Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to exercise your courage (fear of ghosts)?

How to exercise your courage (fear of ghosts)?

In fact, people are afraid of three elements:

1 You don't know what things are.

He can't speak a language you can understand.

He won't die.

The above three items are indispensable.

So as long as you conquer one, ghosts are not terrible.

As long as you think that people may become ghosts to survive after death, you won't be afraid.

Secondly, you can analyze why people are afraid of ghosts.

Is there a ghost in this world? This question has been asked too many times. Basically, everyone can give an answer easily. But everyone's answer is different. Some people will say that there are no ghosts, and they are all scaring themselves. Who has seen a ghost? And some people will say, don't be so self-righteous, the world is full of miracles, and many things can't be explained by science. I think there are really ghosts in this world. Others will say, don't worry about ghosts, in short, don't do anything wrong, not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door! Some people even say, what if I do something wrong? Money makes the mare go! Some people even say, alas, I think money makes the mare go!

However, this article is not about ghosts. It's not about how everyone's world view is different. The author wants to discuss such a problem. In other words, why on earth are people afraid of ghosts?

Why people are afraid of ghosts is not as simple as it seems. From a psychological point of view, there should not be many people who explain this problem very thoroughly. So, today I want to discuss this issue.

I find that many people like to answer questions by diverting them. In fact, he obviously couldn't answer the question, and he didn't want to appear stupid or ignorant, so he changed the question wisely. I think this mentality is very bad. It does not help to solve the problem, nor does it help to sublimate one's own thoughts. It's completely opportunistic, but it makes you less deep.

On the question of why people are afraid of ghosts, I guess some people will use transferring questions instead of answering questions. For example, some people will say that people are afraid of ghosts because ghosts are designed to kill people. If ghosts are friendly and cute, you are not afraid. Is this the answer to the question? I still have to ask, why is it so terrible when evil designs kill people? Others will say that people are afraid of ghosts, but they are actually afraid of death. Then I still have to ask, why should people be afraid of death? Others will say, who says people are afraid of ghosts? I'm not afraid. Then I still have to ask, even if you are not afraid, there are always people who are afraid. Why are those people afraid? See, unless you answer this question in essence, it is to avoid the question and divert the question anyway.

So, why on earth are people afraid of ghosts? It is interesting to study the nature of this problem. To study the essence, it is necessary to deeply analyze people's fear of ghosts and see what produces this kind of psychology.

First of all, are people afraid of ghosts because ghosts can hurt people? In people's common sense and culture, ghosts are considered harmful things. But are people afraid of ghosts just because ghosts harm people? We have seen many horror movies. In many movies, ghosts don't directly hurt people. Even if they don't touch you and do you no harm by any physical means, they just create a horrible atmosphere, which may scare you to death. So it seems that this fear is definitely not from the fear of being hurt. If you scared yourself to death because you were afraid of getting hurt, it would be too exaggerated. Do you scare yourself to death before someone tries to hit you? What's more, smoking is harmful, many people still smoke, drinking is harmful, and many people still drink. Some people even sacrifice themselves to save lives. It can be seen that human beings are not so afraid of being hurt. Even if they are afraid of being hurt, this fear is different from fear of ghosts. It can be seen that human fear of ghosts is definitely not from fear of harm.

So people are afraid of ghosts because ghosts kill people? We certainly admit that people are afraid of death, but are people afraid of ghosts and death the same thing? Doesn't make sense either. Because there are many things that can kill people, such as tigers, lions, pistols and murderers. Of course, humans are afraid of tigers, lions, pistols and murderers, but this fear is always different from people's fear of ghosts. Besides, ghosts don't necessarily kill people. Many times, ghosts won't kill you, but you will still feel scared. For example, imagine that you are alone in a room, and you always hear a woman sighing, knowing that it is definitely not a neighbor sighing. You know this is in your room, but you can't see that woman. In this case, people will be afraid. However, this is just a woman's sigh, and it won't kill you. Why be afraid? If you are afraid of being killed, is it a bit unreasonable? For example, when the midnight bell rang, the ghost climbed out of the TV and didn't meet anyone at all. It was so scary. I don't think anyone was scared to death because of being pointed at by a gun? Why is it so terrible for ghosts to climb out of TV? It seems that this fear does not come from the fear of death. The fear of ghosts has surpassed the fear of injury and death.

So people are afraid of ghosts because ghosts are scary? For example, Sadako in Midnight Bell is really scary. However, don't forget that many ghosts in horror movies are not only not terrible, but also beautiful. People who are basically qualified to play female ghosts must be beautiful women. Comparatively speaking, zombie movies in Europe and America are much more disgusting and ugly, but it is generally felt that the psychological horror of Asian ghost movies far exceeds the visual horror in Europe and America. This is not just the feeling of Asians. In fact, the popularity of Japanese and Korean horror films in the United States has led to the imitation of American horror films, which shows that in the eyes of Europeans and Americans, this psychological horror in Asia is also very terrible. It can be seen that this kind of psychological terror exists not only in specific cultures and races, but also in the psychology of all mankind. Asian beauty ghosts are scarier than zombie skeletons in Europe and America, so people's fear of ghosts is not because of their looks.

So why on earth are humans afraid of ghosts? Let me tell some ghost stories here first.

1, it is said that something happened in a student dormitory. Eight students were scared to death seven times overnight, and one was crazy. It's puzzling. What happened? Finally, the frightened student went crazy and told the truth. It turned out that he had a dream that night, dreaming of a girl in white, with long black hair, unable to see her face clearly, humming in a low voice, while sitting on a lamp and swinging. . . . . . .

2. A woman, her boyfriend and several companions went climbing. When she got halfway up the mountain, she felt exhausted, so she stayed to have a rest, and the others continued to climb the mountain. The woman waited on the mountainside for two days, but no one came down. She's a little anxious. At this time, I saw those people finally came back, but they didn't have boyfriends. These people told her that her boyfriend fell off a cliff and died while climbing the mountain. Just when she was heartbroken, she suddenly saw a man with blood all over his face running down the hill. The man picked her up and ran away. Only then did she realize that this man was her boyfriend. Her boyfriend told her that everyone else died while climbing the mountain, and only he survived. . . . . . .

One day, a person stayed at a friend's house until late at night. He was very happy, but it was getting late and he had to go home. My friend lives in a high-rise building. After saying goodbye to his friends, he turned and went out. But when the door closed, he found that the whole corridor was dark. The room is quiet. It's as if everything has disappeared. He tried to knock at the door, but there was no response in the room. So he had to go downstairs. There was no light in the whole corridor in the dark, and only the moonlight outside allowed him to barely see the steps. But soon he found that he couldn't go down to the next floor. He went back to the original floor on the next floor. He suddenly lost his mind. Then he heard footsteps. I saw a woman in white coming up slowly from downstairs. . . . . . . . . I went home alone one night. When I got home, I suddenly found a group of children around a woman in the yard. The children were noisy, kicking and bullying the woman. And the woman squatted on the ground holding her head motionless. At this time, he ran to stop these children, and the children dispersed in an instant and disappeared without a trace. He took a long breath and said to himself, children nowadays are really ignorant, used to it and uneducated. Then, just as he was about to ask if the woman was all right, he found that the woman was still squatting on the ground, holding her head and motionless. . . . . . .

5. A girl's dormitory is haunted. Everyone says that someone died in the room at the end of the corridor, so strange things often happen in that room. Xiaolan is curious. She wanted to see if there was really a ghost, so one night after everyone was asleep, she took her classmate Sally to find out. But little Sally advised her not to go. Said that room was really scary. There is something unclean. Xiaolan said, I'm not afraid. I don't believe in ghosts I want to see what it looks like. Little Sally couldn't beat Xiaolan, so she had to go with her. They tried to hide their nervousness and walked slowly to the room at the end of the corridor. Pushing open the door, I went in and found that there was thick dust in the room, and there were messy things piled up in the room. Xiaoli grabbed Xiaolan's arm and said, it's terrible. Let's go home. But Xiaolan refused. She said, we must investigate and see what strange things happened. So Xiaolan turned left and right and finally found a diary. Xiaolan was very happy and said that she had gained a lot. Then she began to look through her diary. On the last page of the diary, she saw a yellow photo. That's a picture of a woman. She took the photo to the moonlight to observe it carefully. Suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. She felt that little Sally around her hadn't spoken for a long time. So she trembled and said, Little Sally, this woman looks like. . . . . . . This is the sneer behind little Sally's back. It looks like me, doesn't it? . . . . . . .

Let's talk so much first. Some of these stories are online, you may have heard them, and some of them are made up by me, but you should not have heard them. I didn't tell these stories to scare people, and I didn't spend space to create an atmosphere, so it shouldn't be terrible. So don't tell any bullshit stories. It's not scary at all. I tell these stories to prove my point. Remember, I wrote a paper, not a ghost story. Although these stories are not terrible, I think everyone can still appreciate that there are some terrible things in them. If you spend space to create an atmosphere and brew emotions, these stories can also be scary ghost stories. So, now let's analyze why these stories make everyone feel scared. First of all, there are no ghosts who hurt, kill or eat people, and there are no scary, ugly and horrible ghosts in the story. So, we are afraid, but it is hard to say what we are afraid of. Why on earth are people afraid of ghosts? Now, what are the similarities between these stories? I want to tell you that these stories have one thing in common, that is, they are absurd and difficult to understand.

The first story, a woman sitting on a lamppost swinging and humming, is completely unreasonable, absurd and incomprehensible.

In the second story, women are not sure who to trust, whether to trust their boyfriends or others, or neither. So she is in a completely absurd world, she can't know everything around her, and she can't understand what happened.

The third story is also contrary to common sense. Why can't you go downstairs? Why can't you knock on a friend's door? This seems ridiculous. Why would a woman go upstairs at this time? This is incomprehensible.

The fourth story, in the dead of night, how did a group of children bully a woman? This is ridiculous. Why is this woman squatting on the ground holding her head motionless and completely silent? This is incomprehensible.

In the fifth story, I explored the haunted truth with anxiety and excitement, and finally found an old diary. The photos in the diary turned out to be friends around me. As a result, the whole world has turned upside down, and you are in great absurdity.

So, now we can see that basically all ghost stories and good ghost stories have one feature, which is to create an absurd atmosphere. In other words, what people really fear is not injury, death or ugly face, but absurdity and incomprehension! In essence, all this comes from the unknown. Because you don't know what has happened and what will happen. You are in a completely unknown world. It is impossible to infer logic with common sense, and the rules of the world are subverted. The whole world has become absurd and difficult to understand. This is the source of fear.

So, now I'm going to formally give the answer to the question. That is, human fear of ghosts stems from fear of the unknown. When everything around you is unknown, when the world becomes absurd and incomprehensible, you will be afraid. Then, after in-depth study, why is the unknown frightening?

Because, when human beings face other death threats, such as encountering tigers, being pointed at the head with a gun, or falling from a building, you will be afraid, because you are likely to die. However, this kind of fear is different from your fear when you face a ghost. Because in the real world's death threat, the world is still running according to common sense, and all your common sense and logic are completely established. You can try to kill the tiger, knock down the person who pointed the gun at you, or open the parachute while falling, all of which can save your life. And even if you can't save yourself, when you are dying, you can fully understand why you died. In short, dead or alive, everything is known. However, in the face of ghosts, the situation is completely different. The world became incomprehensible. Your common sense and logic are not good. Ghosts can subvert everything. It may go through the wall, it may suddenly appear, it may suddenly disappear, it may sneer, it may cry, it may twist its body, it may hold its head. In a word, everything is unknown. When facing a tiger, you can use weapons to defend yourself, when facing a pistol, you can use bulletproof vests to protect yourself, and when you fall, you can use a parachute to save yourself. But how can you protect yourself from ghosts? The answer is powerless. The result is that you are extremely insecure, because nothing can protect you. This extreme unknown leads to extreme insecurity. Is the root of all fear. This is why people are afraid of ghosts.

So when we understand why people are afraid of ghosts, everything will be solved. For ordinary people, there are two ways to ease their fear of ghosts. The first is to protect the body with Buddha statues. Why can this alleviate human fears? Because human beings have gained a sense of security through Buddha statues. Obtained the known. It is known that under the protection of the Buddha statue, the absurd world brought by ghosts has been curbed, at least within the protection of the Buddha statue, and the world order has been corrected. Your common sense and logic work again. Second, people are not afraid of ghosts. Some people say that because there are many people, they share the fear of ghosts, or because there are many people, the chances of ghosts killing you become smaller. Actually, it's all beside the point. Because ghosts can kill everyone at the same time, or when there are many people, there will be more ghosts. In this way, you can't share the fear of ghosts, and you can't reduce the chance of being killed by ghosts, but you are not so afraid. Why? Or because the world knows it. Because ghosts are unknown and incomprehensible. On the contrary, people know and understand. So when others appear, your world has a known and understandable part. Your fears will decrease.

Therefore, when you find that Buddhism has failed, or others have become absurd and incomprehensible, your fear of unknown ghosts will rise again.

Therefore, by analyzing human psychology, we can understand why people are afraid of ghosts in essence.

Therefore, the reason why humans are afraid of ghosts is very simple, that is, it stems from human instinctive fear of the unknown. Human's fear of fear and death comes from the fear of the unknown. Unknown leads to the lack of human control, self-protection and security.

So, now we know that we are instinctively afraid of the unknown. Man is the spirit of all things because he is smarter than animals. That is, human beings know more than animals. Therefore, for people, the most important thing is knowledge, and the most terrible thing is ignorance. So Confucius said, "Listen to the sermon in the morning and die later." He deserves to be a saint. Because he knows that ignorance is more terrible than death. If he knows the truth, then he can even die at once. Confucius understood this truth more than two thousand years ago, but many people still don't understand it today. This is the difference between a saint and a stupid pig.

Therefore, as long as you have a desire for truth, you won't be afraid of ghosts.

The simplest truth is that you don't do anything wrong and are not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door.