Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Turtle turn description composition

Turtle turn description composition

1. How to write a composition about turning over for a little turtle?

My Brazilian tortoise also has a unique turn. Every time children come to our house, I always let the Brazilian tortoise perform. I only heard 1 of "pa" and turned over. Very interesting! Looking at the envious eyes of my friends, I don't want to mention how proud I am. At this time, I always pat it on the back affectionately and give it a piece of lean meat. You're welcome. After craning its neck and wolfing down the food, it looked at me eagerly, as if to say, "give me another piece!" "


This summer vacation, our family added two little babies, Brazilian tortoise.

The eyes are small, the mouth is big, the belly is white, and there is a grid like a football on the back, but the difference is that the shell of the Brazilian tortoise is dark green, one is light green, one is spotted and the other is not spotted. One is Tao Tao, and the other is Jingjing. Why Tao Tao? Jingjing is always lazy because she is naughty, because she doesn't like to move.

Their home is very beautiful and warm. Brazilian turtle is a water turtle, and naturally likes swimming, so a swimming pool is essential. But the tortoise always has a rest when he is tired, so he can rest on the second floor. Of course, it can also be called the observation deck.

They are often on the first floor during the day and on the second floor at night. When they are on the second floor, Tao Tao always likes to lie quietly. Although I am quiet and lazy, I am never vague when eating. I used to feed them turtle food, but they often didn't eat it. Once I went to someone's house and saw someone feeding a turtle with small fish, so I bought some very, very small fish. As soon as I put them down, they swam over, but they were not in a hurry to eat. It's that they touch the food first and then retract it, then touch it again and retract it until he feels safe, and then they tear the small fish into pieces and eat it with big mouths.

2. Composition about small animals helping turtles turn over My favorite small animal, Brother Tortoise.

My family has two twin turtles, round head, rice-like eyes, spongy limbs and hard turtle shells. They look like guards in green uniforms guarding their positions.

Although turtles have small stomachs, they have big stomachs. I remember once, I asked my mother for a small layer of meat and put it in the water. They looked at the meat and circled around it as if they thought it was an intruder. They smelled it and stared at me for fear that I would compete with them. Seeing that they did this to me, I walked away for a while and came back to see it. As a result, the meat became smaller, and the turtle brother had shredded pork in his mouth. I thought, "You finally want to give it to me." So I walked away for a while and came back, and the meat turned into silk again, but they still refused to let go. You take a bite, he takes a bite and the meat disappears. What an amazing appetite!

The tortoise is too naughty. Now I help them bathe and laugh all the time. When I picked up the brushes, they hid aside, and then they played in circles in the water. The faster they turn, the more I regard two turtles as three or four turtles. I tried to hold one down, but they were too fast. A little turtle saw that I was going to crush it, and immediately turned around and was overturned. Another little turtle saw that his brother was in trouble and wanted to save him. I grabbed him and brushed him clean. After I finished brushing, the abducted turtle turned over and exchanged with its brother, but it couldn't escape from my palm, because I had a good eye and had to obey.

The tortoise has a good appetite and is naughty, but he doesn't forget brotherhood. Once I asked the little turtle to see his head, and the turtle brothers put the head in the shell together so that I couldn't take it out. After a while, they will stick their heads out and splash my face. I will turn over a turtle and almost be bitten by another turtle. It's true that brothers are in trouble, draw swords to help each other.

Little turtle brothers are always like children, and I love them.

3. There are at least five action words in the third grade Chinese exercise "Writing the Turtle Turn Over". I don't know how long it took, but the sun gradually shone down from the horizon.

She came to see me as usual. She didn't show much surprise when she saw me like this. She just said softly, "Go to sleep, I'll watch you." The last trace of consciousness disappeared in her voice and I fell asleep again.

Time is as light as running water, passing quietly between fingers. I have been asleep for a quarter of an hour. She kept her promise and stayed with me every day.

And I also worked hard and finally got rid of that cocoon in the early hours of the morning. When I woke up again, I was brand-new, with wings on my back that could take me flying, just like her. After that, I wandered carefree between heaven and earth, with the angels who gave me warmth.

Warmth is as simple as that-a smile, a gesture, a word, a companion.

I want to write the composition of two turtles, my little turtle. My family has a lovely little turtle, which my father bought at the local flower and bird market when he was on a business trip to Huzhu. This little turtle is very interesting! Except the soft shell of the stomach is bluish white, the rest is dark green. It is about six centimeters long and carries a "big armor" on its back, just like a moss-covered reef in the water. There are fourteen diamond-shaped squares on the armor, four of which are relatively large and complete. There is a black line in the middle of each small cell, and the small cells are next to each other. There is also a small tail under the armor. One morning, I had nothing to do, so I went to see the little turtle "Baker". I saw that its head, feet and tail had shrunk and it didn't eat at all. I think he must be too lonely! So, I went out and bought a turtle named ham and brought two boxes of feed. When I got home, I put down the ham, but Baker didn't respond. When I knocked over the turtle food, Baker rushed forward. It's going to eat! This new turtle "Ham" is the same as "Baker" except that its tail is a little bigger, but they are all members of the big family of Brazilian turtles. After a while, I went to see the little turtle again. On the dark balcony, they slept like pigs! I'm surprised. Isn't this broad daylight? It's just a little dark I turned on the light. After a while, the little turtle's eyes were broken and slowly became active. When I turned off the light, the little turtle's limbs did not move. After a few minutes, his head actually got into the big shell, and then nothing happened. It turns out that as long as it is dark around, it will sleep. I thought they would sleep at night! I like my little turtles very much, because they are lively and lovely, but they are too naughty. This is more than 500 words.

5. A composition describing a turtle. There is a little turtle at home. It is only three months old. The whole turtle is only as big as my palm. Its head is small and its body looks big. Its hard shell is patterned and looks very cute.

Little turtles usually like to sleep in wet places. I put it in the swimming pool. When he was hungry, he climbed out of the pool and craned his neck to look at me, as if to say, "I'm hungry, give me something to eat." At this time, I put it in a basin, poured water and put meat and rice on it. The little turtle eats and drinks. It's very clever. When I stood by, it took it. One day, the little turtle climbed out, stretched out his neck and looked around. His mother whispered to me, "He misses his mother." Looking at his miserable appearance, I thought: I will take care of him more carefully in the future. Now, the little turtle has become my good friend.

6. tortoise composition description 400 words There are two little turtles at home. They are very interesting.

The tortoise's shell is black and shiny, and there are many brown lines embedded in it, which are divided into regular patterns. I counted * * * thirteen dollars.

No wonder people gave the tortoise a good name "thirteen quick and sixty cents!" " Its abdomen is also guarded by a whole piece of hard shell, banging away. It has four thick and short legs and sharp claws on its feet.

Its head is triangular, with a pair of bright little eyes on it. There is a tiny tail at the back of the body, which is really funny.

Sometimes, we want to play with it, but it often shows the appearance of fear, shrinking its head in the shell and motionless. Perhaps this is the origin of the nickname "little puss-head". After a long time, it just poked its head out a little and looked around.

Tired of waiting, we poked its shell with our fingers and asked it to stick its head out quickly. That's terrible. It shrank its head even tighter.

Once, we put the little turtle on the table. The little turtle craned its neck and looked around. Sesame-like eyes purred as if to say, "What are you doing nearby?" Did I win the championship in the rabbit race, and you regard me as a hero? "The little turtle may be a little carried away. He accidentally stepped on the ground and fell to the ground. He tried his best, but he couldn't turn over. It has to rely on my help! How interesting this little turtle is. I like it.

7. The composition describing the tortoise My family has a little turtle, which is a little smaller than my fist. The beige hard shell is semi-arched. The little turtle's head is triangular, probably to reduce the resistance of water. Those small eyes are round and bright, very energetic, and there are two small nostrils at the front of the head, which is very interesting. Look again, the four calves are short and thick, covered with tiny scales and with five small claws at the end. By the way, there's that long, thin tail, dragging it behind. This is very interesting.

Usually, the little turtle lies quietly in the water, sticks its head out of the water, and looks very "quiet". But the slightest movement, even footsteps, it will find, and immediately retract its head, revealing only two small eyes and a face of alert. For a long time, it will shake its neck and try to stick its head out bit by bit. The little turtle is really vigilant

I don't think you will believe that this slow-moving and clumsy little guy can catch fish! But this is wrong.

Once, I fed a small turtle a few small crucian carp three or four centimeters long. Very interesting. As soon as the little fish was put into the basin, its neck, which had just been retracted, came out again, and two small eyes stared at the little fish. I wonder: can it catch small fish? This little fish is very clever, but it ... didn't expect the little turtle to be smarter. It didn't make a move, just lay there quietly, waiting for the opportunity. A few small fish didn't expect that their natural enemies were close at hand and they were still playing in the shuttle. I held my breath and opened my eyes. Finally, a small fish swam to the little turtle. The little turtle cleverly caught up with it in a few steps, opened its mouth and bit the head of the little fish. The little fish only wagged its tail twice and stopped. The little turtle climbed several more steps until it thought it was "safe" before enjoying its delicious meal with confidence. I saw its neck stretched out hard, apparently swallowing small fish, and its two front legs were still swinging back and forth, as if exerting force. Look, how interesting!

However, if you disturb it while eating, it will immediately put down the food, put its head out of the water to "spy" it, and then continue its delicious meal. It can be seen that even when eating, the little turtle refused to relax his vigilance!

Anyone who knows a little about history knows "Oracle Bone Inscriptions". In Shang dynasty, people once dug holes in tortoise shells and then burned them on fire. When these holes burst into "Bu"-shaped lines, the fortune teller decided the good or bad luck, and then carved the prayer, result and divination date on an Oracle bone, which became "Oracle Bone Inscriptions". Nowadays, people have obtained a lot of valuable information from tortoise shells and animal bones unearthed in Yin ruins.

Not only that, the meat of the tortoise is edible, and the tortoise shell can be used as medicine.

It seems that the little turtle is not only smart and lovely, but also an animal that is very beneficial to human beings.

8. Composition describing the tortoise My family has a special little animal: the tortoise.

This turtle was bought for me by my mother. I took this little turtle home and put it in a glass jar. It often sticks out its dark green feet and crawls slowly in the glass jar. I looked at it and thought: What a lovely animal!

The loveliness of the little turtle lies in its appearance, gait and touching time.

This turtle looks lovely. Its body is only the size of a child's palm, and its small round eyes blink and give off a slight light. Its mouth is small and yellow. At ordinary times, its mouth is motionless. Careful people may find that its mouth occasionally opens slightly. Its sole is also small, tender and soft, with three nails on it.

Its gait is also very cute. Gait is very similar to swimming posture, with one stroke of the front left foot, one stroke of the front right foot and one stroke of the rear left foot.,,,,,, If you climb fast, it is like a small toy car moving fast. I thought to myself: Who says turtles crawl slowly? The little turtle in front climbs so fast and so slowly!

When touching it, it looks not only cute, but also interesting. When touching it, as long as it touches it, it will shrink back at the speed of lightning speed. After waiting for a while, nothing happened. It would stick its head out slightly, look around with sly eyes, make sure there was no danger, then slowly put out its feet, and then climb away quickly. By the time I realized it, it had disappeared!

This is really a lovely and interesting turtle!