Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Are there any male singers with high voices like A Xin in Europe and America?

Are there any male singers with high voices like A Xin in Europe and America?

Vitas! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

In short, Vitas's story should be like this:

His real name is Vitaly Grachev (Circulation). He was born in Latvia. Some people say that Vitas is not a complete stage name, but a nickname of Vitaly in Latvian. This may be true. When he was 3 years old, his family moved to Odessa (a city in Ukraine). It is generally believed that producer Sergei pudovkin stumbled upon Vitas in Odessa. Budov King was on a business trip in Odessa when a friend suggested that he go to a local "comedy and mime theater" to see a performance. Vitas, one of the amateur actors there, participated in the performance. When Vitas appeared on the stage, his obvious genius left a deep impression on Budovkin. The actor easily changed from a little girl to a young lady, then to a man, and finally to an old woman. His face can change from extremely beautiful to extremely ugly in an instant. Vitas can also speak in different voices. His face-changing skills are really amazing. So the producer decided to take the young man to Moscow and make him a star. He didn't know (at least the producer himself said so) that Vitas had such a special voice. He didn't even know he could sing! But the producer is completely convinced that he has met a boy with unique talent, and he can be trained to be a star-no matter what type. Finally, when Budov King found that Vitas had such an outstanding voice, he began to train him to become a singer. I'm not sure whether this story is true or not. Maybe it's just a beautiful legend created by Budov King, which can make the whole thing look more mysterious and coincidental, thus arousing the public's curiosity. But one thing is true, Vitas did work in Odessa's theater. I just doubt what Budov King said when he wanted to train Vitas. He didn't know that Vitas had such an unusual voice. I guess he actually knows very well.

This is the beginning of this story. Vitas never gives interviews to the media, which is what his producer meant. Budov King himself participated in all the interviews instead of Vitas. I think Budov King did the right thing. Today's journalists pay too much attention to the details of celebrities' private lives, but don't want to care about their creations. In this case, artists naturally don't have to waste time on these reports. Now, if a newspaper publishes an "interview" about Vitas, people will know that it is false, because Vitas himself has never had direct contact with reporters. But he did meet fans at his concert, which is enough. The fans who took photos with Vitas after the concert said that he was a cheerful person and easy to talk to. He is more like a simple boy than an arrogant singer. His fame didn't spoil him. At least for now.

The highest-pitched song in Vitas is Dedication, the longest is Jamaican, the most varied is Crane Cry, and the most popular is Opera 2. ...

Five songs that must be heard in Vitas's brief introduction to music: Opera 2 Star Mom dedicated to crane crying.

If you like listening to his high notes.


Shock: Dedication to Opera 2 Opera 1 Smile, Jamaica, Belarus.

Skill type: soul seventh element overture fantasy wax figure poplar old record player goodbye saint

Classical music: Long live Maria La Murcia's opera.

Affectionate type: other people's sorrow is crying, insomnia, autumn leaves kissing forever, cranes crying, wingless angel swans never dying, I pray for all saints and stars, mother.

It should be emphasized that the high notes of VITAS are beautiful, but the mid-low range is completely different.

But it can also shake people's thrilling charm and make them more affectionate and fresh.

Recommendation: After many years, where did the unfortunate Russian bank of Shengdu Street go in these winters?

The following are the recommendations of recent classes.

Vitas's musical style spans a large span, from classical opera to avant-garde electronics, from light music minor to heavy metal rock, and even in The Seventh Element of 200 1, there is a long and jaw-dropping rap. You can choose according to your own preferences.


Although the songs have different styles, many songs have a deep "Gothic style" brand.

Recommended: opera 1, opera 2, fantasy, soul, smile, saint, etc.


A number of the most representative songs were born at this time, abandoning all appearances and hitting the listener's soul directly.

Masterpieces: Star, Mom, Dedication.

At the same time, a distinctive Russian folk music style appeared, and many classic Russian old songs were covered.

Recommended: Happy Birds, Almighty King, Winter, Belarus, talking dolls, etc.

At this stage:

Many creations in the tour "Going Home" reflect more sincere praise for great love and humanistic care for the atmosphere, and the music style is mainly classical regression.

Masterpieces: Shout of Crane, I Ask the Saint, Wingless Angel, lucia of Rammore, Russian Coast.

200 1 & lt; философиячуда>;

A philosophy of thinking/surprise

1.мечты/fantasy _ dream

2.7 элемент/7th Element _ Seventh Element

3. 10722 прелюдия/opera 2 _ Opera # 2

4.прелюдия/overture _ prelude

5.карлсон/ Carlson _ Carlson

6.опера 1 (Asian version. ) /Opera 1 _ Opera # 1 (Asian version)



9.тело/body _Body

10. старыйграммон/old phonograph _ old phonograph

1 1.цирк/Circus

12.опера # 1 (European version) /Opera 1 _ Opera # 1 (European version)


2002 & lt улыбнис11000! & gt

Smile! /Smile!

1.Улыбнись! /Smile! _ Smile!

2.блаенныйгуру/saint _ Blissful Guru

3.восковыеигуры/_Wax number

4.плачетчуаятоска/Others' sadness is crying _ others' melancholy is crying.

5.Аве Мария! /Hail Mary _ Hail Mary

6.холодныймир/Cold world _ cold world


8. Фантастическиесны/fantastic dream _ fantastic dream

9. Goodbye/Goodbye _ Goodbye

10.счастье/happiness _ happiness

1 1.отцелихризантемы/

12. додьвтбилиси/The rain in Tbilisi.

13.слепокхудоник/_ Blind artist _

14.милаямузыка/Dear (gentle) music _ my dear music

15. Belarus белоруссия/Belarus

16.досвидания/Goodbye, see you later.

2003 & ltмама& gt;;


1.звезда/star _Star

2.мама/ Mom _ Mom

3. An autumn leaf

4. Many years later, черезгоды/many _ passed through the years.

5.птицыулетели/The bird flies away _ The bird flies away.

6.посвящение/dedication _ dedication


8.бое, какяюблю/God, how much I love _ My God, how much I love her!

9.косички/pigtails Braids

10.Даже звезды покажутся письмами (Бессонница)

Even the stars look like letters.

11.инопланетныйдруг/Alien's friend.

Reward tracks:

12.листосенний (remix)/autumn leaves _ an autumn leaf (remix)

13. Just a moment.

2004 & lt мамы >

My mother's song/my mother's song

1. Happy птицасчастья/bird _ Happy bird

2.любитепокалюбися/Love, when you are still in love, just love.

3.вкрамагнолий/ On the border of Mulan _ on Mulan's land.

Almighty king, the king can do anything.

5.зима/ Winter _ Winter

6.гадалка/ fortune teller _ fortune teller

7.букет/ Bouquet _ Bouquet

8. морскаgпесенкаа/_ A Song of the Sea

9.говорящаякукла/talking doll _ talking doll

10. отцелихризантемы/chrysanthum Thank you.

1 1.горькиймед/Bitterhoney

12. ацыганиде10900/a Gypsies are marching, and Gypsies continue to walk.

13.одесса/ Odessa

10.2004 & lt; поцелуйдлиноюввечность>;

A kiss of eternity/a kiss of eternity

1, an eternal kiss/a kiss as long as eternity

Wherever you go, I will go/wherever you go, I will go.

Don't be so quiet and loud.


5. Half night, half day/half night, half day

6. Heartbeat/heartbeat

7.t-shirts and shorts/wearing tops and shorts


9. The streets of the capital

I believe in love/I believe in love.

1 1, Internet mood/Internet-mood

2007 & ltвозвращениедомой& gt;;

Go home/home

0 1 Lucia Di Lammermoor/ Lucia in Latin America.

02 оперная/Opera House

03 лебедьмой/My Swan _ My Swan

япрошувсехсвятых/_I ask the saints.

05 Где эти зимы? /

Where did you go in winter? _ Where are these winters?

06берегаросии/ Russia Coast _ Russia Coast

07 Здравствуй, Родина любимая моя/

Hello, my dear motherland! _ Hello, my dear motherland!

08 Прости, Господь! /Please forgive me, God! _ Forgive me, Lord!

09 вишневыйсад/cherry Orchard _ cherry orchard

10 милостыня/alms _ charity

11инопланетныйдруг/alien friend _

12друба/ Friendship _ Friendship

2007 Возвращение домой2

Go home 2/ Go home 2

01крикомуравлиным/_ Crane's cried.

Jamaica, Jamaica

03 ангелбезкрыла/Wingless Angel _ Wingless Angel

04 маленькийпринц/_ Prince Little

05 принцесса/Princess

06 мудрец/Sage Saint

07 топол?/poplar Poplar Poplar Area

08 старыйкалендар11000/_ old calendar

ятвоеовторяюимя/I whispered your name-I repeat your name.

10 колыбельная/lullaby _ lullaby

11листосений/autumn leaves _ an autumn leaf.

■ Single album

опера# 2- Opera 2/ Opera 2

1.Опера #2

2. Opera # 2[ remix]

3. Opera #2 [original sound version. ]

4. Opera # 2[ Black Analog Orchestra]

5. Opera # 2[ FM remix]

6. My birthday of death/my birthday of death

Opera No.2 MTV

see you again

1. Goodbye (original)

2. Goodbye

3. Goodbye (арабо-ранцузском)

4. hail Mary. Also known as HAIL MARY

5. Belarus/Belarus

6. Goodbye (Los Angeles Rail Gangster Pump Mix)

7. Goodbye (Los Angeles Rail Gangster Club Group)

MV:опера# 1(mpeg video)