical figures are historical prose, such as Zuo Zhuan.

(2) Prose in the Han Dynasty: Sima Qian's Historical Records in the Western Han Dynasty pushed biographical prose to an unprecedented peak. After the Eastern Han Dynasty, individual prose forms such as books, notes, inscriptions, essays and prefaces began to appear.

Prose in Tang and Song Dynasties: Under the impetus of the ancient prose movement, prose writing became increasingly complex, and literary prose appeared, resulting in many excellent works such as landscape travel notes, fables, biographies and essays. And the famous "Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties" also emerged at this time.

(3) Prose in the Ming Dynasty: First, there were "Seven Scholars", mainly imitating ancient times. Later, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, all works were advocated to flow from the chest, the most famous of which was Gui Youguang.

Qing dynasty prose: represented by Tongcheng school, Qing dynasty prose pays attention to the embodiment of "righteousness" Yao Nai, a representative writer of Tongcheng School, summed up the style of ancient Chinese prose and classified it into 13 categories, including argumentative essays, prefaces and postscripts, recitation, calligraphy, preface, imperial edict, biography, epitaph, miscellaneous words, ode, ci fu and mourning.

2. Modern prose: refers to the literary style on an equal footing with poetry, novels and dramas. It is characterized by expressing the author's views and feelings and revealing its social significance through the description of some fragments or life events in real life, which can be processed and created on the basis of real people and things; It doesn't necessarily have complete stories and characters, but focuses on expressing the author's feelings about life, with flexible selection of materials and strong lyricism. The "I" in prose is usually the author himself; Language is not limited by rhythm, and its forms of expression are diverse. It can be combined with narration, discussion, lyricism and description, or it can be emphasized. According to the needs of content and theme, we can create a certain artistic conception by describing typical details in life, describing images, depicting psychology, rendering the environment and setting off the atmosphere. Such as in novels, and use artistic techniques, such as symbols in poetry. Prose has many forms, such as essays, short comments, sketches, close-ups, travel notes, newsletters, letters, diaries, memoirs and so on. In a word, prose is short in length, free in form, widely used, flexible in writing and beautiful in language, which can quickly reflect life and is deeply loved by people.

(3) the classification of prose:

According to the content and nature of prose, it can be divided into the following categories:

(1) Narrative Prose: Prose focusing on writing characters' notes. This kind of prose gives a concrete and outstanding description and portrayal of people and things, expresses the author's understanding and feelings at the same time, and also has a strong lyrical component, with full feelings between the lines. Narrative prose focuses on reflecting the essence of things from the development and changes of narrative characters and events, with factors such as time, place, characters and events, selecting themes from one angle and expressing the author's thoughts and feelings. For example, Mr Fujino by Lu Xun, Remember a Spinning Wheel by Wu Boxiao, and Remember Mother by Zhu De.

(2) Lyrical Prose: Prose mainly expressing the author's thoughts and feelings. This kind of prose narrates and describes specific things, but usually it doesn't run through the whole story. Its outstanding feature is strong lyricism. It is either straightforward or touching, full of poetry and painting, even if it describes natural scenery, it also gives profound social content and thoughts and feelings. Excellent lyric prose has sincere feelings and vivid language, and often uses symbols and analogies to visualize ideas, which has strong artistic appeal. For example, Mao Dun's Praise of Poplar, Wei Wei's Sincere Farewell, Zhu Ziqing's Moonlight on the Lotus Pond and Bing Xin's Praise of Cherry Blossoms.

Landscape Prose: Prose mainly describing scenery. Most of these articles express their feelings while describing the scenery, or express their feelings through the scenery, or indulge in the scenery, grasp the characteristics of the scenery, use the method of changing the scenery in the order of spatial transformation, and take the observed changes as the context of the full text. Vivid scenery description can not only explain the background and render the atmosphere, but also set off the thoughts and feelings of the characters and better express the theme. For example, Liu's Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.

(3) Philosophical Prose: Philosophy is insight, spark of thought, condensation of thought and crystallization of wisdom. It runs through ancient and modern times, across China and foreign countries, embraces the world, penetrates the society of life, stays in the parents of life and flashes in the field of thinking. Smart authors are good at grasping the flash of philosophy and writing rich and thought-provoking beautiful articles in the form of pen and ink. Reciting such beautiful prose often can naturally be enlightened, edified, baptized and sublimated in a subtle way. This internalization is undoubtedly great. Philosophical prose participates in the truth of life with various images, thus revealing the eternal similarity between all things. Because of its profundity and spiritual penetration, it gives us a shocking aesthetic effect of penetrating into the essence through phenomena and revealing the inside story and thoughts of things. Grasp the way of thinking embodied in philosophical prose and experience the profound cultural connotation and accumulation contained in philosophical prose. 1. Symbolic thinking in philosophical prose: Philosophical prose constitutes a symbolic expression of ontology, because it transcends the meaning of daily experience and its own natural physical attributes. It abandons shallowness, but reaches the state of empathy with people's thoughts and resonance with life and gas field. We get rational awakening and carefree spirit from symbols, from the peace of mind to the tremor of the soul, which goes beyond the general emotional response and stays at the top of the spirit. 2. Associative thinking of philosophical prose: Because philosophical prose is a three-dimensional and comprehensive thinking system, after association, the connotation of the article is richer, not thin, and nature, society and life are integrated. 3. Emotional thinking of philosophical prose: Philosophical prose is essentially a dependence of ideological expression on emotion. Because the author has emotional participation in the process of understanding life, and the result of understanding is the fusion of emotion and imagination, the thoughts in philosophical prose are not ordinary dry discussions, but thoughts containing life emotions and full of aesthetic emotional juice. Read the depth of the soul from between the lines of philosophical prose and understand the original meaning of life. This is the artistic beauty of philosophical prose.

(4) The main features of prose:

1. The shape is scattered but the spirit is not scattered.

"Form and dispersion" mainly means that prose is widely used and free, and is not limited by time and space; Expression techniques are not limited to one pattern: it can describe the development of events, describe characters, convey feelings with things, and make comments. The author can freely adjust and change according to the needs of the content. "Distraction" mainly comes from the intention of prose, that is, the theme to be expressed in prose must be clear and concentrated, no matter how extensive the content of prose is and how flexible the expression is, it serves to better express the theme.

In order to be scattered in shape but not in spirit, we should pay attention to the internal relationship between materials and central ideas in material selection, so that materials can run through an organic whole with certain clues in structure. Common clues in prose are: (1) taking things with profound or symbolic significance as clues; ⑵ Taking the "I" in the works as a clue and "I" as a clue, because I wrote what I saw, heard, thought and felt, and Kan Kan and Kan Kan talked freely, making readers feel more real, cordial and touching.

2. Deep artistic conception, paying attention to expressing the author's life feelings, strong lyricism and sincere emotion.

With the help of imagination and association, the author writes from the superficial to the deep, from the real to the imaginary, in turn, which can integrate feelings into the scenery, send feelings to help each other, express the author's true feelings, realize the unity of things and me, show more profound thoughts and make readers understand more profound truths.

3. Beautiful and concise language, rich in literary talent.

The so-called elegance means that the language of prose is fresh, lively and full of musical sense, and the writing is like a trickle, tinkling and sounding, sincere and sincere. The so-called conciseness means that the language of prose is concise, natural and fluent. A few words can describe vivid images, outline the scenes of characters and show far-reaching artistic conception. Prose tries to write the scenery as if it were in front of you and the feelings as refreshing.

Prose is known as "beautiful prose", which not only has spiritual views and beautiful artistic conception, but also has fresh, meaningful and unpretentious literary talent. Reading some good essays regularly can not only enrich knowledge, broaden horizons and cultivate noble thoughts and sentiments, but also learn the skills of selecting materials, planning layout, choosing words and making sentences, and improve your language expression ability.

(5) Prose appreciation skills:

Prose appreciation focuses on the relationship between "form" and "spirit". Prose appreciation should pay attention to the following points:

1. Read prose from the perspective of literature.

All poems that are exquisitely conceived, full of artistic conception or implicitly written often have an "eye". When appreciating prose, we should try our best to find a "literary eye" that can reveal the overall theme and make the finishing point, so as to understand the reasons and purposes of the author's writing. The setting of Yan Wen varies from text to text, which can be a sentence, a sentence, a detail, a trace of emotion or even a scene. Not every essay has the necessary "literary vision".

2. When reading prose, we should grasp the clues, clarify the author's ideas and accurately grasp the intention of the article.

Structure is the skeleton of the article, and clues are the context of the article, which are closely related. Grasping the clues in prose can help us have a clear idea of the work, which is not only helpful to understand the author's writing intention, but also an appreciation of the author's planning and layout skills, so as to grasp the vivid essence of prose through the appearance of prose, and analyze the intention of the article along the author's thinking. There are usually the following clues: (1) Take the image of things as a clue, such as Ba Jin's Lamp; (2) Taking emotional development as a clue, such as Yang Shuo's "Litchi Honey"; (3) Taking time sequence as a clue, such as Liu's Three Diaries of the Yangtze River; (4) Taking spatial order as a clue, such as Zhu Ziqing's green; 5] Take the activities of characters as clues, such as Lu Xun's "From Baicaoyuan to San Tan Yin Yue"; (6) Take things as clues, such as Tang Tao's "trivial memories".

3. Pay attention to the characteristics of prose expression and deeply understand the content of the article.

Prose often entrusts with things. In order to make readers feel the rich connotation of the important task entrusted to them, the author often gives a meticulous description of what he has written, which is called "getting the shape and getting the heart". When reading an article, we should grasp the characteristics of "form", see "spirit" from "form" and deeply understand the content of the article.

4. Pay attention to expand association and understand the charm of the article.

The ways of association are: ① series connection: for example, Orion, Shang Shu → Zhong Bai old man → Dong Kun; (2) radiant: for example, Land focuses on "land" and writes "Love life, defend land and build land"; 3 False support: such as Praise of Poplar; 4 picture type: such as "landscape talk". Pay attention to enrich associations, from this to that, from the shallow to the deep, from the real to the virtual, so as to understand the charm of the article and understand the deeper truth.

5. Taste the language of prose.

A major feature of prose is the beauty of language. A good essay is concise and beautiful, free and flexible, and close to spoken English. Beautiful prose is full of philosophy, poetry and painting. Excellent essayists have different language styles: Lu Xun's prose language is concise and profound, Mao Dun's prose language is exquisite and profound, Guo Moruo's prose language is magnificent, Ba Jin's prose language is simple and beautiful, Zhu Ziqing's prose language is fresh and meaningful, Bing Xin's prose language is euphemistic and lively, Sun Li's prose language is plain and unpretentious, Liu's prose language is bold and unrestrained, and Yang Shuo's prose language is exquisite. What is the elegance of prose language? The language of some essays often varies with the content. For example, Lu Xun's "In Memory of Liu Hezhen Jun" is as sharp as a dagger; The language of "Good Story" is gorgeous as a cloud; The language of kites is as dignified as a deep pool. If you appreciate the language style of prose, you can appreciate the content of prose more deeply.

Overview of prose

When there were words in the Shang Dynasty, there were essays to record history. In the Zhou Dynasty, the historiographers of various vassal States further recorded the historical facts between countries in simple language and concise words, such as Spring and Autumn Annals. Later, with the needs of the times, historical literature describing reality appeared, and historical works such as Zuo Zhuan, Mandarin and Warring States Policy appeared.

Zuo Zhuan is the abbreviation of Zuo Zhuan in the Spring and Autumn Period, also known as Zuo Chunqiu. According to legend, it was written by Zuo Qiuming, a Lu historian at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, with the word 180000, which recorded the political, military and diplomatic activities and speeches of various countries in the Spring and Autumn Period for 240 years, as well as events such as heaven, ghosts, disasters and blights. This book is full of drama and compact plot, especially excellent war description, concise language and rich images.

Guoyu is a kind of national history, which records the events of Zhou Dynasty and vassal states (BC 1000-00) respectively. It recorded more words than notes, and most of them were the words of enlightened nobles with foresight at that time.

The author of the Warring States Policy cannot be tested, and the current version is compiled by Liu Xiang in the Western Han Dynasty. Like Guoyu, it is also a chronicle of different countries, which records the major events of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Qin, Qi, Chu, Zhao and other countries, and records the activities and speeches of counselors and military strategists. The article "Warring States Policy" is characterized by being good at saying things, making good use of metaphors and creating vivid characters.

Pre-Qin historical prose laid the foundation of China's historical literature and had a far-reaching influence on later historians and ancient writers.

The turn of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period is an era of great social change, and various academic schools have written books and argued endlessly, forming a situation in which a hundred schools of thought contend. The works of thinkers representing different classes or strata promote the development of reasoning prose. These thinkers include Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism and Legalism. The books recording their speeches have been handed down to this day, including The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Mozi, Zhuangzi, Han Feizi and so on.

The Analects of Confucius and Mencius are all Confucian works that interpret benevolence. The Analects of Confucius recorded the words and deeds of Kong Qiu and his disciples, most of which were short conversations and questions and answers. Mencius recorded Monk's remarks. Monk is good at arguing, so the language in the book is lively and inspiring.

Mozi represents Mo Zhai's thought of "universal love", with simple language, clear reasoning and strong logic, and articles such as "universal love" and "non-aggression" are very representative.

Zhuangzi represents the Taoist Zhuang Zhou's thought of "governing by doing nothing". Zhuangzi's prose has a unique charm among various schools of thought. This is manifested in the author's fantastic imagination and keen observation, making good use of folk fables and being good at metaphors, which makes the article full of literary interest.

Han Feizi represents the legalist thought of "adapting to the times". Han Fei's prose is rigorous in structure, sharp-edged and profound in reasoning.

Xunzi represents Xun Kuang's theory, with 32 articles and many long articles. Xunzi's prose is characterized by clear arguments, clear levels, complete syntax and rich vocabulary.

Lv's Spring and Autumn Annals is a collective creation of the Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty. It includes eight views, six theories and twelve periods, including Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, law and agriculture. This book retains a large number of documents and anecdotes from the pre-Qin period. It is a systematic reasoning article that combines many single articles, which is deep and most coherent. Like hundred schools of thought's essays, it is often compared with fables, so the article is full of images.

The reasoning prose of pre-Qin philosophers had a significant influence on the development of later prose both in thought and artistic style.

At the beginning of Han Dynasty, political papers developed. Jia Yi (200 BC-BC 168) was an outstanding writer in the early Western Han Dynasty. His article "Crossing the Qin Dynasty" summed up the reasons for the demise of Qin Dynasty, learned the lessons of the peasant uprising at the end of Qin Dynasty, and developed the people-oriented thought in the pre-Qin period. His prose makes good use of metaphors, and his language is full of images.

Besides Jia Yi, there were many essayists in the early Han Dynasty. Most of their articles either discuss the gains and losses of Qin Dynasty or put forward their own opinions on the disadvantages of the times, among which mistakes and Zou Yang's achievements are higher. Wrong, the most famous essays are "Guarding the Border" and "Persuading Agriculture and Saving Soil".

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, hundreds of schools were ousted and Confucianism was the only one. The feudal dynasty urgently needed to summarize the ancient culture and give a philosophical and historical explanation to the unified ruling situation, and Sima Qian's Historical Records came into being. Its appearance greatly promoted the development of pre-Qin historical prose. Under the influence of Historical Records, many historical prose works were produced in the Eastern Han Dynasty, among which Han Shu by Ban Gu was an outstanding representative.

A new style "Fu" appeared in Han Dynasty. The name of Fu began with Fu Pian written by Xun Qing of Zhao in the Warring States Period, and later generations formed a specific system. Paying attention to literary talent and phonology has the dual nature of poetry and prose. Prose is called "Wen Fu" and parallel prose is called "Parallel prose". In the early Han Dynasty, Jia Yi's Ode to Hanging Qu Yuan and Ode to Catching Birds, Sima Xiangru's (179-18) Zi Xu and Shang Lin, and Yang Xiong in the late Western Han Dynasty (53- 18 BC).

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, parallel prose prevailed and prose declined. However, in Li Daoyuan's Notes and Yang's Notes on Luoyang, there are still some words with simple narration, lyricism and beautiful scenery description.

In the Tang Dynasty, Han Yu strongly opposed flashy parallel prose and advocated writing ancient prose. At one time, he had many followers, and later he got strong support from Liu Zongyuan. His achievements in writing ancient prose have greatly increased, which has a greater influence and has become the mainstream of the literary world. In the history of literature, he called it the ancient prose movement. The victory of the ancient prose movement led by Liu Han established a new style of writing to get rid of stereotypes and speak freely, which greatly improved the artistic functions of prose such as lyricism, narration, discussion and satire.

After the middle Tang Dynasty, the ancient prose movement declined for a time. In the Song Dynasty, Ouyang Xiu once again set off the ancient prose movement. Since then, Wang Anshi, Ceng Gong, Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Zhe and others have all made their own achievements under the influence of the ancient prose innovation movement. Later generations called them "the eight masters of Tang and Song Dynasties" together with Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan in Tang Dynasty.

Sima Guang, a historian of the Northern Song Dynasty, compiled a historical masterpiece, Zi Tong Zhi Jian, which has not only important historical value, but also important literary value.

Influenced by everyone in the Northern Song Dynasty, the essayists in the Southern Song Dynasty created a number of political essays expressing the author's distinct political attitude. Hu Quan, Chen Liang and Ye Shi are representative writers in this field. The success of the ancient prose movement made prose more practical, as evidenced by a large number of notes and essays in the Southern Song Dynasty. Hong Mai's Rong Zhai Essay and Wang Mingqing's Blowing the Dust Record are both excellent notes. In addition, Zhu's (1 130- 1200) ancient prose is good at reasoning and has profound attainments.

Song Lian (1310-1381) was "the first civil servant in the early Ming Dynasty", and some of his biographies are of great practical significance. His representative works include Qin Shilu, Biography of Wang Mian and Biography of Li Yi. After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the first seven scholars, led by Li Mengyang and He Jingming, launched the retro movement, arguing that literature should be in Qin and Han Dynasties. While they played an active role in eliminating stereotyped writing, they also embarked on the road of blindly following the ancients. Later, Li Panlong and Wang Shizhen, as representatives of the retro movement of the "Last Seven Sons", made the same mistake again.

Gui Youguang and other "Tang and Song Schools" first rose up against the retro school, and then Wanli Police Academy joined the team that lashed out at the retro school.

Yuan Zongdao, Yuan Hongdao and Yuan Zhongdao are representatives of the public security school, and they are called "three yuan". Yuan Hongdao (1568- 16 10) is the most famous. They think that different times have different literature, so they are opposed to attaching importance to the ancient times and ignoring the present, imitating the ancients. Yuan Hongdao put forward the theory of "God of Nature" out of the writer's subjective requirements. The characteristics of the prose creation of the Gong 'an School are: breaking through the rules and regulations of traditional ancient prose, naturally revealing individuality, and the language is not polished.

There are Jingling School, represented by Zhong Xing and Tan, who also advocate expressing their own spirit.

The direct product of the innovation of Gongan School and Jingling School is a large number of essays in the late Ming Dynasty, which is the development of traditional prose. Zhang Dai (1597-? ) is one of the more successful essay writers. His prose covers a wide range of topics, including scenic spots, local customs, China traditional opera skills and even antique toys. His prose language is fresh and lively, vivid, well-read and easy to understand. "West Lake in July" and "Looking at Snow in the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake" are his representative works.

In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Hou Fangyu (16 18- 1654) made great artistic achievements, including the biographies of Li Ji, Maling and Ren Yuan.

Tongcheng School is the most famous school in the middle of Qing Dynasty. The main writers Fang Bao, Liu Dahuaidou and Yao Nai are all from Tongcheng, Anhui Province, hence the name Tongcheng School. Fang Bao (1668- 1749) inherited the tradition of Gui Youguang and put forward the idea of "righteous law", which became the basic theory of Tongcheng School's ancient prose. The selection language of Tongcheng School's ancient prose works only focuses on clarifying ideas, and does not accidentally pile up materials, so the articles are generally concise and natural, but lack vitality. Representative works include Miscellanies in Prison, Zuo's Anecdotes, and Yao Nai's Climbing Mount Tai.

Contrary to Tongcheng School, there are also writers who advocate "parallel prose", among which Wang Zhong (1744- 1794) is the most successful.

There were many outstanding essayists in the early Qing Dynasty, such as Wang Youding and Wei. Wang Youding's legendary prose (1599—— about 16 1) broke the traditional writing style of ancient Chinese with its legendary style. His representative works include Biography of Li Yizu, Pipa in Tang Dynasty and Hu Yi. Wei (1624- 1680) has made the most outstanding achievements in biographical literature, and his masterpiece is Biography of the Great Iron Vertebrate.

Kang Youwei (1858- 1927) and Liang Qichao (1873- 1929) are the representatives of the reform movement in the late Qing Dynasty and the academic reformists. Their prose is an effective tool for political struggle, ignoring the formula of traditional ancient prose, expressing their opinions and speaking freely. Liang Qichao's new style prose is a fierce impact on all traditional ancient prose, paving the way for the liberation of style in the late Qing Dynasty and the May 4th vernacular movement. His On young chinese is such a typical work.

With the criticism of feudal literature and classical Chinese, the first batch of modern new literary works were born, and argumentative writing is one of them, which is the source of modern prose.

In the early days of the birth of new literature, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Qian and Liu Bannong had the greatest influence on the essays published in newspapers. Their works mainly appear in the form of essays, with a wide range of contents, with emphasis on ideological revolution and literary revolution. Lu Xun is the writer with the highest achievement in essay writing.

The discussion prose in the birth period acted as the vanguard of anti-feudalism, and the object of discussion was close to life, concrete and subtle; Its form is free, which can be long or short; Its language can be heroic and tragic, but it can also be humorous and fable. After discussing prose, narrative prose and essays came out one after another, and modern prose entered a stage of vigorous development.

Prose in the development period has different styles and presents a prosperous scene. As far as form is concerned, there are narration, scenery writing, lyricism, ambition expression and comments; In style, Lu Xun's coldness and preciseness, Zhou Zuoren's peace and dilution, Zhu Ziqing's and Bing Xin's freshness and elegance, Guo Moruo's and Yu Dafu's heroic elegance, Ye Shengtao's and Xu Dishan's simplicity and straightness, and Xu Zhimo's richness and splendor, etc.

Zhou Zuoren of the Silk Society is one of the pioneers of essays. Representative works include Wild Vegetables in Hometown, Wu Pengchuan, Water Chestnut, Xia Meng and so on. Most of them are described with small themes, and the style is leisurely and leisurely, which subtly cultivates a love for life in an interesting and knowledgeable way. His essays also occupied an important position at that time. Similar to Zhou Zuoren's artistic style, Lin Yutang is also a diaosi society. Qi Fu Ji, his masterpiece, satirizes the current disadvantages, criticizes the traditional golden mean philosophy and emphasizes the struggle with the old world. Yu Pingbo's Zazi and Yan are similar to Zhou Zuoren's Ya, but at the same time they are more obscure.

Guo Moruo and Yu Dafu belong to the uninhibited school. Guo Moruo's collection of prose poems, Six Essays, is exquisite in writing, exquisite in language and rich in scenery. In Yu Dafu's travel prose, Scars Everywhere and Spring Day at Diaoyutai are representative works of his style, especially the latter, which describes the beautiful scenery of Fuchun River and expresses his resentment against reality between mourning the past.

He Qifang's lyric prose had a unique charm in 1930s, and was called "the poet's prose". As a modernist poet, he permeated some modernist techniques in his prose creation to express his feelings as a representative of painting dreams. The language of He Qifang's prose, like his poems, is exquisitely crafted and has strong sensibility.

In narrative prose, Li Guangtian (1906- 1968) is very representative. There is no story in the description of characters in his works, but some fragments of life are intercepted for lyricism to achieve vivid results.

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, especially after the Southern Anhui Incident, the combative essays issued the strongest voice of the times. Guo Moruo's Ode to the Nine Gods of the New Muse and Rejecting the Reactionary Literature and Art have become important documents in the ideological and cultural front in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. Wen Yiduo's "The Last Speech" shows the heroic spirit of a strong democratic fighter facing a pistol. Feng Xuefeng's essays focus on the analysis of human mind, showing strong theoretical strength; Nie Gannu (1900- 1986) made many useful explorations in art, and he skillfully attacked reality with interesting ancient stories. In addition, many writers such as Feng Zikai (1898- 1975) and Lin Mohan (1909-) also wrote many essays.

Prose combining narrative and lyric has made outstanding achievements in Kuomintang-controlled areas. Mao Dun's Praise of Poplar and Landscape Talk, Ba Jin's Outside the Abandoned Garden and Lights and Dragons are all famous works, and Shen Congwen's Essay on Xiangxi is a beautiful article describing the natural and human conditions.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, writers and amateur writers who fought on various fronts consciously sang hymns reflecting the new era, new people, new things and new features in their prose. Because of the large number of authors, the life reflected has reached an unprecedented breadth. The styles presented in the works are also varied, such as Ba Jin's warm and dignified, Bing Xin's delicate and gentle, Jin Yi's enthusiasm and unrestrained, Liu's agitation and grandeur, and Huashan's humorous style. Although their styles are different, they all depict the gorgeous color of new life with real and simple feelings.

A major feature of prose creation in this period is that the two major contents of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea and socialist economic construction complement each other. The works with the theme of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea have great influence: Korea in Battle by Liu, My Motherland and My Mother by Jin Yi, Peace Museum by Jin Yi, Living among Heroes by Ba Jin, etc. Famous articles on socialist economic construction include Liu Qing's In Huangfu Village from 65438 to 0955, Qin Zhaoyang's Wang Yonghuai, Sha Ting's Lu Jiaxiu, Jin Yi's Going to Foziling, Huashan's Fairy Tale Times, Li Ruobing's In Qaidam Basin, Chairman Mao's Laughing at the Yellow River and Yang Shuo's Oil.

Various forms are also one of the gains of prose creation in this period. Travel notes, sketches, essays and essays have all played a role in varying degrees in the new period, and many works have been welcomed by readers. Travel notes include He Jingzhi's Back to Yan 'an Jujube Mother's Arms, Ji Fang's Singing and Playing the Flute, Yang Shuo's Fragrant Hills and Red Leaves, Bi Ye's Scenery of Tianshan Mountains, Ye Shengtao's Visit to Three Lakes, Mao Dun's Miscellaneous Notes in Stockholm and Jun Qing's Travels in Europe. What is the essay "The Cow" and the two sisters written by Zihan? Prose collections include Mao Dun's Stripping the Bandit's Face, Ba Man's Pen by Kuang Zhong, Ren Hui's Doubt of Fei Ming and Ma Tieding's Miscellaneous Talks.

Although the prose creation in this period gained a lot, from the perspective of the whole literary field, prose received less attention than other literary genres, especially essays. In addition, sometimes due to the influence of abnormal political life, the whole literary and art circles generally dare not boldly expose the contradictions and conflicts in reality, and prose creation is no exception.


During this period, the prose garden entered a mature harvest period, and old writers such as Bing Xin, Ba Jin and Ye Shengtao reached a perfect artistic realm with their tireless spirit of seeking. What is more gratifying is that the young and middle-aged essayists represented by Yang Shuo, Liu and Qin Mu have matured and formed their own artistic style. Yang Shuo's prose is fresh and beautiful, just like a breeze caressing a willow, which is tactfully moving. Liu's prose is as bold and unrestrained as a volcanic eruption, while Qin Mu's prose is as simple and unpretentious as ever, combining knowledge and interest. Other essayists also have their own characteristics and distinctive personalities, such as Bi Ye's bright and moving, Chen Canyun's light and beautiful, Deng Tuo's profound and sharp, Wu Boxiao's simple and sincere, Cao Jinghua's simple and simple, Jun Qing's lofty and profound, Li Ruobing's heroic and cold, Tao Zhu's frank and steep, Zi Han's gentle and delicate, Zong Pu's elegant and delicate ... Every family has shown their true kung fu in writing prose.