Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What's the use of the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes?

What's the use of the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes?

Abstract: The Book of Changes is one of the traditional classics. It is the theoretical basis of natural philosophy and humanistic practice in China traditional culture, and its content is extremely rich. From a macro perspective, the Book of Changes has had a far-reaching impact on China's politics, economy, culture and other fields for thousands of years. From the microscopic point of view, the Book of Changes has positive teaching significance for people's life, words and deeds, morality, beliefs and talents. And has always been called the root of the Tao. The following is the life wisdom of the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes. What's the use of the sixty-four hexagrams of the Book of Changes?

Regarding the function of hexagrams, Cohesion _ Uploading said: "The best in the world has hexagrams."

The general idea is that because everything is born three, the ever-changing things in the process of growth will also be born three. Therefore, the image formed by hanging Yin and three symbols makes full use of the profound truth about the occurrence, development and change of things, which is the function of hanging (divination).

Ancient sages created images that could be hung. After observation, they recorded the truth in words, so as to sort out the good and bad. Through the objective analysis and reasoning of the contradiction and struggle between Yin and Yang in the divinatory images, they can see its changing trend, and draw conclusions from this changing trend to judge good or ill luck, so as to guide their actions. Learning Zhouyi is to learn the analytical methods of contradictions in order to solve various problems in reality.

The life wisdom of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes

1, doing things for the sky: the virtue of a gentleman, self-improvement.

Heaven goes round and round, never ending. Just as celestial bodies maintain vitality through movement, a gentleman should constantly pursue self-improvement. A gentleman should follow the example of heaven, stand on his own feet and strive constantly.

2. Kun is the land: broad-minded and virtuous.

The earth is the root of everything, and everything is generated by the earth. People should follow the example of the earth, be broad-minded, generous and broad, and support everything with kindness.

3, Shui Leitun: Everything is difficult at the beginning.

Thunderstorm, everything germinates, and it will break through the ground. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and entrepreneurship must have investment and determination. Only by overcoming the difficulties can you get a new life.

4. Landscape Meng: In the initial stage, make plans and be good at learning.

Landscape road is dangerous, but hard to know. If the road is unknown, we should firmly find the correct laws and regulations in order to follow them and make judgments. Eager to receive the right education, self-motivated.

5. Water demand: wait for the opportunity to advance.

It's raining hard, so we must wait for the opportunity to move forward. Before you do something, you should make full preparations, accumulate strength and wait for accumulation, so that you can succeed in one fell swoop.

6. Tianshui lawsuit: the affairs are complicated and entangled.

Going against the road, disagreement is easy to cause disputes. Think twice before you do anything, and eliminate the factors that may cause disputes from the beginning.

7. Groundwater Master: Who is the winner?

Learn from others, keep the right path, follow people's wishes, and win the world. If you want to achieve great things, you should correct yourself first, then sort out your family, govern the country and level the world.

8. Land-water ratio: complementary.

Land and water are closely related and interdependent. A man should conform to the world, be bright and selfless, be close and United, and help each other in order to be in the middle.

9. Small livestock in windy days: there are unexpected events in the sky, accumulating strength and waiting for the rise.

It's popular, but it doesn't rain. There will always be mixed feelings when doing business. When the economy is in recession, you will have a small amount of savings. Don't be discouraged, wait until next year to make great achievements.

10, Road: Respect morality and keep the road.

It's easy to live, but difficult to live. Cautious, firm-willed, and ethical conduct are bound to be orderly.

1 1, heaven and earth: heaven and man are one, and everything is peaceful.

Adapt to the weather and adapt to local conditions. Get along with others, don't be wary of each other, meet each other sincerely, keep faith and be broad-minded, so as to achieve great ambitions.

12, Heaven and Earth: Yin and Yang are blocked.

An untimely decision will bring many obstacles. People who avoid the important things and are inflexible will eventually be eliminated by the times and lose all audiences.

13, skyfire hometown: seek common ground while reserving differences and live in harmony.

Only by understanding the principle that birds of a feather flock together, people are divided into groups, distinguishing things clearly, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and uniting all people can we easily contribute to the success of things.

14, Huoda: Five grains are abundant.

The sun shines on the earth and bathes everything. If you have a good life and savings, you should be prepared for danger in times of peace. If you want to be rich, you must learn to "stay". Those who can't stay will eventually be empty-handed.

15, Dishanqian: an empty heart is stupid.

The virtue that symbolizes high ability is hidden in the heart but not exposed, so it is called modesty. A man should be good at learning, learn from each other's strong points and be self-disciplined with a modest attitude.

16 in: Anhe.

Follow the trend. Obey the rules and everyone will be happy. Be content, but don't get carried away.

17, Ze Leisui: Shuntian Ren Ying

Ideas should keep pace with the times, not stand still. Flexibility as things change can bring long-term stability.

18, mountain wind method: Zhi Zhi weaves gold.

You can't lose yourself, but be flexible. Good accumulation is not enough to become famous, and bad accumulation is not enough to destroy the body. Stop when it's over.

19, dize pro: supervise in good faith and serve people with virtue.

Supervision with wisdom is the most suitable way for the monarch. The ancients said: defeat the enemy without fighting. That is, the highest state of serving people with virtue.

20. Terrestrial customs: assess the situation.

Attach importance to all knowledge and be good at observation. Integrity, influence others with their noble moral sentiments, and get respect and love from others.

2 1, fire and thunder bite [sh chéhé]: appreciation means punishment.

The combination of lightning and lightning shows that its criminal law is correct. Management should have rewards and punishments, and rewards and punishments should be clear. Establish the prestige that rewards must be punished. If you are good, you will be rewarded; You are too good to be rectified; If you are sick, you will be saved; Correct if you lose.

22. Mountain fire book [b √]: Good wind depends on strength.

Clothes make the man, and horses depend on the saddle. Making necessary clothes and behaving in a dignified manner will help to improve a person's temperament.

23. Mountain stripping: the principle of surplus and deficiency

The transition between fullness and emptiness is hidden in the course of events. No matter how well you do it, you often ignore it. Consolidate your knowledge and position in time.

24. Mine rehabilitation: everything starts over, old reforms and new constructions.

Repeated communication is the law of development of things. So do people. Life is a relay race. From generation to generation, if it happens, it will be changed. Every generation is stronger than the next.

25. Thunder is not guilty: stick to the right path and not be vain.

Don't seek to get too much wealth, be upright and reap what you sow. When you start farming, don't expect immediate gains. It's not hard to get, but easy to lose.

26, Yamada big livestock: thick accumulation and thin hair.

Learn to enrich yourself, cultivate good moral character and accumulate extensive knowledge. Saving is a virtue and a requirement of self-improvement. Only when people have savings can they last long.

27. Mountain: Support the future.

Heaven and earth nurture everything. God bless goodness, cultivate one's morality and cultivate one's character. Carefully cultivate good moral character, moderate diet and healthy body.

28. Zefeng is greater than: Gonta is full, so there will be a discount.

There must be a degree of progress and retreat in doing things, so as not to be in a dilemma; Small mistakes should be corrected in time, otherwise big mistakes will be difficult to make up and you will regret it for a lifetime.

29, the hurdle is water: difficulties and obstacles.

Kangyu insurance life is to grow up by constantly crossing every bump. Small hurdles can be crossed, and big hurdles must be in danger to escape.

30, away from the fire: shine on everything.

Those who follow the right path cling to the light and hate the darkness. Great people should infect people around them with bright virtues.

3 1, Zeshanxian: Seeking for the same spirit.

Heaven and earth are connected, everything is created, and saints influence people's hearts, so the world is peaceful. However, I think the harmonious heartbeat of the sacred unicorn between people is real.

32. Ray: They complement each other.

The law of unity of opposites remains unchanged, and everything can only be full of vitality if it is attached to the sun. The end of the old means a new beginning. You can know the law of everything by seeing the law of unity of opposites.

33. Tianshan pier: the torrent retreats bravely.

Heaven is a gentleman, and there are mountains in the end. Retire in time when you are proud, so that you can preserve your sanity. It also means that the current state is still at its peak, and taking the initiative to give way is the best choice.

34. Lei Tianda is strong: the position is high and powerful.

At the peak, we should be strict with ourselves, and don't use our authority to do anything out of line beyond norms and laws.

35. Tiedijin: There is much to be done.

In the process of struggling forward, we should show our talents and virtues, play our role, and make the best use of our talents and things.

Ming Yi, 36: Implicit.

Life is often blocked. One should stand erect in difficulties and gradually consolidate one's business or career with hidden wisdom.

37, the wind and fire family: Qijia rule the country and level the world.

Don't let the wind outside blow on your own fire and destroy the peace of your family. Families should keep "inside and outside" and go their own way, with a regular family and a stable world.

38. Fire: North and South.

When people get along with each other, we should keep small differences and differences on the premise of seeking common ground while reserving differences. Only by seeking common ground while reserving differences can we coexist.

39. Shuishanjian: I have experienced difficulties.

It's hard. It's hard to go. In the face of difficulties, you can introspect, correct your mistakes and try to tide over the difficulties.

40, thunder hydrolysis: save the day.

Bet on the ups and downs of life and seize the opportunity to turn the tide. Only by letting go of the original mistakes can we be liberated and reborn.

4 1, Yamazawa damage: throwing bricks to attract jade.

Gain and loss are twin brothers, unity of opposites. To be a man, we should abandon low tastes and cultivate noble sentiments, and remember that we can only get it if we give up.

42, wind and thunder: a variety of tricks, loss of modesty.

Lose more, be modest and enterprising, gain more, make up for each other and be a perfect person.

43. Ze Tian _ [strange]: Resolute.

Do things boldly and decisively, cut the gordian knot quickly and avoid endless troubles.

44. Tianfeng _ [gü u]: An accident happened.

Marriage, in order to better efforts, must be careful in the choice. If the three views are not unified, there will be immediate worries.

45. Excerpt from Zedi: Birds of a feather flock together.

People are grouped and get together for the same purpose. Meeting like-minded people is conducive to success.

46. The ground winds up: gather and rise.

Getting together with talented people often helps to improve their abilities. Many people are smart and witty. Accumulate small progress and shape a tall and perfect personality.

47. Shui Ze is trapped: the tiger falls in Pingyang.

Although I am in a difficult situation, I am optimistic and happy, poor but not fascinated. In order to have lofty aspirations, I will break through myself and overcome difficulties.

48. Shuifengjing: Make the best use of everything.

Well is the source of life, and water is endless, tirelessly feeding people. When the bottom of the well is full of sludge, it can't be drunk by people and needs dredging. To be a man, you need to always be alert to yourself and don't accumulate small mistakes, so as not to ruin your health.

49. Zehoge: Get rid of stubborn diseases.

If you find that things are out of date, you must change and survive at this time in order to be invincible.

50. Huo Fengding: Breaking the old and establishing the new.

Greater flexibility will give new life to this cause.

5 1, earthquake is thunder: stormy waves.

How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? Faced with difficulties, people will become more frustrated and brave. After suffering, we can remember the way to overcome it.

52. Be a mountain: stop when you stop.

This is a metaphor. Stop when it is time to stop, act when it is time to act, and lose no time in action and stop, so that the road can be bright and smooth.

Step by step: step by step.

Don't do it because of the small evil, and don't do it because of the small good. A person should accumulate small goodness into great virtue, and accumulate thousands of miles.

54. Razer returns to his sister: all roads lead to the same goal.

The end of the old indicates a new beginning, and a person's life has to go through many stages and processes before it can become indestructible.

55. Lei Huofeng: Shanda is very rich.

People have experienced ups and downs in their lives, sometimes swimming on the sea and sometimes swimming in shallow water. Since they advocate grandeur, they will work hard in this direction and realize it.

56. Volcano Brigade: The journey is difficult.

We don't know what we like until we have tasted the ups and downs of the journey. We didn't know what we really needed until we traveled all over the world.

57. Fear of the wind: Throw a stone and ask for directions.

Obedience is a metaphor. When we can't find the direction in life, we will place our hopes on the gods, hoping that the gods can help us find the direction. Don't lose your way, otherwise it will be difficult to reach the other side.

58. Change your mind: forget your worries.

The greatest purpose of everything in life is to be happy. What's the point of all your efforts if you can't get happiness?

59. Feng Shui Ring: On and off.

All good things must come to an end. Remember those happy times together and believe that reunion will come again one day.

60. Shui Ze Festival: Learn about Zhi Zhi.

It means to quit, and when you quit, you stop. Whether it is desire, power or money, we should use it sparingly, otherwise it will be too late to regret it.

6 1, Fengze Zhongfu: the virtue of honesty.

Treating others with sincerity is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values. Without faith, people will fail, without faith, the country will be in danger.

62. Leishan is too small: don't do it because of evil.

Small mistakes can be corrected and do not affect a person's moral character.

63, fire and water Gigi: success.

A gentleman should be far-sighted. When things are successful, he should still carefully consider all kinds of disadvantages that may occur in the future and prevent them before they happen.

64. Fire and water are incompatible: qualitative change ends with quantitative change.

At this time, it is necessary to distinguish right from wrong, see the essence of things clearly, and try to make things change for the better, so that everything can be done. The end means the beginning of a new challenge, and this is the cycle.