Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Four-character idioms are used by turtles.

Four-character idioms are used by turtles.

1. A four-character idiom with the word turtle does not mean turtle.

Turtle: In ancient times, yarrow and tortoise shell were used to predict good or bad luck. You can decide without divination. This metaphor is obvious and very clear.

Intestines of cicada-bellied turtle

The ancients thought that cicadas only needed to drink dew and turtles only needed to drink water.

Tortoise and crane live a long life.

Distant: longevity. A eulogy to wish people a long life.

Soft-shelled turtle cold bed (Gu, Li Zheng, Zhuang)

Metaphor is seclusion until one's ambition is rewarded.

Guilin phoenix

Traditionally used to symbolize four kinds of animals: longevity, dignity and auspiciousness.

Tortoise shell

Metaphor is a good thing that is collected regardless of size.

Tortoise horn (Gu He máo tüJi m:o)

The tortoise has hair and the rabbit has horns on its head.

Traces of Turtles and Birds (Gu Yu Wan Ni)

Refers to ancient hieroglyphics.

The tortoise is tired of not telling (Gu and Yang Guifei)

Refers to the repeated addition of tortoise divination, which makes the tortoise spirit disgusted and no longer tells people good or bad luck.

Tortoise and jade are destroyed

Tortoise shell and Baoyu were destroyed in the box.

Chicken breast and turtle back (J and xi, not ng gu and bè i)

Protruding chest and hunchback.

Scarab for wine (J Ρ n Gu Heji incarnation)

Take off the scarab for wine. Describe an open mind and indulge in wine.

Linfeng Gulong (Linfeng Gulong)

These four animals symbolize good omen, rare and precious things, and noble and respected people.

Help a turtle lose its turtle.

This metaphor is not worth the candle.

Several strategies for carving turtles

Chiseling turtle: drilling and burning turtle shell, watching the burning crack and guessing good or bad luck; Counting strategy: Count the stems of yarrow, and judge the good or bad from the group counting. It means that the ancients used yarrow to predict good or bad luck.

2. Four-word idiom with turtle: cold turtle bed,

Tortoise and jade destroyed the rafters,

Turtle-aged cranes count,

There are no waiting turtles,

Chicken breast and nail fish,

Birthday in the Year of the Tortoise,

Tortoise shell,

Tortoise cold bed,

Hanging turtle is a kind of fish.

Several strategies for chiseling turtles,

Turtles are tired of not talking,

Tortoise horn,

Know a turtle as a turtle,

Tortoise, dragon and phoenix,

Prove that turtles become turtles,

No turtle hand medicine,

The footprints of turtles and birds,

Rhinoceros top turtle text,

The intestines of the old turtle,

Turtles and cranes are very old.

Help turtles lose turtles,

A turtle and a crane,

Don't wait for the turtle,

Scarab for wine,

Turtle dragon forest phoenix,

Mao Bao released the turtle,

There are turtles on the bed,

Turtles and cranes live a long life.

Gui Long, LAM Raymond,

Successor Gao Jue

The tripod symbolizes the jade turtle,

Crane calculates turtle age,

Blame the tortoise for crying,

Shave the turtle's back,

Waying turtle fish,

Rabbit horn turtle hair,

Year of tortoise and crane,

Hunger pole

The four-character idiom "Want a tortoise" is widely accepted.

Man surnamed Zhang

Explain public expectations: the hope of all; Return: Return. Everyone expected it. Refers to gaining the trust of the masses.

The source of the book of Jin Biography: "The yin of the reason is only to build prosperity, and the return of the public is no different." Song book "Returning to Lu Boshou": "Abandoning the examination and revealing the list, Fu Cheng will release the brown in front of Hua Tang, which is widely expected. This election will be fattening, and those among friends will be radiant. "

Structural subject-predicate form.

Usage is used to describe high prestige; Be trusted and admired by the masses. Generally used as predicate, object and attribute.

Distinguish from others; Can't write "heavy"; Hope; Can't write "Wang"

Synonyms are popular, respected and ancient.

The antonym is cheating on others, falling apart, falling apart.

~ and "people's will": It can mean "unanimous support of the masses" but it is often used in people; "the will of the people" is generally used for things; No one is needed.

Lao Zhang was elected this time; I can see that it is ~

4. Four words to describe a turtle, the turtle and jade are ruined,

Birthday in the Year of the Tortoise,

Hanging turtle is a kind of fish.

Tortoise cold bed,

Tortoise shell,

Chicken breast and nail fish,

Several strategies for chiseling turtles,

Tortoise horn,

Know a turtle as a turtle,

Help turtles lose turtles,

No turtle hand medicine,

The footprints of turtles and birds,

Prove that turtles become turtles,

Turtles are tired of not talking,

Don't wait for the turtle,

Rhinoceros top turtle text,

The intestines of the old turtle,

A turtle and a crane,

There are turtles on the bed,

Mao Bao released the turtle,

Gui Long, LAM Raymond,

The intestines of cicada-bellied turtles,

The tripod symbolizes the jade turtle,

Scarab for wine,

Shave the turtle's back,

Turtles and cranes live a long life.

Blame the tortoise for crying,

Life is long.