Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The complete works of hearthstone legend witch forest card group

The complete works of hearthstone legend witch forest card group

Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest Edition was launched, and the new card 135 has brought brand-new construction to various professions, such as the current T 1 wall virtue, magic block, strange riding and war roar. Today, Bian Xiao brought a complete set of hearthstone legend witch forest card sets, and summarized the construction of new card sets and code strategies of various occupations at present.

Please click: Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest New Card Collection.

Witch forest card group

The release of the new expansion has exposed six characteristic cards and brought a brand-new mechanism: echo and surprise. In addition, there was a new odd-even card mechanism at the beginning of the war: this mechanism appeared in Maxar Wang Zizhong. I believe that the ever-changing werewolf card will also surprise you.

Among them, the most popular is the rise of strange card sets, and all kinds of strange riding, hunting, thieves and herders have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, directly occupying the ladder environment.

Now the strongest profession in the environment is warlock. With the help of new Kagofre, Magic Block and Lynn have ushered in another wave of spring. Grida crow feathers also provide the core for echo technology and echo garden construction.

Click on the occupation to view the occupation deck.

Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest Card Group Summary Mage Card Group Ice Control Element Method Three-Eye Crow Method Infinite Fireball Method Drucker Card Group Wall De Xie De Qiu Lei De Roar De Hunter Card Group Blue and White Medium Speed Hunting Task Hunting Odd Hunting T7 Hunting Raid Hunting Paladin Card Group Odd Riding Odd Riding Task Riding Prince Liam Riding Fisherman Riding Sorcerer Card Group Even Lynn Magic Blocking Echo Crow Feather Thief Card Group Tess Thief Task Thief Autumn Thief Task Thief Mei Tao Miracle Shamka Group Fighting Sa Even Sa Fisherman Sa Element Sa Warrior Card Group Battalion Battle Raid Battle Turret Unlimited Task Battle Pastor Card

Yongshika Formation

For warrior card group, please click: Witch Forest Warrior Card Group.

Witch forest warrior card group

Yong Shi Xin cheng ka

Darius and Black Whistling Tower are two orange cards, one is the core of the surprise attack, and the other can be added to the construction of the tower's infinite war.

Darius Crowley: The attribute gain of Crowley +2+2 will be bigger and bigger, and the warrior's spell gene mutation can produce a very strong explosion instantly.

Black Wolf Howling Turret: This turret will only fight back if someone wants to smoke it. Fortunately, soldiers' DK can provide AOE stably, which can well cooperate with the new version of the battlefield.

Pull back T 1 card set

Raid, turret, and surprise.

Witch forest warrior card group Daquan turret battle mission battle turret infinite battle surprise mission battle surprise turret battle.

Hengteka group

For hunter card group, please click: Witch Forest Hunter Card Group.

Witch forest hunter card group

Hunter's new orange card

The hunter's two orange cards, Amoris and dog trainers Shore and Amoris, are useless. Hunters don't bring such expensive big brothers. dog trainer Shore is the new favorite of assault hunting and medium-speed hunting.

Emollis: The effect is matched with Tyrannosaurus Rex and Chariot King. Tyrannosaurus rex double kill 16- 16, chariot king double kill 12 attack, which can directly explode the quality of followers. Unfortunately, the cost of 10 is too high, and hunters are weak in the later stage.

Shore, Master Dog Trainer: This is a very strong card. Compared with tundra rhinoceros, this card costs less but has a better figure. The disadvantage is that the raid can't hit the face. And without the restrictions of wild animals, non-wild animals can also get surprise attacks.

Hunter T 1 deck

Odd number search, T7 search, medium speed search

Witch Forest Hunter Card Group Daquan Blue and White Medium Speed Hunting Mission Strange Hunting Raid Mission Medium Speed Hunting T7 Hunting Raid Hunting Raid

Paladin card group

For the knight card group, please click: Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest Paladin Card Group.

Witch forest paladin card group

Paladin new orange card

The two orange cards of the paladin, the glass knight and Prince Liam, the glass knight is a very solid and versatile follower, and Prince Liam is the new core of fast break riding.

Glass Knight: There are still many ways for paladins to nurse themselves, but the cost is relatively high. The only cards that can cooperate in the early stage are real silver rapier and sideburns self-propelled gun.

Prince Liam: The idea is to make up all kinds of cards for one fee, and then find Prince Liam with magic. The first five fees for fast break and the last five fees for legend. .

If we don't catch the prince card, the group will be useless. If you catch it, it won't be strong. Why does it feel so painful? .

Paladin T 1 deck

Odd riding, even riding, fisherman riding

Witch forest paladin card group Daquan odd riding accidentally riding fisherman riding task riding Fuding fisherman riding secret riding Prince Liam riding.

MasterCard group

For the mage card group, please click: Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest mage card group.

Witch forest mage card group

Xin da Shi cheng ka

Master's two orange cards, time restorer Toki, exorcist Archmage Arugal and Toki are useless for entertainment. For the present follower method, Archmage Arugal is not bad.

Toki: Renault/Empress Dowager/Big Screw is not cool, but. . Is it possible?

Archmage Arugal: This is good for the follower method. The followers of the mage are mostly elemental methods, and now the card control group will bring them. In addition, infinite fireball can also be considered as a task.

Mage T 1 card set

Control method, dragon mother method, element method

Witch forest spell card set complete ice control method element method dragon mother method three-eyed crow method infinite fireball method mystery method Aru mage card method odd number method OTK method Toki method

Druka formation

Please click: Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest Drunk Group.

Druid card formation in witch forest

Druid new orange card

Druids' two kinds of orange cards, Twilight Aviana and Broken Branch, are useless. Aviana gave his opponent a 0-point card first, but the cost of breaking the branch was too high.

Aviana: The effect is similar to short summoner, the first card, so it won't be triggered when you use it yourself. If the opponent triggers the solution first, it is blood loss.

Broken branch: a very innovative card. This effect has a lot of room for operation, which can turn a follower with low cost and poor figure but good effect into a big boss. The disadvantage is that its own cost is too high, and it has no place in the current fast-break environment.

Druid T 1 deck

Evil virtue, wall virtue and task virtue

The witch forest druika group has a complete wall of virtue and evil, virtue and virtue, virtue and virtue, Qiu Laode's family, virtue and virtue, task and virtue.

Thief deck

For the stalker card group, please click: Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest Thief Card Group.

Witch forest thieves card group

The thief's new orange card

Two new thieves' orange cards, the mask collector and Tess Gremaine, one is a loud orange card, and the other is a new card for the card thief.

Mask collector: You can get 2 for 6 fees and 3 for 9 fees. Checks are fierce as tigers, and the arena is invincible! But the ladder is. .

Tess: Yoga Salon+Enzos, the new thieves have many new cards for other professions. If you can steal DK from other professions, you can repeat the thief card you used.

Thief T 1 deck

Task thief, strange thief, rhythm thief

Witch forest thief card group Daquan Tess thief task thief regicide thief autumn task thief rhythm thief prince thief strange thief miracle thief sprint thief Mei Tao miracle thief

Shamanka Formation

For Shamanka Group, please click: Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest Shamanka Group.

Shamanka Formation in Witch Forest

Shaman new orange card

Shaman's two orange cards, Hagasha and Shadowwalker, the new version of Hajisha is unexpected, and Shadowwalker is the core of the Sa after the station, with strong strength.

Hajisha: This skill is to randomly put a shaman spell into your hand after you play the follower card. It was badly blown by the designer, but nobody used it!

Shaman: I'd better go back and continue to be a frozen star of natural disasters. ...

Shadow Walker: With the roar of Sharon prisoners, you will copy yourself instead of Sharon prisoners, and you will get 1 6/more. With the roar of those who shocked the world, the film will be over.

Shaman T 1 card group

Zhan Hou Sa, Ou Sa, Element Sa

Witch Forest Shamanka Formation Daquan Station, Later Salian Sa OTK Sa Element Sa Film Sa Fisherman Sa Chao Sa

Warlock card group

For warlock card group, please click: hearthstone legend witch forest warlock card group

Witch forest warlock card group

Warlock new orange card

Two orange cards of the warlock, Grinda Crow Feather and Godfrey, Godfrey is now a popular building for warlocks, and Crow Feather is the core of the echo.

Grida Crow Feather: The core of echo, combined with the combo of meat grinder and summoner, can fight gnome vampires crazily or lay down many phantom militia in one round.

Lord Godfrey: It costs seven dollars to clear the scene. For warlocks, this card can basically clear the field stably.

Warlock T 1 card set

Magic block, Lynn, echo

Witch forest warlock card set complete even Lynn's magic block weak chicken's magic block echo garden crow feather giant's magic block

Pastor card group

Please click the Pastor Card Group: Hearthstone Legend Witch Forest Pastor Card Group.

Witch forest priest card group

The priest's new orange card.

Pastor's two kinds of orange cards, chameleon and Honky, are a new card for dirty herding and a new card for enthusiastic herding.

Chameleon: perspective hanging, a dirty card. I will play with the priest in the future as if I were naked. With the priest's wow, I laughed at the chart. Reverend, this version of dirty carden is it.

Ghost in White: Fire of Soul with Full Card Set. The new version has many big-ass creatures, such as grizzly bears and rusty robots. The disadvantage is that the Twilight baby dragon will become 1 attack.

Pastor T 1 card group

Vicious grazing, heart fire dragon grazing, odd grazing

Pastor Wu Lin Ka Zu Daquan Heart Fire Animal Husbandry Evil Animal Husbandry Strange Animal Husbandry Fool Heart Fire Long Mu Qi Animal Husbandry Evil Long Mu