Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is the Book of Changes true?

Is the Book of Changes true?

The Book of Changes is a mysterious work in ancient China, and it is also a divination book. When Qin Shihuang burned books to bury Confucianism, Li Si secretly included the Book of Changes in Medical divination, and survived. The ancients classified medical skills and divination as one category. China's philosophy is rooted in the Book of Changes. As we all know, Hutuluo Shu and Taiji Tu (including the circular patterns of Yin and Yang fish) were not in the original Book of Changes, but were added by later generations according to their own understanding of the Book of Changes. Modern people interpret "the research value of philosophy, politics, history, military affairs, folk customs and many other aspects" from the Book of Changes, just as someone interprets BIGBANG from Laozi's Tao Te Ching. China's traditional culture has both essence and dross. Everything handed down by ancestors, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of scientific superstition, is called national quintessence, treasure and precious heritage. This is idealistic ancestor worship. If you sell your own pseudo-scientific bootleg goods under the banner of protecting and developing China's traditional culture, it is to eat ancestral rice and create evil for future generations.