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Stories and historical materials about Athena in Greek mythology?

Athena (English Athena Greek α θ eta v? 0? 4), the goddess in charge of the battle between wisdom and justice. Legend has it that the statue of Athena was born by Zeus and the goddess of wisdom, Metis. Because Gaia predicted that Metis's child would overthrow Zeus, and Zeus swallowed her whole, the statue of Zeus (Author: Pheidias) of Athena suffered from a serious headache. All the gods, including Apollo, tried to treat him effectively, but in vain. Zeus, the father of gods and mankind, had to ask hephaestus, the god of fire, to open his head. The Vulcans did it. To the surprise of the Olympians, an elegant and determined goddess jumped out of her cracked head, radiant and graceful. It is said that she has the general strength of Zeus, and if combined with the innate strength of Egers, her strength will surpass all the gods of Olympus. She is the cleverest goddess and the perfect combination of wisdom and strength. She is Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, the patron saint of Athens. The owl is the symbol of Athena. Origin and legend Athena's name, abbreviated from Athena or Athenaia in Greek, is written as Athene and Athenaiae in Ionian dialect (the name can be seen on the relief map of the siege of Troy), written as Athena and Athenaia in Dorian dialect and Athenaia in Eolia dialect. (We can also see another way to write her name in a painting of Odysseus' home by French painter bouguereau: Athhnh. This word has no etymological explanation in Greek. Since Athena's name is the same as that of Athens, people have been debating whether the goddess is named after the city or the city is named after the goddess since ancient times. In Greek place names, many city names end with -ene, such as Mykene, which means -ene is a typical place name suffix. But Athena has a nickname called Pallas Athene, which is often called Athena in Homer's epic. This shows that the goddess originally had a name pallas. Later, with the development of Athenian worship, she was called Pallas Athena, which means "pallas of Athens". Later, Athena could be the name of the goddess alone. So finding out the meaning of pallas is the key to finding out the origin of Athena. Unfortunately, people have not understood the meaning of this word. Some people interpret it as a "girl", while others interpret it as a "sword dance". However, due to its shortcomings, it can not be universally recognized, and can only be regarded as a possibility, not as a conclusion. So we must go to the myth to find the origin of Athena. Athena is widely worshipped in the Greek world centered on Athens. This city has a typical symbol of Greek religious art-the Parthenon. This name means a girl's apartment, which is the residence of the goddess maid. But Athena has been an important god since ancient times. Her name has appeared on the linear letter B, and there are a lot of fairy tale descriptions that retain the elements of ancient legends. Athena is also called "mistress" on Mycenae slate. According to Pilarsky's records, Athena was born on the banks of the Tritoni River. Three Libyan fairies found her, so they dressed her in goatskin clothes and took care of her growing up. When she was a little girl, she accidentally killed her little friend pallas in a play. In order to express her condolences, she put pallas's name before her own. She later came to Athens via Crete. (See apollonius) Because this material was recorded according to the legend of the ancient people of Pilaski, many scholars were led to associate the origin of Athena with the Libyan goddess. There are several circumstantial materials for this view: "It seems that the clothes worn by Athena's idol and agis's jacket were learned by the Greeks from Libyan women. Because except Libyan women's clothes are made of leather, the ears of goatskin jackets are not snakes but grass buttons, and the clothes everywhere are the same. The name itself proves that the clothes of the statue of Pallas Athena came from Libya. ..... "(Herodotus" History ")" Adjacent to the Egyptians in mcleod is Hoces; There is a Triton River between them and the Marcos, and they live on the shore of Trionis. ..... They hold a blessing ceremony for Athena once a year. During the blessing ceremony, their girls divided into two teams and fought each other with stones and sticks. According to them, this is to worship the monotonous goddess we call Athena in the way of their ancestors. " (Herodotus "History") The discovery of Greek archaeology shows that Libyan immigrants have entered Crete as early as 4000 BC, and historical records are basically consistent with archaeological discoveries. So what kind of God is pallas? Greek mythology is very inconsistent, but the most common one is that Athena was born by Zeus and raised by Tritton, the river god. Pallas, the daughter of Tritton and Athena's playmate, was killed by Athena by mistake. But some people say that pallas is one of the Titan gods-the son of Eurybia and Cross, or the father of the moon goddess, and so on. However, in 1885, the ancient city-states written by Fustelde Coulanges also mentioned: "Whenever a warship goes out to sea, the monument of pallas must be painted gold." So it seems that Athena is related to Poseidon. On the whole, however, there are different opinions, which shows that after the Libyan goddess was introduced into Greece, she came into contact with pallas worshipped by Greek aborigines, which led to different opinions. When Athena was Hellenized and became the object of worship of many city-States, the work of describing the orthodox and sacred origin of this goddess began. The following is a story about the birth of Athena: "Now, Zeus, the king of the gods, married Metis first. She is the cleverest person among gods and mortals. When she was about to give birth to Athena, the goddess of bright eyes, Zeus cheated Medes and swallowed her up according to the advice of Uranus and Gaia. ..... because he was afraid that she might give birth to a child with a weapon more powerful than thunderbolt. ..... But Metis immediately became pregnant with Pallas Athena, and the father of mankind and gods gave birth to this daughter with his own thoughts on the Toliton River. ..... Athena accepted Zeus in that place, and with it, her power surpassed all the gods living on Mount Olympus. When Zeus gave birth to Athena, she was armed with aegis and full-body weapons. " In this way, through the story of Athena's "rebirth" from Zeus' heart, she had a noble birth and became a member of the sacred family. Although this story about the birth of Athena is not unique, it is considered by the ancients to be the most accurate because it is believed to be told by Athena's priests. There is such a record in the Divine Spectrum: "... they suggested Zeus to do this in order to prevent other gods from taking the throne in the eternal god instead of Zeus;" Because Metis is destined to give birth to an extremely clever child, she is Tritognia (Athena), a girl with bright eyes. She is equal to her father in strength and wisdom, and may replace Zeus as the king of gods and mankind. However, Zeus swallowed Metis first, so that the goddess could give him advice and turn defeat into victory. ..... Metis, the mother of Athena, the planner of justice, smarter than gods and mortals, stayed in Zeus' belly. Athena, the goddess, accepted SHIELD in that place. With it, her power surpassed all the gods living in Olympus. 【 This aegis became Athena's terrible weapon. When Zeus gave birth to Athena, she held a aegis. From this description, we seem to see some symbols of the historical evolution of ancient Greece. Zeus represented the religious belief of achaean, and achaean was the ancestor of the real Greeks. They created Mycenae civilization and later Crete civilization, and moved to Greece around 2000 BC, while Metis symbolized the spiritual belief of the original Greek aborigines. Taking Metis as a goddess of wisdom may represent that the Greek civilization at that time was better than the later immigrant civilization. When Zeus swallowed her, it was the fusion of different religions and civilizations of aborigines, immigrants from achaean and West Asia, thus forming a new Greek classical civilization system-"Athena"-of course, this word is only a metaphor, and the symbol of Greek orthodox religion is still Zeus, not Athena, because she is not the "son" in "prophecy", so she did not really replace Zeus in the end. This somewhat represents the submission of the conquered people at that time; However, although Metis was swallowed, she remained in Zeus' stomach, which symbolizes that these peoples still retain their own traditions to some extent. The legend that Athena became the patron saint of Athens is related to the struggle between the goddess and Poseidon. When Athens was first built by Phoenicians, Poseidon and Athena competed for the honor of naming it. Finally reach an agreement; The man who can provide the most useful things for mankind will become the patron saint of the city. Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and made a war horse. On the other hand, Athena became an olive tree-a symbol of peace and prosperity. Because war horses are considered to represent war and sorrow, Athens is named after the goddess. The goddess soon put the city under her protection. On the Acropolis, there is still one of the most famous buildings in ancient Greece-the Parthenon dedicated to the goddess Athena. Athena is the god of art, craft and women's handiwork. Her hands are dexterous and she can't stand the challenge of others. A Lydia girl named alcmene seems to despise Athena's ability, and often boasts that she can beat the goddess Athena if she has a chance. In a rage, the goddess dressed up as an old woman and advised alcmene to be modest. But the ignorant woman craftsman bravely challenged her. The goddess took off her disguise and accepted the challenge. Two women immediately set out to create their own works. The pattern designed by the goddess tells the story of her struggle with Poseidon, while alcmene weaves the story of the Golden Apple three goddesses taking off a mortal's clothes for vanity. Later, Athena was surprised to find that her work was not good enough. She became angry from embarrassment and tore each other's work into pieces. Alcmene laughed at her and satirized her, so the angry goddess turned her into a spider and let her weave forever. Athena is also Sivir. Because of Athena's positive performance in the Trojan War, her reputation as a god of war even surpassed that of Ares. Her trojan horse trick is also one of the main reasons for the final victory of the Greeks. But Athena is different from Ares. Ares loves war, while Athena loves peace, which is why Athens is called a "peace-loving city". Athena also helped many Greek heroes: with her help, Jason built the Argos ship and completed the voyage to find golden fleece; Poerxiusi cut off the head of the banshee Medusa; Hercules accomplished many great achievements; Odysseus, a participant in the Trojan War, drifted at sea for 10 years and returned to her hometown under her protection. The Golden Apple, one of the three goddesses vying for the Golden Apple, led to the famous Trojan War. In Perseus (π ε ρ σ ε? 0? 3? 0? 9) Athena gave a bronze mirror shield (? 6? 0σπ? 0? 7δα χαλκ? 6? 8ν), the shield surface is as smooth as a mirror, and Poerxiusi avoids seeing Medusa's face directly by reflecting the image. In the future, Poerxiusi also dedicated Medusa's head to Athena, who placed it in the middle of the goatskin shield. Give Hercules a pair of bronze clappers made by Hephaestus and ask him to expel the strange bird (σ τ υ μ φ α λ? 0? 7δε? 0? 9 ? 0? 6ρνιθε? 0? 9)。 Hercules got three golden apples from Atlas, but the golden apples were not for ordinary people, so he gave them to Athena and sent her back to the far west. Asreppioss (? 6? 8σκληπι? 0? 2? 0? 9) Get the blood vessels of the gorgon from Athena. Cadmus (κ? 0? 4δμο? 0? 9) After killing the guardian dragon of Ares Spring, Athena gained her appreciation, so she appeared to instruct Cadmus on how to sow the dragon's teeth. And give half of the dragon's teeth to Aedes aegypti (α? 6? 8? 0? 6τη? 0? 9)。 The gods participated in Cadmus and Harmonia (? 6? 9ρμον? 0? 7α) At the wedding, Athena planned the territory of the city of Tebai and gave Cadmus a country. Tebaicheng (θ? 6? 8βαι) Prophet Tresias (τ ε ι τ ε σ? 0? 7α? 0? 9) The mother is Kariklow (χ α ρ ι κ λ? 0? 4), also a good friend of Athena. Tlesi Yas once happened to see Athena naked. Athena put her hand over Theresia's eyes and became disabled. Kaliklow asked the goddess to help her son recover, but she couldn't, but she washed Tresias' ears so that he could hear the birds and gave him a fruitful crutch instead of his eyes. But this is just one of the legends about the origin of blindness in tricia. Titius (τ υ δ ε? 0? 3? 0? 9) by Melanie Persia (μ ε λ α ν? 0? 7ππο? 0? 9) After Athena stabbed him in the abdomen, she got a medicine from Zeus to make him live forever. The saved Titius was brutally eaten by the Persian melanie's head and brought back by Athena. The daughters of Danaus killed 49 sons of Aptos, and Zeus sent Athena and Hermes to punish them. The rope of Tang Ke King of Athens (κ? 0? ζοξ) has three daughters, Raulos (? 6? 2γραυλο? 0? 9), Hirsch (? 6? 9 π σ eta), Pande Rozos (π? 0? 4νδροσο? 0? 9) Athena secretly raised Arik Tonius as soon as possible without telling the gods, and put him in a box for Pande Rozos to take care of, but other sisters opened him out of curiosity and found that the baby was entangled in a big snake, so the big snake ate them, or it was said that Athens made them crazy and jumped off the high wall to commit suicide. Ovid also mentioned the story of Keck rope and his daughter in Metamorphosis. At an Athens festival, the angel Mercury found Heather among the three sisters in the sky and wanted to pursue her. But under the pillar of Raulos, she found that Mercury wanted to pursue her sister, so she spoke ill of Heather in front of the gods. Jealous that Hersi can be seen by the gods, the two sisters are equal in their own conditions, but they are not blessed together. It was supposed to be a happy festival in Athens, but Goya Raulos blamed Hersi all day. Minerva sent the jealous goddess Invidia to torture Goya Raulos and finally turned Goya Raulos into marble.