Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Everything begins after the end —— Reflections on the Mirror series

Everything begins after the end —— Reflections on the Mirror series

It's night, but it's already early in the morning.

Exactly. Not a penny more, not a penny less. It happened that at 0: 00 on the 20th, I spent 19 days, almost in one breath, reading Mirror Creation and Mirror Silence. The remaining one, the last two in the mirror series. And I added half a copy to one of them, wrote a comment where I thought, or marked some important places with horizontal lines or brackets.

I'm exhausted from touching the last page-allow me to be melodramatic again.

This is the second time that I have finished reading this work.

The first time I got its full set, it was from the winter vacation of the third grade. It was a tutorial for girls from relatives and a reward from relatives. In that desperate and broken preparation stage for the next semester of the third grade, I began to hold this work and look at it hungrily. It made me see different pictures, emotions and entanglements in the gloomy classroom. It made me forget the time before morning reading, the time after dinner, and those nights when I couldn't sleep because of missing. The pain on the verge of breaking in front of me injected my mind into another continent and another feeling.

Earlier, I found the original version of its first book "Two Cities in a Mirror" in the library. Due to the backwardness of the library in my hometown, this book has not been updated. Every time I think of the mirror series, I only watch the first one. How familiar I am with the bridge of the frozen imperial ring. The divination of returnees and naive foreign girls began after the end. How familiar. It once brought me a barren childhood and another world. Those fantasy words warmed my childhood.

It was only after watching the first film that this work was printed in my mind. So when I grow up, I can buy it again, open it and explore the fate of those people.

I remember once telling my mother what I said in the first part in front of her. Tell her that this work must be different from those cool articles. There are the demon king and queen, the sacred ring after the emperor's death, the inheritance of the emperor's blood, the ordinary people under the blade master's door, Jiao Ren who is as beautiful as tears, and the ice clan who is good at singing and dancing, ruled by manpower, science and technology, racial discrimination and national hatred ... It has many, many cores. I said these things, and so did my mother and I. Now that I think about it, it is still unknown how much my mother understands and listens. But I was still amazed at myself when I was in the fifth or sixth grade. I have decided that this book is so extraordinary. In his speech, he talked about racial discrimination and expressed the view that no matter what nationality, it should be equal. I want to go too. When I was a child, I really felt sorry for Jiao Ren who was enslaved and bullied in the book. Because of their beauty and weakness, they became playthings and slaves of the ruling race of the current dynasty, and they survived.

When I read this book in the third grade, I was always in a hurry to read the main lines-Bai Wei and Lang Yi, sumo and Bai Yi, so I skipped many scenes or plots. At that time, I mainly pursued the understanding of the plot, and the time for reading was also very urgent, so I finally stayed in my mind. The most profound thing is that Xuan Lang actually created this great empire and destroyed it; When Huan Yun was desperate, he really slaughtered the city. In just a few months, more than ten thousand people died in the city 10; Bai Ying finally spent the rest of her life with the dead sumo wrestler, and promised the lonely emperor Zhen Xuan an afterlife.

Among them, nothing shocked me more than the Huan Yun massacre. The ten gates of the Ice Family were destroyed. The hanged people lined the streets with crosses, and there was an unpleasant smell of blood and corpses everywhere. It's like the end of the world

I can't remember the rest of the plot clearly.

Looking back now, I really find that the mirror series is a work that may not be fully understood before a certain age. Next, let me tell you in detail.

Sumo is one of the three leading men in the mirror series. Perhaps it is because Cang Yue is a female writer, and her portrayal of the opposite sex is obviously better than that of the same sex. I have read a sentence before, saying that Cang Yue seems to be the mother of Kongsang and Jiao Ren, and the stepmother of Bingjia. I feel that this statement is not completely wrong. Sometimes I do read between the lines that Cang Yue prefers Kong Sang and Jiao Ren.

Sumo is a person of light and darkness. The pain he experienced when he was young and the hatred deeply rooted in his blood woven into a huge dark side of his heart. However, according to the supplement of Zhu Yan Mirror, sumo has longed for light and warmth since childhood. The days when he was sent to Baita by the Qing king as a pawn to destroy Bai Ying ironically became the warmest, most comfortable and brightest days in his life. In order to prove his intention, Bai Ying resolutely jumped off the White Pagoda. His shock, his feelings, followed by that jump.

He used his deformed body, hatred and blood of seafood to find the sea he longed for, but found him lonely and defeated. Then he traveled to Zhongzhou, learned puppet art and all kinds of strange skills in a very short time, returned to his hometown, and practiced his mission as a seafood-leading the people who had been enslaved for 7,000 years to return to the blue ocean.

What makes sumo unique is not only that he is dark and unpredictable, but also that he is an independent person. In fact, whether he, Bai Ying or Zhen Lan, they all have their own missions. As a seafood, sumo's mission is to fight for Jiao Ren and lead his people back to the blue sea. As the crown princess of Kongsang and the king of Bai nationality, Bai Ying shoulders the mission of reviving Kongsang and returning the people of colorless city to the land of Kongsang. Zhenlan, as the prince of Kongsang, shoulders the mission of revitalizing and governing Kongsang.

They all shoulder their own mission, but everyone is not born bound by the mission and trapped by the shackles of gold. Sumo has its own will and eternal love for dialogue. Bai Ying is eager to break the shackles and love the people she loves. Zhenlan hopes to gallop in the vast world, to be an ordinary empty mulberry man, accompanied by a beloved wife. Unfortunately, everyone, in the end, has no way to compete with the fate and mission given by God.

Of these three people, the only one who has the courage and perseverance to escape from fate is sumo.

In fact, on the one hand, there is love, self and freedom, on the other hand, there is a country and a nation. You can tell which is more important at a glance. But sumo refused, he refused to take the path prescribed by fate, and he ignored the star in the night sky that was far opposite to his fate.

The world is safe and stable, so you can live up to the Tathagata.

But sumo refused, and he wanted to satisfy both sides. No matter how much pain he has to suffer, he always tries to get what he wants and protect the people he wants in ways that ordinary people can't think of.

In order to protect Bai Zhang, who was fighting against the destroyer, he left his people in a bloody battle, but he still asked Zhenlan and Dragon God to help them. In order to keep Bai Ying's body and soul from dying out after the restoration of the country, he made a blood oath with his own life, which disrupted the fate of the astrolabe and all six kings, and unexpectedly let them finally recover for a hundred years and enjoy the happiness of peace and prosperity. In order to transfer the damage caused by Bai Ying's battle with the destroyer to himself, he set up a "headwind" against Bai Ying regardless of his own life and death. In order not to let Bai Ying lose her life because of weakness, he resisted the great pain of blood flowing into the river, let the female sacrifice lay a spell of "cutting blood" in the stormy mourning tower, and let Bai Ying cut off contact with him, so that Bai Ying was reborn and was about to die; In order to fulfill his promise to the people and lead them back to the blue sea, and for his mission of bearing the blood of seafood, he injected all his blood into the sea. Where the blood of seafood is, there is the sea, and the seven seas are manipulated by the blood of seafood, playing a "dark sky" approach. The Seven Seas were controlled by sumo wrestling, and rushed to the Yunhuang continent, destroying the Yunhuang with the cross flow of the sea, breaking the cage of the land for the people and enabling them to return to the blue sea. At the same time, it also allows the lonely Sangming spiritual warrior who can only walk in the dark to come out and fight without hindrance. Until the Six Kings were resurrected, the spell of "dark sky" was dispelled, and the sky and the sky shone on the earth. The more I sum up, the more I feel that sumo is great. )

The spells of "cutting blood" and "dark sky" made him wither and die, but they could achieve this "rare way to kill two birds with one stone". This time, he didn't disappoint anyone and promised to lead his people back to the blue ocean. He did it. He wants to follow his inner feelings and give Bai Ying a new life. He did it.

He comes from seven oceans, riding the wind and waves.

Returning to the cloud shortage and touching her is the last wish of the soul of seafood sumo.

He left the last touching love story, and then, like all the dead Jiao Ren, he returned to the sea, turned into stars, blue sea and floating clouds, merged with heaven and earth, and freely existed between the blue sea and blue sky.

It seems that the legend of Jiao Ren's free existence between the blue sea and the blue sky after his death is true. Since then, every year on1October 15, "the surging tide from the blue sea visits on time every year, and every time the tide reaches tens of feet, it disappears after reaching Yecheng and turns into thousands of piles of snow". This day was established as the "Seafood Festival" by Zhenlan, and it also formed a magical "Yecheng Watching the Tide".

In the end, Neptune sumo achieved the people's wishes by extremely destructive and cruel means, and also made himself deeply loved and gained the freedom of love.

"Watching the tide in Yecheng" and "offering sacrifices to the sea emperor" also left the greatest proof for the reconciliation between the Jiao Ren family and the Kongtong school.

Maybe sumo was biased in handling some things, but it was finally done. The "dark age" brought by the "dark sky" spell brought convenience to the ghost soldiers of Kongsang. I sometimes think that maybe sumo finally forgave Kongsang for his nearly 7000 years of slavery to the Jiao Ren family, which really helped a lot. If I can't prove it, I don't know what can prove the friendship and forgiveness of this seemingly heartless seafood.

Sumo is a very self-deprecating person who expresses his feelings. Those three words are taboo in his mouth, and he can't say them anyway. Until his death, he destroyed Suno. On the tide, he repeated those three words over and over again.

I finally heard it. There is also a "me too" response.

Sometimes, I really feel that love is really troublesome. If you don't tell the truth, sometimes it's still so hard to draw a conclusion, so it's hard to confirm your mind clearly.

Even if jumping on the White Pagoda can't prove that Bai Ying loves sumo, Blood Oath of the Soul and Blood Cut can't prove that Bai Ying loves sumo. What can be used to prove it?

Apart from his seafood duties, Cang Yue's greatest description of sumo work is his eternal love. Such a thought, Cang Yue really suspected of being confined to "love". However, I think there is nothing wrong with the persistence of sumo in Bai Ying, which is not just as simple as the degree of love it seems. Because this persistence also means his freedom and his will to some extent.

To love and protect Bai Ying is his freedom to follow his inner feelings and his will to "love her".

Sumo was trapped by the mission of hatred and sea blood all his life, but these did not bring sunshine to his barren life. Only love for Bai Ying is the light of his life and pursuit. He pursues what he loves, but he pursues brightness, warmth and self.

He struggled all his life and finally went beyond the shackles of fate.

Cang Yue's assumption that "the stars are connected with human destiny" is the embodiment of "fatalism". But magically, he created another male sumo wrestler who was unwilling to be played by fate. All this is really dramatic, and in the life of sumo, it reveals the real tragic background.

Zhenlan is a hero represented by Kongsang clan.

Even though I like the role of sumo as much as I did when I was a child, I like the role of Zhenlan, which I once ignored. (I have to say that Cang Yue is a bit odd.)

With its desolate epic tone, the whole work clearly reveals Cang Yue's ambition. Emotional entanglement and freedom struggle, destruction and kindness struggle, rise to hatred between country and race, meanness and greed of human nature ... The whole work is basically the history of the restoration of Kong Sang and Guo Hai. With such a heavy theme, it can be said that there are not many happy times. Yes, it basically falls on Na Sheng and Zhen Lan. Zhen Lan and that voice, especially Zhen Lan, basically contracted the punch line of the whole work.

He is the illegitimate son of the last emperor of Kongsang. He was fascinated by six vassal kings. When Kongsang was teetering, he witnessed the murder of his mother's people and put on the shackles of the throne. Before that, he was a handsome young man in the wild, a desert eagle flying on horseback.

Once the shackles are put on, they cannot be taken off. Since then, his fate has been closely related to Kong Sang's national fortune.

His life, since returning to the imperial city, there is no way to live. Even the person I love, I can't be with you as I wish.

True orchid is actually unwilling. In love, he can finally do what he wants under the shackles, but he still can't.

It is precisely because sumo has used such a decisive and fierce means that it has regained Bai Ying's heart of leaning towards Zhen Lan just after settling down.

Seeing this, I can't help sighing for Zhenlan's love, but on the other hand, I feel that sumo actually doesn't mean "taking Bai Ying from Zhenlan at the expense of life", perhaps because sumo is loyal to the power it loves. Therefore, the ending of this invisible love triangle shows that Cang Yue is eccentric. )

Perhaps it is also the reason why I have experienced some things myself. At this time, I will like Zhen Lan better. He can carry it at any time. He is an upright man, a clever young man and a kind and kind emperor.

The world is suffering. Most people, born in the world, have their own way to go, including many thorny roads and many roads that are difficult to be satisfactory. How to choose between righteousness and small love is clear at a glance.

And most of us are trapped in reality, just like Zhen Lan.

Those readers who like Zhen Lan are probably because of this.

Speaking of real haze, I think of a bridge-

This passage reminds me of the voice-"He always makes you laugh, but only makes you cry." Let's put aside Bai Ying's indecision and talk only about bright and upward love and desperate and distorted love.

Personally, I prefer Zhenlan.

According to Bai Ying's personal experience, in fact, I think she will know Zhen Lan better than sumo. She has never experienced the abuse of unforgettable hatred. She is a canary trapped in a golden cage like Zhen Lan. She has the power of light and warmth, the blood of the Bai family, the kindness of the blade master family to ordinary people and her nature. But she doesn't actually have the right to redeem sumo. Because in fact, from beginning to end, she is a girl who is not determined enough and is easily indecisive. But when it's time to be brave, she will be brave. For example, jumping the white tower, for example, sealing the destroyer.

It can only be said that Cang Yue finally arranged the ending for sumo wrestling, and it was also doomed that Bai Ying could not completely let go of her young love, and could not bear the guilt and self-blame for her endless efforts in seafood without any return. Go to Aita and Huanghai Sumo for the rest of my life, just to follow her heart, reassure myself and be willful again.

Fortunately, because of Zhen Lan, she has such willful capital. Those consequences were really stopped by Lan for her. Those who can't help it, let Zhen Lan block it for her.

In other words, Bai Ying is not smart enough. I have seen many readers say that the biggest feature of Bai Ying's role is her lack of characteristics. I think it's right.

Compared with Bai Ying, Zhen Lan, who has always been transparent, knows more about sumo and Huan Yun-

For Bai Ying, I think Zhenlan gave her the love he could give-to spend a hundred years together in a colorless city and let her pursue the transparent love she wanted.

After Zhen Lan sent Bai Ying away, I sighed. Fortunately, Xijing is still here, and Zhen Lan still has friends.

I always feel that when Cang Yue describes the loneliness of emperors and the silence of mountains and rivers, it would be nice to add more ink from Xijing. At least Zhenlan is accompanied by Xijing, which makes readers feel at ease.

Seeing this, I sighed: So, good.

This may be the best ending for Zhen Lan and Bai Ying. No regrets, Xu Lan is in the afterlife.

-even this ending still reveals the sad background of Jane's life.

Land ethnic groups such as Kongsang and Bing ethnic groups are racial discrimination against Jiao Ren ethnic group, while Jiao Ren ethnic group is racial hatred against Kongsang ethnic group.

Discrimination comes from thinking that one's race is superior. The advantages of Jiao Ren nationality are beauty, agility and longevity. The Kongsang clan, like mortals, became a stronger party from the national perspective only because of the collapse of the maritime state and the slavery of Jiao Ren.

Kongsang people destroyed the sea and made Jiao Ren a slave for seven thousand years. This oppression is manifested in all aspects, and the beauty of Jiao Ren makes them all kinds of prostitutes. After they are caught, they will be manipulated by empty mulberry people, and the fish tail will be cut open and turned into legs. If necessary, we should also use Watson Hall to be tough, so that Jiao Ren can distinguish the gender they want. Jiao Ren was bullied by them in various ways as soon as he was born, so that Jiao Ren's tears became "Jiao Ren's tears"-beautiful pearls. After Jiao Ren died, his eyes were gouged out and made into priceless jelly beads.

Because of Jiao Ren's natural lack of physical strength, he advocates art and is good at singing and dancing. There's nothing to do professionally. Coupled with racial bullying, most people in Jiao Ren can only become slaves and various geisha, which can be enjoyed by dignitaries as playthings. Most people on land think that Jiao Ren is a humble existence.

In fact, it is only the inequality caused by different regions and national strength. If it is in the sea, I don't think anyone dares to say that Jiao Ren is a humble race.

However, it is this racial discrimination and bullying. Jiao Ren's 7,000 years and seven generations are enough for them to accumulate deep hatred.

I've always liked the dragon god in Jiao Ren. He once said some wise words-

I think of the argument between the dragon god and sumo in Mirror and Sky. Lingyin was entertained by Mei Niang, a clan member, with biochemical soup, but Lingyin retaliated at the expense of betraying the national sea and the Zionist army. Although sumo was sent by the Qing king to Baita as a pawn of power to seduce Bai Ying, in the end, he only killed the Qing king, only retaliated against the Qing king, and did not raise the hatred to the whole Kongsang nation. He still formed an alliance with Kongsang and formed an air-sea alliance.

The dragon god said that sumo was just an avenger, and Lingyin was a traitor.

No hatred should rise to the whole nation. No nation should be completely denied. All ethnic groups should be equal.

This reminds me that the sumo and Queen Bai Wei met the trapped children in Jiao Ren, but when the sumo was cut off, no Jiao Ren wanted to escape. Their only wish is to find a better master, not to find freedom in life.

The real national subjugation is not that all the people of this nation have perished, but that this nation has become a slave nation. If a nation has no spiritual independence, it will cease to exist.

As sumo said—

This reminds me of the servility of China people in the Republic of China. Perhaps it is such servility and numbness that Mr. Lu Xun has to give up medicine in grief and indignation, hoping to awaken the national blood of China people with spiritual strength.

In the setting of this cloud-barren world, there is a demon king and a god queen.

The lich king is the god of destruction, and the god after him is the god of creation. They are twin brothers and sisters. God, the creator, has given people all the power to create and protect. She believes that people can control this power and balance the world by themselves, instead of intervening in the world.

But the destroyer didn't. He has unprecedented destructive power, but he needs to possess himself.

The will to destroy God once had three emperors through the ages. Finally, he took control of Pojun Huan Yun, who was on the verge of collapse and in urgent need of strength.

When the god of destruction possessed Xuanlang, he made Xuanlang a "wise man" of the guests and rebuilt the Dantagang he built.

When he was possessed by Huan Yun again, he urged Huan Yun to destroy the top ten gates of the Ice clan and reduce the population of more than 200,000 to several hundred thousand, which lasted for several months of slaughter and struggle.

Finally, with Pojun as the head of the empire, collectively referred to as "Jong", he commanded nine departments of the three armed forces, took charge of military and political power, completely abolished the original patriarchal system of the Ice clan, and established a country with unstable military and political affairs and sorrow-

-I'm thinking, seeing here, the new life brought about by such destruction is really a desirable new life? Although the hereditary hierarchy has been abolished, will the people of a country really be happy under the coercion and inducement of military and political affairs?

The setting of this destructive god seems to be an idea of "breaking first and then standing" That's what I thought when I saw Xuan Lang and the Ice Clan rebuilding the Huang Yun continent together.

The Ravager once talked to Shao Yinge, the treasure thief-

If this idea of "breaking before standing" is actually suitable for every dynasty in China. Every dynasty, at most, is two or three hundred years. At the end of life, there must be another party to break it to stand up and get a new life.

However, I have always been ambivalent about how many innocent people will shed blood between this break and the stands.

Just like the swordsman's swordsmanship "Nine Questions"—

Just like the last question of "Nine Questions"-what is the fate of this life?

I think of that heavy poem-"Xing, people suffer; When you die, the people suffer. "

Maybe this is the real heartless avenue.

Fortunately, in the end, the Yunhuang continent ruled by Zhenlan did not experience too much pain in this break and stand.

Even though there is still the inevitable hatred of the Kongsang people towards the Ice clan and the desperate resistance of the remaining Ice clan, after the capture of the Imperial City, under the circumstances that Zhenlan could not control, the Six Kings still led the army to massacre. But fortunately, long before the massacre, Zhenlan and Dragon God had let the ice soldiers evacuate the ice civilians from the Imperial City with huge machinery.

It's terrible.

The imperial city was once again dyed red by the blood of the ice clan. Zhen Lan rebelled against the bloody killings around her and grew into the "King of Rebirth".

Perhaps, the pain of breaking in front of the station and the bloodshed of the people are inevitable for every dynasty change.

In mainland Huang Yun, Cang Yue has different settings for different races. Wing people who live in Yunfu City beyond the stars have a life span of 10,000 years. Jiao Ren, who advocates beauty and art, and all ethnic groups who live on land with a life span of 1,000 years, enjoy a normal life span of 100 years like us ordinary human beings.

Cang Yue's time is set at 7,000 years ago, when Emperor Xing Zun and Queen Bai Wei established an empty mulberry country, and then Emperor Xing Zun destroyed the sea country and made Jiao Ren a slave. Until the blood of the sea emperor came back to life, the empty mulberry country was destroyed, the turbulent empire of the ice clan was established, the air-sea alliance was established, and the empty mulberry country was revived. Jiao Ren returned to the blue sea, and the ice clan was once again exiled from the mainland and returned to the original place of residence, the West Sea. The middle time is seven thousand years.

Although for fantasy novel, this kind of thing seems that time has never been valuable, just shouting is hundreds of thousands of years. But in fact, it is extremely scary to think about it. After all, China has a history of only 5,000 years, but its splendid civilization has a history of more than 5,000 years.

But the setting of 7000 years is reasonable, and it is not called casually. After all, Jiao Ren's life span is 1000 years. Xuan Lang, a wing clan, lingered for 2,000 years before the founding of Sang Jianguo, and the next 7,000 years was really close to 10,000 years, and it was about to perish.

But in fact, time is mysterious. In "Mirror, Making Heaven", in Xuan Lang's narration, it seems that in his 10,000-year life, he kept practicing various skills, looking for strength and getting a glimpse of heaven. But in these ten thousand years, during those days when he practiced hard and wandered around, he never felt alive. Only 20 years later, he met Bai Wei, fell in love with Bai Wei, and was besieged on all sides with Bai Wei. He established an empire and became an emperor through the ages, which seems to be proof that he is alive. Twenty years is almost nothing to a life span of 10 thousand years, as if it were an instant. But for Xuan Lang, it was the only bright day in his life, and it was also a day he often missed when he was single.

It's really meaningless to live so long. The life span of ancient humans was less than one hundred years. Although it is short-lived, it can bloom the warm flowers of its own life on the earth.

As said at the end of the article-

This, perhaps, is the power of decades of life.

In the world of cloud shortage, under the description of Cang Yue, there may be some unsatisfactory places.

For example, two leading men, Zhen Lan and Su Mo, fell in a love triangle with the heroine Bai Ying, and another leading man, Huan Yun, fell into the mode of "little affection and little love". For example, these female characters, such as Na Sheng and Bai Ying, are not fully portrayed, such as vague descriptions of fighting scenes, such as stereotyped descriptions or neglect of some small characters (Wang Qing's family is always a traitor and a corrupt country). Xuan, blue and purple have always been a walk-on, with few representatives and so on. ), such as the description of the injustice of the three ethnic groups (Kong Sang and Jiao Ren are their own sons, and they put all kinds of evil deeds on the Iceman), and maybe there are others. However, this is not very important.

Although there are shortcomings, as Cang Yue himself said.