Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What national myths and legends are involved in the chaos theory about the origin of the universe?

What national myths and legends are involved in the chaos theory about the origin of the universe?

Pangu, goddess of mending heaven.

Pangu created the world, from the initial chaos to the later mystery and goddess of mending the sky. In the ancient legends of China, there is a similar story. It is said that in ancient times, heaven and earth could communicate with each other, but in the decline of Shao Hao, because of the "mixing of man and god", human beings lost their fear of God, so the order was chaotic and caused many disasters. After Emperor Zhuan Xu ascended the throne, he "ordered Nanzheng to attach importance to the fact that heaven belongs to God and fire belongs to the people, so as to revive the old days and not invade or blaspheme." It is called the Jedi Paradise Pass. Since then, the connection between heaven and earth has finally been cut off, but human beings have never given up exploring these hidden "connections". In every civilization on the earth, there are a group of astrologers who observe the changes of astronomical phenomena and predict the good or bad luck and historical journey of the world accordingly.