Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Let's list the skills of heroes to kill each character ~ and the three kingdoms ~

Let's list the skills of heroes to kill each character ~ and the three kingdoms ~

Three Kingdoms Kill: 1, Shu Physical Strength: 4 Rende-In the stage of playing cards, you can give any number of cards to other characters in any way. If the number of cards given is not less than two, 1 physical strength will be restored. ◆ Separate cards cannot be rejected by the opponent. Thrill-Master skill, when the player needs to use (or hit) a kill, he can launch a shock. All comfortable characters choose whether to "provide" a kill in turn according to the action order until one character or no one decides to do so.

Zhang Fei's physical strength: 4 roar-you can use any number of kills in the card playing stage. Guan Yu's physical strength: 4 warriors and saints-you can use or play any red card as a kill. ◆ If you use the red equipment effect of the current equipment at the same time, don't use or type this equipment card as a kill.

Zhuge Liang's physical strength: 3. Stargazing-At the beginning of the turn, you can watch the X cards at the top of the pile (X is the number of surviving characters, with a maximum of 5 cards), put any number of cards at the top of the pile in any order, and put the rest at the bottom of the pile in any order. Empty city lock skill, when there is no hand, can't be the target of killing or [duel] ◆ When you can't kill without hand in the process of "duel", you will still be hurt by duel.

Zhaoyun's physical strength value: 4 Gentiana-you can use it or hit it when the hand flashes, and flash it when you kill it.

Ma Chao's physical strength: 4 equestrian-locking skills, which can always be considered as equipped with a-1 horse. ◆ Equestrian effect is the same as-1 horse, but you can still equip a-1 horse. Iron Rider-When you use killing to designate a character as the target, you can make a judgment. If the result is red, you can't avoid killing.

Huang Yueying's physical strength: 3 sets of wisdom-whenever you use the non-delayed package, you can immediately touch a card (before it is settled). Wizard-there is no distance limit to using any skill. 2. Physical strength: 4 checks and balances-in the card-playing stage, you can discard any number of cards at will, and then draw the same number of cards, limited to one draw per turn. Salvation-Master skill, locking skill. When other martial arts-influenced characters use [Peach] in a dying state, they will additionally restore 1 point physical strength.

Gan ning's physical strength: 4 surprise attack-playing cards, you can use any black card as a kick off the bridge.

Monroe's physical strength: 4 self-denial-if you didn't use or play any killing tricks during the card-playing stage, you can skip the discard stage of this round. ◆ In other words, there is no upper limit for this round of hands.

Huang Gai's physical strength: 4 risks-at the stage of playing cards, you can lose a little physical strength and touch two more cards. Bitter meat can be used many times per round. ◆ When losing the last bit of physical strength, give priority to solving the near-death incident, and only after being saved can you touch two cards. In other words, you can kill yourself with this skill.

Zhou Yu's physical strength: 3. Heroic-you can touch one more card in the card-touching stage. Reverse-In the stage of playing cards, another character can choose a suit, draw a hand and show it. If the card does not match the selected suit, it will cause 1 damage to the character. Then, regardless of the outcome, the character gets this card. Only once per round.

Da Qiao's physical strength: three national colors-in the stage of playing cards, you can use any square color card as if you are unhappy. Transfer-When you become the target of killing, you can discard a card and transfer the killing to another character within the attack range. (The role must not be a cooked user)

Lu Xun's physical strength: 3 modesty-lock skills, can not be the object of stealing. Company camp-whenever you lose the last hand, you can touch the cards immediately.

Sun Shangxiang's physical strength: 3. Marriage-in the stage of playing cards, you can abandon both hands and choose an injured male character: and the target character will recover 1 point of physical strength. Only once per round. ◆ The condition of using marriage is "injured male role", which has nothing to do with whether it is injured or not. Xiaoji-When you lose a card in the equipment area, you can touch two cards at once. For example, these opportunities are affected by tricks such as stealing, kicking off the bridge, and changing equipment yourself.

3, Wei physical strength: 4 adulterer-can get the card that causes harm immediately. Escort-Master skill, when you need to use (or hit) a flash, you can start the escort. All the influential figures of Wei choose whether to play the "Dedication" flash in turn according to the action order, until one figure or no one decides to do so.

Sima Yi's physical strength: 3 feedback-you can get a card from the source of injury immediately. ◆ No matter how much damage you get at a time, you can only get one card. If you choose a hand, you will randomly draw from your opponent's cards, and you can choose the equipment in front of you. Genius-Before any character's judgment card takes effect, you can use hand cards instead.

Xia Houdun's physical strength value: 4 fortitude-every time you are hurt, you can make a judgment: if the result is not a heart, the target source must choose one of two: abandon both hands or get 1 damage.

Zhang Liao's physical strength: 4 raid-card-touching stage, you can give up card-touching and then draw a card from at most two (at least one) characters. ◆ In the card-touching stage, once a raid is launched, cards cannot be taken from the card pile; Only one other role can be selected; If no one else has hands at this time, you can't launch a surprise attack.

Chu Xu's physical strength: 4 naked clothes-in the card-touching stage, you can touch one card less; If you do this, in the use stage of this turn, the damage caused by killing or duel (when it is the source of damage) is+1.

Guo Jia's physical strength: 3 days of jealousy-you can get the trial card immediately after it takes effect. ◆ When the referee card comes into effect, the judgment result will be decided. Legacy-For every 1 damage, you can touch two cards, give one to any character, and then give the other to any character.

Zhen Ji's physical strength: 3. Turn over the country-you can use (or play with) the black hand as a flash. Luo Shen-at the beginning of the turn, you can make a judgment: if it is black, you can get a valid judgment card immediately, and you can use Luo Shen again-and so on until it appears red or you don't want to judge.

4, group Hua Tuo physical strength: 3 first aid-in addition to their own round, you can use any red card as a peach. Green Capsule-In the card playing stage, you can actively discard a hand and let any target person recover 1 physical strength. Only once per round.

Lyu3 bu4' s physical strength: 4 unparalleled-lock skill. When using kill, the target character needs to use two flashes in succession to offset it; Dueling characters need to shoot twice at a time. ◆ If the opponent only has one flash or kill, even using (hitting) is invalid.

The story of losing Sim's physical strength: 3. Dissociation-In the stage of playing cards, you can discard one card and choose two male characters. If so, it is considered that one of the male characters uses a duel against another male character. In addition, this duel can't be answered impeccably. Only once per round. ◆ When using alienation, decide which role to duel with another. Close the moon-at the end of this round, you can touch a card. Heroic killing: Qin Shihuang centralized power: when you are hurt, you are allowed to get the card that caused your injury immediately. Temujin riding and shooting: By default, you are equipped with an attack horse, with a distance of 1. Snatch: If your killing is evaded, you can make a judgment. If the result is a black card, you can draw a card from the other side. Liu Bangyu: When playing cards, you can throw away any number of cards and equipment, and you can immediately touch the same number of cards from a pile of cards. Only used once per round. Zhao Kuangyin's release: When playing cards, any hand with black suit or the black suit in the equipment area can be used as the basic salary. Gou Jian forbearance: As long as you don't kill other players on your own initiative at the stage of playing cards, you don't have to fold at the end of this turn. Tu Qiang: Outside your turn, every time you flash, you can immediately touch a card from the pile. Overlord Xiang Yu: When you kill, the killed object needs to flash twice to avoid it, and when fighting, the opponent needs to kill twice. Li Shimin Control Bureau: You don't have to fold when your hand number is not greater than the full blood volume (by default, the hand number of other characters is not greater than the current blood volume): When your hand number is less than the full blood volume, you can't take out the bag or pay; When your hands are larger than your full blood volume, you can't be painted as a prison. Wu Zetian moved to the capital: In the stage of playing cards, discard two black cards and choose any surviving player to exchange places with that player. Feminism: passive technology, you play a male role, and the other party needs to kill two; Male characters are not valid for your duel. Murong Die Soul: When the suite specifies multiple targets including you, you automatically skip the suite and immediately touch a card from the deck. Cao Cao: In the card-playing stage, you can play a hand card or a card in the equipment area as the last card you played this turn, and you can only use it once each turn. Bobby Chen Uprising: In your card-touching stage, you can choose to give up the card-touching and draw a card from at most two other players. Shang Yang Reform: Before any player's judgment card takes effect, you can play a hand card or a card in the equipment area instead of the original judgment card. Legalist: You can take a card of the person who hurts you after losing blood, which can be the opponent's hand or the equipment card. Yu Ji gave her life: you can touch two cards every time you lose 1 point of blood. You can distribute these two cards to others at will or keep them for yourself. Farewell: In a state of constant death, you can give all your cards to a male player without asking everyone for medicine. Liu Bowen divination: During the turn, you can touch at most five cards first, and then you can freely adjust the order of these five cards and put them back in the pile. It can be placed above or below a pile of cards. Then enter the judgment-touch-play stage. Seclusion: When you have no cards in your hand, others can't attack you by killing or dueling. Yue Mu: You can use killing as flashing and flashing as killing. Han Xin: When playing cards, you can ask anyone to specify a suit, and then the player will open the cards. If the suit of the card is consistent with the suit specified before, the opponent gets your hand; If it doesn't match, the opponent loses 1 point of blood and then gets your hand. Bingxian: You can touch three cards in each card-touching stage. Praise therapy: You can discard both hands at will when playing cards, and then designate a male character with insufficient Qi and blood, and you and he can each recover 1 point of Qi and blood. Only once per round. Bonfire: At the stage of playing cards, abandoning a card in the equipment area is regarded as a bonfire. Mulan is fuzzy: Whenever you lose a card in the equipment area, you can touch two cards at the same time. Cross-dressing: When playing cards, you can discard two cards and choose a male military commander who died in this game. Then you will lose all the skills and gain all the skills of the male military commander. At the same time, the maximum blood volume of Mulan will become the maximum blood volume of the hero. Guan Yu mending the knife: Outside your turn, if someone loses blood after being killed, you can kill the target immediately. As long as your killing hurts the target, you can continue to kill. Sirius Yang: There is no limit to the number you can kill per turn. An Taiming's proud sword: the hand or equipment card in red is used as a killer. Qin Qiong strikes back: When you are killed or dueled and lose blood, you can choose to kill the character who hurts you immediately. If it is red, it is inevitable. Gatekeeper: At the end of your turn, you can specify a target. Until your next turn, all killings and duels of the target will be regarded as fighting against you. Song Wu is drunk: In your card-touching stage, if you choose to touch only one card, killing or dueling will cause 2 damage to others in this turn. Zhao Yubu: Before the card-touching stage, you can make a decision. If the card is judged to be black, you can continue to make a decision until the red card is judged. All the decision cards in the black suit are contained in your hand. Light and shadow: Black hands can be used (or typed) by you as flashes. Song Jiangshu Cai: You can give your hand to anyone when playing cards. You can add 1 point to two or more cards, but you can only add 1 point at most. Beautiful charm: in your game stage, you can use your colored hand or the card in the equipment area as a prison. Shen Yu: When someone kills you, you can discard a hand card or a card in the equipment area and transfer the killing to a person within your attack range, but not to the person who killed you. Bian Que Rejuvenation: After your turn, you can use your red hand (or equipment area) as medicine. Treatment: When playing cards, you can discard one hand and restore 1 point blood to anyone. Only used once per round. Chen Yuanyuan Beauty: When playing cards, you can discard a hand card or an equipment card and assign two male characters to fight. The first target you choose is the first target to be killed in a duel. Only once per round. Chuchu: At the end of a round, you can touch a card. Li Shishi Wu Man: Whenever you get hurt, you can discard a red card and transfer the damage to any other character, and then the character touches X cards; X is the physical value that the character has lost at present. Red makeup: Your spades are all red hearts. Ren Huan's chivalrous courage: in the stage of playing cards, you can play with a character. If you win, your attack range is unlimited in this turn. You can use two kills, and you can specify up to two targets for each kill. If you don't win, you can't use kill this round. Time-shifting Snitch: It is not limited by the distance to take things with the probe bag. Thief: All your clubs can be pickpockets. Lu's strength: In the card-touching stage, your card-touching times are equal to 1+ your current blood loss. Mad Zen: As a mage, you can't increase the maximum health. Li Kui jy Revenge: You can judge after losing blood. If it is not a heart, the person who hurts you must choose to lose 1 point blood or discard two cards.