Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Who is a gypsy celebrity?

Who is a gypsy celebrity?

There are few gypsy celebrities in history.

For centuries, the traditional occupation of Gypsies has been "bearing people". They buy cubs from people who specialize in poaching, then pull out bears' teeth and sharp claws, and then train them to perform various performances.

But today, there are very few people still engaged in this old industry, and most people prefer to take "government asylum" as their occupation-receiving relief subsidies from the Social Security Bureau. For them, this is not so much a begging humiliation as a rice bowl given by God.

A typical gypsy family consists of a couple, children, at least one married son, his wife and children. After marriage, the husband and wife live with the man's parents, and the bride should learn the rules of her husband's family.


Gypsies don't care about farming and mulberry, and generally don't raise food animals, but rely on urban and rural residents to make a living. Traditionally, gypsies have been around towns and rural residential areas, seeking a livelihood suitable for their wandering life. Men are engaged in selling livestock, training animals, mending pots (black and white blacksmiths) and acting as musicians.

Women are engaged in divination, selling medicine, begging and performing. Mobile circuses and entertainment places provide job opportunities for modern gypsies. They live closely in a small space decorated with carpets. Just like living in an open carriage in the past, it is quite difficult to accurately estimate the number of gypsies because of their lifestyle (evading official population registration and census is a common feature) and long-term social and political discrimination.

It is estimated that there are about120,000 gypsies in the world, of which nearly10,000 are distributed in Europe. Nowadays, in many parts of Eastern Europe, Gypsies live in shanty towns with extremely poor living conditions, and there are still conflicts with residents of other ethnic groups.

Refer to the above? Baidu Encyclopedia-Gypsies (a wandering nation in the world)