Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - I'm getting married soon, and I want to surprise my husband at the wedding. Prawn helped me a lot!

I'm getting married soon, and I want to surprise my husband at the wedding. Prawn helped me a lot!

Here are 10 1 romantic ideas.

Shop 1

If the other person is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her, so you hired a bodyguard to protect her. Then, send a little teddy bear.

Idea 2

Buy a packet of fluorescent stars and stick them on the roof of the bed to spell "I love you". When the lights are dim, your words will appear!

Idea 3

On special occasions, buy each other 1 1 true red roses and an artificial rose. Put the fake rose in the center of the bouquet.

Attach a message and write it down:

"I love you until the last flower fades."

Idea 4

If possible, register the domain name in the other party's name, for example, Put romantic poems and a photo of roses on the webpage. When the other party is surfing the Internet, you can casually ask whether the domain name has been registered. Let her enter her name and find the web page.

Idea 5

Buy a fashionable hand-held mirror as a gift for each other. In the box, the card says

"In the mirror, what you see is.

The most beautiful woman in the world. "

Idea 6

Take the book that the other person is reading, draw a line in the book with a pencil where she hasn't read it, and spell out a love letter. For example, the following passage is taken from a novel, and the underlined letters together are the code word "I love you"

The underlined letters will make the other person curious, and if you are lucky, you will spell them. Take the time to encrypt the phrase "Dear Belinda, I love you".

Idea 7

Send flowers to each other's workplace. She will not only like flowers, but also get comments and attention from colleagues in the office, which will make her happier.

Idea 8

On a weekend trip to each other, pick up a smooth stone and say that you will make it a special souvenir of your trip.

After that, give it to a jeweler to carve on it, such as:

Give it to each other after the words "I love Rebecca".

Idea 9

Drive to the countryside, find a small hill with long grass, lie down on each other and look at the clouds.

Play a children's game and find out the shape of clouds.

Shop 10

Take a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a bright smiling face like a child, and the sun is holding hands with two people. And write down their names, pointing to the characters in the painting. Write "I love you" on the star.

Then, find a formal big envelope. Put the picture you drew in and print out the official address of the other party's work on it:

Please pay attention to the following recipients immediately:

Recipient Rebecca Jones

20th floor

Collins Smith Law Firm

New York

Send the letter to the other party so that she can receive it on a busy day.

Idea 1 1

Recite a love poem by Shakespeare and recite it to each other in a romantic environment like a botanical garden. Don't recite suddenly, because it sounds old-fashioned.

When you hug each other, ask in a joking tone, "Can I recite a love poem for you?" She may say yes, and she wants you to say a poem like "Roses are red" ... "。

However, when the smiling person recites this poem, you look into her eyes and gently touch her face. You can try the following poem. If it is too long, just remember the first four lines and the last two lines.

Shakespeare's love poems 18

Can I compare you to summer?

You are cuter and gentler. .

Shop 12

If the other person has to work late, bring a lunch box with some chocolate, tea, dessert, little teddy bear and so on.

Then, take a piece of paper and write down:

"Michelle's late-night first aid kit"

Draw a big red cross below and stick this note on the box. Wait until the situation is really "crisis" before telling the other party to open it.

Shop 13

If you pass by the park, go on a swing and give each other a swing. This often brings back memories of her childhood.

Shop 14

Put a long-stemmed rose where the other person can find it and leave a message: "Thank you for coming into my life."

Shop 15

If the other person has just started a new job, buy a tape of The Sound of Music. Record the song "I have confidence" on another tape,

And add your own information at the end of the song.

"Good luck, dear, I have confidence in you. "

Give this tape to the other party and listen to it on the way to work.

Shop 16

Buy a small decorative paper box, a piece of colored toilet paper, some massage oil and a whiteboard.

Wrap the box in toilet paper. Put the massage oil into the box and write down the following information:

I know a great masseur.

Reservation phone number: (your phone number)

Shop 17

When your spouse has a long and hard day, give her a hot bath. Put some fragrant bath lotion in the bathtub, and then gently wash her from head to toe. Carry her into the bedroom.

Dry her gently, put her on the freshly made bed and kiss her on the forehead.

Shop 18

You need a music player. If you and your partner both like the same song, copy one and take it with you on a romantic weekend.

When you come to a romantic place, ask her if she wants to dance. Put one earplug in her ear and the other earplug in yours, and then enjoy your private dance floor.

This method is particularly effective if it is chosen in places where people don't dance at ordinary times, such as the top of the Empire State Building at sunset or the top of the mountain when camping.

Shop 19

If your partner has a pet that she likes, buy a small gift for her pet in addition to the Christmas present.

Idea 20

Take a walk on the beach Walk out of a big heart on the beach. Sitting in my heart, embracing the sunset.

Dianzi 2 1

Invite each other for a walk. Put the following items in the backpack: picnic mats and fruits in small containers, such as strawberries, grapes, watermelons and kiwis. Some cheese and biscuits. Some sandwiches and a small jar of caviar. Half a bottle of champagne and two plastic cups. If anyone asks what's in it, say it's a jacket and some lunch.

When you come to a romantic place, ask her if she would like to listen and eat something. Open the package and take it out one by one. Plastic cups and champagne should come out at last.

Point 22

If you can play a musical instrument, create a romantic environment for the other party when playing. For example, you can play saxophone. Contact another roommate and ask her to walk to the balcony at 9: 30 pm on time.

Drive to her apartment and get ready in advance. Put a big light on the saxophone's music clip, and light it up when the other person walks in The Upper Terrace. Play some slow and romantic music.

Idea 23

If the other person is going to work and you want to stay at home for some reason (maybe you are sick or working at home), then you can use this idea.

Say goodbye to her at the door, and then send an email at work immediately. Just write "I miss you already" on it

When she checks the email in the morning, it will appear in her inbox.

Point 24

If the other person is the way, comb her hair with a slow comb. This is especially useful when she is out of the shower or getting ready for bed.

Idea 25

On special occasions, such as each other's birthday. Plan a treasure hunt for her. The game begins with your suggestion to go for a walk on the beach:

When you come to the beach, take a small bag with you. There is a bottle in the bag that you prepared in advance. There is a treasure map in the bottle. To make it look real, burn it with matches.

When you are walking, let the bottle slip out of the bag and let it land on the beach near the water. You may need to stop and kiss each other to be unnoticed. Go straight ahead, then turn around and go back to "find" the bottle.

There will be a dotted line from the beach to the nearby cafe on the map. In the cafe, the other person doesn't know what to look for, so I suggest you sit down and have a cup of coffee.

When the waiter handed the coffee, she would hint that the other person might have found what he was looking for under the teacup mat. When the other person turns the coaster over, she will find a key below. Obviously, you should discuss it with the waiter in advance. Most waiters will be happy to help a romantic guy.

At the next stop on the map, the other party will find or get a shovel. Then at the last stop of the map, the other party will find a big "X". She will dig out a locked box. The key opened the box and showed her gift.

Idea 26

If you send an invitation, send a letter with tape in it. On the tape, I recorded the song "Mission Impossible" first, and then said to myself on the way: "If you are willing to accept it, your task is to go to Venoli Cafe at 18:30 Eastern Standard Time. There, you will meet an amazing man with a red carnation. The future of the free world is in your hands. This bag will self-destruct in five seconds. " Then, record the beep of 10 on the running meter and say, "It's ten seconds now ..." Although it's a little corny, it often makes the other person laugh!

Idea 27

Contact the other person's family and ask what she always wanted when she was a child.

If she always wants a porcelain doll, buy one for her birthday. Not only will she like this gift, but she will also thank you for being so considerate in finding what she wants.

Point 28

Arrange a professional photography to show the image of the couple. Then, frame the photo and put it in a conspicuous position. Remember to make the other person pay more attention so that she can be "ready"

Idea 29

Write a note:

"I missed you today and brought me a smile."

Put the note where the other party is sure to find it.

Dianzi 3 1

When you and your partner are in the mall or airport, go to the vertical photo booth there and print the photos as stickers.

Choose a romantic background and kiss each other when taking pictures.

Point 32

If the other party has voice mail at work or on a mobile phone,

Leave a voice saying, "I just want you to know that I miss you."

No matter what time, she will be grateful to you, especially when she goes through difficulties.

Idea 33

Organize a mystery tour for both of you. Some travel societies have mysterious package tours. When boarding the plane or arriving at the destination, the destination of this trip is confidential.

Point 34

Buy some rose petals and put them behind the visor in the passenger seat of your car. The note says "I love you",

Then stick it behind the sun visor.

When you drive to a romantic place, look at the other person and say that there is a stain on her cheek. When she walks under the visor and looks in the mirror, the petals will pour down and she will read the note.

Idea 35

If the other person wants to travel for a long time, put a small gift in the corner of her suitcase, where she will find it when she travels for a long time.

Point 36

When you spend your anniversary together, buy two champagne glasses and engrave your names and dates on them. For example:

Mal and Kate

May 7(th), 2002

Go to the restaurant you booked, and then ask for the wine in the special cup you brought. This will give each other a big surprise and can be used as a great souvenir for two people.

Idea 37

Buy 24 roses on special occasions, such as each other's birthday. Meet at a specific place in a shopping mall before arranging to go out for dinner. Come to the mall in advance, and then stand at the corner of the meeting place.

Ask a passer-by to do me a favor. Give him a rose; Point out your date, then ask him to come forward and say "Happy Birthday, Meagan", then hand her the rose and walk away. Let another man 1 1 repeat this action. The man you choose should not be too handsome. Choose men of different ages. You can also ask a little boy accompanied by his parents for help.

After sending out 12 roses, walk to the other side with the remaining 12 roses.

Point 38

Pay attention to what the other person recalled and record it. For example, maybe she said that she bought ice cream in the store when she was a child.

Catch up with special occasions, see what the other person said, and try to "resurrect" one of them. For example, go to that store, buy a bucket of ice cream, and make sure the name of that store is on the box.

Idea 39

Make a love "montage" with some photos of you two, ticket stubs of places you have been to and other odds and ends that have special significance to you two.

Take these items and let people professionally make a three-dimensional montage. Or, buy a photo frame and make a simple montage yourself.

Idea 40

Buy a simple wooden box with a green or red lining. Put an old key in,

Next, find a small gold medal with the following words engraved on it:

"The key to my heart"

Fix the sign on the top of the box cover so that it can be seen when it is opened.

Dianzi 4 1

Two people buy a tree together and plant it in a special place. Every anniversary, have a glass of champagne by the tree, and then talk about your love and the growth of that tree.

Idea 42

If you are the first person to take a shower in the morning. Fill the bathroom with steam, and then write the message "Pete loves Kathy" on the mirror with your finger. You can see it when she goes to the bathroom. This method can also be used in cold weather.

Idea 43

As a special gift, you can name a star after another person. Many astronomical institutions allow individuals to name stars, and you can get the official certificate of the star you named.

Idea 44.

Find a comic book about the same experience you two have. For example, maybe you two work together and you can find a comic book about your workplace politics.

Enlarge the cartoon with a copier, and cover the characters in the cartoon with correction fluid. Type a paragraph about both of you, paste it in the right place, and then photocopy it again.

So comics look like characters in the original comics.

Idea 45

When you and your partner are enjoying their leisure time, arrange to get up early to watch the sunrise.

It seems hard to do, but the decision is worth making at least once. Seeing the beginning of a new day is really something worth sharing.

Point 46.

When you can go to the hot springs, put some candles around the bathtub and float some petals on the water to create a romantic atmosphere.

When the other person enjoys the hot spring, send her some champagne and strawberry chocolate

Idea 47

Make some love shopping vouchers that the other party can cash.

For example, it can be written as:

The holder of the shopping voucher can:

Do pedicure

Maturity date: August 7, 2045

If you want to imply that the two will be together forever, you can set the time many years later.

Idea 48

On a warm summer night, arrange a backyard picnic. Put the picnic basket on the ground. Bring some snacks, chocolate and champagne. Lying on the ground, watching the stars together.

Idea 49.

Next time it really rains heavily, let's go for a walk. Forget the umbrella and raincoat. Walk the streets together, jump into the ground and get soaked.

Pick her up, spin her, kiss her. Taste the rain running down her face and hug her tightly.

On the way home, take a hot bath and have a warm drink together, preferably in front of an open fire.

Idea 50

Traveling by hot air balloon is a special surprise. At the beginning of most trips, you will open a bottle of champagne. After that, you two floated across the country in hot air.

Dianzi 5 1

When you sit with your partner, walk behind him/her and massage his/her back, shoulders and head. Finally, a kiss on the cheek.

Idea 52

Put an advertisement like this in the newspaper on an ordinary day:

Dear Amanda:

With you by my side, every day

Just like Valentine's Day.

Thank you for your invitation.

love you


Idea 53

Buy a book that interests both of us.

Read a chapter for each other in turn every night.

This is an excellent choice for watching TV.

Idea 54

When the other person is taking a bath or taking a bath, when you bring her a bath towel, put it in the hair dryer to warm it up, and then wrap her in it after washing.

Idea 55

Photocopy your hand, fax it to the other party and leave a message: "Do you want to hold hands?"

Idea 56

The next time you order pizza, ask to cut it into hearts before delivery.

Idea 57

Buy a box of chocolates and open the plastic package very carefully, so that you can take the box out slowly. Open the box and put a love letter in it. Then slide the box into the packaging bag and reseal it.

Idea 58

Rent a two-wheeled carriage and go for a ride together. Finally, have a picnic in the park.

Idea 59

If it is a business trip, record your life for the other party, such as:

"A day in Mark's life.

6:00 in the morning: I just woke up thinking of you-I hope you sleep next to me. Well, I'd better get ready for work.

7 am: On the train. Crowded; Everyone's dead. I miss you very much.

8:30 am: This day has just been arranged. Will be busy.

9: 30am: At a very boring meeting, I am trying to focus on the monthly sales figures, but I can't stop thinking about your beautiful eyes.


6:30 pm: Thank God, I can finally stay one day. I look forward to meeting again.

Send this letter to the other party. This is a good way to tell the other person how much you miss him during the day; Sharing your life with her is also a special way.

Creativity 60

Talk to each other's family and find out which book they liked best when they were children.

Buy one and read it to her when you sleep.

Dianzi 6 1

Write an email story to the other person. Start like this:

The first chapter:

This is a story about Peter and Kate. They met at a friend's engagement party on a summer afternoon.

Write it here. It can be completely fictional, or it can be a combination of fiction and reality.

At the end, he wrote: "Now is the second chapter, you write it."

Idea 62

Buy a kite and fly kites together on windy days.

If conditions permit, buy a big kite that can only be held by two ropes. Kites are interesting.

Idea 63

When two people are going out for dinner, I suggest you have an "adventure dinner" activity. Here's how to proceed.

Set a 20-minute countdown on the stopwatch. Then ask the other person to choose a number between 5 and 10. For example, the number she chose is 7.

Give the other person a coin and tell her to return it every seven intersections. If the result is an avatar, turn left. If it looks like a tail, turn right. When your chronograph

It's time to find the nearest place to eat. This is an entertainment way to go out and find different places to eat.

Idea 64

When you two want to go to a special place, get your camera ready and wait for her to go out.

When she appears, you should take a picture of her with a flash like a professional photographer. When taking pictures, keep asking her if she is a female star, do you want to be interviewed by a magazine and keep asking her questions.

This is always interesting, and it will bring great fun when we review together in the future.

Idea 65

When the other person is sick at home, take a day off to look after her.

Rent some discs, make some soup, wrap it in a blanket and stay with her.

Idea 66

One night at dinner, ask the other person what he always likes to do.

After that, write down the answer, so that you won't forget it and won't realize it in the future. For example, she might say that she hopes to swim with dolphins one day. Check out the following places that can be achieved and arrange this activity as a special surprise.

Idea 67.

Rent a DVD "Memorable Love", buy some popcorn, champagne and strawberry chocolate, and spend a movie night together in Canada.

Dianzi 68

Go to the open-air cinema, but don't sit in the car, but spread a picnic blanket on the floor. Light a candle. Buy popcorn and watch movies together.

Creativity 69

Make a personalized magazine cover for each other. The second time, you should have a high-quality photo of her and a popular entertainment magazine.

Take two things to a print shop or graphic design company. Ask them to scan her photos. Make the magazine cover with the title of "the most beautiful woman in xxx years".

When making the cover, stick it at the beginning of a real magazine and let the local magazine shop owner put it on the magazine rack. Before going out together, arrange two people to meet in this bookstore.

When she comes, tell her that you are looking for a magazine. Let her look on the shelf and find her own magazine.

Idea 70

Fill the trunk with helium balloons. Drive to a romantic place for a walk. This ideal place should be high, with a clear view of the surrounding countryside.

Get out of the car and pretend you're going for a walk. Be sure to let the other person near the car, then throw her a key and ask her if she can help you get a coat from the car while you tie your shoelaces.

When she opens the suitcase, the balloon will be released; You can also put up a slogan that says "I love you" in the car. Then it can also appear after opening.

Dianzi 7 1

Give each other a unique gift on special occasions. Buy two white shirts and some paint. Draw half a heart and the letter LO on one piece and half a heart and the letter VE on the other piece.

When two people walk hand in hand, the heart becomes complete, and the message of love you send is presented.

Idea 72

In hot summer, buy two big water guns and take them to the seaside.

Take them out and throw them at each other, and then start a water war.

Idea 73

Let's share the food. When eating, put a handful of food in her mouth and say, "You must like it."

Sharing food and feeding each other is an excellent way to enhance the relationship between two people.

Point 74

Praise each other in public. If you are talking in a group of people, say, "Kate is good at barbecue." Hold her hand tightly when you talk about her.

Idea 75

Don't work on specially arranged days. Start eating breakfast, then go for a walk in the park, go shopping, have afternoon tea in a comfortable coffee shop and end the day with a romantic dinner.

Idea 76

Buy a mask gift certificate at a local beauty salon. At the same time, attach a card that reads:

"Special gift.

Give it to special you. "

Idea 77

Even if you just go out to buy some milk, pretend to take a big risk when you come back.

It can be said: "For a while, Snow Wolf was uncertain, but I succeeded!" " "Then give each other a warm hug.

Idea 78

Write a thank-you letter to each other. For example:

Dear Bec

Thank you for helping me move.

You've been a big help.

I really appreciate your help and your love.

Idea 79

If you have children, arrange for them to spend the weekend with their grandparents.

Friday night, announce that this weekend belongs to you and plan how to spend this special time together.

Dianzi 80

Give each other a special magic gift box. Put a small gift in it every month, and wait for her to find it.

Dianzi 8 1

Investigate each other's hobbies and buy a gift that is really useful to her. The more special the gift, the greater the impact. Tell her friends and family to use the Internet to find the information you need.

Dianzi 82

Attend a fancy dress ball. Send an invitation to the other party and ask her to meet somewhere at eight o'clock sharp.

Put on a mask and go to see her without saying a word. Hold her hand and take her to the dance floor.

Idea 83

On Thursday, invite each other to pack their bags and spend the weekend together. Tell her that she will need to bring some casual clothes and walking shoes, but don't tell you what arrangements have been made.

Pick her up after work on Friday. Go to a romantic inn and spend a relaxing and romantic weekend.

Point 84

When relaxing at home one night, take two large pieces of paper and some pencils or crayons. On each piece of paper, draw a huge crystal ball on the table.

Let the other person look at the "crystal ball" and draw what he will see in five years. Do this yourself, and then share and discuss your own paintings together.

Idea 85

Give each other a romantic nickname. It can be what her family called her when she was a child, or it can be a special name for both of you.

Dianzi 86

If you both like music, write a song for each other. Named "The Song of Natasha"

Make a professional-looking manuscript, print it out and frame it. Record the song as a CD, take a photo of the other person, and then if your computer can't do it, take it to the print shop to make the cover of the CD box.

Put the framed manuscript and CD in a box and give them to each other as special gifts.

Idea 87

Drive the other person on a date and blindfold her until she reaches her destination.

Make the destination completely unexpected, such as setting a table on the edge of a cliff or having dinner on an old-fashioned boat. What is needed is a place that can give her a shock after she takes the blindfold.

Dianzi 88

Have a pillow fight. Buy two pillows filled with feathers. Punch some holes in the pillow so that the feathers can fly. Then "attack" each other when you think the time is right.

Dianzi 89

Go outdoors. Make a bonfire after a day's hiking. Two people sit together, roast mushrooms, and watch the ashes of the bonfire Ran Ran rise into the night sky.

Creativity 90

If the other person is using a computer, take a photo of them, send it to a print shop for scanning (or scan it at home), and then save it as a bmp file on the computer.

Send the file to another computer and use the image as the desktop.

Click Start/Settings/Control Panel/Display. Select the background tab, and then click the browse button to find the file in bmp format.

Dianzi 9 1

If you have artistic inclination, go to a sketch training class and keep practicing until you have confidence. Then, let the other person pose for you.

Idea 92

Take each other to a carnival or celebration. For example:

(1) Diet Festival

(2) Jazz Festival

(3) Wine Festival

(4) Music Festival

Idea 93

Make a video recording. At first, you two sat on the sofa and explained the video, such as "It's July xxxx 14. We decided to record it because we can enjoy it on our 25th wedding anniversary. "

Then, during the recording, some of them are spoken by you alone, telling the camera how you feel about each other and why you love her. Similarly, she also completed this process. After recording, put the video in the bank safe.

By the 25th anniversary of your marriage, you will be able to look back and recall everything you shared with each other.

Idea 94

If you are in a secret place near the seaside and the weather is mild, let's improvise naked swimming together.

Idea 95

This song is very suitable for the love of living apart. It takes some preparation, but if it succeeds, it will be a surprise that the other party will never forget. Always keep in touch with her through online chat rooms or instant chat tools. Then, visit her secretly without telling you.

When chatting online, let a close friend log in with your account, and you stand at her door. Call your friends on your mobile phone and keep in touch. Tell him to enter the following sentence: "honey, I really miss you, and I hope to be there and reach out and knock on your door." Once she receives this message, knock on her door now!

Idea 96

Buy a goldfish and a fish tank for each other, which means: "Of all the fish in the sea, you are my fish."

Idea 97

Go for a ride in the early morning or at dusk. Buy a CD/ tape of natural sounds, such as "The Voice of the Rainforest", and listen to the song by holding hands.

Electron 98

On the day before each other's birthday, buy some helium balloons and flowers and always put them in the closet.

When the other person falls asleep, hang ribbons in the room and take out balloons and flowers. Put it beside the bed, so that when the other person wakes up, you can get a real surprise.

Creativity 99

They spent a leisurely afternoon in the bookstore. There, you can browse books, drink coffee and sit down and read the books you just bought.

Shop 100

If possible, rent a sports car for the weekend. Take your girlfriend and give her a long white cashmere shawl and sunglasses. Drive along the beach in a convertible.

Idea 10 1

Provide each other with breakfast in bed, such as:

(1) A heart-shaped poached egg-you can buy heart-shaped molds in most kitchen supplies stores.

(2) French bread+cinnamon and sugar maple juice

(3) cereal

(4) Fruit juice

(5) Flowers