Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Final fantasy 7 members

Final fantasy 7 members


ク12521ド =ストラィフ/cloud = stripes/cloud contention.

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Weapon 2 1 year


AB type

August 1 1

Niebuhr Heim


Weapons list restriction list

The protagonist of the story, Tiffany's childhood sweetheart.

Introverted, quiet and self-abased, this is Claude's character. When he was a child, he had little chance to get close to his favorite Tiffany. Young Claude, like many boys, yearns for great power, so he regards the legendary warrior Safiros as his idol and dreams of being as powerful as him one day. This idea became stronger after he witnessed Tifa's injury. He must be a strong man to protect Tifa and attract her attention at the same time.

Seven years ago, on the water supply tower in Heim, niebuhr, Claude promised that he would come back to protect Tiffany and join the army when he became stronger, and his fate changed. ...

Impressive lines

Not interested (you can hear it from the beginning of the game, which is one of Claude's pet words)

There must be something for women here. I went in (before entering the hive)

● Safiros is still alive. I ... have to put an end to this (the end of the Midga Expressway).

● Hehehe ... Dark Sorcerer's Stone (Ancient Temple)

My fingers are clenched. My mouth is thirsty. My eyes are burning! (forgotten city)

Ok, let's go (before the decisive battle)


バレット =ォーレス/Barrett = Wallace/Barrett Wallace.

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blood type



The weapon was 35 years ago.


O type

65438+February 15


Organ arm

Weapons list restriction list

The current leader of the anti-God organization Avalanche.

A few years ago, Collier's magic rocking furnace accident killed almost all the villagers in Collier, including Barrett's beloved wife. At the same time, he lost his right arm to protect his friend Dane, and then he installed an organ arm for revenge.

Barrett has a bad temper and always curses, which may be related to his credulity in the past, leading to the ruin of his family. Only when facing his adopted daughter, Marlene, will he show his gentleness. The necklace on his chest is a relic of his friend Dane's wife. Dane gave it to Barrett for safekeeping before he died.

Barrett's name is spelled Barrett (American version is Barrett), which is taken from the homonym of the English word BULLET. At first, his name was set as Brother (ブ).

Impressive lines

● Veterans ... Hey, it doesn't look very reliable (the game just started).

From now on, we need a captain to lead the team. The captain's choice is mine (after fleeing from Midga).

Saving the earth looks cool, but it's just an excuse for me to get back at God! (Collier Prison)

Let's fight together until the end ... man (God's Club)

Our train won't stop halfway! (After Claude regains his memory)

But now, ...

Yes, I'm fighting for Marilyn (flying on an empty boat before the last battle)


ティフ? =ロックハート/TIFA = Lockhart/Tifa Lockhart.

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blood type



The weapon was 20 years ago.


Type b

May 3

Niebuhr Heim

A series of skills and tricks of boxing in China.

Weapons list restriction list

A member of Avalanche, an anti-god organization, runs a bar named 7th heaven on 7th Street in Midga (also the secret base of Avalanche).

She is Claude's childhood friend and the only one who knows his real past.

The love triangle between Claude, Tiffany and Aerith has always been a controversial topic among players. Obviously, Tiffany's feelings for Claude are not as simple as "childhood friends". Tiffany is introverted and shy on emotional issues, and has never expressed her feelings for Claude positively. Strong and gentle, calm and thoughtful, he did not expose Claude's abnormal performance and false memory on the spot, but slowly observed and looked for opportunities, and finally helped Claude find his true self. Claude was always with him when he was poisoned and insane. Although she is one year younger than Claude, her mature and steady style and meticulous care for Claude show that she is the girl who really plays the role of "sister" in Claude's mother's mouth. She is a typical heroine of "Royal Sister".

Impressive lines

● Claude! Be sure to survive! You can't die! I still have a lot to tell you! (Claude falls in front of the No.5 magic sway furnace)

● Sorry to bother you (Shenluolou cell)

You just hit me so hard! You dead old woman! ! ! ! (Zhu Nong gun barrel)

You came, and you kept our agreement.

When I am in danger, you will come to save me! (Claude and Tiffany recall the niebuhr Heim incident)

People can keep a lot of things in their hearts ... they will forget a lot of things ... it's unbelievable ... (coming back from Claude's spiritual world)

● It is not only words that can convey feelings (the night before the big hole)


ェァリス =ゲィンズブール/aerith = gainsborough/Alice gainsborough.

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The weapon was 22 years ago.


O type

7 February

Xueyuan village

walking stick

Weapons list restriction list

One of the heroines in the story, the flower girl in the poor street, is the only remaining ancient species (Setra) on the earth.

Setra, who has been guarding the planet from generation to generation and can talk with it, came to the legendary land of restraint under the guidance of the planet, thus obtaining great happiness. This is a legend handed down from generation to generation in setra, and it is also their destiny. Only she can uncover the mystery of the land of bondage and launch "sacred" white magic to stop meteorites. Aerith has been involved in numerous disputes and struggles because of its special status. The sudden departure of Zhongban in the game can be said to be shocking, and it has also created numerous rumors of "resurrection", which shows the high popularity of Aerith.

Although she was born with a heavy fate and special status, Aerith has always maintained a lively and cheerful personality, which is much more proactive than Tifa in dealing with emotional issues, which is not consistent with her quiet appearance. Claude's late friend zaks was Aerith's first boyfriend. Claude behaves like zaks because of the role of Genova cells. Aerith can find some Zach's shadow from him, which is one of the reasons why she approached Claude actively.

Aerith's name is spelled Aerith (Aeris in the American version), which is taken from the homonym of the English word EARTH, meaning that she protects the fate of the planet.

Impressive lines

"So ... let's date! The church asked Claude to be a bodyguard and promised to pay him.

..... Anyway, I think you are lying (before entering the hive).

● ... flower girl in the slum! (Introducing Rufus from the top of Shenluo Building)

● Ah ~ ~ Claude! ! Come on! ! (Collier West Railway Company)

..... From the beginning, I thought you were the same. Two completely different people, but they look exactly the same. The way he walks, the gestures ... I saw him in you. But, this is different, mound? What is the insurance policy? Br> Few people in the world can fully understand me ...

So, no one can resist that (Claude's dream) except me, a survivor of setra.



basic document



blood type



Weapons of 48 years ago




Cosmic canyon

hair decorations

Weapons list restriction list

They can speak human language, have a long-lived race that is not lost to human wisdom, and they are even called the guardians of the earth from generation to generation. Red XIII is a proud member of the God beast clan, whose real name is Nanqi, and Red XIII is the code name given to it by Bao Tiao for the convenience of research. Although the actual age is 48 years old, it is only 15 and 6 years old when converted into human age, and it is only a child.

When he was a child, his tribe was attacked by the Ji tribe and was on the verge of extinction. Without knowing the truth, he always thought that his father left the whole tribe and mother in the battle and ran away from the battle. This is a knot in his heart for many years. When he found out the truth, he stood beside his father's fossilized body and screamed loudly, which left a very deep impression on countless players.

Nomura wanted to make this character full of Indian flavor when designing, so it had Indian hairstyle and decoration, and named Nanachi purely to make it more Indian.

Impressive lines

Baotiao named me Red XIII. Names mean nothing to me. Call me whatever you want. (Join the team)

It's not easy to stand on two legs ... (on a transport ship)

Excuse me, can you stop for a moment? It's so hot here that my nose is dry (Sunshine Coast).

● Long time no see! I'm Nanaki and I'm back! ! (Cosmic Canyon)

I want to have a look. I want to see what this planet will look like. Then I'll come back and tell you, grandpa (after discovering the truth about his father in Jidong)

I am 13. Will I go crazy, too? (Playground Cabin)

The fate of all life on this planet depends on us.

Ya Fei Shi

ユフィ =キサラギ/yuffie = Ji Sarac/Yu Fei Ji Sarac.

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Weapons 16 years old


Type a

165438+ October 20th



Weapons list restriction list

Female ninjas from five stations, lively and lovely sunshine girls! A flying self-proclaimed stone hunter.

She is the daughter of Godot, the master of Wutai. Wutai Mountain was developed into a tourist attraction after its defeat in the war with Luo Shen. You Fei doesn't want to be ruled by Luo Shen, and thinks that her father who obeys Luo Shen is a coward. She began to travel around the world in order to collect enough philosopher's stones to revive her hometown (it is really rare to have such ambitions at an early age).

Although You Fei looks cute, she is actually a very cunning and greedy guy. Her ultimate goal is to take all their philosopher's stones for herself after the Battle of Claude (in fact, this was instigated by You Fei's father, and it was really speechless-_-)!

Her name is spelled Yuffie, which has no special meaning, just to make people sound lively.

Impressive lines

● I don't know I don't know! It has nothing to do with me! (the incident of stealing magic stones in Wutai area)

Well, if I use them as targets at ordinary times, I will fix them like that (after saving You Fei from Gu Liugenwei).

Don't you know? This carsickness ... will happen as long as it is on the means of transportation. Please ... leave me alone (on the empty boat).

After the war, all the sorcerer's stones will belong to me. It's all written in this file. Take a closer look and sign your name, will you? (Before the big hole breaks through)

● Ah ~ Ah ~ The last episode of You Fei, the Sorcerer's Stone Hunter, The Sorcerer's Stone Forever (Big Hole)

Cait Sith

ケット =シー/cait = Sith/Ketsis.

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Unknown weapon






Weapons list restriction list

Riding on the eccentric robot cat of Fat Moguli, claiming to be a divination machine, is actually a high-performance robot that can be operated from a distance. Forced to join the team under the pretext of witnessing Claude's fate, the real identity is the undercover sent by God to Claude's team.

Kaiser's manipulator is Lifu from the urban development department of Shenluo, and he is also one of the few conscientious people in Shenluo's top management. After spending a long time with Claude, he gradually recognized and understood their practices, and he simply acted as a double agent, which made a great contribution to the final defeat of Li Luo.

Kate's name is spelled Cait Sith, which is a kind of goblin cat in Scottish folktales. Cait means cat, and Sith is a demon.

Impressive lines

I am too lazy to translate. I'll talk about it later @ _ @


ヴィセント =ヴァレンタィン/Vincent = Valentine/Vincent Valentine.

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blood type



The weapon was 27 years ago.


Type a

65438+ 10 month 13


Firearms; firearms

Weapons list restriction list

A member of the original God Luo Turk, the lover of Safiros' mother Lucretia, is a tragic figure who sleeps in the basement of Shenluo Mountain Villa. 27 years old is his sleeping age, and his actual age should be over 50.

Vincent witnessed his former lover who was still deeply in love being used as a human experiment. After being assassinated by Bao Tiao, the body was transformed into various alien monsters, and at the same time lost its rationality and became a pure killing machine.

Vincent, who looks cold, is actually a very gentle and emotional person. The tragic experience decades ago made him reticent. He always thought it was his fault that Lucrezia became Genoa's experiment and had to die in order to survive. This half-human, ghost-free body is God's punishment. The significance of his existence lies in finding the treasure, giving justice to Lucrezia and her son and "atoning" for himself. ...

Impressive lines

A long sleep shrouded in nightmares gave me time to atone (I first met Vincent in the basement of Shenluo Mountain Villa).

Suit yourself (Midi, in front of Tiffany who decided to take care of Claude)

In this way, I am farther away from human beings ... (learning lines when learning extreme skills)

She, if she is happy, I don't mind ... (Vincent sees Lucrezia with Baotiao)

This body ... is my punishment. ...

Me ... Dr. Gaster and Bottie. ...

And Lydia, I can't stop them. ...

I didn't do anything but watch ... that was, my sin ... (Vincent recalls the past)

The flight in the sky is over, and now our battlefield is underground. ...

What awaits us tomorrow is not the sunshine in the sky, but the darkness in the ground ... (before breaking into the big hole)

International Development Committee

シド =ハィンド/cid = gale/Sid SST

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blood type



Weapons from 32 years ago


Type b

February 22(nd)

Huojian village


Huan Huan? /a & gt; Limit list

He used to be the royal pilot of Shenluo space development plan, a legend and the idol of many pilots. Since the space development plan was abandoned, I have been doing nothing in Rocket Village all day. I hope that one day God Luo Can will reopen the plan and help him realize his dream of flying into the universe.

Sid has a strong personality. After turning against his boss Parma for his dream, he simply betrayed Luo Shen and joined Claude's team. Later he became the captain of the flying boat, which is an indispensable role in the team.

Since FF2, the name シド/Cid has been closely related to the flying boat, which can be said to be synonymous with flying boat.

Impressive lines

I am too lazy to translate. I'll talk about it later @ _ @



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blood type



Unknown weapon





Authentic Dao

Weapons list

Luo Shen is the strongest warrior in history and is called the legendary hero.

Five years ago, Safiros was on a mission to investigate the magic sway furnace in Heim, niebuhr. After seeing the human beings soaked by the magic sway with his own eyes, he began to doubt his life experience. After consulting a lot of literature, he finally realized that he was not a descendant of human beings, but a product of Genoa plan. Because of the wrong literature, he mistook Genova and Sitra for the same creature. He began to hate human beings and vowed to take back the planet that originally belonged to ancient species from human beings.

Five years later, in the fountain of life in the ancient temple, Safiros finally realized the difference between Genoa and ancient species and embarked on the road of extinction.

Safiroth's name is spelled Sephiroth, which means "outflow of divinity" in Latin.

Impressive lines

I am too lazy to translate. I'll talk about it later @ _ @