Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The history from Huangdi to Yao!

The history from Huangdi to Yao!

Interestingly, the period from the Yellow Emperor to Yu Xia is called the myth period, because there is no very exact evidence to prove their existence. So there will be vacancies in history. Archaeologically, the Huangdi period belongs to Erlitou culture period.

Huangdi, surnamed Gongsun, was named Xuanyuan. Is the son of Shao Dian. Who is Shao Dian? I don't know. I think it is the leader or nobleman of a tribe. When the Yellow Emperor was in power, the power of Shennong, the original ally, weakened, so there was no tiger and monkey king in the mountains, and the war for hegemony began among all ethnic groups again. At this time, the Yellow Emperor gradually unified the Central Plains with his outstanding talents and an army capable of fighting well. After establishing hegemony, he began to crusade against another powerful vassal in the Central Plains: Emperor Yan (this may be the first civil war in China). Both sides were in Hanquan, and Emperor Yan was defeated. The Central Plains finally fell into the hands of the Yellow Emperor. Subsequently, the Yellow Emperor conquered Chiyou to the north, defeated Chiyou in Zhuolu, and Chiyou was killed. As a result, Huangdi succeeded Shennong as the new leader.

By the way, there were several top scholars in ancient times: one was Fu who taught people to weave nets, the other was Nu Wa who "mended the sky", and the other was Suiren who taught people to use fire. The last one is Shennong, who has tasted all kinds of herbs (how can his deeds be the same as Emperor Yan's? Is this history strange? )

During the period of the Yellow Emperor, China's land was "unprecedented" vast: east to the sea, west to Shaanxi, south to the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake, and north to Hebei.

The period of Huangdi was the collapse of matriarchal clan commune in China. So the Yellow Emperor may be a woman.

The achievements of the Yellow Emperor mainly include:

1. Spiritual civilization

Inventive calendar, astronomy, yin and yang, five elements, Chinese zodiac, Jiazi calendar, figures, pictures, books, musical instruments, medicines, sacrifices, weddings and funerals, coffins, graves, sacrificial cauldrons, altars, temples, divination, etc.

2. Political civilization

Establish an ancient country system: dividing the border into Xinjiang, taking eight families as a well, three wells as a neighbor, three neighbors as a friend, three friends as a mile, five miles as a city, ten cities as the capital, ten divisions as a division, and ten divisions as States, and the whole country is divided into Kyushu; There are litigation posts, left and right supervisors, and 20 official posts, which are aimed at managing countries, including three public, three minor, four auxiliary, four histories, six phases and nine virtues (official names) *** 120. Put forward "six prohibitions" for officials at all levels. "Heavy" means excessive, that is, "heavy sound, heavy color, heavy clothes, heavy fragrance, heavy taste and heavy room", which requires officials to be simple and oppose extravagance and waste. It is proposed to govern the country by virtue, "Xiu De inspires soldiers", apply virtue to the world, work together with Xiu De, be benevolent, cultivate virtue and establish righteousness, and set up a special "minister of nine virtues" to educate the people with filial piety, kindness, writing, faith, speech, courtesy, loyalty, courage and righteousness, and carry out ideological and moral construction. In the use of talents, it is necessary to inspect, select and appoint talents, and only use talents. We should rule the country according to law, establish "courtesy law" and "rule the law unchanged", and make Li Mo a judge and Houdi a prison officer. Those who commit the most serious crimes will be sentenced to loss and those who commit the most serious crimes will be sentenced to beheading.

3. Material civilization

According to historical records, the Yellow Emperor made many inventions in agricultural production, among which the farmland system was the main one. Before the Yellow Emperor, there were endless fields and countless fertile fields. In order to prevent disputes, the Yellow Emperor re-divided the whole country into "wells", with one in the middle as "public mu" and eight around as "private fields", which were cultivated by eight families, paid to the government and dug wells through soil. Farmland practices farming system, sowing 100 seeds in time, inventing Chu Jiu, opening up garden nurseries, planting fruits and vegetables, planting mulberry and sericulture, raising livestock and poultry, and grazing. In sewing, we invented the loom, made textiles, made clothes, shoes, hats, curtains, blankets, robes, furs, canopies, armor, flags and rafters. Pottery, making bowls, plates, pots, retort, plates, pots, stoves, etc. In smelting, copper is smelted to make bronze dings, knives, coins, cymbals, americium, bronze mirrors, clocks and americium. In terms of architecture, there are palaces, halls, courtyards, halls, pavilions, castles, buildings, doors, platforms, silkworm houses, temples, jade houses and palaces. In terms of transportation, we manufacture boats, cars, guided cars and drum cars. In military equipment, knives, guns, bows, arrows, crossbows, six flags, flags, pentagonal flags, horns, flags, ladders, towers, guns, swords, archers and so on are manufactured. Cooked food, porridge, rice, wine, meat, scales, barrels, rulers, inkstones, several cases, carpets, seals, beads, lamps, beds, mats, treads, etc. in daily life.

Huangdi reigned for a long time, about several hundred years. Perhaps after the death of the Yellow Emperor, his people still adopted the title of the Yellow Emperor, just as the Roman Empire inherited the title of Caesar.

After the death of the Yellow Emperor, Zhuan Xu, the son of the second son, succeeded to the throne.

Zhuan Xu, Levin. He has a high prestige in the people's minds. Moreover, during the Zhuan Xu period, the rainfall in China has extended to the Nanling generation (almost catching up with the territory of the Qin Empire). But also so * * * Gong Shi and their status, this is the legendary * * * Gonggang untouchable island. During the period of Zhuan Xu, the status of men was greatly improved. He also stipulated that women must avoid men on the road; If you don't do this, you will be dragged to the crossroads and beaten. Although it is a legend, it also reflects the settlement of matriarchal clan commune and the formation of paternal clan commune. Zhuan Xu died after 78 years in office (another long-lived monarch).

After Zhuan Xu's death, his successor was Di Ku, the great grandson of the Yellow Emperor, who was called Gao Xin in history.

Di Ku was a very good monarch guarding the city, but he didn't achieve much in his life. But it was also the most democratic period in his history: the Yao, Shun and Yu era.

Di Ku's son is also famous in the history of China. His concubine Jiang Yuan was abandoned (that is, Hou Ji). Abandoned children are Zhou's ancestors. The second princess Judy gave birth to a contract. Qi is the ancestor of Shang. The second princess gave birth to Yao. Yao is a famous sage king and one of the five emperors in history. Long bow, second princess, wise. Zhi inherited the throne and retired to Emperor Yao in nine years.

Yao, surname, first name, is the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor.

Shun, Yao and Yu. Also a descendant of the Chinese people. So is Yu. The back is natural.